'Hey,' Thomas says as he enters the Ainsley's living room. Paul looks up from his book. 'Hey,' he says and puts his book down as Thomas sits on the couch next to him. They both look around to see if anyone is around. When they see no one, they lean in and kiss.
'Do you want to go on a date with me?' Thomas asks. 'A what?' Paul asks confused. 'A date, you are my boyfriend aren't you?' Thomas asks. 'Am I?' Paul says with a raised eyebrow. 'Yeah, what makes you think you are not?' Thomas says and leans back. 'The fact you never asked,' Paul says.
'Paul Ainsley, will you please be my boyfriend and go on a date with me?' 'Ha, yes,' Paul says and smiles. 'Cool,' Thomas says and stands up. 'Come on,' he says and walks out of Valentine's Diner with Paul behind him. 'Where are we going?' 'Rose Mount,' Thomas says. 'With what? The car is not here.' Paul asks rushing behind his boyfriend. 'Ever heard of a bus?' Thomas asks.
They rush to the bus station and get a ticket. Once the bus is there, they take a seat. 'So where are we going?' Paul curiously asks. 'You'll see,' Thomas smiles. 'Tom, please tell me?' Paul says, looking at his boyfriend with big puppy eyes. Thomas rolls his eyes in defeat. 'Fine, I'll tell you,' he sighs. 'There's a music store with a lot of vinyl music records.' Paul starts smiling. 'I've always wanted to go there.' 'I know,' Thomas says.
Once in Rose Mount center, they get of the bus and make their way to the store. 'After you,' Thomas says holding the door open. 'Thanks,' Paul says. They both walk in in awe of the amount of records this store has. 'Damn, it's bigger than I thought,' Thomas says surprised. 'Heh, it's not big enough,' Paul smiles and checks out the music. 'I wonder if they have the Beatles,' Paul says wondering. 'If they don't have it, no music store here will,' Thomas says looking for his boyfriend favourite band.
'What's your favourite band?' Paul asks after a while. 'You never told me,' Paul continues when Thomas just looks confused. 'I don't have a favourite band,' Thomas sighs. 'Then what bands do you listen to?' Paul asks. 'I don't know. I listen to a lot: Metallica, Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, AC/DC, KISS, Pink Floyd-' 'So every rock band,' Paul says with death eyes. 'Ha, I guess. But Metallica is metal rock and-' 'Yeah, yeah,' Paul says. 'Well, you asked,' Thomas says a little offended.
'I asked so I could buy your favourite and mine and we could listen to it together then', Paul says and walks farther away to look at some more records. They silently look between the huge amount of music. 'What's Sookies favourite?' 'Why?' 'Just answer the question,' Paul says. 'Also the Beatles, Elton John, Queen - definitily Queen-, the Red Hot Chili Peppers and there's another one but I can't remember,' Thomas says thinking. 'So it's a family thing then,' Paul laughs. Thomas smiles at Paul's laugh.
After an hour they have found two records, but haven't seen the whole store. They pay and leave the store with a Beatles record and a KISS record. 'You'll have to take me a second time, we haven't seen everything,' Paul says when they are walking back to the bus station. 'I'd love to do that,' Thomas says and smiles. 'Great,' Paul says and brushes Thomas's fingers with his - without people noticing. Or so they thought.
'Faggot,' another young man scolds behind them. Thomas turns around with a raised eyebrow. 'What did you just say?' He asks angrily. 'You heard me,' the guy tries to act tough. 'What's your problem?' Thomas asks and takes a step forward. 'I saw him trying to take your hand and you were awfully close in that music store,' the man says. 'Are you following us?' Paul asks a little surprised.
'Paul, keep walking,' Thomas says and then looks at the man. But Paul just takes a few steps back. 'What are you going to hit me? You probably-' the young man starts laughing, but stops as soon as Thomas plants his fist in the young man's face. 'Shut up and go home,' Thomas hisses between his teeth. The guy wants to hit Thomas in defence, but misses. 'Who'se the faggot now?' Thomas says and hits the young man again. 'Tom, stop! It's not worth it,' Paul says firmly and takes him by his arm. 'Go to hell,' Thomas says before turning around.
The young man stays behind as Paul and Thomas walk to the bus station. They both don't say a word untill they are in Thomas's room. 'You hit him in the face twice!' Paul lets out in a surprise. 'Yeah, he was insulting you,' Thomas says and puts the records on his desk. 'Tom,' Paul says seriously. 'What?' 'That was hot,' Paul says with a blush. 'Oh,' Thomas chuckles and starts blushing too. They start kissing and shirts and other clothing get thrown on the ground.
'Hey, Thomas, have you seen my-' Sookie starts but abruptly stops midsentence. 'Oh my god!' She says shocked and closes her eyes. 'Sookie get the fuck out!' Thomas yells and throws a pillow at his sister. 'Sorry,' Sookie mutters once she's out of the room and has closed the door. 'What the fuck?! Since when are you two together?!' Sookie then shouts to the door.
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