(Authors Note: Okay, now we get to the violent stuff. CONTENT WARNING. This chapter contains murder in pretty violent ways, as well as the usual flirting stuff. Anyways, onto the chapter!)
It was the next day after the incident involving the mall. Isaac and Roman were playing cards together. Specifically, they were playing Crazy Eights. "What the heck. Like, how? Do you have a.... what are they called....? Rabbit's feet?" Inquired Void. "Yes, that's what they're called. But no, I don't have one. I'm just naturally lucky." Replied Storm_wolf. As the two of them kept playing, Isaac's phone started buzzing repeatedly. "Oh brother, the news has something to say. What's going on-" He never finished his sentence as he saw what happened. 226Please respect copyright.PENANArpanD5EpGQ
The article said in bold headlines, "Local Police Chief found dead in his home!" The hero kept reading the article and he realized the police chief in question was a close friend of his dad. Not only that but the way he was killed was all too familiar to quote, "The wounds suggested foul play in a unique way. Acid burns as well as a large cut along his throat." The hero nearly threw his phone into a wall, "That darn girl. She did it. There's no one else that would kill with acid." He stated.
"Why would she kill someone?" Inquired Roman. "She said she had a boss. Whoever he or she is, Toxicity is getting orders from them." Replied the hero. "But why a police chief? I get her boss or whoever telling her to kill the governor or someone in the political system or whatever it's called. But a police chief?" Inquired Void. "I'm not sure either." Replied Storm_wolf.
Meanwhile, Toxicity was spying on the police officers investigating the area where she killed the police chief. "Good, that's one less person that knows about my boss's organization." She mumbled to herself. She teleported away, pulled out her radio and contacted her boss. "Agent 6 to HQ target is down, over." There was static for a moment until a reply went through, "Roger, the list of targets has been sent to your watch along with their addresses." Replied her boss. "Roger that HQ, over and out!" 226Please respect copyright.PENANABDSluwXOSJ
Said Toxicity in a sort of fancy manner. As she turned off her radio, she checked her watch and found she still had two more targets. She sighed, "And so it begins. This is the one I can do besides tease those heroes. Especially that cutie with the brown hair. Man, why doesn't my boss get me a therapist?" She pondered. "Well, here we go." As she said this, she teleported away to the next address.
The address she went to was the home of a loan officer named Jack Lock who was getting ready to leave for work. No one was home, and it was the right time to strike. Toxicity teleported in stealthy, and walked behind the loan officer. She put her hand over his mouth, burned it with her acid powers, and stabbed him in the chest with her pocket knife. He perished in the girls arms. "Well, he went down quick. He was not resilient, but then again he wasn't a police chief. So I can see why he was easier to kill." Muttered the girl. "Who knew being an assassin would be so wild?" She wondered. She got some cleaning supplies, put on some rubber gloves, and started cleaning up the blood and any other mess she had left in the scuffle. She cleaned everything up until she realized that there was a blood-red stain on her turquoise-colored hoodie. "Dang it, why didn't I wear my black or my rose-colored hoodie?!" Exclaimed Toxicity to herself.
She set to work cleaning her hoodie but to no avail. Eventually, she just soaked it in vinegar and dried it out. "I'll have to leave this to hang at the base overnight, but good thing I have a spare hoodie." Stated the girl. As she said this, she heard a car pull in. She quickly cleaned everything up and teleported out to her base just as someone unlocked the door.
"Hello? Is there anyone here? Hello?" It was one of Jack's co-workers. When she walked in she saw with utter horror, the dead body of her coworker. She called the police immediately, but little did she know that she would need more than the cops.
The two heroes meanwhile were checking out with the police about what happened to the chief. There were a lot of tears shed and things got worse when dispatch found out about the murder of Jack. The two heroes got there first and saw the body up close. Now Storm_wolf had not really seen a real-life dead body and was both disturbed and interested in finding the killer. "Huh, the victim has wounds on his mouth that appear acidic. Except, this victim has a stab wound in the heart instead of a slash across the throat. Weird." Stated the hero. 226Please respect copyright.PENANAWQiIuExtEW
Roman stated that if this was Toxicity's doing, she probably was told by her boss to kill them. If her boss was evil enough to kill an innocent person, that is. "Well, she could be anywhere. Tell you what, Void I need you to search the nearby neighborhoods and I'll check White Oak since we are close." Said the hero in a slightly commanding tone. Void_wolf nodded his head and teleported away. Storm_wolf then talked with the police for a moment before heading to White Oak, a nearby town where the hero ate out with his family often.
As he used his super speed to quickly explore the area, he found nothing. Until he went to the nearby Target. There he found you guessed it, Toxicity robbing the store of some small but expensive goods. Such as jewelry. "Wow, you sure have a thing for shoplifting now don't you?" Questioned Storm_wolf. "Yeah, but this time I'm doing this by choice. I'm just trying to get money from something other than my boss." Said Toxicity in a sassy and sarcastic tone. "I thought you didn't like your boss because he was a buzzkill?" Asked the other. "That's the reason why I'm robbing this upper-class Walmart! Because I want a little something extra." 226Please respect copyright.PENANAUqeXprTwnl
Stated the girl. As she said this, she fired an acid attack at a cash register. This melted everything but the money inside. She took said money and put it in a backpack she had. "You have got to be kidding me! How are you able to control your acid like that?" Exclaimed the hero.
