(Warning! This chapter contains more violent stuff. Yeah, the later parts of the book will get pretty violent. Mention of nightmares and brutal stuff. Also more censored swearing. Anyways, proceed with caution and enjoy this Chapter!)
It was midnight and Toxicity could not sleep. Every time she tried, she was reminded of the people she killed. Their muffled, but still audible screams played on in her head like a tape recorder on repeat. Her conscious would just not let up. "Please stop." Muttered the girl in her sleep. "Please, make it stop." The noise in her head eventually died down, but when she fell asleep it wasn't any better.
In her dream, she saw vivid images of the hero Storm_wolf getting killed in brutal ways. Not just getting stabbed, but being ripped apart, limb from limb. Heck, there were even more brutal things. It was a mental heck if not more than that. Then came the worst of it. Toxicity saw herself shot in a fatal area right near her lungs and bleeding out horrifyingly.
It was horrifying, and then she woke up. She was in a cold sweat, and when she checked the time, it was 4:30 in the morning. "What the heck was that?" She wondered. "What are my dreams doing? Making me suffer or telling me something? What.... on earth?" She eventually laid back down and fell asleep. As she fell asleep, she was afraid of what would happen to Storm_wolf and more importantly, what would happen to her.
Meanwhile, Isaac woke up to the sound of "Lane Boy" by "Twenty One Pilots" specifically the chorus. This would be played on repeat until he finally hit the "Stop" button on his phone to end the alarm. "Oh, it's 8:30 A.M. now. Wow, I slept in. I normally wake up at seven." Muttered the hero to himself. He looked at his phone's calendar and realized his mom was off, which meant that he, his mom, and his sister would go to the pool for the day. When he checked his closet, Void_wolf was asleep there (Somehow). "Hey, Roman. Wake up. It's time to get up." Roman stirred and muttered, "**** it, let me get.... five more minutes."
The former rolled his eyes and said, "Fine, I guess you won't be able to try waffles." Void_wolf then stirred, got up, and said, "Ah, ****. Alright, fine I'll get up. But can you make me some hot tea? I need something to wake me up." He unwrapped himself out of his blanket, got up, stretched a little, and put on an old hoodie of Isaac's. "Really? Do you want to wear that? It's like... July." Inquired Isaac. "Well, it's not my fault your family cranks up the A/C too high." Replied the other. "Oh, you get used to it. We do this every summer." Said the former.
So Isaac went to the kitchen and put two waffles in the toaster. While he waited, he also made some hot tea. When the tea bag was just about done soaking in the hot water, the toaster made a sort of pop sound which meant the waffles were done. "Oh good, they're done." Muttered the hero.
He took them out of the toaster, put Nutella on them, then put one on one plate and one on another. He brought them to his room. "That was faster than I thought. You didn't put cream in my tea did you?" Inquired Void_wolf. "No, I didn't. It's as plain as an airline safety video." Replied Storm_wolf sarcastically. "Ha, very funny Isaac. It's not my fault I like it plain." Stated the clone. "Why? Doesn't it taste terrible?" Asked the hero while eating the waffle. "It's all I drank when I was with Dr. Omni besides water." Replied Roman.
The hero nodded in response. So they kept eating in silence until the hero broke it with, "Hey, have you ever listened to Twenty One Pilots before?" Roman shook his head and asked, "No. Are they a music band of some sort?"
Isaac nodded his head and said, "Yeah, I'm a pretty big fan. I wish they were still on tour so I could go see them live on stage." Roman nodded his head and then asked, "What are some of their songs?" The former replied with, "Lane Boy, Heavydirtysoul, Stressed Out, Ride, Shy Away, and Level Of Concern are a few of my favorites." "Can you play one of those songs?" Asked the clone. The hero nodded his head and played Heavydirtysoul on his phone.
The music began playing. As it played, the hero started to hum along with the music. Void_wolf found the music amazing, it reminded him of alt-rock and reggae. (Which were a few of the music genres he knew) but it was different. It was.... relatable.
