It is a breezing morning in a big mansion villa, located uphill of the town. Navy, sitting at the corridor of his room, just stare blankly at the sight. The beautiful scenery didn't calm his heart that much; green forest, birds chirping and the little town that can be captured in just one stare.
He has been living in his parent house for almost one week, trying to figure out himself. Actually, it was rather trying to escape from the reality; that John has cheated on him. He thinks by ignoring this might be the solution. He doesn't want to hear John excuses nor his voice yet.
"Good morning, darling. How are you today?" Elise comes into the room with a bright smile. She touches Navy's right shoulder in a caring way.
"I'm okay, mom. Thanks."
Navy didn't tell the exact story of what is actually happening to him. He barely said any words during his stay here. His parent and brother also didn't directly ask him about his personal issue. But they can figure out when Navy has been here for almost a week.
"Navy, come and have brunch with us. Your dad and Louis at the table now. Come on." Elise tries to put ease in Navy's heart with her warm voice and smile.
Navy smile back, but not as bright as it used to be. He walks down the stairs with his mother towards the table. Louis and Fendi already wait in table. His mother is known to prepare many kinds of food whenever he at home. On the table, there were bread, omelet, rice and other foods.
"Mom, why is it so much?" He asks while sitting down next to Louis.
"Because you didn't eat so well since you came here. Mom is worried sick about you." Louis, as usual, straightforwardly says things out of his mind.
Navy gives him a bitter smile.
"Navy, can we ask you now? What actually happen with you? You never come home this long and never seem so sad. Is there anything that we can do to help?" Fendi starts to ask. He may seem calm, but whenever his son had a problem, he will surely try as best as he can to help. He loves his children more than anything in the world.
"It's nothing serious, dad."
"If not serious, why are you being like this? You didn't sleep and eat well." Louis sounds a bit tense.
"Louis, give your brother a space. Navy, we will not force you to tell us anything if you don't want to. But remember that we are always here for you. Whatever happen, you can still count on us." Elise gives her warmth smile again.
Navy exhales a heavy breath. He knows his family is worried. He just didn't know how to tell them. He is a bit embarrassed because John cheated on him. Although, it is not entirely his fault but still he still feels embarrassed.
"Nevertheless, I am always here for you. In life, you will go through many up and down to become a better person. Experience is the best teacher for us. It will not only make us more wise but also strong. So, as your dad, I will be protecting you to become the best version of yourself." Fendi words really tearing up his heart.
"Don't you worry, Navy. We all love you and just want you to be happy. Fighting in relationship is normal. But how we solve and confronting the conflict will be the lesson. You can never run from problem in your life. It will always come to you no matter what." Elise continues her advice.
"Yeah, you should know that whatever happen, I will protect you too. I am your brother, and I am here to help you." Louis adds his comment.
"Thanks, mom, dad, Louis. I really appreciate this. Let me just clears my thought first before I do anything. I know that you all love and I love you guys too."
"Attaboy. Now give those fried chicken." Fendi requests making everyone on the table to laugh and lighten up the mood.
Navy always feeling grateful for this life, not only because he can lead the life that he desired so much but also his understanding-and-loving family. He feels so much better whenever he comes home.
After done with the brunch, he prepares himself for his schedule for today, visiting the folk's home with Gulf. For so many times, since he mentioned to Gulf that he always volunteered at the folk's home, Gulf kept begging to join. Today, both his and him schedules are free.
Gulf arrives in his car, with Lucky, after being 15 minutes late; so-Gulf-alike. They both moves to the folk's home. Luckily the traffic didn't heavy today. Only took them like 30 minutes to arrive at the folk's home.
Once arrives, Navy greets the staff there with a bright smile while introducing Gulf and Lucky. Gulf always looking nervous meeting new people. While Lucky always tries to make joke; old dad jokes and his joke is a hit there. All the folk laugh and enjoy the jokes, luckily.
