(Navy's POV)
It has been 3 months since my song released to the public. It was quite good despite being a newcomer. But I still have not received any feedback from TV Station to invite me as guest. Maybe, it doesn't have that big of impact.
Ah well, let the luck play it roles. Now, I have a big project coming up. Making sure that the LoveHate series becoming a successful one. It was about a homophobic guy who has to share a room with a gay and end up falling in love with each other.
"Navy, are you ready for today?" P'Name asked me while we are in the waiting room.
Today, we will hold an interview for selecting the roles for each character in the novel. There are so many applicants, but I already had my eyes. I just don't want to tell them anyone. I just want them to select it themselves.
"Yes, are you ready?" I asked her back.
"Sure. But it was quite sad that our producer couldn't join us."
"He has something urgent to attend today. He trusted us wholly for this you know. So, everything is okay. He will follow my request. Don't worry." I talked about my boyfriend you know.
P'Name smile at me mysteriously.
"In another 30 minutes, we will interview each of them. You will be with us. But I remind you again, this will take whole day and a lot of your energy."
I nod with a smile.
After she leave the room, I am thinking to take a look at all the applicants. So, I head out to the registration area and just wander around. There are a lot of hot and cute guy around. But, in my mind only two people I am looking for at the moment.
Suddenly, I saw the man with a white shirt with light brown hair is talking to some females. Looks like his fan. He looks very friendly and manly. He communicates well with his fans. Then, I saw another person that I am looking for. A thick and black hair, with a bit fierce in his eye.
He was looking at the light brown man while sitting with a few of his friend. These two people is what I am looking for. The black hair man looks very fierce. I don't know why his face is like that. But, for sure, I know what I want them to be.
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"Okay, introduce yourself and do the act on the scene that we requested." P'Name ordered the two candidates infront of us.
"Hi, my name is Mew. I am auditioning for the role of P'San at first. But P'Name asked me to audition for Tharn too. So, today I will do the scene as Tharn." Mew, the light brown hair man introduces himself.
"He used to act in Y-Series before and I think he has the potential. So, I asked him to audition as Tharn." P'Name whispered to me.
I just nodded. I knew everything already.
"Hi, my name is Gulf and i am auditioning as Type." Gulf, the black hair guy introduces himself.
I smile while watching them from the interviewer seat. They look so cute now.
Then, they started to act according to scene. I can see the females' staffs are all hyping up when see them enact the scene cause its beautiful. The way both actors do the scene is remarkable. Maybe because both of them are handsome and beautiful.
Then, we continue with other candidates, although at this point i see no point. But still, we need to go through all this process thoroughly. I will not make any decision will let the director and P'Name to decide by themselves.
After the first round is done, I go and just want to make a chit chat with Gulf and Mew. I know, at this point I need to start my connection with them. I saw Mew still talking with his fans. But I just want to go and say hi only.
"Hi, I am Navy." I said hi with a bright smile.
The flustered face quickly smiles and respond to me.
"I just saw you in the interview room. You were great."
He seems to blush about my comment.
"Thank you. I really hope everything will work out well." said Mew.
Of course, everything will turn out fine. It was your destiny. I only can say it in my mind. So, I smile instead.
"Mew, how about your audition?" one voice is asking from my behind.
"Ahh, I hope it's okay." Mew responds shyly.
"I'm pretty sure you will be great." said the guy again.
Then, he sees me. He seems to try to remember where he saw me.
"Aren't you the..." he seems shocked and cannot finish his sentence.
"Yes, I am one of the interviewers. My name is Navy."
"Hi, my name is Tild. Nice to meet you." he introduces himself shyly.
"Then, I need to make my move. See you around." I walk out from there.
But I can see that Tild still talking to Mew and sometimes repairing Mew's hair and touching Mew hand and stuff. Maybe Tild is that kind of person. He is friendly.
Next, I found Gulf is just standing not far from there alone. Maybe his friend is somewhere else. I make my move and get close to him.
"Hi, my name is Navy." i said hello.
Gulf seem a bit relaxed. But he looks a bit zoned out.
He replied to my greetings.
"How are you doing?" I asked him calmly.
"I'm okay." he replied in a short word.
Gosh, it's so hard to make a conversation with him. What should I ask next? I keep asking in my head.
"So, are you here with your friend?"
"No, I am here with my senior."
I just nod.
"Is this your first audition for this kind of series?" I still try to make a conversation.
"No. I have been to a few auditions."
I give up. He didn't really seem to take initiative in this conversation. Maybe he wants his space at the moment. Probably, I should not disturb him.
"Navy, you are called in by P'Name." One of the staff come and calling me.
I just left with a smile and nodding. Gosh, that was so awkward.
"Why P'Name?" I asked then sits next to her.
"Why are you outside greetings the candidates?" P'Name asked with a naughty smile.
"Nothing. I just want to know them more closely."
"I thought you are interested in any of them. Hmm, we really need to make decision by today. Which candidates should be selected for the next round." P'Name sounds stress.
"I really liked these candidates, but we cannot select that many. We need to cut them half." the director also voicing out his opinion.
