Marlene diverted her eyes to the other two when the boy finally spoke.
"I am Jay. You guys might not know me, but I know all of you and the reason you are here. We are all the selected ones for the experiment. I am here to save you. I know where the exit is."
Jay's left cheek bore a faded scar mark that almost cover the entire left side of his face. Luckily it did not harm the vision of his left eye. The scar's color resembled a tanned skin, so it's not easily noticeable. This drew Lizard's attention. "It might have been the result of...Cave Explosion. This boy is definitely not here to save us. He doesn't look capable. He is just like us, sent here by the so called System that nobody can prove its existence, and he is just another one who desperately wanted to get out of here." Lizard secretly thought.
"How can we trust you? Didn't you just come here?" Nick asked doubtfully.
"I was sent here with instructions and explosives. Look, I have this paper and a bag loaded with explosive bombs." Jay answered immediately.
Lizard grabbed the paper and examine it. Although the letters on it were a bit blurred, it read:
Attn: Jayco
Rendezvous: Forest Cave
Warning: 502
"So is there a forest nearby?" Lizard asked.
"Back on the island across the ocean. The island where you found yourself alive." Nick said.
"There is a cave in the forest?"
" Yes. But I am not familiar with the paths. The forest is too dark and dangerous to explore alone."
"How about we go there tomorrow morning? I have a strong intuition that I can lead you guys to the cave." Jay added.
"Sounds like a good plan to me. I think four people as a team is save." Nick asked.
"Wait." Marlene interrupted. "I actually have a paper very similar to yours." She took out the folded paper and showed to them.
Attn: Marlene
Rendezvous: Construction Site
Warning: 504
"So you are Marlene?" Lizard asked
"Nick, do you have one too?"
"Yes, but I threw it away long time ago."
"Do you remember what's on it?"
"Not too clearly. It pretty much looks the same as hers. Perhaps mine is with my name and number 503."
"I see. Here's mine." Lizard took out a thin cloth from his pocket.
Attn: Lizard
Urgent: Meet
The basement: 505
While they are comparing the details of the three papers, Lizard came up with a singular thought. "Mine looks the most different among all. Meet. The basement. Maybe I need to find a way to meet my previous self again before I rush into conclusions."
"It's getting really late and I am exhausted. I think we should get prepared to explore the forest tomorrow instead of over analyzing too much about these clues." Jay said.