There are not so many things to do, just giving out lunch and keeping company for the residents there. After a while, the resident goes to their own activity, some are sleeping, some are watching TV, and some are just sitting on the chair doing nothing at all.
Navy asked Gulf to help him with the laundry. Usually, he can do it himself but because Gulf is here, it might be better if he asks Gulf to help him out.
"Are you okay, Navy?" Gulf starts to ask when Navy face suddenly sullen up. He can recognize when Navy had problems.
Navy seems a bit flustered. "Ahh.. I'm okay." He smiles plainly.
"You are not okay." Gulf says it while hanging the laundry. "How do you know? I'm really okay Gulf." Navy tries to cheer up.
"You know, I may not be that assertive, but I can see clearly from your face that you have some problem. Plus, why am I taking you at your parent's house today? There must be something wrong with you. Are you and John fighting?"
Navy loss for words. Gulf may never seem to care much about others, but he actually cares enough to remember any tiny details.
"It's nothing serious." Navy tries to escape the confrontation with Gulf.
"If it not serious, why are you making that face? Your voice also didn't seem to be happy as usual."
Navy sighs.
"Okay, if you must know, me and John are fighting." He finally gives in with Gulf.
"Why are you guys fighting?"
"He was cheating on me with someone."
"What? How come? How did you find out?" Gulf's voice clearly sound shocked. His face wrinkled up.
"I read the text on his phone."
"Do you know who he is cheating with?"
With a very heavy heart, Navy must tell Gulf the name. "Heart."
"What? Heart? You mean.."
"Yes, the same Heart that we know."
Gulf agape. He couldn't believe what he just heard. How come Heart become like this? Since when Heart went and tries to steal someone else's boyfriend.
"I may need to take some time to think about this. I am really hurt, deeply."
"I'm sorry." Gulf sound apologetic.
"Nah, it's not your fault at all. They are the one who should be sorry, not us."
Gulf nods and smiles.
"I heard someone having boyfriend problem." Nenda appears behind those hanging laundry with her grey hairs and sweet smile.
"Grandma Nenda, why are you here? It's hot out here." Navy walks a bit closer to her. Gulf follows him.
"I'm bored inside there. So, I want to join you here. Also, I have something to give to you." She pulls out from her flowery-blouse pocket, a bracelet made from black beads.
"What is it, grandma?" Navy asks her with a confuse face.
She shows him the bracelet on her hand. "This is a special bracelet I made last week for you when they make us do it for fun. I just hope you can wear it. It is specially made for you, dear." Nenda shows the bracelet on her hand for Navy to take it away.
With a confused face, Navy takes the bracelet and smiles at her. "Thanks for this, grandma." He wears the bracelet on his left wrist.
"Navy, I can't help but overhearing your conversation just now." She suddenly asks that after Navy keeps looking at the bracelet.
He awkwardly smiles at her while looking at Gulf for a brief.
"Whatever happen is relationship, you must sit down and talk it through. You cannot hide or run away from it. The problems are there for us to solve. And if we can solve it, then we have to deal with it. I have lived long enough to tell you this, any relationship will be tested with trust issues and as the person who has loved the other person dearly, you should know what to do when it comes to trust." Nenda giving her long advice.
"But, at this moment, I really don't know what to do, grandma."
"Dear, love is about knowing the person in his bad and good times. But you must at least give him a chance to explain and discuss how things should proceed from now on. Don't make any rush decision unless you are sure that you won't be hurting at the end of it."
Navy looks at Nenda with a plain smile.
"Well, I only can advise you, but you are the one who should think what to do. I am going in now. You can tell me with anything, dear. I'll be all ears." Nenda walks in as soon as she finishes her words.
Gulf gets close to Navy and suddenly whispering something. "I don't understand what she's saying." Navy looks at Nenda who still walking towards the house.
"Me too."
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The music echoes loudly and people are dancing according to the rhythm. Well, most people are dancing according to the rhythm while some are just like awkwardly swaying their bodies. Nevertheless, the party is lit up.
