It had been a week since Toxicity had become roommates with Storm_wolf. And ever since then, the hero had a reason to blush EVERY SINGLE DAY. As shown before, Tox was very flirtatious with him and said the most romantic things. But Isaac put up with it, as he had more things to worry about. For one, crime was starting to go back up. And for another, there had been a prison break at the Johnston Correctional Facility.
Yeah, a prison break. At one of the most high-security prisons in North Carolina. Apparently, according to the news, someone had caused a fire near the prison bus. And because the fire was near the fuel tank... Well, you can guess what happened. An explosion. And when this explosion happened, it destroyed the walls of some of the nearby cells.
And guess who was in one of those cells? Dr. Omni is that evil, brilliant, and slightly crazy villain who broke out. So when that bus exploded, it managed to not only destroy the back wall of his cell, but it managed to unbind him in his cell. Then, with his hands free, he escaped. But not before killing a random guard with the guard's gun.
Meanwhile, the doctor was wandering the state searching for a laboratory to begin work on an invention that would replace his rail gun. After wandering the state of North Carolina, he finally found a laboratory. An occupied one, but the doctor planned to.. convince the people working inside to.. leave permanently. So he walked in and did not care that everyone yelled, "Hey! You're trespassing. Get out before we call the police!" The doctor put on a smug smile and replied, "No, I don't think I will."
As he said this, the doctor stole a pocket knife from one of the scientists and stabbed that scientist in the chest. He dropped to the ground with a loud thud, causing some chemicals to spill and burn some other scientists nearby.
"And so it begins" Muttered the doctor. So he began throwing random chemicals at the scientist's faces and then stabbing them. Pretty soon, he had killed all of them. All 20 of them. So after the doctor had killed them, he hacked into a computer and found some blueprints. "Well, I guess I found a good... replacement for my rail-gun attempts." Pondered Dr. Omni to himself. As he did, he printed out said blueprints and began work.
Meanwhile, Isaac was playing video games with his sister, Roman, and Toxicity. They were all playing Minecraft together. It was split-screen, but it was better than playing alone. It was Survival mode and they were all working on a house together. "Wow, this is honestly fun!" Stated Roman in a surprisingly cheerful tone. "Yeah, it is. I'm glad I have two other people to play video games with, you know?" Inquired Storm_wolf. "Hey, I thought you liked playing video games with me!" Exclaimed his sister Eden.
"I do. But, come on. It's as they say. The more the merrier." Replied the hero. "I see your point. But every time we play video games, you quit halfway through!" Exclaimed the sister. "Oh, come on! It's not my fault I get bored!" Yelled Isaac. "Ugh, well let's not argue.. and just. I don't know, enjoy the game?" Questioned his sister in response.
The hero nodded his head as he did like to share his opinions, but he liked to avoid conflict if possible. So they kept on playing, with Toxicity incessantly flirting with Storm. But as the game continued, there was a vibration emanating from the hero's pocket. It was his phone. When Isaac checked it, the news app on his phone alerted him.
It was an attack on the Walmart near his house! "Oh, crud... Roman, Lilly, suit up. NOW!" Exclaimed the hero. "But, what about me?" Inquired Eden. "You need to stay here.. But, if you need anything, use your tablet to text me." Replied the hero as he put on his face mask. "But, I... Oh alright fine.." Muttered his sister trying to avoid an argument. "Look, I just don't want you getting hurt. I'll be back in a little bit."
Isaac then texted his mom that he was going on a walk and he would be back. "Don't be gone too long!" She replied. So Storm_wolf, Void_wolf, and Toxicity got into their hero outfits and teleported away to the Walmart to see the commotion.
When they arrived, it was worse than they expected. There was fire everywhere along with some damaged cars, broken glass, and even some nearby stores sustaining some damage. But the Walmart? It was in anarchy. The outside walls were reduced to rubble, and the store's sign was in terrible condition. However, that did not compare to the inside.
The inside was a total wreck. There were people slumped on the ground. Storm went to check on one. "No heartbeat. This person bit the dust.." Stated the hero. Lilly covered her mouth in horror. "That's sad. I.. I don't know what to say. They're innocent people.." Stated the girl. "Why should you care?" Stated Roman in a rude tone. "You killed multiple people." Lilly turned and slapped the clone across the face.
"They weren't random bystanders... Plus, I'm trying to change that. Idiot!" Replied the girl in a ticked-off tone. "Okay listen you little ****! Don't even start!" Roared the clone. "Both of you! Stop fighting and focus! We need to find any survivors, and then find the culprit!" Exclaimed the hero, not wanting a fight. The other two stopped fighting. "Alright, fine... I'll scout the store." Said the clone.
