(Navy's POV)
I am impatiently walking to the parking after the interview in the building complex. Actually, I forgot where I parked my car. So, I just basically roaming around the spacious parking lot looking for my car.
Since morning until 3pm I have been parking the car here. There are two interviews and 3 photoshoots for promoting the series being held here.
Suddenly, my phone is ringing. John's calling.
I answer the call.
"Hi, John."
"Hi, when are you coming back?"
"About to go home now. Why?"
"Missing you."
"Don't be so cheesy. It's not even a whole day." I say harshly with a smile.
"Today is weekend and you have to work. I am at home alone. So, lonely."
He sounds sad. I smile.
"I will be there in a short while. So clingy."
John laugh.
As I was walking, I see someone through the little round mirror walking not far from me. He is wearing a mask with a black hoodie and a cap. I try to stay calm and start to walk a bit faster.
"John, I'll call you back." I say hurriedly then hung up.
The man keeps following me. When I accelerate my steps, he is also doing the same. I just want to make sure that he is following me, so I keep on walking to the right and left exit. When, I'm pretty sure that he is following me, I hide behind a wall and try to ambush him.
My heart beats so fast right now. But I build up the courage to confront him. I have a black belt in karate. Using it against him will be easy.
I hear footstep getting closer. Now, I'm ready to ambush him. When I see a shadow is coming near, I jump at him.
Gulf screams his lung out.
He breathes rapidly to calm down while looking surprise.
"What are you doing, Navy?"
"I thought you were someone else."
"Someone else? Who?"
"Just now, I thought someone were following me."
I shrug.
"Maybe just my feeling. That guy probably just going to the same direction as me. Are you coming to my house tonight to watch the game?"
"Yes. Later I'll come."
"Come for dinner too. After that, we can watch the game."
He nods.
"Do you want me to drop you off? I had to go somewhere also around your place."
"Really? Sure, that would be great."
"Okay, come on now."
We both walk and try to find my car together. I can hear Gulf sighing loudly when I ask him to help find the car.
"You're such a forgetful person." He complaint while we're still looking.
"This is the first time you know. You always forget things too. More often than me." I try to defend myself while giving him the glare.
"There it is!!" I shout when I found the car. Then, run as fast I can to the car. I have been looking for you about 20 minutes.
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"Thank you for the dinner. It was delicious." Mew say as he finishes his food.
"No problem. I mean, we just ordered from the restaurant next to our building. No problem at all." John says with a laugh a bit.
"I told you I'm not in the mood to cook for today." I say with a resentful voice.
He kept begging me to cook since I arrived, and I really don't have any mood to do so. Also, he doesn't want to let me out of the bed when I refuse to cook. His really annoying.
Mew and Gulf laugh at my remarks.
"We should help you guys clean." Gulf tries to be polite.
"No, you should enjoy yourself. Let me do this. Go and hang out in front of the TV for a while."
I refuse politely.
"Okay." All of them agree simultaneously.
John stands and want to join them.
"Excuse me, aren't you going to help me out here?" I ask him with a serious face.
"No. I need to entertain our guests. You don't mind, do you? It's not nice to let our guests sitting there without the homeowner." John giving excuse to avoid cleaning.
"What guests? They've been here a lot of time."
"Still, they are our guests." He still with his excuse.
I clench my lips. No use to fight with him today.
"Just go."
He smiles and kiss my forehead before joining Mew and Gulf at the couch.
I clean the table and do the dishes while they are watching TV. The game only starts in another 2 hours. My favorite team is playing today. Me and Mew like the same team while Gulf and John like the same one.
After finish with the dishes, I sit next to John and join their activity. Turn out, everyone is so busy playing mobile games. No one is watching TV, the TV is watching them instead. All of them is shouting and ordering at each other while play the game.
Being the only one who's not interested in any kind of games, I start to disturb John. I get close to his body and watch him play the game.
"Are you winning the game?" I ask while my face get so close to his.
John scorns and try to push me away with his shoulder. Both of his hands are busy on the phone.
I give him the eagle eye, but he didn't even notice. Then, I try to put my hand on his waist, considering Mew and Gulf are so focusing on the game, they won't notice it.
"Don't disturb me, Navy. I'm trying to win the game." John complaint without looking at me.