From then on, the line in the chorus "Can you save my Heavydirtysoul?"It always stayed with him. After the song ended, the clone stated, "Wow... That song sounds so... Relatable. Not my style, but Relta" Isaac nodded his head in agreement, "Yeah, a lot of their music is relatable. Especially from the album Blurryface." Void_wolf asked if Heavydirtysoul was from that album and the hero nodded his head in response. "Wow, Blurryface must be their most popular album. Right?" Questioned Roman. "Oh, yes of course. It is. Mainly everyone knows Twenty One Pilots for their song Stressed Out. It's kinda overrated, but it's not terrible." Replied Storm_wolf.
"Overrated, is that some slang term I haven't heard anyone use yet?" Asked the clone. "It's not a slang term." Replied the hero, "It means it gets more praise than it should. But that doesn't mean the thing in question sucks. It just means it gets more value than other things, in a not very good way."
Void_wolf nodded and inquired, "So, what are we going to do with Toxicity still on the loose, the little *****?." Isaac jumped back at his clone's explicit profanity. "Whoa, easy. What if my mom hears? She'll think it's me and I'll get grounded." He said this in a bit of shock.
"Sorry, sorry. I'm just saying, we need to find her. She'll probably hurt innocent people." Replied Roman in a stern tone. "Alright, get into some clothes, get your mask, and get ready. We're going on a hunt. Sort of." Chuckled Storm_wolf. "Where are we going to start?" Roman replied, "I think she might be around Raleigh." The hero turned to him with a puzzled expression. "What makes you say that?" He asked. The former replied with, "Well a lot of gangs and things like that hang out in the north-east region of the city."
The hero nodded in agreement, finished putting his eye mask on, and put a black cloth face mask in his pocket (Just in case his eye mask got damaged). "Okay, I'm ready. You?" Asked the hero in a serious tone. "Yes. I'm ready. Let's do this." Answered Roman in an equally serious tone. So the two of them teleported to northeast Raleigh.
Meanwhile, Toxicity had a semi-pleasant breakfast. I say semi-pleasant, because her nightmares kept on flashing in her mind, which ruined her appetite. One of the people that she worked with even made her waffles with chocolate chips. "Hey... I'm not one to question stuff. But are you okay?" Asked the cook.
"Yeah. I couldn't sleep." Said Toxicity, only telling part of the truth. The cook somehow didn't notice (Mainly cause Toxicity was a good liar) and carried on with his day. The girl slowly ate her food but was still shaken up. As she finished her food and cleaned up her plates and silverware, one of the grunts showed up saying, "The boss needs you. Says he has an assignment for you." So the girl got up, brushed her hair, brushed her teeth, and headed to her boss's office. When she arrived, her boss was there drinking some black coffee.
"As dark as my dreams. Oh boy, here we go again." Thought Toxicity to herself. Her boss took notice of the girl standing there. "Oh good, you have finished breakfast. Now.... It's time I give you your assignment." He muttered in a monotone but cold voice. "Okay sir, what do you have for me now? Another assassin mission?" Replied the girl somewhat rudely. "I need you to kill someone for me. Your guess was correct." Said her boss again in that same tone. "Who?" Inquired Toxicity.
"Storm_wolf. That boy with the superpowers." Replied her boss coldly. Toxicity started in utter shock and horror as she realized it was as if her nightmares had come true. "What? Why? He's just a kid? He's like.... my age!" She exclaimed. "Don't you question my orders Toxicity! I have my reasons for this. With your save from the mall, I fear he may discover my operations." Replied her boss very sternly. "But.... He's not even old enough to drive!" Shouted Toxicity as she started to cry.
"Lilly, please. Remember what I told you." Stated her boss. "You know what you signed up for when you joined me. I found you at the lowest point in your life. I need you to keep your end of the bargain."
