However as X-FIRE was about to shoot Toxicity, Storm_wolf jumped in the way just in time. Thankfully, his powers prevented the bullet from even scratching him. "WHAT?!" Shouted the robot in a shocked but still slightly monotone voice. Then the robot tried to slice the hero with their built-in halberd. But, Void_wolf stood in the robot's shadow and blocked the attack without being harmed.
Then he did a powerful blow to X-FIRE, knocking the evil robot back. "Void! You just saved me and Toxicity. Thanks!" Exclaimed the hero. The girl also thanked Roman but still called him a goth-boy. The clone ignored this remark and yelled, "You two stay back. I got this piece of scrap metal by myself. Just keep your guard up!" Isaac nodded his head in response as the clone charged at the robot beginning an insane battle.
The robot got up and charged another melee attack. But, the clone got into the robot's shadow again and did an even more devastating counter-attack. X-FIRE then exclaimed, "What kind of power is this. My systems cannot detect it!" As they got pummeled by more melee attacks. "A little ability I've been concealing for a while. I call it, THE SHADOW COUNTER. And it will be your one way ticket to the junkyard!" Shouted the clone. "Then, as you humans say it. BRING... IT.... ON." Growled the robot. Then they began fighting again. X-FIRE tried shooting Void_wolf but to no avail, because just like Storm_wolf, the clone was bulletproof. "What kind of sorcery is this? My programming never fails me when something attacks!" Cried the robot in a fury. 258Please respect copyright.PENANAZ0rERPHaaf
"What's the matter? Is your Windows operating system experiencing an error?!" Howled the clone, who was actually laughing (Which was not common). As he laughed, Roman did more attacks and kept doing crazy damage to the robot, which was getting weaker and more staggered. Then X-FIRE realized he had an attack that could do massive damage. It was a built-in Gatling gun that had special bullets that could explode on impact. The robot started playing an MP3 of some very creepy evil laughter.
"Ha ha! YOU FOOLS." Played the audio track. Then the Gatling gun rose up out of the bot's shoulder and into full view. This time, when the robot talked, his voice was glitching out due to the damage/the power he was using to activate the Gatling Gun. "N-Now w-would be-be a good to-to-hold-hold- your breath and st-stand still!"258Please respect copyright.PENANAnrhYYLR6Oa
As they yelled this, the Gatling gun began to spin and fire bullets that exploded on impact. Void_wolf dodged most of these but some just barely hit him and did quite the damage and knocked him back. Some even knocked Storm_wolf and Toxicity back. "My-My. H-How the table-tables have turned." Stated the robot in a cold but glitching voice. Then out of nowhere, Void_wolf used his Shadow Cloak to go invisible and avoid X-FIRE. "What? W-where are you?" Asked the robot. Then out of the shadows came Void_wolf and brought on a HUGE beat-down.
He hit him multiple times and, using his Shadow Counter did heavy damage to the robot. "STAY AWAY FROM MY FRIENDS!" In between every word he did a devastating blow. Then comes the real kicker, Roman gripped the robot by the upper part of their arms. "What are you doing?" Inquired X-FIRE. As he asked this, the clone smirked and ripped the robot's arms off with a loud CLANK. Then Void_wolf used the bot's own arms to beat them up. "How's this for the tables turning, you piece of scrap-metal?!" Screamed the clone in a rage. He kept on beating the robot doing massive damage until he threw the arms and "Missed".258Please respect copyright.PENANAlokI32zINo
X-FIRE laughed and said, "Ha, you should work on your aim-" They never finished their sentence as Void used his telekinesis to pull the severed arms at the robot's legs. The arms flew through the robot's legs as if they were cardboard. "HOLD CRUD!" They yelled in pain as now the robot had neither legs nor arms. The robot then hit the ground. They smirked and stated, "Even if you defeat me, you'll never beat my boss."