I am only an observer. I don't want to make any decision.
"What do you think?" asked P'Name to me.
"I don't know P'Name. You guys should decide because it's your novel. So, you should know who is better for the roles. Also, you are the director, you must know which person is suitable for which roles. I am here only to accompany you only." Then I laugh a bit. Hehehe
"No, you must also make the decision. You are the representative from producer." P'Name still gushes me.
"P'Name, I have told John that the decision will be made by you and the director only. Me and him trusted you guys. We will not object your decision and will fully support your decision." I try to avoid her request.
"Are okay really okay with that? So, whatever decision we make, you will support it and do it together?" P'Name asked me with bright eyes.
"Yes, sure. I got your back." I replied with confidence.
P'Name smile brightly and nodding a few times. I also smile because I know the end result of this. I will see a phenomenal being made and new stars are born. I really want the stars to shine bright as they should be.
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"How was the interview today?" John asked me after he's done with his shower.
We have been living together for almost 4 months now. It was a hectic when I request it from my parent, but they finally allowed me to do so.
"It was quite frightening." I answered with a black space.
John seems a bit worry. He sits next to me on the bed.
"Why? What happen?" He asked me with a worry face.
"I was experiencing something that I did not expect at all."
"What is it?"
"P'Name asked to play a role in the series."
"What?" John seems surprised.
I'm more shocked when I hear that. I was never intended to play any roles in the series. Just want to be a normal person who support my stars.
"Why?" John asked me again.
"She said, the roles suit me."
"What roles?"
"A villain role" i answer with a sad face.
John burst out laughing so hard that I can see his tears. I just want to smack his head at this moment. I am still in sad mode, but he can laugh at this one.
"Did she really you are suitable for villain role??" He asked me again with laughter at the end of the sentence.
"Yes, you asshole. Why are like this? So annoying."
John still laughing even when I clearly angry.
"So, are you sad because she said you look like a villain?" He asked me after his laughs are gone.
"No" I answered, pouting.
"Then, why?"
"Because it was never mine in the first place. I never want to jump into acting. I don't know anything about acting. This is like a new era for me."
"I'm pretty sure P'Name knows what she wants. She has clear vision and goals of her own. And if choosing you for the roles, means she really sees it in you."
I don't want the roles. Lhong was belong to someone who deserve it more than me. If i take it, then it means, I am taking this opportunity from him. I don't want to do it like that. All of this was said in my head.
"Okay, if you really don't want to take the roles, you should tell her that. You have the right too, you know." John gives me suggestion.
"I also can't do that to her."
"Because I said I will support her decision and fully support it and act together for it. Now, I am in a dilemma. Either to break my own promise or just accept the offer. "
John sighed silently.
"Help me. I don't know what to do." I beg for his idea now.
"How about you think this as opportunity for you. Maybe, if you take this offer, it will help your career."
"But it was never mine in the first place. It belongs to other person."
"What do you mean by that?"
I sighed. I can never actually tell you the truth because you will never believe me and understand.
"I think it belongs to someone else."
"Okay, what if the role is for you. And P'Name really sees it in you. Meaning, the role belongs to you now."
"What are you talking about? Can you use easy word?"
John laughs a little at my comment.
"Meaning, even though you think the role belongs to someone else before, it's not anymore. Because right now, P'Name confidence that the role is for you. So, the role is for you now."
"But still.."
"No more but. And if you feel so guilty about it, you should do something to erase that feeling. Because, right now, you have to do what you have to do. Am I right?"
I paced out. Thinking about the sense of John's words. He is right. I am trying to live my life the way I want me too. So, by taking this opportunity, doesn't mean I am stealing from him. It just means, that in this current life, I am blessed with this.
But I am still feeling so guilty about it. So, I have to do something about it right? I will have to think what I do to ease my feeling.
"Don't worry too much. I don't want you to stress yourself out like this."
I nod.
Then, John started to get close to me and put his arm around my waist.
"John, why are you like this?"
"Come on, it just a hug. I miss you today."
I laugh a bit.
"It's not even one whole day. Why are you being like this?" I smile while watching his sparkling eyes.
"You know, I want to see you every second of my life. Even when you are in front me, I am still missing you." John with his sweet words.
I smile. Blurting out sweet word is not me. I feel tingled feelings when i said it.
"I'm tired today. Can we just go to sleep." I try to avoid his seduction because I am really tired.
"Okay but you need to give me kiss first." John tries to plead with his pampered voice.
"John, don't be childish."
"Come one. Just one simple kiss only before going to bed."
I sighed silently. Then, kiss him on his forehead.
"Are you satisfied now?"
John makes a sulky face. He releases his arms around my waist.
"Why?" I asked him, cluelessly.
"That was not a kiss." He said without looking at me.
I smile before I turn his head to me and kiss him passionately.
"Now, are you satisfied?" I asked him after the kiss.
He smiles brightly.
"Turn off the light when you go to bed. I am going to sleep now. Good night."
Then I put my head on the pillow and started to doze off. But every time I am about to sleep, I always feel nervous because afraid that all of this is just a dream.
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