The story briefly
Williams was a thirty years aged clever, rich and educated businessman. Something he had seen in their old palace made him lost his mental balance. He became mild mad, just remained staring ahead blankly. He had been admitted in Black Ant Mental Care where he was entrusted to Rose who was the practicing psychiatrist there. Rose could make Williams to come to his senses but he forgot everything that happened before that incident. Rose and her senior Charles strongly opined, forcing Williams to remember either that particular incident he had seen in the old palace or about his past before that incident would have serious damaging consequences to him. During the treatment Rose and Williams fall in love and Rose later became Williams' wife. As the time gone by, a situation has come that Rose has to make Williams to remember that particular incident along with all his past by putting him in deep hypnosis. How his life was affected and her life was affected was the story of the novel ‘Rain Flower’ A spicy Romantic Thriller.
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Because of her long absence, because of the celibacy for more than two months, Jasmine thought and foresaw it would be fierce with her lover John and she prepared mentally to the overwhelming sexual onslaught on her. But despite her mental preparation, despite her making the body amicable to it, despite her own demanding type, it was more fierce, unbearable, giving untellable pleasure to her every fiber of being.
As soon as she entered into his room, closed the door and latched it, he just pounced on her like a tiger pounced on a deer. Her protestations stopped in her mouth itself as he pressed his lips savagely on her lips. He put his wet and lukewarm tongue deep into her mouth like a snake while busying himself in undressing her. Her moans, retaliations were remained as feeble attempts against his primitive savageness in making her naked. Even he preferred to make her naked every time during sex, every time she felt ashamed to be naked like that before him. She loved abundant sex demanding in equal measure but surprisingly did not like being completely naked! But she never could win over him and helplessly have to become naked like that. But he was always impartial, he always made himself stark naked after he made her completely nude so.
She was about to say something more again but he savagely put himself in work over her. She felt anger, when she could not overpower him, she wanted atleast to be inactive but she could not. Involuntarily she also became desirous and became active. Once seized by urge, she always would become demanding as much as he was and enjoy as much as he would do. He himself would be surprised and unable to cope with her sometimes. They both just did not know how much time it took but were completely exhausted and satisfied by the time it came to an end.
“Thank you” he kissed on her moist lips. “After a long time I enjoyed it a lot.”
She made a savage kiss on his lips and pinched his year. “Like an animal I must say. You don’t have any delicacy at all.”
“As there was a long gap, I could not control.”
“No.” she said firmly. “You are always like this. Just a little less to the present one.”
“May be I am.” He said and got off from the bed and hastily dressed while Jasmine was watching him. “You are also no less. Always demanding for more than I can give! I really surprise for that overpowering urge in you after you become desirous.”
“I myself also feel surprise for that” she yawned and said while adjusting her dressing.
“Alright. What’s the matter? Why did not you come all these days?” after slumping himself on the bed again beside her, he asked.
She dragged herself on the bed near to the wall there, leaned on it and hissed out heavily. “You know my brother’s condition and what happened to him. My mind was completely off. I did not want to come anywhere.”
“Why did not you want to share your distress with me? How did you have forgotten about me completely?” taking her right hand into his hands and squeezing it gently, he asked her.
“I just cannot think of anything else.” Jasmine nodded her head helplessly. “You know about my brother fully. He used to be quite active, sportive, like a role model. Suddenly he became mad like that. Even by now also he has not become completely normal. Still he cannot remember most of his past.”
“Really very unfortunate! I am not much intimated with your brother but I know him. He is really what you have said about him.”
Jasmine closed her eyes and said nothing. It was easily understood to him that she was very much bothering for her brother.
“But he is lucky, is not he? Such an efficient and beautiful psychiatrist married him.”
Jasmine got off from the bed and went near to a chair in that hall and slumped herself in it. She hissed heavily. “That much is true. In fact, if it is not for her, my brother would not have become even this much. After seeing him continuously mad for twenty days or so, we have lost all hope in him.”
“But why she married him, what is the necessity? She is such a beauty moreover a successful psychiatrist.” he paused for a moment before continuing. “Is it is not for his wealth?”
Jasmine sharply looked into the eyes of John. “Never entertain such a doubt in you. In fact now I like her more than my brother.” She closed her eyes, breathed deeply and hissed out. “She has fallen in love with him during the treatment.”
“A doctor fallen in love with her patient during the treatment!”
“It is convincing and I do believe it. All the time what I can see in her face is pure affection and love towards him. I just cannot see even an iota of cunningness in her. She is an angel.”
She expected some rebuke from him again but there was nothing like that. She opened her eyes and looked at him and there was a serious expression in his face.
“You are right. Your brother is lucky. Love can happen in many a way.” He paused for a moment before continuing. “Unless she put her heart also, he could not have become as he is now. I have seen your brother while he was mad. I was shocked! I never have expected that he would become atleast as he is now.”
“Why? Why he had become like that? What made him so? I am becoming mad thinking about that.”
“Lack of oxygen to the brain, I remember that was what your sister in law said.”