"Maybe. But at least I'll be proud of doing THIS!" Roared Void_wolf. As he did, he punched a hole through the center of the robot's spine and ripped it and X-FIRE's head off. "Take that, you piece of scrap metal!" Yelled the clone. "Whoa, was that like.... a recreation of Sub-Zero's Spine Decapitation From Mortal Kombat?!" Exclaimed Storm_wolf in shock. "Yeah, that was. I know that game because Dr. Omni had it on a gaming console he owned. I remember that move and was pretty stunned at how.... ah what's the word?" Replied Void_wolf unable to remember the phrase. "I believe in that context the word would be graphic." Stated Isaac in a fake-serious manner. 258Please respect copyright.PENANAA70oUfwXIc
"Wow, that was actually kind of nice seeing that buzzkill of a robot get deactivated!" Exclaimed Toxicity in a happy manner. As she said this, she looked down with an embarrassed expression. "Hey.... Can I ask you a favor?" She inquired. "What's the matter Tox?" Replied the hero in an inquisitive tone as helped Void put what was left of X-FIRE in a nearby dumpster. "I've been thinking about it.... And I honestly don't like working/living with my boss anymore."
"Meaning what?" Asked Isaac in a curious tone. "Well.... I was wondering.... could I... maybe crash at your place for a while... I... I kinda don't have a home..." Replied the girl in a slightly quiet tone. "Wait, what?" Inquired the hero, who was beginning to blush. "I'm sorry, but I... I kinda need a place to stay besides the streets. But, if you don't want me to stay. I understand your reasoning sweetheart." Replied Toxicity in a dejected, but slightly flirtatious tone. "Well.... I mean... if you can keep yourself out of sight of my parents.... Sure, why not?" Said the hero while also blushing intensely. "Isaac, are you sure about this? I mean... she's a girl... We can't have a girl as a roommate." Whispered Roman to the former as he pulled Isaac back. "You're just mad she's kicked your butt. Plus, you have to understand that there can be good in everyone." Replied the former. 258Please respect copyright.PENANA5uZB8lxHb4
The latter's expression soured and stated, "You can't be so naive." "And you have to understand that good can be in anyone. It's just deep in there, and a little kindness can bring it out." Replied Storm_wolf in a calm but stern tone. "Very well. But don't expect to give you advice if she asks you out on a date. I'm your clone, not a counselor." Replied the other. "Okay, you can stay there Toxicity. On the condition that you can stay out of sight." Stated the hero.
"What... Seriously?!" Exclaimed Toxicity with her eyes lighting up like fireworks, "Oh my gosh, thanks!" She then ran over and hugged Storm_wolf, who then proceeded to blush intensely. Void_wolf scoffed and said coldly, "Ugh, lovebirds." The hero then proceeded to electrocute Void with the same amount of electricity as a static shock. He yelped in pain but proceeded to stop any further insults. "Okay, so now are we heading over to your house?" Asked the girl trying not to laugh at Roman's pain. 258Please respect copyright.PENANARP783eWfnc
"Okay, do you think you can teleport there using that little machine of yours?" Inquired the hero who was also trying not to laugh. "Oh you mean my Dash Bracelet? Yeah, I just need to know the street your place is on" Stated Toxicity. The hero told Toxicity and the girl nodded her head in response. "Hey.. Can I ask you something?" Inquired the hero. "Uh... sure. What's up sweetie?" Said the girl in response. "Since we're roommates... Could we... maybe know each other's names? Like, our real names.." Asked the hero who was still blushing. The girl nodded her head but Roman was a bit reluctant. "I ain't telling you ****. Not even if you beat me to death." Stated the clone.
"Void, come on. Let's be nice." Replied Storm_wolf. "Okay fine, but since it is customary... Let the girl go first. Even if she is a *****." Said the clone with a very sarcastic tone. Toxicity was a bit taken aback by this and replied, "Wow, I didn't know a goth boy could have such a filthy mouth." "Oh, be thankful that there are things I won't say in front of my friend because he's too innocent to know the profanity I want to say to you. But he's old enough for him to handle a little swearing. So **** you!" Shouted Void_wolf in response. 258Please respect copyright.PENANAqcjMEAPffs
"Guys, guys, please stop. Let's just get this over with. Okay?" Exclaimed the hero trying to avoid an argument. The other two heroes scoffed but quit trying to yell and curse at each other."258Please respect copyright.PENANAxF7bgiEeAB
Okay, who wants to go first?" Inquired the hero. Neither Void_wolf, nor Toxicity made any gesture saying they would go first. "Well... Looks like I'll be the first to swallow my pride, considering I have basically none." Stated the hero. As he said this, he removed his mask so that his whole face was shown. "Wow, seeing your entire face..... You look so beautiful." Stated Toxicity in a more kind than flirty manner. The former's face flushed pink. "Now, I will tell you my real name.... My name or secret identity as some people in stories call it. Is Isaac. My name is Isaac with two A's in it. I know it sounds dumb, so go on and say your insults." Stated the hero.