But John didn't seem to enjoy the party at all. He sits, alone, on the couch while staring blankly at the dancing crowd, immersed in his own thought. Since Navy left home, he didn't even call him or asking for his chance to give explanation. He just didn't seem to care about the incident.
He sips the drink in one shot. He feels guilty but he keeps questioning himself why he didn't feel the need to call Navy. Are his heart starts to change, just like what Navy said? But why he suddenly had a change? He didn't even love someone else.
He and Heart are no more than colleagues, working together for a project. The text that he received from Heart is only because Heart was feeling thankful for the date that he set her up with. Navy read it and interpret it wrongly.
Still, he didn't even feel the need to explain all this to Navy. What is wrong with him actually? He supposedly feels like dying right now cause of how much he missed Navy but no, he doesn't. He feels guilty, not love at this moment.
"Hey, John, why are you here all alone? Don't you want to join us dancing?" Heart appears and sits next to John, real close. She puts her shoulder next to John and gracefully touches his thigh while pouring a drink.
"I don't like dancing. You guys just go ahead and have fun."
She sips a drink and laugh a bit. "I'm done with dancing. Just want to sit down and accompany you."
"Hey, are you still fighting with Navy about the text? Did he not believe you?" Heart asks the question.
John had told her about what happen, and Heart has been so supportive and consult him since Navy left.
"I still not contact him yet."
"What? But why?" She seems surprised.
"I also don't know. It's complicated I guess."
She exhales a big breath before putting her arm around John's shoulder.
"Well, if you need someone to hear you, I'm here."
"Thanks, Heart."
She puts her arm down before sipping another drink, then holding the glass below her chin while looking a bit anxious.
"To be honest, I think you may not love him anymore." She puts down her glass and looking all serious.
"What do you mean by that?" John asks with a curious face.
She looks at him with a calm face now.
"Well, if you truly love him, then the moment he walks out from the house, you would have been trying to explain like crazy. But here you are now, sitting here, in a party, not calling or explaining anything to him at all."
John's face turns sullen. His mind starts to agree with Heart's words. Maybe he didn't love Navy anymore. He used to be missing Navy a lot when Navy's not around. He will call and face-timing Navy every day.
"But.." Heart starts to speak again but this time her hand slowly moves to hold John's arm. She sneakily let John feels her breast when she wraps her arm around John's arm. "You can always find love right, John? Love is about having the passion for each other at the moment." She sounds seductive.
John didn't hate it, but he also didn't like it. "I guess."
She smiles at John's words and starts to get her face real close to John, trying to kiss the man she aims for almost months now. But John facing his face to avoid it in hurry and unlink their arm then standing up.
"I'm sorry, Heart." John says it to the shocked-rejected-face of Heart. "I don't think you in that way." John gives his clear answer.
"What?" she asks, tensely.
"I may have to figure out my feelings at the moment. I am confused. Excuse me." He walks out of the party, leaving Heart who is sitting there, looking rejected and shocked.
John drives to home alone but in his mind is all about Navy. Is it true that he is no longer loving Navy the way he used to? But why so sudden? There should be a reason why his love changed but right now, he couldn't think of any reason at all.
When he arrives at home, he switches on the light and open the fan. He sees Mikey behind the TV cabinet and rush to put Mikey's kibbles on the food bowl. But Mikey didn't come out from behind the cabinet so John gushes at Mikey to come out from there.
Instead, Mikey is hissing at him while all his furs are stand up, like he's alarmed by John. It was weird because Mikey never behaves like this. He is the sweetest cat ever. John tries to catch Mikey but Mikey starts to attack his hand whenever he is near.
"What's wrong with you, Mikey? Are you crazy?" John gets angry after his hand was scratched.
Mikey keeps hissing at John. "If you want to starve yourself, then suit yourself. I don't care." John says with angry tone.
Suddenly, the door sound to be opened. John walks hurriedly to the door but then he stops when sees Navy is standing there.
