“The hell happened. There was this large boom and then-ugh, my head hurts, *cough, cough* and this dust.”. I can’t see shit, but I can hear the coughing of others. There’s also these weird sounds around me. ‘Christian,’ Lady Guardian? What’s going on? ‘Those two, they shouldn’t have met,’ what are you talking about, and why are you here? ‘There’s not much time to expalain, but a crosswalk has been formed on the playground,’ another artificial one, did someone awaken their- ‘Crosspace?’ good name, ‘No, but look on the ground’. On the ground you s-holy crap. ‘It won’t be long until the space is formed as a result of them fighting. Will you stay, or run?’ I would love to run, but lady Cecilia is going to mess me up real good if I do. ‘Then prepare, these two are about to-’ they've already done it. I’m standing under a pile of breathing corpses and I can tell they’re willing to bring it to the next level, the power is just that palpable.
“Who would’ve thought, that besides me, there is someone like you out there,” I can hear El Copon, the sound of his buttocks is still loud and clear. “We can let our meat explode, now can we?”.
“Heh,” I hear Nataelo, and the dust starts to settle, so I can see his thing pretty clearly, it’s swinging with calculated ferocity, “I would rather say I’m unleashing my meat upon you.”. Both of them take a stance, and despite the powerful strike from earlier, Nataelo doesn’t seem too bothered by it, while El Copon has had his pants ripped to shreds as a result of the extreme release of power. “Nice of you to make some space around, I was starting to feel a bit tight with all these people around,” Nataelo doesn’t give a shit about his subordinates, just like Francesco said.
“Unleash your meat? Don’t be stupid Nataelo. After I’m done with you,” El Copon claps his cheeks! He squatted for a moment and then one of his cheeks launched him forward, now the other is anticipating the impact as he turns around, “nothing will remain but a mess of a sloppy dick!”.
Nataelo smiles, his teeth almost emanating a light of their own. This bare ass menace is coming with speed towards him, and he smiles, but I can see why. *SKAPSHT* Nataelo deflects the incoming mass of ass with his dick, slapping at his cheek in the last moment, and leaving a rather deranging form on it. “C’mon, put your back into it, otherwise you’re not going to entertain me,” Nataelo still acts casual, El Copon is just that below him.
El Copon crashes into a mass of bodies laying on the ground, which, unfortunately, are starting to form a crosswalk. It’s mostly dick slappers, so their penises touch each other, forming a deranging symmetrical shape that, to my own shame, is forming quite the beauty. While it’s really tight, it is undeniable what this mass of human meat could form. Now I just wonder what kind of power it will bear, holding all these souls as a sacrifice for its formation.
“Can you hear it, Nataelo?” El Copon speaks as he lays with his bare ass on the mass of butts and dicks, “The symphony that is being constructed for this moment.”. Shit, I can see it all around us, I’m more experienced so I can tell, “This will become your requiem, this place where our meat collides is where you’ll see your long lasting reign fall apart”. The space has formed, it’s around thirty metres all around, and the bodies laying on top of me are starting to move, so do those laying on the ground. Ah… I see why. The stripes start forming out of their own otherworldly accord, on their penises and bodies.
“You can sing to me all you want, but first try to put up a good show, for I feel so good right now,” Nataelo is starting to swing his penis, he’s starting to get serious about it, although, I don’t see where his stripes are going. Francesco had spots on his body which he would hit and create a disrupting sound, but I can’t see anything on Nataelo. “Let’s see, I haven’t done this in a long time, so hopefully I can find my rhythm,” although his haven’t appeared, I can connect to my own, I just don’t know how I feel connecting to that kind of power. *JUOOM* what is this sound? *JUOOM, JUOOM* again, this time with a certain tempo. “There it is,” his penis, is coloured red and green?! What sort of sorcery is this?!
“Fascinating power you got there,” El Copon stands up, one long, thick stripe going between his cheeks and up his back until it touches his neck, “although it doesn’t matter before mine.”. They face each other, standing at the end of the long, although tight, crosswalk. There is enough space to move around, so it feels kinda pointless, but they seem to get joy out of walking on those poor men’s penises. As they stand their ground, I can hear the sound produced by Nataelo. Each time he swings his meat, the colour red amplifies when going left, then green when going right. Meanwhile, El Copon’s skin on his ass is starting to get darker, almost black, the white stripe between his cheeks getting more pronounced thanks to it.