"Okay, then me and Toxicity will see if we can find the culprit. They shouldn't be far away, no one could cause this much damage and get out fast.." Stated the hero. "Okay, we'll regroup at the front." Replied the clone. "Sounds like a plan." Said Toxicity who was kind of ecstatic to be alone with Storm_wolf.
So the team split up, with Void using his super speed to scout the store. Meanwhile, Isaac and Lilly started examining some of the damage in the store. "What the heck could cause this much damage? It's like.. electric burns? But, wouldn't the power be down if it was" Pondered the hero out loud. "You don't suppose it was that Dr. Omni dude you talked about?" Questioned Lilly.
"There was that prison break... But surely they would put him somewhere where if something like a prison break happened... That way he couldn't escape." Stated Isaac who was carefully examining a damaged register. "Huh, the money is still here.. Weird... What kind of psycho would wreck a store and not take any money..?" Lilly looked as well. "Well, there are people like that.." Said the girl.
"Indeed there is. Although I wouldn't say he's a psycho." Boomed a voice. Storm turned and saw with utter horror, Dr. Omni, standing a few feet away with a circular cannon attached to his arm. "Holy heck... How did you... HOW THE HECK DID YOU BUST OUT OF JAIL?!" Shouted the hero in shock. "Ah, they should've put me in solitary confinement when they had the **** chance." Replied the doctor coldly. "Still as filthy-mouthed as the last time I saw you." Stated the hero slightly chuckling (In reality, he was horrified, and was just trying to play it off).
"Okay, I'm bored... Time for the fun to begin!" Yelled the doc as he fired a powerful blast from his arm cannon. It almost hit Isaac, but he dodged just in time. "Wow, guess you got bored with the rail guns... Cause boy, I was getting sick of them!" He stated as he dodged another blast. Meanwhile, Toxicity was trying to land some hits on the doctor but to no avail. He even began taunting the poor girl.
"Wow, you play Little League with that pathetic reach?" Taunted the villain. As he was laughing, he was suddenly kicked in the back, by none other than Void_wolf himself, who had just evacuated some citizens out of the store. "Miss me you ***ing backstabber?" Exclaimed the clone. "Wow... I never knew you could kick that hard... And I created you." Replied the doctor coldly.
"You may have created me, but I have multiple aces up my sleeves. Whatever the **** that means." Replied the clone as he began fighting the doctor. Roman punched and he punched and he punched. But the doctor kept fighting back and fired several blasts at the clone, which all hit. However, the clone only gained a view burns from it.
"What?! How are you still alive?" Exclaimed the doctor, "Your super strength can't be that powerful." Void smirked, and replied snarkily, "It's called training smart***. Aren't you a doctor?" The doctor's face turned sour and he aimed a kick straight at the clone. But, just as he was about to, Storm_wolf tackled the evil doctor and knocked him to the ground.
The doctor was startled but thought fast as he sucker-punched the hero and was about to blast him with everything his arm cannon had. "Good riddance hero! Courtesy of Dr. Omni!" Roared the villain as he fired a HUGE ball of neon-green energy while laughing manically.
As the blast came hurtling towards the hero he feared the end and was afraid. But, in his fear, somehow, he used his telekinesis to stop the blast in mid-air. How he completed this feat, I have not a clue, but in his adrenaline rush, he yelled, "You know doc... That suit of yours may be electricity-proof, but I don't think it's resistant to your energy!" As the hero yelled this, he threw the energy right back at the doctor who was knocked back into the other side of the store.
The three heroes walked over and saw the doctor alive but his suit was badly damaged and his arm cannon was barely functioning. The doctor then muttered, "Ugh... What the **** was that move? How did you even pull that off?" The hero smirked and said, "Meh, just luck I guess..." Then out of nowhere, there was a loud cheering.
It was the people the heroes had saved and some other onlookers. They were all cheering, "Yeah! Storm_wolf! You saved us! Thank you!" The hero was startled at the huge crowd and he even noticed some big media reporters there too. One reporter even yelled, "Wow, we have to tell the mayor about this! This is amazing. This kid is putting his life on the line to save people!"
The hero felt very bashful and said to the crowd, "All of you, come on, I'm not that big of a hero." As he was chatting, the police showed up and took Dr Omni away. The hero then teleported away with his friends, but not before waving goodbye to the citizens.
When he got home, his sister seemed hyper because she said that there was something on the news. When the hero changed out of his costume, he saw a news report on his TV, and the reporter said, "Storm_wolf if you're watching, the mayor of Garner wants to see you! He has a very special gift for you!"
The hero was intrigued and said to himself, "Well. I have some time on my hands... Might as well see what's up!" So he changed back into his costume and teleported to the town hall of Garner.
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