The girl stood there for a moment and reluctantly nodded her head. "Fine.... Now then... How do I kill him?" She asked. Her boss stated, "Well, X-FIRE notified me that their bullets did no damage. So Storm_wolf is somehow bulletproof. So I suggest you get up close and personal. That shouldn't be hard given your.... flirtatious tendencies." The girl nodded her head again in response. "Well then... I'm off." She stated. "Not without me." Stated a robotic voice. It was X-FIRE. "Why? I don't need supervision." Inquired Toxicity in a sarcastic tone.
"Because I want to see you in action. Plus... it is a..... safety precaution. For that boy has an electricity power that could burn you to a crisp." Replied X-FIRE. "I can take him. He's probably not going to hurt me anyway." Stated the girl. "Still, just in case. I'm sure the boss is with me here, right?" Asked the robot. The boss surprisingly nodded his head. Toxicity was ticked but decided if she was going to get to go out, it was fine if she was accompanied by a robot.
"Besides, if this piece of scrap metal comes along, maybe I could convince him to self-destruct in some way. Then again.... he's meant to follow his programming so I doubt it could work plus, what would the boss think? Oh, brother, this is just ridiculous. Why is it my boss can't program this hunk of junk to have sympathy?!" She thought to herself. So Toxicity and X-FIRE went to Raleigh because that's where Storm_wolf was seen a lot. Then they would head to Garner if they didn't find him there.
Meanwhile, Storm_wolf was looking around the area of Raleigh where a bunch of gangs hung out. He and Roman were looking everywhere but to no avail. "Dang, maybe I was wrong. Maybe she doesn't work here." Stated the hero. "Well, let's check the other areas." As they searched the area, Void_wolf thought he saw a flash of silver color. But he brushed it off, thinking it was a car. "Man, I'm getting paranoid like a dumb***. Ugh, this sucks ***, I mean it. This is the worst." Thought Roman to himself. "Darn. Wait, did I just not swear? Ugh, that hero is rubbing off on me, that mother******!" 252Please respect copyright.PENANAVbVEtjVUhJ
The hero saw him just standing there and zoning out and inquired, "Hey Void, you good? You seem lost in thought, guess you are my clone." The clone snapped out of his daze and replied "What the **** do you want? I'm fine, I just thought I saw something." The hero jumped back slightly in shock at the profanity but shrugged it off. Suddenly Isaac saw someone in the corner of his eye. It was Toxicity! 252Please respect copyright.PENANADP5bQnDUzA
He felt nervous and knew full dang well that if she was here, there would be more of her "Incessant flirting". He walked over to her anyway and told Void_wolf to stay back in case she tried something stupid. Toxicity saw him and panicked because, in the shadows, X-FIRE was watching her, making sure she did her job. "Oh, h-hey Storm_wolf..... What are you doing here?" The hero was also nervous and replied, "Well... I... was looking for you."
"Can I hug you?" Asked the girl. "Uh... I guess." Replied the hero cautiously. He slowly hugged her and as he did, Toxicity began crying bitterly. "Hey... what's wrong?" Asked Storm_wolf in a concerned tone. "I... I..... have to..." Replied the girl unable to finish her sentence due to her bawling. The hero stepped back and as he did, the girl said "I'm so sorry." 252Please respect copyright.PENANA1StPArLBaj
As she apologized, she tackled Isaac to the ground and put a knife to his throat, but she didn't cut him. "Tox... What's going on...?" Asked the hero fearfully. "Don't you get it, sweetie? I... have to kill you." Replied the girl sobbing. 252Please respect copyright.PENANA7gg2AY0V8T
The hero was in shock as he realized that one, he was about to die, and two, he realized that Toxicity was being forced to kill him. Suddenly she got off of him and threw the knife in what seemed like a random direction until Isaac saw X-FIRE approaching with a knife in his shoulder. "What?! You're that robot dude from before!" Exclaimed the hero in shock. "I'm amazed that a child like you remembered me." Exclaimed the robot. They turned towards Toxicity, lifted their wrists, and were about to shoot her. "You are a traitor to the team. NOW DIE." Commanded the robot. "Tox, NO!" Shouted Storm_wolf in horror.
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