There is a moment of silence, both staring intently in each other's eyes, their meat ready to unveil whatever power it withholds-and Nataelo moves first! He takes a single step forward and the penises below him bend at a nasty angle. While it makes sense, given their height and weight, they haven’t done so until the colour on his penis changed to red. El Copon still stands his ground, but he’s tightening his cheeks, a reverberance from underneath coming with it for some reason.
Shit, in just a moment they both unleashed their power. El Copon reacted to Nataelo by holding his cheeks tight, which in turn caused the stripes on the crosswalk to become a sort of booming wave, crashing into Nataelo with stupendous amounts of force. But Nataelo stopped it with his bare hands, his dick swollen red. “Is this all you got, little boy?” Nataelo provokes El Copon, and El Copon responds by tightening his cheeks some more, causing the next wave to be even more powerful, and even so, Nataelo maintains his stance, stopping the wave without issue.
“Siuu, you’re good Nataelo,” El Copon smirks at him, his eyes saying there’s something more to be shown, “now let me teach you what the power of my sorrow looks like.”. *BOOM-BOOM* god dammit. My ears almost popped with that, and now I understand El Copon’s power. He tightens his cheeks in order to create pressure between them, the stripe on his back is thus stressed beyond belief and releases that tension through waves into the crosswalk. But what’s actually terrifying, and the reason Nataelo is on the ground, is the fact that once he relaxes his cheeks, the pressure accumulated then released causes his cheeks to clap violently two times in quick succession, creating greater pressure on the stripe in the middle. The result, two concomitant, powerful claps of his cheek, enough to destabilise a simple crosspace. This one, however, is pretty resilient given the sacrificed bodies laying on the floor.
El Copon closes the distance, the dicks supporting his weight not giving in one bit, showing just how much pressure Nataelo was able to put on them earlier. “Should I end this pain for you now?” El Copon asks as he stands over him, Nataelo bleeding from his ears. “What, got nothing more to say?” Nataelo doesn’t respond, simply lays there as his dick swings to the right. “Then I guess I should en-” *SKPASHT-SKPASHT-SKAPSHT* holy shit, El Copon’s face, is covered in shapes of Nataelo’s penis! It was only a split moment, and Nataelo is right behind El Copon, while his penis glows an ominous green. “Shi-” he didn’t have time to say anything, as his back was adorned by more red, dick shaped forms, making him fall to the ground.
“You got the goods, I will admit,” Nataelo is now the one standing above El Copon, his dick, while soft, stays stiff in place, “but I got an actual pair of balls.”. Nataelo keeps insulting him, while El Copon tries to figure out what happened. “Confused I bet, by my power that is,” he swings to his left now, the dick a bright red, “maybe if you feel it some more, you’ll understand.”. Nataelo crashes his fist into his chest! El Copon seems to have avoided death in that instance, as he clapped his cheeks to propel himself upwards, killing the momentum of the fist. Even so, I heard ribs cracking.
“You monster!” El Copon spits blood with his words, barely holding on his feet, while Nataelo smiles with confidence. “Fine! You want to kill, then I won’t hold back-” *KÅ BÖŌM* dear god… “I will destroy you!”. El Copon unleashes a wave of powerful cheek claps, but in between them, more terrifying, they’re amplified by his own farts, pushing a fistful of raw beans down his throat. The smell is nasty, rotten to the core, while the resonance of the explosion shaking the crosspace we’re in.
“About time,” Nataelo seems to not be at full throttle himself, squatting close to the ground, “it’s been thirty years…since I had to use this.”. No way, that’s just not right, how is he allowed to- “Witness true power you fool!!”. Beautiful, a tear runs down my cheek, as Nataelo starts rotating his dick, the colours blending together into a symphony of crimson red and emerald green, giving birth to an unholy show of power.
“The helicopter dick,” I hear whispers all around me, veneration brought to the splendour of his dick by the fallen ones, their dicks rising in respect for it. “Helicopter dick…” their voices are rising, almost as high as their dicks.
