That night, I couldn't deny that it was much harder than usual for me to fall asleep. I rolled from side to side, remembering how our eyes had met and how he had bumped into me, all the while smiling like an idiot.
After spinning around countless times, I decided to get up and looked at the clock.
Only five more hours until I was to meet him at a coffee shop close by.
And with that thought, I remembered how he had asked me to go for a coffee even though neither of us drank coffee. I couldn't help but to laugh out loud, suddenly hearing movement on the other side of the room where Allie slept.
"Sorry," I whispered into the darkness before getting out of my bed and walking towards the bathroom to get ready even though I was a few hours too early.
- - -
I stood at the entrance of the coffee shop, surrounded by the strong fragrance of coffee beans mixed with cream and sugar. I looked around, wondering if he was already there, and smiled once I saw a hand gestured towards me. I walked towards him.
"Hey," I said.
"Hey," he replied, smiling back at me.
"Why don't you have a seat? And I'll order for us," he suggested. I nodded my head and sat down across from him, placing my bag on the table.
"What would you like?" he asked me. And instantly, I replied,
"Earl Grey."
His expression immediately changed, prompting me to ask,
"Are you alright?"
He nodded and smiled again, saying,
"That's one of my favorites."
I watched him as he walked towards the counter and spoke with the girl behind it. And it wasn't long before he returned with two cups of tea and two blueberry muffins. I smiled as he set the tray down before placing a cup of tea and a muffin before me.
"I didn't know what kind of muffin you like so I got blueberry," he said, looking from the muffin to me. I smiled at his words.
"I like blueberry," I told him, to which his smile widened.