Cecillia drove us out here, at the edge of the city. She was probably going to try a few fast ones on me, but I stood at the back of the car. Now that we’re here, I can see why Nataelo is such a challenge. “He’s a bit of a big shot, like our boss,” so she told me, but I didn’t realise how much of a ‘big shot’ someone leading a gang of dick slappers must be. He owns this goods company, which is humongous, and this is just one of the many locations! We are waiting some distance away, looking through binoculars, it seems like this isn’t her first time doing this.
Many, large trucks, filled to the brim with goods come and go from these warehouses. The gates are tight with security and there seem to be about ten of those warehouses, each about a medium football field’s area, the roofs hanging high above. Most of the parking spots are occupied by empty trucks, waiting for their refill, while some, towards a building at the left side of this warehouse space, are expensive-looking cars. “Those are the other gang leaders,” *pop* she tells me as she chews on that gum of hers, cherries. “We will take one of the first to get out,” take? I hope she doesn’t mean murder. I know how out of hand these sorts of conflicts can get when things get heated like they did back there. “There he is,” she nudges my shoulder and points in a direction. A man, in his forties or so, comes out of the building. His suit has golden models on it, in the form of dollar signs, on black leather. He wears some purely black- oh wait, another comes out, both are shaven. And another, another, and… are those his bodyguards?!
“That’s him, our boy Nataelo,” I see him as well. He’s taller than all his bodyguards, white suit with sparkling models on it, white shoes with an… odd thing at their ends and hills, golden in look. Several rings all his fingers, each different with a number of gems. When he smiles, it almost leaves be blind! Damn those shiny things, are they diamonds? Looking back, he does this thing, slaps the crotches of each man coming out behind him. Those must be the other gang leaders, they smile, but once they turn their backs, the veins start popping up on their foreheads, holding for dear life onto their nuts. She says we will take the first to come out, which I guess is not Nataelo, but the guy in the crocodile leather suit. “Take this,” she hands me a heavy, wooden baton. “You wack him, I put this on his head,” a potato sack, of course.
“Is this legal?” the answer is obvious, but I had to ask, just to check my sanity. She doesn’t even glance at me, doesn’t seem like she even acknowledged my question, still looking through the binoculars.
“Who gives a crap about that?” I think the police and the whole justice system does. “ ‘Sides, they were going to do much worse with you,” she has a point, still though. She puts down the binoculars, puts the car in reverse a bit, then we move to the left. “If we let them do as they please, then your ass and mine are getting slapped by their dicks,” jesus. “And police ain’t gonna do shit,” I’m guessing some sort of bri- “They’re afraid of them.”. That’s a plot twist. “They got worse since the mayor decided to spend his resources in that stupid war,” *pop* she parks parallel to the gates through which the cars start leaving while chewing on gum, strawberry. The crocodile leather suit guy goes first, and we follow him. “So they got rather daring as of late, and it’s of course our job to deal with these sorts of things,” I see.
The crocodile leather suit guy keeps going forward, out of the city. Meaning, they have gangs in other cities? Once we’re at some distance behind him, Cecillia accelerates. “I’ll make it seem like an accident, so be prepared,” what does she-SHIT! She takes a sudden left turn, makes it seem as if we’re trying to go past him, but a car is obviously coming from the opposite lane! “Hold on tight kid,” I obey. Then, in order to ‘avoid’ the car ahead, she turns right and we crash into the crocodile leather suit guy’s car. We both derail off of the road, into a field to our right. Cecillia seems to still hold control of the car, strong woman, while the other car goes spinning.
The other car stops after a few spins, then the engine is turned off. Out of the car pops out the crocodile leather suit guy, wearing a cowboy hat with a little crocodile face and mouth coming out of the front. “What the hell?!” he screams and makes hand gestures. “You bitch, you will pay for this!” he threatens.
“Keep it tucked behind your pants, whack him at my signal,” what that might be? She exits the car, hiding the potato sack in her bra, basically it becomes invisible, and I follow with a small stumble. The guy gazes shortly at me, probably decides I’m some twig not worth his attention, and fixates his eyes upon her. “Are you blind you dumb whore?!” I would watch out with that tone, you don’t know what she can do now that you’re within hand reach. “How are you going to pay for this?!”. He asks that, but I can already tell his yellow inked eyes look all thirsty for her body, which I can’t really relate with.
“Oh my. I’m sorry love, I was a bit busy, heh, with him,” she looks back at me, licks her lips, then bites the one below. Is this the signal? “I will compensate however I can, just give me your number and I will make sure to talk with you about the problem, allll the problems,” she says as she measures him from top to bottom and puts her hands on her body, his eyes following those hands. Maybe this is the signal?
