Waking up in the morning. "It truly never feels better when you don't have to think about anything," since this is my first day off in over four years. "Having to argue for it with my boss for half a night, kind of sucked the life out of me.". But! Nothing can stop me now that I am free! "Maybe I'll get that pet I have wanted for so long," or make myself feel good with that deluxe lube until I don't feel anything else.299Please respect copyright.PENANAdVK5OmY1cL
2 hours later
"Pffft," I have no clue what to do. Sitting in my bed seems the best thing to do for now. It's as if "When provided with the freedom to do anything, you simply can't choose what to do.". Kind of sucky I must say. Sucky. "Hee, heh," I'm so funny. Not really, but I like to think I am. "Aghh! C'mon!" Think of anything I could do. "Oh, right. The crosswalk. Why did my mind fly anywhere but there?" Should I do it though? Feels kind of incriminating for me to go where I fought the Midnight Killer. "Well, it's not like they could tell what happened.". The 'space' where it happened, the killer seemed confident that I can't escape, meaning, nothing could enter either, probably.
"And now that I think about it, I arrived home at the usual time I arrive at," even though I spent some time feeling the crosswalk and dealing with the Midnight Killer. "If it means what I think it means. Then, perhaps the Crosswalk Killer," may be just like me and the Midnight Killer! "This certainly sounds plausible. "Afterall, the murders happen during daylight and in the middle of the crosswalks.". I certainly wouldn't like to stumble across the killer, let alone fight them. "Then...why? Why do I feel like this is the one thing I want to do most right now?".
10 minutes later, on the toilet
"Seems like that feeling awakened something more than my excitement," and given my 'problematic' diet, it's best left to the imagination how this smells. "So, what should I bring along?" Or rather, is there anything I should take with me? The Midnight Killer had a knife "I figure that was due to his ability," actually, no. He tried to tell me that he could suffocate me in the thing. "So he simply played with me. If he wanted, he could've killed me quite easily once he got me stuck up to the neck.". That, however, was before I gained my ability. Now I can defend myself and even put up a fight. "Guns can hardly be found across the country, plus, the victims..." actually, now that I think about it. I don't know how the victims were killed. "The news!" if the killer strikes again, it will be on the news about..."Now actually!". Crap, I have to wipe fast-but if I miss it, there won't be another day like this!"
*In other news, the Crosswalk Killer strikes again. This time it was around central park area, where-* good thing I thought of it before it was too late, it's kind of itching me standing here like this, but beggars can't be choosers. *As per usual, the Crosswalk Killer left a mutilated body in broad daylight at the centre of the crosswalk. Investigators think this pattern is done on purpose to sho-* mutilation. They don't show the bodies, but I'm certain. "The killer must use his ability to kill them!" This could've made me look cool, if not for the toilet paper hanging off my butt and my awkward stance. "Just bear with this self embarrassment for a few more minutes, then I can wipe.".
5 minutes later
"I should've just raised the volume and listened from the bathroom.". Now there's a bit on the floor, so I'll have to clean that up. "That being said, I'm almost certain that the Crosswalk Killer must be a Crosskiller," that's a bad name to define those like me. And that implies that there are only killers amongst 'us'. "Crossped? Pe-" never mind that.
The Crosswalk Killer has a pattern. First, they only kill in the middle of the crosswalk. "That means their ability either relies on the victim being in the middle, or," the worse is true and the killer only does it as "A way to mark themselves or their territory.". Second, they only kill during mornings. "Especially during rush hour and such," which is probably on purpose, so they can blend in with the crowd. Third, and most important, "They're sending a message.". In the news, it was mentioned that-
*The Midnight Killer, now known as Freck Morris, killed three people in the area of Cherche. The bodies were left in bushes near a crosswalk leading to a church.* but then he attempted to kill me in the central area of the city, where my beloved is at. "The Crosswalk Killer, from a search on my phone," which I should've thought of before leaving the bathroom, "Also killed a single person on a crosswalk in Cherche.". There's hardly any coincidence in my mind, "The Crosswalk Killer was provoking the Midnight Killer," though, the Midnight Killer was instead scared and tried to 'hunt' where the Crosswalk Killer already left their mark. Probably knowing that the Crosswalk Killer changed location after every single murder. "No, if I think about it, they were both provoking each other.". The Crosswalk Killer started things off, then the Midnight Killer tried to give it back, by tarnishing their pattern with a double kill.
