(Azaelea's POV)
I awake from my nap to find that Violet had curled up next to me. Grinning, I wiggle carefully off of the couch as to not disturb her slumber. She looks cold, so I grab a fuzzy purple throw laying on a chair across the room. I toss the blanket over her thin body and she visibly relaxes. I don't think she's awake, but her body must have known she was freezing.
Yawning, I stroll into the kitchen, searching for snacks. My stomach growls angrily at me for I've not fed it anything today. I rummage through their pantry to find a plethora of snacks, ranging from chips to cookies to cupcakes. I snatch up a roll of oreos and walk back to the living room, plopping noisily down on the couch adjacent to where Violet sleeps. Popping an oreo into my mouth, I smile as I watch her chest slowly rise and fall. She's so beautiful. How did I get so lucky as to move next to her?
Possibly hearing the thoughts going through my mind, Violet lifts her head and blinks her eyes lazily. Her dark brown eyes bore into me, so close to black I can barely distinguish the iris from the pupil. Anyone who has said that you can't fall in love with looking into someone's eyes is wrong; I feel like I'm staring into the deepest parts of her soul. I think that perhaps her eyes reflect the darkness inside her, even though the idea scares me.
"Why are you staring at me?" Violet says, breaking the tense silence.
"Maybe I like looking at your face." I say, immediately regretting it afterwards. What a stupid thing to say, she's going to think you're an idiot now.
To my surprise, she cracks a smile instead. "You are such a dork. I love it."
My cheeks instantly flame up at this, as do hers. Part of me likes this stage of dancing around the idea of a relationship, and part of me wishes that one of us would just spit it out already. But every time I go to tell her I love her, I feel like my throat just closes up and prevents any words from escaping. Why must falling in love cause so much difficulty?
((Mini chapter because I need to adjust the story line here, wow. I can't believe I had never seriously dated a girl when I wrote this. It's only gonna get better, I swear, and I'm gonna try to keep it updated.))