"Oh.." John says it, without he realizes it.
"Oh? That is how you greet me?" Navy gets angry again, but he tries to calm himself down.
His motive to come here is to discuss and settle this once and for all. No need to get angry at the little things like this.
He walks inside the house and standing in front of the TV. He breathes in-and-out slowly to calm himself down.
"I came to settle things with you." He talks to John while directly looking at him.
John nods his head, giving his understanding.
"How do you want to proceed with our relationship from now on?" Navy asks the question with a heavy breath. He hurt but tries to cover it.
After waiting for John's answer for a while, Navy couldn't take the silent. "John, we need to discuss this now. I mean if you don't love me anymore, then we don't have to be together anymore."
John looks at Navy with a calm face but only God knows how he feels when Navy said they don't have to be together anymore. It hurts him so much but what-God-know reason, he didn't respond to that at all.
"I think it's better if we just stop our relationship now. You don't love me anymore so there is no reason for us to be together." Navy adds his comment again. John only gives him the silent answer.
"But do you still love me?" John asks him with a straight face.
Navy in disbelief. John had just confirmed to him that he is not in love with him anymore. How can he ask that question when he supposes to explain or at least deny his change of heart. There is no point in saving this relationship anymore.
"It doesn't matter what I felt. Now I know, for sure, that you don't love me anymore. You don't even have the courtesy to explain anything or deny anything. So, I think it's better if we stop here."
"Give me some time to think." Navy smirks at him. "Time for what? It is clear that you don't love anymore." Navy adds his comment.
"Navy, I really ask you to give me time to think. I'm confused with myself right now."
Navy shakes his head in disbelief.
"I won't let you do as you like. I will break it off by myself then. You can go to hell with your 'time to think'."
Navy walks away as soon as he said it.
John feels a sudden sadness inside his heart, and he quickly grabs Navy by hand. "What are you doing, John? Let me go!" Navy shouts at him with a fierce face.
John silently holds Navy hand while looking anxious. He knows he didn't want to lose Navy. He knows that much. But loving Navy? He still confuses about that.
Suddenly, the hand that he was holding, the bead that is wrapping the wrist, shines brightly. Navy seems surprised but he didn't wash his hand away. John feels his heart to beat very fast, his head starts to get heavy. Then, suddenly, his views go into darkness.
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Mew and Gulf are having a date at the restaurant nearby to their apartment. Today is officially the first week of Mew becoming the CEO of his mother company. They are celebrating it together. After the dinner, they take a stroll at the nearby park before going into the house.
"P'Mew, I'm really thankful for what you did but you don't have to do this for my sake. I'm not afraid of your mother." Gulf says it while holding hand, tightly, with Mew while walking.
Mew smiles, beautifully. "Gulf, I love you more than anything. But I also love my mom. I'm doing this for everyone."
Gulf stops his step and look directly at Mew. "But, how about you? Don't you love acting and singing? Don't you want to do it for yourself?" He asks Mew with soft voice.
Mew brushes Gulf's cheek, softly. "I love all those things. But I love you and my mom more than that. I stand with my decision and will help my mother to run the company. This is my responsibility, Gulf."
Gulf sighs. He also didn't know what else he can say. Since the first day Mew made the decision to work for the company, Gulf always tries to persuade him to think about it again. He knows how much Mew loves acting and singing.
"I am thankful for the experience I got from acting and singing even it just brief. Without getting into acting, I wouldn't have meet you." Mew with his sweet words. Gulf hears it every day but every time he hears it, he still had butterflies.
"Do you still remember the first time we met?" Gulf asks it while they continue to walk.
"Of course. I was afraid to talk to you that day because you looked so unapproachable."
Gulf laughs at Mew's comment.
"It's true. You looked so fierce."
"I just don't know anyone there. So, how am I supposed to smile when I don't know anyone."
"Well, you could look more warmth." Mew teases Gulf and he laughs while Gulf biting his lips, feeling angry.