"What are you talking about Isaac? Your name sounds like a scientist or a knight in shining armor's name." Replied Toxicity. The hero instantly began blushing. "Anyways, I think it's my turn to tell you who I really am." Said Toxicity. As she said this, she began getting nervous but kept her composure. "My real name... Is Lily. Lily Adam Jordan is my full name." Stated Lilly. "Oh my... that's such a beautiful name." Replied Storm_wolf before being interrupted by Void_wolf, "Hey lovebirds, you guys quit it." The clone then began slow-clapping, "Wow, you guys are dating now and know each other's real names." He said this in a sarcastic tone. "We are not dating, for heaven's sake-" Isaac was about to yell when he realized that he and Lilly were holding hands. 258Please respect copyright.PENANACTzgvzCfG6
"Oh, whoops. I guess I got carried away." Stated the hero as he face-palmed. "You know... Your hand feels warm like when you sit at the perfect distance from a campfire." Stated Lilly with a slight blush on her face. "Dang it, dang it, OH MY GOSH. I held a girl's hand.. Ugh..." Pondered the hero to himself. "Anyways!" He said out loud, "We should probably get to my house, and fast. The last thing the three of us need is my parents finding me missing." Void_wolf nodded in agreement and so did Toxicity.
"How are you going to get to my house?" Inquired Storm_wolf to Toxicity, "With that little teleporter device of yours?" Lilly nodded her head in response and said "All I need is the address of the place and I can enter it into this built-in computer. Then BOOM, I'm there. It looks like a handbag just so it can't draw attention." Roman scoffed and snorted, "Wow, that is actually not as lame as I thought it would be. I'm actually impressed, Baby Ariel." Lilly turned and said, "I'm sorry, what did you just call me?" The clone stated, "I assumed you knew what TikTok was, considering you act like every girl on TikTok." 258Please respect copyright.PENANAT0Ga6JERNu
The girl turned towards the clone and said with a smirk on her face, "Okay Ray Toro, you wanna fight? Cause I'll give more of an acid burn than if you fell into a nuclear reactor!" Void_wolf was about to swing a punch, when Isaac interrupted, "Guys, come on. Let's not argue. We can settle this AFTER we get to the house. Now come on, if we aren't home before my mom's lunch break, we'll be in some HUGE trouble." The others reluctantly nodded their heads, as Isaac, Roman, and Lilly teleported back to Storm_wolf's house.
When they arrived, they went into Isaac's bedroom taking great care not to make any noise. "Phew, we got in without anyone noticing." Stated the hero. As he said this though, his little sister Eden jumped out of his closet expecting to scare Isaac. This succeeded, but also gave Roman and Lilly a scare too. But Isaac's sister was given an even worse fright seeing complete strangers in the house. "Whoa! Who the heck are these two?!" She exclaimed. "Eden, I.. Well... I.. Look, I have something to tell you.. but please. Don't tell anyone else, no one. Not mom and dad, not your friends, not even your best friends." Stuttered the hero trying not to get in trouble with his parents (Because his sister was a bit of a tattle-tail like most little siblings).258Please respect copyright.PENANA37VtXa67q2
"Wait, these two look familiar... Have I seen you on the news or something?" She inquired. Void stood there in shock, while Toxicity was smiling brightly. "Aw, is this your little sister? She's so cute!" Exclaimed Lilly. "Isaac, who is this and more importantly.. Why are you wearing a Storm_wolf costume.. Wait hang on.. YOU'RE STORM_WOLF?!" Exclaimed Eden. "Shh. Quiet. You'll alert mom. But.. yes, I am Storm_wolf." Replied Storm_wolf. If Eden was in an anime, she would have stars in her eyes. She was just so ecstatic, and then she said in an overjoyed tone, "My big brother is a super hero! This is so awesome!" 258Please respect copyright.PENANAdKbgCeacTJ
"Yeah. I know you're excited, but again, you can't tell anyone okay?" Inquired the hero. His sister reluctantly nodded her head in response.
