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Hey, it's me. The Author. I've been meaning to ask, how do you like the book? Feel free to comment with some feedback in case I need to revise anything and/or fix anything! Thanks again- ItsStorm_wolf.
"They're called... The Rift Society?" Questioned Storm_wolf. "Wow... That's a... That's a bit of an intimidating name." "So... They're some kind of... Mafia? Psh... They're probably just idiots... I've seen it first hand." Interjected Roman. "Oh trust me... You may think the group is a pushover... But trust me... My former boss... DeadRift is powerful, more powerful than you may realize." Replied Toxicity.
"She may have a point Void. After all, we only beat both FrostSpear and PyroTech because we were together. If we can't take those small villains alone, imagine how bad it will be if we fight him unprepared." Stated the hero.
"Meaning what?" Inquired the clone in response. "Meaning... How do I put this... We may have to train-" But before the hero could finish the clone's eyes widened in an annoyed manner and he interjected with, "Are you ****ing kidding?! What is this Dragon S*** Z?! What is in that r******* brain of yours?!"
"Hey! Don't you dare call him that! He does not have that kind of head!" Exclaimed Toxicity. Then, like usual, Roman and Lilly began to argue. "Son of a gun! Both of you PLEASE stop fighting!" Yelled Isaac. "Look. I get it Void... Training may seem pointless, but my dad once told me, 'If you want to become great, you need to work hard and put hours into it'."
"Well... Scientifically you aren't wrong..." Muttered the clone. "But still, I just don't think the training is necessary... But..." The clone sighed and muttered some profanity, "Fine... I guess we can. But where? Won't your mom notice if we do the training at your house?"
"You do have a point." Replied the hero. "Maybe there's a secluded area nearby..." Pondered the hero. Then, his eyes widened in realization. "Wait... Nobody bothers to go near this patch of woods close to my house. It could work!" Lilly smiled, "Storm, that's a great idea!"
"I suppose it is. But, should we go and train now... Or what?" Questioned Roman. "We'll start tomorrow. Now come on, let's head back to the house." So, the three of them teleported back to Isaac's house. When they did, they decided to play a board game to pass the time.
After some debate, (during which Void almost went on a profane rant) they decided on Monopoly, despite complaints from Toxicity that the game takes forever. So they began, with Void_wolf having to be taught the rules as he had never played before.
But despite the problems, the game went well, at least for Toxicity. She bought every property she landed on, with Isaac following the same strategy, meanwhile Roman, almost went bankrupt twice and ended up in jail five times. As they kept playing, the hero and Lilly were neck and neck until eventually, the girl got a hotel on the Boardwalk property and put Storm in danger of losing.
And he lost. Despite the disappointment that losing brings to most, he didn't mind. As he said, "As much as I don't like losing, that was fun. I bet you could even my dad a run for his money." Toxicity smirked in response. "Shame we can't. He'd probably freak out about you being a hero." The hero blushed slightly and said, "Fair enough."
Suddenly, Storm's phone buzzed loudly. It was the news, alerting that a break-in was currently in progress at a nearby bank. "Oh crud, here we go again." Muttered Toxicity as Isaac put back on his hoodie and mask. "Here we go again indeed." The hero replied.
When they arrived, they found the entire North Carolina police force, and over half of the members of C.A.C. "C.A.C.? Wow, haven't seen them in a while... This must be serious." Muttered the hero. "Storm_wolf!" Exclaimed a voice. It was a police officer. And it appeared he needed a hand with the criminals. "Alright officer, give it to me straight. What the heck is going on?" Inquired the hero.
"Hostages. We have eight hostages in the building. And all the suspects inside are armed." The hero's eyes widened. "Oh, crud..." He muttered in response. "And the assailants say they won't come out unless you would show up." Replied the officer.
Suddenly, the front door of the bank was shoved off its hinges, and out burst the hostages, who were shocked, but unharmed. Then, a voice boomed from inside. It sounded British. "Here are your hostages! Now as for you Storm_wolf, either come in or me and my mates will blast this place to kingdom come!"
"What are you doing Caliber? What do you want with him?!" Exclaimed Lilly impulsively. "Caliber? Is he part of The Rift Society too?" Exclaimed Void. "Yeah, he's part of it." Replied Lilly. "Fantastic! Just ****ing Fantastic!" He replied. "Can you calm down and quit cussing?" Questioned Storm. "Anyhow... " He said, "So, how do we approach this? He wants us, but I bet you it's a trap."
