"How dare they come to him with such a preposterous idea!"
Do-Sik blurted as he walked away from Sang-Jin and Han Yong-Min.
He almost choked with rage just thinking about their silly ploy for cheap publicity. He was not interested in pretending to be anything where Sang-Jin was concerned.
He decided to go to the changing rooms first before going to the resort's restaurant to have his brunch. His handsome face was still burning with fury and indignation.
Taking out his phone, Do-Sik called his agent.
"Yes, hello."
"I need to hold a press......"
"Congratulations," his agent quickly cut in.
"No, I want you to organize a press conference for me."
"What for?"
"To deny certain allegations and rumors about my personal life."
"Okay, when do want it done?"
"As soon as possible."
Hanging up, Do-Sik decided not to go to the changing rooms but rather he would go straight to the restaurant instead.
His phone rang.
He answered it.
The call was from his father.
"Hello, Dad."
"I see you are all over the gossip blogs," his father laughed over the line.
"Don't believe any of it," Do-Sik snapped.
"Why shouldn't I? I think it's very amusing to have my son's romantic life plastered all over gossip blogs."
"Dad, please listen to me...."
"Son, I want you to know that I fully support you in all you do and however you choose to express your romantic feelings."
"No Dad, I can explain everything."
"There is nothing to explain. Son I have to go, there is someone at the door. Bye and have fun with this new relationship of yours."
The call ended with Do-Sik feeling depleted. His father did not give chance for him to explain himself.
"Shin Do-Sik ."
Do-Sik turned and found himself staring at the Mayor of Seoul.
The two gentlemen shook hands.
Do-Sik had seen the Mayor a couple of times at the resort, either by himself or with a few of his cronies playing golf, but they have never spoken before.
So why now?
He wondered.
"Congratulations, the Mayor said smiling. "Your courage in living your truth is very empowering."
"I need to explain something and it's going to come as a shook."
The Mayor didn't wait for it and rather said. "My wife has read your partner's memoir and she enjoyed it. In fact she is rereading it again"
"She did."
Do-Sik goggled in amazement as the Mayor nodded.
"Why don't we play golf together sometime."
"That would be great."
After parting ways with the Mayor Do-Sik kept thinking about their interaction and it felt like they were bosom friends.
Just as he was about to enter the restaurant the door opened and Do-Sik came face to face with the owner of the golf resort.
"Long time no see. How are you doing?"
This Do-Sik found odd because they had never spoken to each other before.
"Am good."
"We are hosting a tournament two months from now. I will like to personally invite you."
Do-Sik knew about this particular golf tournament very well, infact year after year he hoped to be invited to participate but the invitation never came.
So why now? What was different now?
"How is Im Sang-Jin doing?"
Immediately Do-Sik understood why he was invited to play.
"He is doing great."
"That's good to know. Why don't you bring him along for the tournament. The wives want to meet him."
Do-Sik nodded and managed a weak smile.
He finally sat down to order his food and as the waiter came over to take his order, he noticed from the corner of his eye two ladies looking in his direction and murmuring amongst themselves.
After the waiter left they approached his table.
"Please are you Shin Do-Sik?"
"Yes, that's the name I was given at birth."
The two ladies smiled.
"Is Sang-Jin joining you?"
They seemed disappointed but carried on the conversation.
"Well we are happy you two are back together again."
"We have finished reading his memoir and found it phenomenal," her companion added.
"Which part stood out to you?"
Do-Sik asked out politeness but he was also curious to know their answer. This damned memoir has been spoken off so much he is now even thinking about reading it to find out what the fuss was all about.
"Chapter 10 of the book stood out to me, Sang-Jin wrote about falling in love with you but then you had to travel for work. How he kept think kept thinking about your absence and missing you. When I was younger both my parents had to travel overseas to work and reading that part brought back all those memories when I would miss them."
Her companion quickly added hers.
"For me, I was in a long distance relationship, we have now parted ways over some stupid reasons. Reading that chapter made me think about him again and miss him. Now I keep wishing he would come back to me."
There was a tear in her eye.
Listening to the ladies talk about how Sang-Jin's memoir had impacted them, Do-Sik suddenly became envious of the man who had inspired it.
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