"Come on, let me join you. I am bored."
"John, what are you doing? Focus please." Suddenly, Gulf shouts at John.
"I know, but Navy keeps pestering me." John sells me out.
"Pestering you? What am I? An insect?" I get angry again. Bad choice of word, John. Bad choice.
"Navy, if you're not playing, don't disturb us. Go do your thing first before the game starts." Mew also joining in scolding me.
"Yeah, don't disturb us yet." Gulf supports him.
I sigh very loudly before taking my steps into the bedroom.
You think i want to hang out so much with you? You don't think I got other better things to do? Let me show you how a productive person does in his free time.
I take out my guitar and notebook. Starting to create another song if it's possible. This is what a free time person should do. Not wasting time like them.
Mikey, my cat, who I rescued a few months ago, comes in and sit next to me while I am playing the guitar. He is an orange domestic cat with marble pattern. He is the sweetest. Never once he made me feels annoyed or angry. Not like John.
I start to strum my guitar a few times, searching for melody in my head. It goes about 20 minutes without I'm realizing it.
Knock Knock!
Gulf is knocking door. I didn't close the door, so I can see him clearly.
"Navy, can I see you for a second?"
"Sure, come in."
He sits next to me.
"I need to talk to you about something."
"Well, what is it? Have you guys finish the game?"
"No. I stop playing at let P'Mew and John continue to play."
I nod. Then, put my guitar to the side.
"I've been thinking so much lately about what to do with my girlfriend. She seems to make an effort too for our relationship to get better."
"Okay, then, what's the problem?"
"The problem is, I'm not sure if I want to continue this relationship or not."
"Why do you say so?"
"Like you told me before, I should be honest with my feeling, right? Now, if I'm being honest, I don't think I love her the way I used to anymore."
"Are you sure?" I ask him in a low voice.
Gulf nod and sigh loudly.
"Well, why do you think you didn't feel like that anymore towards her?"
"I don't miss her that much. I don't bother to contact her first and I always feel forceful to reply to her text."
I look at Gulf for a short while.
"Maybe, you just need some time apart. You just tired from all the busy schedule you had."
"It's not only about that. I think I might like someone else too."
"Who is it?" I'm so curious.
Ahh, I forgot to ask him about this before. Now, may be the right time.
"I can't tell you yet. But I think I really like that person."
I make my eyes smaller while looking at him with a suspicious look.
"Is it someone I know?" I try to dig the secret again.
"Not telling you. But I need your advice. What should i do?"
"Do what?" I ask cluelessly.
"Do something about my feeling with my girlfriend and that person." He sounds a bit angry at me for asking stupid question.
I am a bit embarrass but still try to cover my reaction.
"Well, I don't have the right to tell you what to do. But, if I were in your situation, I would clarify with my lover that I want to break up with her and try to end things on good terms. Because break up doesn't mean you can't be friend, right?"
Gulf nod.
"About your crush... I don't know much the details. But why don't you let that person know that you like her? I mean, what loss could it be to you if things would go wrong? If that person accepts you, then it will your joy."
He stares blankly for a while.
"You should do it on your way. I'm here just telling my opinion. You don't have to follow it. Do what you think would be better for you, Gulf."
"Thanks, Navy. Remember, no one should know what we talk about. Only you and me."
I laugh while signaling okay hand to him.
"How long has you and John together?" sudden question from Gulf makes me a bit blushing.
"We've known each other since age of 16."
"You guys started dating since then?"
"No, we start as friend, then good friend. It took us almost 4 years before officially dating. There were so many ups and down before dating and during dating. And until now, there are many issues. But, when you knew each other for that long, small issues no longer a problem. You learnt how to deal with it on your own during the dating."
Gulf nod with a mystery smile.
"Why do you ask?"
"Nothing, just want to know about your dating life."
I laugh a bit.
"There's nothing interesting with my dating life."
I try to stay humble.
Gulf smile and leave the room.
I'm still wonder, who exactly is the person who Gulf had crush on. Is he meeting any other girl in his free time? I doubt it. He's so busy these days with the shooting and event. When did he has time to go on a date.
I sigh then play the guitar again. Let Gulf tells me when he's ready.
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