Im Sang-Jin sat down on a sofa placed beside a window.
He looked out the window while smiling at the scene outside. It was spring and sunlight was illuminating the top of trees.
Everything was in bloom.
And everything was painted beautifully, from the gentle baby blue skies to the sweet scented flowers.
After a long thoughtful moment Sang-Jin felt ready. He reached for a tripod and a his phone. When the set up was done, he went live on Instagram and made it public.
Looking at the screen he smiled.
Sang-Jin gave a little wave.
"This is a live stream, and I see people joining. Thank you and hello once again," Sang-Jin looked away shyly.
"There is a lot that I am excited about and I wanted to wait for the right time to tell you about it."
Sang-Jin looked out the window with a poetic expression on his face before looking back at the screen again.
"I have a book coming out. And I am so excited for you to read it. It's a memoir and it will be out in autumn."
Sang-Jin paused for a moment.
"It's about a romantic period in my life and it's published by Violet Press, which is owned by Han Yong-Min, who is an amazing Publisher. Go onto his social media and tell him how wonderful he is."
Sang-Jin reached over and picked up his memoir and held it to the screen of the phone.
"Here is what the cover looks like."
And after a moment, he began with this: "I want to thank you guys for everything. For watching my skin care videos, for liking and sharing them and giving me positive feedback."
Sang-Jin held the book to his chest.
"You make it fun by caring and showing me love. And I don't take that for granted. That's wonderful of you."
Six months later, at a large bookstore in Gangnam Seoul. Giggling teenage girls and housewives waited in line for their turn to purchase a memoir titled "Delicate" by Im Sang-Jin.
"Im Sang-Jin makes writing look easy and so effortless," a teenage girl remarked to her friend who was reading the memoir.
"He is a storytelling genius," her friend replied back.
"Reading this memoir feels like you are reliving all his memories with him and remembering the things that happened to him," a housewife said to another housewife.
"Imagine the memories and scenarios that must have flashed through his mind as he wrote."
"Im Sang-Jin's ability to capture emotions in his memoir is incredible," a single lady said to her companion as they left the bookstore.
"Look at that," Han Yong-Min said to his personal assistant as they stood in a corner watching the crowd.
"Just look at that. Every female from sixteen to sixty will make "Delicate" a bestseller. And this is the proof."
Han Yong-Min said while gesturing to the crowds of females brandishing the memoir as they shared enthralling tales among themselves.
"Where is Im Sang-Jin at the moment?"
"He is in Thailand promoting his memoir."
Han Yong-Min nodded his head before saying: "Send an email instructing him to return to Seoul once he done with his book tour."
Then Han Yong-Min began to pace up and down.
"Also add that I want him to start working on his next book....which I think should be a boys' love romance....."