Toxicity smirked and replied, "What do you think sweetheart? It's called training, silly!" The hero rolled his eyes and said, "Yeah, like that wasn't obvious. But still, how long has it been since you started working for your boss?" Asked Storm_wolf. The girl replied in a sarcastic tone, "Long enough to not only control my powers but to find some of the cutest boys in the area." She giggled slightly after her statement. "Can you not tease me like that? I mean seriously, you do nothing but tease me. I'm not even that good-looking." Replied the hero. 226Please respect copyright.PENANAN14ecL0dgt
Toxicity got a slightly upset look on her face and replied, "Why do you have to be so humble? I mean, seriously. Why?" The hero shrugged and said, "I don't know, but enough with the flirting. Either stand down and put back the loot, or I'll be forced to fight you!" The girl had a huge grin and replied, "Okay, then bring it on. Cutie." As she called him cute, she teleported behind him and sucker-punched him in the leg. 226Please respect copyright.PENANAwEI0yAcPNM
This caused Storm_wolf to lose his balance and land on his back on the tiles. "Ow! Do you like seeing guys in pain?" He exclaimed half out of shock, and half out of pain.
"Ha, not really. And I'm not letting you catch me." Replied Toxicity. As she said this, Storm_wolf used his telekinesis to take the loot out of her backpack and put it back into a register. "Gosh darn it, why is it that you have to be so cute, yet so freaking resilient?" Inquired the latter. "I don't know if I'm either of those, but thanks anyways!" As the hero said this he used his super speed to get behind her and restrain her. "Whoa, easy there! I don't want you hurting me." Toxicity exclaimed. "Maybe if you quit resisting, you won't be hurt." Stated Storm_wolf, but to no avail as Toxicity kept resisting. Eventually, she subsided and stopped fighting back. 226Please respect copyright.PENANAYfXxKg1PGC
"Darn it. Really. Why do you have such a strong grip?" Asked the girl. "Oh, easy. I do some grip training from time to time. Also, I play video games. I have to grip onto the controller tightly." Replied the hero. "Huh, you play video games too? Well, who knew I'd have something in common with you cute boy!" Said the girl in a quite flirty tone. "And for the last time, quit complimenting my looks! You're going to make me feel flustered!" Exclaimed the hero. Toxicity shook her head and told the hero, "Sorry, but I can't stop. I'm also sorry for this!" As the girl said this, she kicked the hero in the stomach. "Ow, really?!" Exclaimed Storm_wolf.
"Sorry, I really am sorry. But, I have to get back to my boss before he gets upset. So long!" Hollered the girl. She used her little machine to teleport away. "Gosh darn it! What a hero I am." Shouted the hero sarcastically. He used his radio to contact Void_wolf. "Hey, Void. I have good news and bad news." Static followed until Void_wolf responded, "Well, at least you have good news. I don't. I couldn't find Toxicity, what about you?" The hero said, "The good news, is I found her. The bad news, she got away. AGAIN." Roman then replied, "Oh brother, wait until the news hears this. They'll do what they always do and.... how do you say it?" Then Storm_wolf replied, "Blow things out of proportion? That's what it's called." "Yes, there we go. That's the phrase. Anyways, where are you in White Oak?"226Please respect copyright.PENANApkf7NgoBuJ
Inquired Void_wolf. The hero told him he was at Target and about less than a minute later, the clone showed up. "Was she here?" He inquired. Storm_wolf nodded in response. 226Please respect copyright.PENANAeBwqhc2QtS
"Oh ****, you have got to be kidding! This is the third time she's gotten away! THE THIRD ******* TIME!" Screamed Roman at the top of his lungs. "I'm pretty ticked too dude, but please watch your profanity." Replied the hero but this was to no avail, as the clone punched the air in fury, "THAT LITTLE **** IS NOT GOING TO ESCAPE US FOR A FOURTH DARN TIME! AH! **** HER AND **** HER BOSS!" Shrieked Void_wolf. 226Please respect copyright.PENANAtkAViKo6wv
"Please Void, watch your language. I'm not trying to be a buzzkill, but please calm down. We can catch her, so what if the news blows it out of proportion? We know the truth, so they'll just be wasting breath." Explained the hero.
Eventually, Void_wolf did calm down. "Yeah.... You are right." He took a deep breath "But I swear, we'll catch her. I know we will." Void said this in a determined tone. Isaac smiled and replied, "Now that's the determination I want to see! Come on, let's head home and get some snacks." Roman nodded in agreement and inquired, "Perhaps.... We could race?" 226Please respect copyright.PENANA1JcnkOkW3m
The hero flashed a cocky smile and said, "Now, I'm not a fan of being super competitive. But a little competition never hurts anyone." As he said this he got into a running position and took a deep breath. "Are you ready to race me, Storm_wolf?" Asked Void_wolf confidently. "I am." Replied the hero and then he said, "On your mark... Get set..... GO!" As he and Roman sprinted to their home back in Garner. And as they passed an officer with a speed checker it said "200 MPH." The officer was in shock, but he realized there was no harm to other people as the heroes were running in the grass.
When the heroes arrived, they arrived at about the same time. "I... think..... I..... won...." Stated Storm_wolf who was nearly out of breath. "I think..... it was.... a.... tie." Replied Void_wolf who was also out of breath. "I think.... we may need.... some.... stamina..... training." Replied the former. The latter nodded his head and so the two of them sneaked their way inside. "What a day...." Said Isaac under his breath. "Yes, what.... a day." Replied a very, very, very, tired Roman.
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(Wow, finally! I made a chapter that's 2000 words! I think this will be the bare minimum of each chapter since I feel more confident about this now! Thank you for reading so far, that is support alone since I'm not getting paid.)
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