There was a moment of silence, peaceful quiet, amidst the booming of El Copon’s cheek claps combined with his farts, and Nataelo’s meat slapping in at least sixteen different areas. It was as if heaven had to bear witness to this confrontation. Then, with a tightening of his cheeks, and a twist of his dick, the two of them launch at each other. I tighten the stripe armour around my body, trying to prevent myself from becoming a casualty of it, but the clashing of El Copon’s cheeks upon Nataelo’s razorblade swinging dick, causes the air to grow hot, then-*BOOM*.
A few moments later
“Ahh, where I am, what happened?”
“I’m here Christian, you’re still alive.”. Lady Guardian, why can’t I see?
“You’re currently unconscious, but I can wake you up, if you want.”. Why would I want to?
“You’re injured and the fight has concluded. Whoever emerged victorious, will try to find and kill you.”. Shouldn’t the space just crumble? There is no reason for them to try and kill me.
“Your power, it’s still active, even unconscious. You have to either release it, or someone to break it from you.”. Troublesome, but I can’t sit idle. Even though I’m injured, I still have to carry out my duty. Not that I care about my job over my own survival, but it’s both my best shot of getting out of here, and probably having a bonus.
“Very well, if you wish, I will wake you up. Do try to psych yourself up, the pain will come in various waves once awakened, so try not to scream.”. I’ve got it, don't worry. When I was little, I used to get lots of bruises, even broke a bone once-
“Ughh-” *cough-cough* “the hell is this rotten smell?”. It’s overbearing and intoxicating. Around me-all the dicks are either broken or bent!? I guess the power of their collision was just that-”A-AAAAH!”. God dammit, shit, where is this pain coming from?! M-my ass!? It’s bare naked and red?! Why is this a thing?!
“Confused, little man?” Nataelo! This isn’t good. He looks roughened up, but is still standing so, it means El Copon lost. His teeth are not as shiny as before, while his skin is covered in bruises, cuts, and seemingly ripped out of place in some parts, while his slick hair is roughened up. “The power of my dick, eviscerated those that believed their ass to be superior, while his ass the dicks of those who supported me,” wait, if that’s the case, then why did I too get my ass-”it’s a matter of belief really. Abs or pecs? Tits or ass? That’s a matter of preference, you can probably tell. And that’s one of the first things we erase from our recruits, their desire for any of that.”.
I see what he’s getting at. I’m dressed like one of them, but amidst this sea of broken dicks, my ass is the one standing out like a sore thumb. Basically, my ass signed off my death! But… it seems the crosspace fell apart, probably just as Lady Guardian woke me up. I got a chance! “I’m here-” ughh! My ass hurts so bad, but I have to push through, just visualise going through with it-hmm, a shit comes to mind…perfect. “I’m here on behalf of boss Philipe.”. The name widens his eyes, and oddly, a smile on his face. “Look, I don’t want to do this, I’m more dangerous than I seem,” I slowly reach for my lube, ready for anything.
“Oh poor young thing, look at yout, thinking you have a chance,” looking at your bruised dick, I think I can stand for at least a few seconds…maybe. “Don’t struggle, it will be over in a second,” shit, he’s swinging his dick. It doesn’t have the same power as it did before, nor the same grace, but it’s still enough to make my head go spinning.
“You coward!” I scream as a last resort, I don’t want to be slapped by that. He stops from swinging, his smile slowly going down. “You know that if you fought boss, you would lose. Why else send your grunt workers?!”. I’m just assuming he was setting up a gang near boss’s place, thus why I met those dick slappers in the first place.
“You think I’m afraid of him, young un?” he’s looking directly into my eyes, as he squats. While I could squeeze the lube in his eyes, something tells me it will fail. “I figure he didn’t tell you why we’re fighting in the first place did he?” now that I think about it, yeah, he never did. “But it doesn’t matter. I’m not afraid of him, he’s just not worth my time.”. He starts swinging again, shit, what can I do?!
“That’s enough, Nataelo,” boss?! He stops from swinging, and clenches his fists. Even if he’s stronger than boss, he isn’t at full power, and I’m here as well, so the odds are in our favour.
“Philipe…you finally decided to show up,” he says that as if he was expecting it.