"But the more I know you, the more I see you. Cute, warm and sexy." Mew teases again but this time Gulf smiles shyly.
Mew stops his step and start to hug Gulf in his arm. Gulf put his hands around Mew waist and hug him tightly.
"Why are you so clingy today?" Gulf asks with his hands wrapped tightly.
"Nothing. I just feel like the night is so nice. The moon is shining brightly."
Gulf looks up and smiles at the beautiful moon. "P'Mew, you know that I love you, right?"
"Huh? You do love me?" Mew teases him again. Gulf chuckles.
"Thank you for doing all this for me. I really hope that we can be together forever." Gulf being so romantic. He starts to change since he fell in love with the person named Mew.
"Me too, Gulf. I love you so much." Mew unlinks the hug a bit and watch Gulf with eyes full of love. "Promise me, that we will always love each other like this, for a long time." Mew says it while looking into Gulf's ocean eyes.
"Of course, P'Mew. I love you so much."
Mew starts to kiss Gulf. His lips can feel the passionate love between them. Gulf is like a miracle to him. He is the happiest when with Gulf. The same goes for Gulf. He never imagined himself loving someone so deeply like this. He always has Mew in his heart.
"P'Mew.." the sound of someone softly calling make them stop kissing. It was Lucky who is calling Mew, standing a bit far from there, looking awkward.
Gulf face himself to somewhere else, probably shy because Lucky saw them kissing.
"Why, Lucky?" Mew asks monotone.
Lucky gets a bit near and hand him over an envelope. "What is this?" Mew asks Lucky as he takes it away.
"It's from your mother." Gulf a bit surprise when Lucky says Mew's mother. He looks at Mew with confuse face.
Mew sighs. He knows he has to explain about Lucky to Gulf eventually. "Gulf, I think you should know who Lucky is. Actually, he was my assistant at the company before he became your manager. I asked him to become your manager to help you go around."
"What? You asked him to become my manager? Did you just hired him to stalk me? So creepy." Gulf in disbelief. How could Mew try to do something like this.
"No, it wasn't anything like that. I trusted Lucky more than anyone else. So, hiring him to ease your workload and protect you too."
"I don't think that reason is acceptable at all. He became my manager because he can report to you whatever I am doing every day, right?"
Mew tries to explain it nicely, but Gulf didn't seem to accept it. Gulf feels violated as his personal boundaries are also crossed when Mew decides to spy on him using Lucky.
"Gulf, P'Mew asked me to help you around. Plus, I am willing to do it without any problem. I mean, managing your schedule and everything has been enjoyable to me. P'Mew also want you to be safe when you go to work. I am the most trusted person by him. Can you see the real reason is to protect you, nothing else." Lucky also explained his part.
"Don't get too angry. I love you so much and want you to be safe only." Mew adds his comment with love.
Gulf calm down a bit and nods. He still didn't fully accept the reason, but he can still manage to get it into heart at the moment.
Mew smiles at Gulf before turn to Lucky. "So, what do you want me to do?"
"Please sign the documents." Lucky asks as he passes Mew a pen.
Mew signs the paper at hand it over to Lucky. "Then, I will go and send this to your mother now."
Lucky leaves the two lovebirds alone and drive to Mrs. Suppasit house at 11pm. He has to work for two party now, Mew and Gulf. In about 40 minutes, he arrives and park at the nearest parking available, around 100 meters from the big house.
When he's about to open the door, he sees a woman is getting out from the bangle, small door. The door usually used after 10pm for any visitor. He tries to get a clear at the woman, who is wearing a pink blouse with some flower buds on the skirt with long hair.
He knows that woman. It was Heart. When he sees Heart is walking up, perhaps looking for her car, he gets out of his car and follows her, discreetly. Somehow, when she walks the lamps starts to get blinky. Lucky follows her until suddenly she vanishes like a thin air after crossed a broken streetlamp. Lucky feels weird and looks very curious about where is Heart goes actually.
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