(Authors note: This mentions something personal in my life. I still have slight anxiety. But it's getting better. Also, there's mention of drugs, alcohol, and death. So Content warning! Okay enough venting/rambling, let's get to the story. *Insert Minecraft Nether Portal Sound*)
It was 11:30 at night, and Isaac could not sleep. He kept imagining images of his family getting attacked by Dr. Omni. That doctor being out there still made him nervous. "What if someone gets killed? I'm the only one to blame if that happens." Eventually, however, he fell asleep. But his dreams weren't much better, as he had a rather intense nightmare. It felt like he was going through his worst feelings of anxiety as the nightmares were getting worse and worse. 269Please respect copyright.PENANAYj39FFy5T1
Isaac didn't have a sleep paralysis demon, but his nightmares felt worse than one. When he finally awoke, it was 9:00 in the morning. Void_wolf was busy drawing something in a notebook. "Oh, you're finally awake. About **** time." Said the clone in an emotionless tone. 269Please respect copyright.PENANA97c1fBLYRd
"Ugh, I had the worst nightmares. I'm amazed I don't have sleep paralysis." Replied the hero groggily. "Do you need some food?" Asked the former. "Don't worry, I can get it myself." Replied the latter. So he got some cereal and some hot tea to help him wake up.
After breakfast, he looked for his super suit, but it wasn't in his closet where he usually kept it. "Oh sorry, I washed it." Said Void_wolf apologetically. "How? The washer and the dryer make more noise than a steam engine." Asked Isaac. "I washed it by hand, I was created to do more things than you can. No offense." 269Please respect copyright.PENANAY2sOy4VzUt
Replied the former. "None taken." The latter replied. "So, how do we plan on taking Dr. Omni? I mean, there are plenty of ways we could stop him." Asked the latter.
"Yeah. Say, do you know where you were created?" Asked the hero as he was changing into his costume. "Yeah, I think... Just finish changing and follow me Storm_wolf!" Exclaimed Void. So the hero got into his costume and followed Void_wolf. They used their super speed to leave the house. 269Please respect copyright.PENANAGKkpN4WUzB
Not before telling his mom he was going to take a walk. Thankfully, Void_wolf was out of sight when Isaac told his mom he was leaving. So the two heroes rushed to the lab, with Void leading the way. Eventually, they arrived. The place they were at was a house but looked like a laboratory at the same time.
"Okay, let's get scavenging." Said Storm_wolf. The two of them went inside but when they arrived in the lab, everything was in disarray. Papers were scattered about, file folders were all over, and there were blueprints that appeared to have coffee stains. "Well, the doc definitely knew we were coming." Said the hero in a rather nervous voice. "This, oh man. Oh, man." Whispered Void_wolf under his breath.
The hero noticed some blueprints that seemed to explain the methods used to create his clone. He also noticed two empty syringes with a slightly red tint. "Ugh, I think I'm going to need therapy. Again." Storm_wolf muttered. "Hey, is something wrong?" Asked Void_wolf. The hero explained why he said again when mentioned therapy. "It was because I was cooped up in my house a couple of years ago, during an outbreak of a virus." Replied the hero. "Oh, I must not have been told that." Replied the other.
"It sucked. Like it sucked bad. I felt like I was going to die." Replied Storm_wolf with a melancholy tone. But they kept looking around for anything helpful to find Dr. Omni. They then found a weird pod that looked like something out of a futuristic movie. "Is this..?" The hero couldn't finish his sentence because he was in awe. "That is it. The pod that made me. It's.... beautiful in a way. Holy ****..." Said Void_wolf. 269Please respect copyright.PENANABzSuZLaWnh
They stood staring until Storm_wolf noticed two blueprint papers. They were in perfect condition. "This is a blueprint of your powers Void, but this other one seems unfamiliar." The blueprint in question was a blueprint with what appeared to be some kind of portal. "What the heck? What is this, a superhero movie?" Exclaimed Void_wolf. "Wait, he could be using his powers to try opening portals to other dimensions." Theorized the hero.
"At this point, since we're superheroes it's a possibility." Replied the clone. Then they noticed a huge sheet covering something large, very large. "Should we touch this? I kinda want to know what the heck the doc was up to." Asked Storm_wolf. "We both have telekinesis, we can remove this!" Exclaimed Void_wolf. So they used their powers to carefully remove the tarp and what they found was insane. It looked like your stereotypical futuristic portal, but something was off. It had what appeared to be a bunch of crazy green writings across the whole thing. 269Please respect copyright.PENANAReIDAcb0ny
Some of them said "Break the barrier, break their bones." while others were more cryptic and akin to riddles such as "Unleash the gateways, only then will it be possible." Both heroes were confused and shocked as they discovered more writing that was very cryptic and disturbing.
"What the heck was he doing? More importantly, was he high on something?" Asked Storm_wolf in a very frightened and concerned tone. "What do you mean by high? Like, on something?" Inquired Void_wolf. "I mean, was he doing drugs when he made this?" Replied the hero. "Oh, I see what you mean. But no, last time I checked Dr. Omni wasn't doing drugs. Why the **** would he?" Void responded to the hero. "Well, these writings tell a different story." Said Storm_wolf. 269Please respect copyright.PENANA9PKbMHIs5l
The two of them kept examining the portal, making sure not to touch it to avoid tampering with it. "If the doc has a portal, how is he going to power it?" Questioned the hero. "I don't know, maybe he has some kind of power that he can channel from his ability to create portals to teleport?" Replied Void_wolf.
So they kept looking around, trying to figure out what the portal's power source was. They kept looking but there were no wires, no signs of plugs, or even a wireless connection. (If that was even possible at that point.) "Well, rats!" Exclaimed Storm_wolf. "Out of all the unjust things! Man, why does being a superhero have to involve wild goose chases like this?" In the middle of his rant, the hero accidentally flipped a switch on a nearby wall. This, in turn, pulled up a control panel that had some buttons but more importantly, it had an empty slot that required something rectangular.
"Well, that was convenient. This must be your stereotypical secret villain control panel." Stated the hero. " You seem pretty ****ing nerdy. Do you watch a lot of superhero movies?" Inquired Void_wolf. "Yes, why else wouldn't I know? And now, my life is a glorified superhero movie." Replied Storm_wolf in a slightly sarcastic tone. "So that means there's an 80% chance that there's a self-destruct button on here. Like, most villains have those on their ships, planes, and the list goes on!" Exclaimed the hero. 269Please respect copyright.PENANA8ULgjyayNh
As he was saying this, Void_wolf heard something that sounded familiar. "Hey, do you hear that?" He asked. "What?" Inquired Storm_wolf. "It sounds like something is powering up." Replied the former. "It's not the portal." Stated the hero. "Wait, is it just me? Or do I have a bad feeling that we're being watched?" Inquired Void.
Suddenly a beam of turquoise energy impacted in-between the two heroes! "Holy crud! Get Down!" Exclaimed Storm_wolf.
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