“Urghh,” morning. I was able to take one day off, but now I have to return to work. “And of course, my boss ensured that half my night was filled with screams.”. You have to wonder if he ever gets any sleep. Maybe I’m the only one whom he spends time with, yelling like that. “Maybe he really does have a crush on me,” perhaps he’s actually calling more of us at once and either I’m the fool choosing to respond, or he yells the same at everyone. “It’s not like he lets me talk, so it might make sense actually. Huh.”.
After a quick pee and a cold shower to awaken my body, I watch a bit of news as I eat something quickly. “Bread, apple and honey,” simple yet so efficient. You get slow burning carbs and fast burning carbs in one go. The news say- *We are still investigating the mass murder. As of now we have these three prime sus-* nothing of value. “Looking at those faces, I can tell,” they’re living too well to be that guy. He seemed homeless, perhaps malnourished. “I should brush my teeth, ensure my hair is properly brushed too”.
“Now I must dress myself. Let’s see.”. The same twelve old suits. The only differing factor is the tie and the way I make the tie knot. “Enough diversity in my routine to make my heart skip a beat, before I see-nevermind actually,” she’s gone. For the week being at least, since that’s how long they usually keep those barriers up. “I would dare to go once more. But after my close encounter with death, I better stand still for a while.”. If I have to avoid my beloved, I may as well choose a different route to work. Let’s see what Guugle has to say.
10 minutes later
“Green and red shines upon it at times. The yellow painted stripes on the black pavement are akin to gold on black marble. The length, just perfect.”. This crosswalk should provide the right amount of dopamine I so desperately need in the morning. “And the road I must take will allow me to be two minutes late. Ughh,” the satisfaction. The traffic lights are something I’m not really accustomed to. “Although, now that I think about it. How come the crosswalk in the middle of the city didn’t have any?” I guess that part may have become the middle some later time. “As it can be the case with old cities like this one.”.
“Around the narrow end…through the loop…then through the…knot!” First try too! Wait…”this isn’t good is it.”. It should take me at least four to five tries, before either giving up, or tie it awkwardly. You may think that after I did it so many times wrong, eventually, like now, I would get it right. But that’s not it. Of course I know how to tie a tie. The problem is, my brain usually automatically disables that knowledge as a measure of ensuring I arrive later at work. “However, for some reason, it decided otherwise today,” and it’s not like I have control over my subconscious. “It can be a variety of factors. From the close death encounter, the loss of my muse, to the very fact that I have these new powers.”.
Whatever the reason is, it might cause a disruption in the natural flow of things. “And like time travel, where even if you move a leaf from its place, everything can fall apart,” so can this lead to wild outcomes. “Maybe I worry over nothing. Afterall, all I do today is going to work, so it can’t be that bad.”.
30 minutes later
Let’s see. I have to keep going forward. This skatepark to my left reminds me of when me and my friends used to play outside. “Those were the good, young days. Now they’re far gone, and all that’s left is a former shell of the vigorous youth I once was.”. If only I could tell these youngsters what’s ahead of them, make them understand the deep suffering they might endure. “Anyway,” just a bit further down this street and my new-”This smell, coming from just around the skatepark,” it’s the smell of a hundred million children dying at the same time. Looking to my left…”there’s the culprit,” a used condom, almost tainting this place where youth gathers to feel alive. “Perhaps some youth felt a bit too alive during the night,” those punks.
“It’s a bit early in the morning, so there are no kids skating as of now,” but once school is over, they might come across this act of rebellion. Oddly enough, there are no trash bins, what should I do? “To my right, across the road, there’s another sidewalk and front yards,” houses of old folk. I cross over and find myself a stick. Now I return and take the condom with this stick and-”Oh god. What a stench,” forget the night, this act of abandonment has been done in the morning.
What should I do with it though? I have no idea where the nearest trash bin is, and I certainly will not allow this to stench the park. “Those front yards seem like the gift that keeps on giving,” first the stick, now I can hide this act of shame in its grass. “I’m sure some old hag or whatever lives in those, will find this preposterous,” but given their seniority, I figure they will be the wiser and act as model citizens, dispose of this for me and those punks who did it here. *Swing* and to the other side it goes. “It dripped a bit across the road, but the sun should do its job in about an hour,” toss the *swing* stick too, and done.