“Hmpht, maybe you can indeed repay me,” he shows a crooked smile, a golden tooth showing through. “You, little wimp, go back to the car. Me and this, ahem, lady, have things to discuss closer to my car,” gross, and he makes no effort in hiding his thirst. He then gestures towards Cecillia as he starts walking back to his car, turning his back on us.
With a sudden, unwilling, unwarranted force from my side, my right arm reaches for the wooden bat and goes in full swing upon the head of the crocodile suit guy. Then, looking at my back, I see Cecillia’s hand grabbing at my buttocks. “What a lovely reaction, Christian,” I can’t even come up with indecent thoughts, she gripped me so hard, I thought my cheek was about to pop off. Cecillia puts the potato sack on his head, and puts him… in the back of his car?! “Come now, they must not find him or his car here, you drive mine,” smart, I see.
15 minutes later
“Wh…where am I? What is this… smell?” Cecillia smacks him across the face, the sack flies away from his head. We’re in an abandoned warehouse, how ironic. We tied him to one of his car’s chairs, after Cecillia brutally ripped one out, terrifying. There is chemical waste around, I hope we won’t have to take it that far. “What was that fo-you! Who the hell are you two?!”.
Cecillia makes a gesture with her head, she told me I’ll be the one asking the questions, I wonder why. “We’re the ones asking the questions, got it?!” I’m a bit aggressive, placing my foot on the side of the chair and lea-*smack* my nose! He smacked me with his head!
“I asked who ar-” *SMACK* the sound of her slap resounds around the warehouse. If we weren’t this far away from the city, someone might’ve heard us. His face is as red as a human’s can be, veins pulsating strongly, I wouldn’t be surprised after her slapping his nuts with the backhand, that he can no longer produce anything.
She makes the head sign again, this time with a bit of a frown as I hold my nose. I sigh, nod once, knowing that she’s disappointed by my pathetic demeanour. I try again, “Listen you shit!” I grab him by the shirt, pull him up close to my fac-he’s scary! I look at Cecillia, she nods firmly, there is no way out of this. “Listen you shit, I wipe my shoes with the likes of you, so don’t you try again what you did earlier, you he-ear?!” my voice cracks at the end, not a good look.
*Splash* he spits to his left, plentiful of spit in that one. “As if some twinkie little boy does more than listen to orders and jerk-” he gets slapped in the nuts once again before he can finish, not that he needs to, he is pretty much right.
Cecillia looks me nasty in the eyes, if I don’t succeed, she will have to intervene, and I will have to suffer some kind of punishment I bet. So here we go, all or nothing. I slap him around a bit, I don’t think it does more than the nut slaps already did, but just to set in the mood. I recall how the dick slappers acted before we got here, especially the leader. I go behind his ear, in a whisper almost, “Do you have any idea what I’m capable of, you shit?” he doesn’t seem to pay attention to me yet, staring Cecillia, rightfully so. “I can silence the slapping of the penis,” his head turns almost immediately to my right, this seems to set into him a fear which you might have towards God. I back away, look at his face, terrified it is, his eyes trembling.
“Wh-who are you people?!” he is panicking, Cecillia approves to me with a very slight nod, good. “How do you know to silence the slapping of the dick?! Answer me you heathens!”. They seem to have a strong belief in whatever this dick slapping is supposed to represent.
I lean forward a bit, looking him straight into his eyes. “We have a few questions, answer them, and you will get out of here without me silencing the dick slapping, got it?” he looks fearfully at me, then at Cecillia, who has a smirk on her face, as if we’re both onto something. “Got it you low scum, flaccid popper?!”.
Cecillia takes me back by the shoulder with a strong grip, asks “Flaccid popper? What are we, some corner of the street dick slappers like them?” I mean, not too far from it, but I can see how this-”Try more like ‘limptards’ or something,” ahh, I see, I was too soft once again, got it.
“Understood, I’ll try better, but I think he’s ready to give in by now,” we both look at him, his eyes fearing some higher power. “They seem to be scared of the silencing more than anything, some sort of affront to their god or something,” which seems to be further accentuated by his rabid hip movements, trying to pray to this dick slapping god I figure. Cecillia lets go of me, watches me in action now that I established a good situation to extract information with. “First, where is your boss, Nataelo, why did he summon all the gang leaders?” I ask as if I know how it goes around, dick slapping and all.
“I-I-if I talk about it, Nataelo is going to cut off my balls!” he still doesn’t seem aware of the gravity of the situation.