"Maybe I'm looking too deep into their behaviour," they're both murderers afterall. *Flush* and since I'm not one, "I can't tell what they're thinking.". But now I know where I can look.
*Click, click* looking online, I can search up all the crosswalks that are yet to witness a murder. "Pretty ingenious I must say, he he-" two hundred and twelve?! "I'm both delighted, and annoyed," if I had more time, I could go one by one about it, and enjoy each of them. "That, however, is not an option. How can I shrink it down to some exten-what is this? A post on Auddit?" This person, TotallyJustAGirl:3, has this entire map dotted with red lines and stuff. "If they spend this much time doing this, they must be right about whatever they're talking about.
3 hours later
"Yes! It's totally making sense now!" It only cost me three hours, two hundred bucks for this course and this contract to sign. I'm still not sure what it says "They told me it's nothing much, just paperwork. And I have it now! The precise location where the Crosswalk Killer will show up.". My heart is pumping and I can barely stand in place. "I can't tell if I'm scared of what's about to follow, or if I'm excited.". Either way, the Crosswalk Killer had it coming ever since they did that to my Mona Lisa. "Now, phone and earbuds, for good vibes. Check. Lama hoodie, to appear more menacing. Check.". I hope I don't look lame or something. "The lama hoodie might be a bit much, but it should be fine.".
1 hour later
"Dammit," I'm still in my shorts and flops. "I guess all that excitement got the better of me," and the hoodie draws, erm, certain kinds of looks, combined with the rest. "It's too late though. It's rush hour and..."This crosswalk leads to the cemetery...". "If I somehow find TotallyJustAGirl:3, I will make her beg for mercy as I-".
"Shh. He will hear us.". What's that? There, between the bushes behind me, I can totally see those three kids, they're only a few metres away. They look about twelve years old, from the voices though, probably nine.
"Worry about it after. Get the camera ready!" If your point is to stay hidden, it's not a good idea to get all angsty with your friend. Although, I would be too if I didn't get a clear shot of-wait. What are they trying to get here? I should ask them. Maybe not a good idea actually, since I'm dressed like-
"He totally fell for it. I told you the name will draw some weirdo into it!"
"Yo. Kids. What's the whole idea here?" Screw the looks, I'm about to send these kids packing to the hospital. Approaching them like this is inappropriate, but what they're pulling on me, is just nasty.
"Aaaa!" I guessed I jumped them. "W-we-we're deeply sorry!" the fat one says. He holds the camera. Is he...searching his belly button for lint?
"Sorry? You kids have a lot of nerve to waste my time like this. Where are your parents?" I'm about to educate them and their parents. I'll make them do slave work for the next four years, so I can recover my lost time.
"We're telling you nothing, bitch.". What in God's name is that foul mouth on the short one? And pink clothes don't make you look tough, they make you look like the candy sized creature you are.
"I say we jump him and run away, we're three afterall.". The one with the buzz cut thinks he sounds smart, doesn't he. And I can see through those glasses as clear as day. Is he just wearing them to look nerdy?
"Shut up you three," that silenced them "If you're not going to tell me where your parents are at, I'm going to drag at least two of you to the police," I'm looking at buzz cut and shorty "So, tell me why are you here, trying to catch me doing god knows what.".
"We were trying to film you getting murdered, asshole," and again with the dirty mouth. Although, the answer is more concerning.
"Film me while getting murdered," you say. And who's idea was that?" as if I don't know already.