*Door slams to the side* “Hey! You young rascal!” Shit, an old fart. Better ditch it before he does something. “Come back here or I’ll stake your head on my bloody wooden pike you demon!” He actually has a wooden pike in his hand?! I’m good!
32 minutes later
“Dammit!” In my act of kindness, I had to run away before my head was on a pike. Thus, I had to run along the crosswalk, instead of walking. “Truly disgraceful to my name I have to say,” which further adds to the amount of disruptions. “It’s not like the day when my beauty got marked off,” it doesn’t necessarily bother me, but if this continues, who knows how it will spiral off. “Anyway, I’m here. And I’m still two minutes late?!” something is definitely off. It’s as if the world tries to establish a new order to my life, “and I don’t know if I like it.
“Who ate the donuts, you animals?!” I may start to like it. “Christian!!” I’m here, you can clearly see me. No need to make those boar noises, as if you’re gutted alive. “Did you eat my Kate Donuts?!”
“Actually, sir,” Elise? “Christian just arrived. If someone ate your donuts, they had to be in the building before.”. What do I owe this goddess for her to show such mercy? It doesn’t matter, I will pledge my allegiance to her no matter what she asks of me. “Isn’t that right Christian?” she asks me as she puts her hand on my left shoulder. I’m in heaven. Hold up though, does she want me to stand up to boss? That’s a dangerous thing to thread on.
“I did sir,” Markus took over, it seems like I wasted my opportunity. “I’ll buy you some other donuts. Or just subtract it from my salary, I don’t care,” he is in a foul mood today. If this is part of the world realigning my life to a better path, I’m all for it.
“Ah!” Boss gasps for air as he tries to scream, I guess even he is speechless. “Then alright. I will buy some other ones. Next time however, *hmph* I will take away four times their price from your salary!” That’s all he says as he slams the door back into his office.
“Whatever…” Markus is really pouty today. Hopefully that won’t trickle into my work. With all of this excitement and change in my life, I might actually get to be happy for once. That day off may be what triggered all of this. If that’s the case, then it might even out as time passes by, so I’ll have to see.
“Hey markus!” I greet him for the first time since he came here. I have to test his mood, see if he’s still as irritable.
He glances at me with tired eyes. HIs suit is all messed up, he has a strong odour to him, messy hair and his mouth emanates the vapours of strong coffee. “Christian…” he takes a while to continue his sentence as he lifts his head a bit off the desk. “Have you ever loved someone?” Of course I did. “If so, when that love has been taken away, ripped from your heart, did you look like this?” You have no idea. But wait just a moment, why is he asking me all this? Could it be that…
“Did your girlfriend left-” I didn’t have time to finish as he hugged me tightly by the neck. Despite his stench, his hug feels so good. Maybe I just lacked human interaction so bad, that even a hug from a now loner like him, feels good.
“She-*sniff*-she said that a man like me doesn’t have what ‘it’ takes.”.
“That’s rough buddy,” I hug him back. Even though I highly dislike him, I wouldn’t wish upon my worst enemy those words.
“Christian!!!” the call of God wouldn’t match that of boss. “Get to work right now you scoundrel, or half your salary is gone!” That's not how it actually works. Either he thinks I’m some imbecile, or that’s the word which turns him on.
10 hours later
Weird. The work has been intense, as usual, yet I didn’t feel it. I still have energy abound inside of me. I will admit though, it wasn’t nearly as stressful, yet some fatigue should be expected after ten hours of sitting at a desk and talking with people. Although, some of my coworkers seemed to have a rougher time. Perhaps this is an equivalent exchange. I get to enjoy life, while the others have to suffer. “Fine by me!”
Leaving work in a hurry to get back home and not immediately crash into my bed. “It’s something I didn’t get to do ever since I got myself hired,” I get to walk on the crosswalk too. “What a beautiful way to end the day,” the lube also just popped into my head. This day is somehow getting better and better than the one I had off.
