There were murmurs around the room. People in white watched each other worryingly.
Where had those two come from?
They had no idea who the two were. Only N and L were hooked up to the neural network. It should only be those two working together.
Residual intelligence from previous volunteers? They checked. And they double checked. No Jayco or Marlene had ever used this particular network. And it wasn't connected to any of the other remaining networks distributed around a defeated and almost deserted Earth.
"Could it be that either L or N or both of their mind are imagining those two as some kind of defence against their own mind probing? Like when L created time loops around himself earlier?" a woman suggested.
"No, those two are too ... real for their mind to conjure them up," another replied.
"Oh no! Not one more!"
The people in white watched dumbfounded at the screen projecting what L was seeing as another figure, a man, suddenly appeared.
The man who'd suddenly just appeared right in front of their eyes turned to look at them.
"I'm Koenig. We need to get out of here. Now."