"I-it was mine sir. I apologise," as expe-what?! This boy can't even look me straight in the eyes, yet he suggests stuff like this? I guess the lint harvesting made me put my guard down around him. Maybe I should drag this one alone to the police.
"By my calculations, we can all outrun him and get to the cemetery where my mom is at.". I guess he doesn't realise just how stupid he is.
"Good job smartass. I'll wait for you inside," and across we go. Now let's see what fac-they ran off?! "Did he throw me off the first time? Or is this a fluke?" bloody dammit. What am I even doing? Those are just some dumb kids trolling dumbasses like me. "I better return ho-"
"Do you? Yes, no, ehehe, you do. You feel it, don't you?" Who is this creep behind me? He comes from the graveyard. Long, black, greasy hair. Black lipstick, ripped black jeans, the skin of someone who doesn't get out during daytime. That crooked back and piercings in his face.
"Are you an emo?" I had to satisfy my curiosity before getting back on the sidewalk, a foot standing just above it.
"I'll take that as a yes," as he said that, he snapped his fingers and the cars stopped moving. "Let's get to it, dolly.". Yew, yuck, no. I'm no frail individual, so if he tries to touch me, I'll kick his nuts into a hypothetical afterlife.
"What do you want from me creep?" I know he wants my ass, but I'm not cheap. Now he's giggling like the weirdo he is and has pulled...plastic scissors? "Listen, I don't know what your deal is, but I'm just going to walk away an-" I almost lost my leg! The gap between the white stripes closed in an instant and raised themselves a bit. The only reason my leg is still attached is because my own ability has activated at the same time. "He got the bottom of my flop though.".
"No time to worry about that, Christian," and you're here as well. So he must be a-"A Crosswalker, indeed.". Damn, that name sounds good, why didn't I think about it? "Focus Christian, your enemy is dangerous," more so than the Midnight killer? "Much more so. This one has experience.". Experience you say. So I'm not his first encounter.
"Oh ho. What a cunning doll. You're also dressed so pretty," every time he calls me a doll, a nasty shiver goes down my spine "But, look at that," he's pointing at my feet, and no doubt about it " My blades can cut through your armour it seems, even if not by much.". I'd say about halfway through. Another strike, and my leg will probably be gone.
*Snip* The white stripes closed once again, trying to cut my leg once more, but I already knew where he was aiming for, so I kicked against it, allowing me to close the gap between us a bit. "You're the purely offensive kind, I can tell. So, if I get close enough-" and with a dash, I close in the distance just enough to get him in my two metre range, as he stands near the other end of the ten metres long crosswalk.
"He he. Wrong cutesy doll!" as I threw my stripe as a punch to his face, two stripes in front of him crossed each other, his scissors held in front of his face, the stripes protecting him from the strike. "Now dance! Dance for me, cute doll!"
Shit! This is so bad. He controls the stripes across the crosswalk skillfully, each snip is sent with precision, while my attacks are rendered useless by his quick reflexes. What's worse, he seems to get more attached to me as his doll or something. "Don't panic Christian. Focus on the clues," the clues you say. What is there to-I see. "Exactly, aim for it and you shoul-" I don't actually see it, I just wanted the answer, I'm busy dodging all of his attacks you know? "My bad Christian. It's the scissors. He has more control over the stripes, but had to make a vow for it.".
"A vow?" I said that aloud.
"Ho-how do you know, puppet?" this will have to stop before it gets any worse. But at least he ceased for a moment, I almost lost my breath there.299Please respect copyright.PENANAg5PdbtJGxJ
"I'll tell you, only if you explain to me why you're attacking," this should draw me some time as I figure out a strategy.
"A puppet wants to know why I want to cut it?" This makes me feel so gross "Very well, puppet, I will tell you why I-" sorry emo dude, my habit kicks in once again. Let's now figure it out, so I don't die. It would truly be the worst, given this is my free day...299Please respect copyright.PENANACrayfHHkWO