32 minutes later
“Just a bit more and I get to my new crush,” she should be more beautiful at night. Especially with those colours “ughh”. I can hardly contain myself. “Now let’s see,” a red light! Perfect. I get to admire every stripe she has. The cars walking over her, taking a turn and leaving at times a bit of their rubber as they create friction against the pavement, “it gives her such a potent smell during summer.”. It’s not something an ordinary person would get, because they don’t have the same passion about it. “Which is a damn shame I must say.”.
The light turns green. Pressing my foot against those yellow stripes makes me feel as if I’m dipping my toes in honey. “Sticky, yet pleasurable, not gross by any margins,” even though nothing’s sticky about the stripes, I like to think there is something. Then the next one, and the next one, “ohh, the pleasure I feel is incomprehensible.”. It’s not as good as the old one, but it has character. The flickering lights also make it tense, as if I’m doing something naughty and I must hurry.
“That’ll teach em, ehehe,” an old man, walking faster across the crosswalk from behind me, says to himself as he reaches the other side. I personally enjoy it a bit more, until the lights turn red and I must move forward.
“Eww, who left this here?! Was it that old man?” I hear the cries of a young man. As the lights turn red, and I arrive on the other side, I can see the issue ahead. “Look at him laughing and pointing at us! He did it on purpose!” the old prune left something next to the…skatepark. Don’t tell me-
“That’s what you young’uns get for leaving that in me front yard!” He is the one from earlier. Stupid of me to assume he would be the wiser.
“We didn’t leave jack shit, you old excuse of a human!” that’s a bit harsh, “But now you gave us a reason to!” This sounds, peculiar. I will simply walk by and-”Hey you!” I know you’re pointing at me but you ain’t gonna stop me from-he’s in front of my face. “You saw that old fart right?” and he lifts a used condom. Does he not have any health precautions? Nevermind that, how did that old bark get this? *Sniff* It smells fresh too! Although, a certain miasma of death lingers about it.
“I-I didn’t see nothing,” I’m trying to make a case now “I was just getting across the crosswalk-”
“Don’t play dumb dude. You two were crossing at the same time, there’s no way you didn’t see him coming here,” that doesn’t mean I saw him do the deed.
“Look. I just got off work after a ten hour shift, can’t you like call the police or something?” That should settle it.
“If I call the police, they will think I did it. Who would believe that a guy with a foot in the grave could produce so much?” There is a large quantity of it inside. It would make me doubt it as well, given the constitution of the old leather belt. If not for my keen sense of smell in regards to bodily fluids, as I produce a lot myself.
“How about you just throw it away. There is no reason to escalate the actions of an old fool any further, is there?” Reasonable and seems to send the message to him, as he stops to ponder.
“You know what mate, you’re right. I should just throw it away,” see? Not that hard. Now just-and he threw it in his front yard. “And because he’s nasty, I’ve got a friend who will provide more. These old fools don’t learn other than through the hard way.”. As if you’re one to speak, you’re literally a punk by definition. Ripped jeans hanging loosely with a chain by your long sleeve shirt, for some reason, two ring piercings in your lower lip. The skateboard has graffiti on its bottom saying ‘Death to order’.
“I don’t think that was a good idea,” he doesn’t know about the pike.
“And why would you-” and there he is. He gets out as soon as that condom lets loose its fluids in his front yard. Wooden pike in one hand, rope ready to hang something in the other. “Shit! Call the police!”
“Call the police?! He will have me staked and you hanged before they get here! Just bloody run!” and we both made a dash. He went into the park, and I went towards my home. As I dashed past the skatepark, I still saw, to the left, the old condom where I threw it. “Is it to remind him of his grudge?” *swish* and a pike went by my head. I would call the police on him, but then there is the whole condom war I started. “Better not get myself involved further. The youngster might take care of it instead,” although, I have a gut feeling this will ripple.282Please respect copyright.PENANAH0tx9TEarI