“Cut off your balls?” I point towards Cecillia at my back, “do you not realise that your balls will be turned to mush unless you cooperate?!” I push my other hand against his shoulder, my face almost in his, then I press my finger repeatedly against his chest. “Give us the answers, or you’ll suffer by her hands and my dick silencing you noboner!”. That cut deep, I can tell by the tears forming his eyes and the slight giggle from behind.
“Fine! Fine… I will tell you what you need to know,” he finally gives in. “But you must promise me that she won’t slap my nuts any longer and to drop me in another city,” he makes demands, I glance back at Cecillia, she accepts, and I return my face to his.
“Very well, you have a deal.”. Over the course of the next few minutes, he gave us details of Nataelo and his plans. Apparently they planned a gathering for tonight, in the opposite side of the city where my job is at and the first dick slapping gang we encountered are. There, in a rundown park, is a competing gang, the ‘booty clappers’. Similar to the dick slappers, they terrorise and assault people, except they clap their butt cheeks violently instead of their penises. It’s a less effective tactic apparently, but good nonetheless, which puts them just ahead of the ‘tongue flippers’ and ‘ball sackers’, other competing gangs.
They’ve been making recent moves around the city, trying to expand territory, but Nataelo doesn’t want to give in, thus they agreed upon a place to fight it out. There’s a whole agreement form they all sign and stuff, pretty organised I must say, but scum nonetheless. We got the names of the other dick slapping gang leaders too, Francesco, Donatello, Amarinio and Heprane, the last of which is the one we’re currently questioning. The other gangs’ leaders are El Copon, Cobare and Dillinghar, with El Copon being the most notorious of them and the leader of the booty clappers. It appears that once a victor is decided, their territory is ceded to the winner, which is a bit reminiscent of the Crosswalk Killer now that I think about it.
“Well, it doesn’t seem like he’s lyin’,” Cecillia confirms, “but given how long it took us to find this place, capture this moron,' ' she almost slaps his nuts, but remembers the agreement and stops just briefly, his face tensing terribly, then relaxing. “We’re going to both have to take care of him, take him to another city, and attend the confrontation, bait Nataelo while he’s least protected, away from his headquarters,” I agree with that, except with the implied part that we have to part ways.
“If that’s the case,” I interrupt her, she doesn’t appreciate it, “then I should take him away, while you take care of Nataelo, right?”. I now understand this is a larger mess than I originally thought to be some simple street squabble, so I must get away from it.
Cecillia gives me a nasty look, disappointed even, she sighs as she massages her forehead and says “Was that promise in vain then, Christian?”. I should’ve expected that to be brought up I guess. “And since I haven’t promised shit, you can have your fun time getting daddy’s present,” I would try to argue, but given that I’m alone with Heprane tied to a chair, I’m afraid of what she might do to me.
“Very well, I’ll do it, but what about Heprane? I figure you’re going to use his car to get him away, but it doesn’t look in any condition for it,” I point towards the exit, where the car stands out of, the right side of it wrecked. “Won’t it get any suspicious looks from the police, especially with him that may rat you out?”.
“Don’t worry darling,” she closes onto him, puts her hand on his balls, “I’ve got him in the palm of my hand. Beised, I’m sure he would be more than happy to help me if any, ‘uncomfortable’ situations may arise. Won’t you?” she tightens her grip, his head shaking rapidly, trying to save whatever’s left of his genitals. It’s not that I worry about her or something, I just don’t want this kind of stuff to get into my life, which is already in heavy disarray.
I watch as Cecillia puts the chair with Heprane still tied to it back into place. She then takes a hammer from the back of her car, who knows what she was ready to do with that, and tries to bend the bent portion of the side of the car somewhat. With a few powerful blows, she manages to straighten it to a degree. I ready myself in the driver’s seat… wait, the same stands for me, if the police pull me over, I don’t even have my driver’s licence, since I haven't driven a car for some time. Cecillia presses herself against the car’s window, her breasts pushing past the window inside, but I know better and look her in the eye- bad idea, back to the boobs.
“Keep your eyes up Christian,” she seems happy by what I did, only if she knew. “If you get in any sort of trouble with the police, simply tell them that you’re on a case and can’t be disturbed,” that’s right, the mayor and police are both aware of the SIS company and these hooligans. “Tell them you’re under code ‘Silence the Slapping’,” I hate that I know the significance of that.
“Very well,” I simply nodded as well. But as I start the car and see her going inside Heprane’s car, I say “Take care miss Cecillia!”. I feel a knot in my neck, I only felt this sudden care for somebody when I was playing hide and seek in groups with my friends. She stops for a moment, salutes me with a hand raised high, then goes inside the car. We both drive in opposite directions. Cecillia towards the city Heprane was headed to, and I towards Nataelo, preparing myself for whatever lies ahead.264Please respect copyright.PENANAQQSRApjhDC