"It probably is..." Muttered Toxicity. Then, her Jade colored eyes lit up. "Hang on. Void, you can camouflage in darkness can't you?" She inquired. "Yeah, I can. But how will that work? The lights are still on in the bank." The clone replied, in a half-serious, half-puzzled tone.
"Not if they're short-circuited." Interjected Storm. "Bingo." Replied Lilly. "So, that's the plan? Short out the lights, I sneak in, and then we'll all take him out?" Puzzled Void. "Yep. Ready?" Stated the hero. The other two nodded. "Okay, let's do what heroes do. Kick some villain butt." He calmly spoke.
So, they got to work, with Toxicity attempting to reason with the villain to distract him. As she kept talking with him, Storm shorted out the lights. This caused Caliber to freak out. "What the, who did that-" Before he could finish, he was punched straight out the door by Void_wolf.
However, before all three heroes could swarm him, he threw something and dashed away. Suddenly, there was a bright light and a loud bang. It was a flash bomb! "Holy cra-" Yelled Isaac before he and the others were blinded.
When it finally wore off, the three heroes looked at each other in surprise. "Ow... Mother f***!" Muttered Void. "Ow... Dang it! Caliber got away." Exclaimed Toxicity. Meanwhile, Storm_wolf saw something in the corner of his eye as the brightness wore off. Something was on a rooftop. It looked like a sniper barrel, and it was aimed at Lilly!
"Tox, move!" He exclaimed as all of a sudden, bullets came straight for the heroine. However, Storm managed to get in front of the girl just in time and the bullets hit him! And they came fast. Meanwhile, Toxicity was breathing heavily after being saved. "Holy crap." She muttered. "Ow..." Moaned Storm in pain. "I think those bullets were enhanced. They felt like wasp stings." "Are you okay?" Inquired the girl. "Yeah, I'm fine." Muttered the hero.
Then, as Caliber was reloading (For he was the one firing at the girl), Void_wolf jumped up to the villain and punched him off the perch. Then, Storm_wolf electrocuted Caliber with a rage one only receives when those they care about are endangered.
Then, for a final blow, Lilly did her classic dropkick move. "Take that, you evil British punk!" The villain was in pain but only laughed in response. "Oh look at you three, attempting greatness. Pity it's only an attempt!" He declared, dropped another flash bang, and teleported away.
"Good Lord!" Exclaimed Isaac. "How many of those things does he have?" He inquired as the bomb's effect wore off. "A lot... He always carries modded bullets or flash bombs..." Replied Toxicity, who was rubbing her eyes in pain. The heroes all felt defeated. Every villain they fought in the past month had escaped.
"Well. Since no one else needs help... Want to go train or something?" Pondered Storm_wolf. "I'm up for it." Said Roman. Lilly agreed. So, they all met back up at Isaac's house, and grabbed some water bottles and other things, all without the parents taking notice. Then, Storm led them to the secluded area he mentioned earlier.
When they got to the area, Lilly and Roman were bedazzled. The area looked peaceful but looked perfect for a training session. "Okay. Let's do this, shall we?" He said as the other two had smiles on their faces.
Meanwhile, in an unknown location on the outskirts of Raleigh. Inside an old laundromat, a meeting was being held with Caliber, the other two villains from before, and their boss. DeadRift. "So. All of you failed the mission." He muttered coldly. No one responded and this only made the tension more intense.
The boss sighed in anger. Then, FrostSpear responded. "Sir. Is there any way we could take the girl down by all three of us working together?" He gestured at the other two. "Hm... Perhaps... Still... It puzzles me how our plan didn't work!" The former replied angrily as he threw a knife into an adjacent wall.
The others looked scared. "Look, maybe we can lure them to us..." Stated PyroTech. "We already tried that, it won't work again. Not unless we had a hostage that was worth more than some random civilians." Replied her boss. "What if... We used someone of importance to this state?" Inquired FrostSpear.
Then, an evil plan came to their minds, when they realized one person they could kidnap and be the perfect bait for the unmindful heroes. "We can use Governor Jackson Whitlock!" Exclaimed PyroTech with a grin only an arsonist could have.156Please respect copyright.PENANA4JeG9qUnRm
"We can kidnap him and hold him for ransom." Stated Frostspear forming a halberd in his hands. "We could get the girl then and there." Said Caliber. "блестяще! (Brillant!)" Exclaimed DeadRift. Then, he laughed evilly. "Good thing I have even more surprises. Watch out, heroes... Soon, very soon, that traitor will get what she f***ing deserves!"
The other villains smirked at each other, knowing that their boss was indeed going to show the traitor what happened to people like her. But, the villains were heedless to something. Little did they realize that their plan would have an effect. Bigger than they could realize or even imagine.
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