“I am not ready to buy it at all.” Jasmine nodded her head in negation. “One thing that does not fit in it at all is why he was in that room in that palace at that time. He should be in his office quite busily engaging himself in several works. He very seldom prefers to go to that palace. Never at such a time. Then why he was there in that room then?”
“A billion dollars question.” John said leaning on the wall near to him.
Jasmine got off from the chair and came near to him on the bed. “There was something for his becoming mad like that and I must know about it.”
“If anyone can say anything about it, it is only your brother, that too only if he can remember any of it.”
“No question of involving him in this. Without his involvement at all, I have to know what made him like that.” With firmness in her voice she said.
“But how can you know about that without your brother’s involvement?”
“You have to help me. We both have to find out a way.” Taking his hands into hers and looking pleadingly into his eyes she said.
He made a hasty kiss on her left cheek. “You need not ask me like this. You know about that very well.” He smiled. “Let me put my mind on it. Let me think.”
Then she embraced him and kissed strongly on his right cheek.
Whenever Rose remembered that day, her heart filled with a sort of feeling, a feeling that resembled joy, a feeling that she wanted to keep always in her heart. The moment she had got that success which she did not expect at all the thrill she felt could not be expressed in words.
She was a psychiatrist in Black Ant Mental Care. When she had been handed over the case by her senior Charles with full confidence on her, she felt happy. “The patient Williams is a healthy guy physically and mentally until two days back. No illness whatsoever. I have verified all his family history and his life history quite thoroughly with his mother and sister. Never, never any problem to him mentally. None of his family members also ever were suffered like this. Physically he suffered minor illnesses sometimes as you and I also do. But……….” when Charles paused Rose relaxed herself leaning back in the chair. Her mind was furiously trying to assimilate and analyze the data that was being put into it by her senior.
“He was found lying face down in a room of their palace. That palace was not in use for a long time only his mother visits it occasionally. He never shows much interest to go into that palace. Why he was in that room in that palace at that time no one can understand. But…..….” He paused again for a moment and Rose found the serious expression in his face was intensified even more. “……….he was unconscious and they tried to take him into this world, I mean, to his senses again. He opened his eyes but to all their utter shock just remained staring at them. He is still staring like that. For the last two days there is no change. There is not even recognition in his gaze. It is just blank gaze. He is breathing and there is life in him, that is all. He became mild mad.”
Her mind reached a conclusion on the patient’s condition.
“What do you suggest?” Charles asked her.
“First, we try to guess, what would have made him mad like this?”
“We don’t come across a case like this till now. What you are thinking that might be?” Charles always liked her questioning and inquisitive nature.
“Difficult to say.” She paused for a moment. “First I recommend complete brain scan. Sometimes because of brain nerves damage or by lack of oxygen to the brain a situation like this happens.”
Charles chortled loudly and said. “Are you thinking none of the scans, tests have taken place so far. This boy is a richest person in our country. He is the managing director of the giant company the Mammooth. He is the son of the great and richest lady Madam Margaret. First he has been taken to a famous hospital and they recommend us to her. All brain tests etc. have been conducted and there is no wrong so far with his brain.”
Rose remained silent thinking furiously. ‘If there is nothing wrong with the brain, what it could have been then? What caused the madness like that to him?’
“He might have had seen something that shocked him and made him mad like that.” After few seconds pause, she deduced.
“But there was nothing to see in that place. His mother first found him. There was nothing unnatural there. There was no chance that he had seen something shocking there and became mad like that.”
She nodded her head helplessly. “Then it is difficult to say.” She paused for a moment and knitted her brows. “Anyhow why do we bother what made him mad like that? Our present task is how to make him usual again.”
“You are absolutely right. Why do we bother about that point? Her mother Margaret also not interested in knowing what made him mad like that but wants him to be normal again as soon as possible. “
Rose remained silent observing her senior’s face minutely. At that time only they both were in his chamber.
“What is your opinion? What type of treatment you do suggest at this stage?”
“I have to see him first and assess his situation. Before that I cannot suggest anything at all.”
Rose startled when she had seen Williams. Knowing his condition she expected him in some unattractive way. But, even in his madness also, Williams appeared quite handsome to her. Seeing his muscled body she understood that he was a sportsman.
There was no reaction in him at all when they were touched him. “How it would be if we administer electric shocks in a mild way?” Charles suggested.
“No. I am quite against that treatment. That does not give good result at all.” She said.
“His mother is a very rich lady and influential person. If we cannot cure him fast, she would change him to some other mental care.”
Rose looked sharply into the eyes of her senior. “That cannot change anything. It does take as much time as it needs. I am feeling confident that I can make him normal. But……...” She paused for a moment. “………I need time.”
“I am having confidence on you Rose. Alright. I am handing over this case completely to you. But it is your responsibility to make him normal in as minimum time as possible.”
She made a complacent smile. “Thanks for the confidence on me. I put all my efforts to make this boy usual as fast as possible.”
Then they came out of that place, discussed some more time and Charles told her about Williams and his mother Margaret as much as he knew.
(……to be continued)
(I hope that you enjoyed it so far. Please don’t forget to rate and review it. I shall update the next chapter as early as possible.)