"Wow. So this is your little sister? There's not much of a resemblance between you two." Stated Void_wolf with a surprisingly high amount of curiosity on his face. "You look like my brother. But, with different hair and.. Wow are your eyes red?" Said Eden with a tone of both excitement and curiosity. "Yes kid, my eyes are bright red. Do you have a problem with that?" Replied the clone in response in a very rude tone. "Wow, someone sounds a bit grumpy." Muttered the former. "What did you just say about me, you little ****?!" Exclaimed Roman in anger. 258Please respect copyright.PENANALTyvrkGAow
"Whoa, easy Roman, easy. And please, don't cuss at my little sister. Okay?" Asked Storm in a concerned tone. "Ugh, fine." Snorted the clone. Meanwhile, Toxicity decided to introduce herself to Isaac's sister. "Hello. I'm Lilly. You must be Isaac's little sister. Wow, I can see some resemblance.. But there isn't much." Stated Lilly. "Oh, do you want to know another difference?" Inquired Eden in response. The former nodded her head in response. "My brother is less sporty than I am. I'm kinda a HUGE tomboy. You know what that is.. right?" Replied the latter. 258Please respect copyright.PENANA3BsMlNXsFA
The former nodded and replied, "Huh, cool. I wouldn't say I'm a huge tomboy, but I'm not a fan of the color pink. Green and black are more my colors." The latter smiled and said, "Eh, blue and red are more my colors. And if I'm being honest, I'm kinda jealous you have your hair dyed... My parents won't let me dye my hair."
Lilly began chuckling and said, "Well, maybe it's for the better. Your hair is great as it is!" Then she asked Eden, "How old are you?" Eden then replied, "I'm eight years old. I'm about to turn nine." "Wow, you sure have quite a vocabulary for an almost nine year-old girl." Replied the former. Then, Void_wolf and Storm_wolf finally finished their argument but not before Void said, "Fine, but don't expect me to have a filter 100% of the time." "Wow, you guys finally finished your argument." Stated Toxicity in a sarcastic but slightly flirty tone. 258Please respect copyright.PENANAXhVf0z6VvS
"Hey, you should watch the arguments me and Eden have." Replied Storm_wolf while also chuckling slightly. As he did, he heard his mom leaving the kitchen and approaching his room. "Oh crud. Lilly, Roman, hide in the closet now!" Whispered Isaac. The two of them did so but not before Lilly blew a kiss at Isaac. He then got back into a normal summer outfit and shoved his hero costume under his bed.
Then, his mom walked in. "Hey Isaac? What do you want to eat for lunch? I have some chicken nuggets I could pop into the air fryer if you want." She stated. Isaac's mom was slightly stout with brown hair and blue eyes. She was slightly shorter than Isaac. She noticed Eden was in Isaac's room and inquired with a smile, "What are you two up to?" 258Please respect copyright.PENANA4IRikdhSLV
Isaac said Eden and him were going to play a board game together. "Aw, you guys are playing together. At least it's better than you fighting with each other." Replied his mom happily; (Isaac and Eden did tend to fight a lot as they were siblings because that's what siblings do). 258Please respect copyright.PENANA4c8HWL1Q73
"Yeah, I suppose. And yes I'll have chicken nuggets. I'll have six" Stated Isaac. Eden said that she would have four; (she didn't eat a lot, even for an almost nine-year-old girl). As their mom left, the two siblings breathed a huge sigh of relief. "How did we do that? We like, never outsmart mom!" Inquired the hero. "I don't know. But I really don't feel comfortable lying to her." Replied his sister worriedly. "Well. It's not like I'm doing something that wrong. I'm saving innocent people. I just don't want mom to worry." Stated the former
"Okay then, but still. This is very worrying..." Replied Eden. Just then Lilly and Roman stepped out of the closet, both looking mad at each other. "Did you really have to shove me in a closet with Baby Ariel over here?!" Exclaimed Roman. "Be quiet! My mom will hear you!" Said Storm_wolf as he lowered his voice. "Ugh, fine." Scoffed Void. 258Please respect copyright.PENANAQb419i8WcO
"Anyways, Lilly, I think we need to go over the stuff I told Void a while back if you're going to live with me." Stated the hero. "Sounds fine to me, sweetheart" Replied Lilly in a flirtatious tone.
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