“I can’t let you squander my employee, I just hired him afterall,” boss comes closer, he’s dressed in a different suit than last I saw him. Looks like something you would wear during a funeral though. Black shiny shoes, a black suit, as well as a black shirt and tie. He didn’t pull out his penis though.
“Good catch, he has spirit,” is it time to talk about me? Fight it out so I can run away! “But you will die, both of you,” as he says that, the air around feels heavier, his thing swinging with weight as well.
“There is no point to this, I already told you. Be it me, you and that kid, we won’t be able to beat him, Nataelo,” who are they talking about?
“Does that mean we shouldn’t try?! You hide behind a desk and solve petty crimes while that monster is at large!” the air grows even heavier, this time from boss’ side.
“It means you should’ve stopped thirty years ago, now look at you. Using these criminals to enact you revenge. Do you believe that’s how she would’ve wanted things to go?!” boss’ voice almost cracks with that, his eyes a bit teary.
“I don’t know what she would’ve wanted she’s-” before he could finish, boss pulls out his penis and swings from either side *SKPAOU* the sound is cutting, and across Nataelo’s chest a bleeding cross shows up! “She’s dead…” he still manages to finish, and I think I’m getting a grasp on what’s happening.
“I’m telling you, as her husband, she wouldn’t have wanted any of this…not us fighting either,” Nataelo’s knees seem to shake, maybe now is the time to-”Christian!” maybe not, “Come to my side, he won’t make a move.”. I would believe you boss, really, but his balls are still stiff in place. I will still try thou-
“Not so fast little one-” he manages to grab me, but boss unleashes a wave of dick slaps, and Nataelo is cut all across his upper body-shit, he doesn’t lose his grip on me though. “I said, not so fast,” he lifts me up to his head! God is he strong. “One more of those, and you’ll cut him too.”. Not so fast! I pull my lube and *SQUEEZE* in his eyes it goes! “AH! What the hell?!”. It isn’t enough for him to let go of me, but boss is able to move to his side and *SKPAOU* there it goes!
“That’s the power of my lube Nataelo!” I say as I run towards boss. He tries to run after the sound of my feet, crushing dicks below, but the lube doesn’t go down with ease, and makes him trip.
“What the hell is this thing?!” it’s del-”Deluxe lube! Smells like the expensive kind too,” a connoisseur, respectable.
“Give up Nataelo. Your grunts are down for the count, and there’s no one around to help you,” perhaps he should’ve treated his gang leaders better. There’s literally none of them around, and boss starts swinging his meat as he approaches him.
“Screw you Philipe! This isn’t over! Not now, not in a dozen years! Mark my words!” shit, he’s swinging his meat as well. There’s no more ferocity to it, but he manages to-oh my lord…another helicopter dick!
“Nataelo!” boss screams, as if he expects what’s to-what’s that on the sky?! A bloody helicopter!?
“I was expecting him to show up, Philipe. But After I found your scoundrel, I knew you wouldn’t just stand by as I kill him,” I see, he knows boss too well, but what’s more worrisome, is the air currents produced by the force of his hips’ torque. It almost looks like-no way!? He’s lifting himself up the ground by using the helicopter dick!
I would say this is some bad joke, but Natelo literally managed to get himself up in the air using the power of his helicopter dick, the helicopter in the sky seems to adjust to his trajectory too! “Nataelo!! You will face justice!” boss says as he unleashes a few more swings, but Nataelo just takes them, and the helicopter manages to swoop him up.
“Justice should befall not humans, but monsters,” I don’t know what kind of creature you are Nataelo, but that doesn’t seem human to me, “so until next time.”. He says as he keeps swinging his meat around, doing the helicopter dick. I see who I presume to be Donatello and Amarinio, and for some reason Amarinio is the one flying the helicopter.
“I’m sorry boss,” I say, “seems like I failed you.”.
“No, this isn’t your fault,” boss turns his back to me, “it’s just that he was that strong.”. Saying it seems to pain him, perhaps because of what Nataelo said about fighting that individual. “Let’s go back for now, the mayor will handle the rest here.”. And just as we started to walk, police cars started to show up, the sirens a melody for the dreadful night that took place.221Please respect copyright.PENANAL5xGrklLZ9