I woke up groggily. It was still rather dark, but it was so warm under the blankets it felt almost like home. I don’t usually warm up during the night, which is hugely inconvenient for me, but I can’t help it. So if it wasn’t me, then something was heating up my bed. I also realized I was completely naked and something pushed against me in my lap, had wormed itself under my arm, and had burrowed to my chest.
I distantly remembered having a shower after Annie came.. OH MY PITS ANNIE! I opened my eyes and my vision was almost completely filled with golden-yellow curls. Annie slept in my arms and she had burrowed her head to my chest. She wasn’t wearing anything either and I suddenly remembered why.
I felt my cheeks flush red and my mouth turned into a wide smile on its own. Annie. I carefully moved my arm so I could brush some of the blonde hair out of my and her eyes. I brushed her cheek gently with my fingertips. Annie. She said she… that she… loved me. Loved. And we… long into the night. I wondered hard why I had ever left her side all those months ago.
Well, at least I had been able to translate the book and realize— OH MY PITS ANNIE! Annie must be told! I needed to explain everything to her! She needed to know that she was in trouble - and probably much more now that… that I had… touched her.
"Annie…" I said and poked her gently on her shoulder. "Annie wake up. I know it’s early but I have something important to tell you and you need to be awake. Annie please," I said.
She made the cutest little whimpering sound and buried her face deeper between my breasts. In any other situation, I’d have either curled around her and pulled the covers on top of us, or jumped her. But now… this was something too serious to forget.
"Annie…" I said, and pushed her gently away from me.
She opened her eyes and her gaze was so unfocused and her hair so messy I chuckled. She looked absolutely adorable. It took her brain a few additional cycles to catch up with reality.
"Tessie! Naked! Bed!," she suddenly said loud and jumped backward. It was so hilarious I couldn’t help laughing. I could see it in her eyes when it caught up with her and she remembered last night. Her cheeks went piggy-pink and her lips turned into a cute coy smile and she looked at me and fluttered her eyelashes.
"Morning, Tessie…" she said quietly and fiddled awkwardly with the tips of her hair. She looked at me and I could swear her whole face glowed.
"I feel so good, Tessie," she said and smiled widely. "I feel so good I don’t think I’ve ever felt this good. You feel Amazing…" I looked at her and almost grabbed her and continued from last night. I shook my head and rose up.
"No, Annie. I need you up. I need to show you a thing or two. I finally realized things about this book," I said and pointed toward the table, "and I need to tell you. Important, Annie. Get up."
I walked to the table and opened the book at a bookmark. "Listen to this, Annie. I can read this part of the book with the easy way of translating, and it goes like this:
"The Heavens will touch the messenger, and she will bring forth a new world, one cleansed from evil and suffering. This is probably close to what you’ve been told, yes?," I said and looked at her.
Her eyes were still slightly out of focus, but she nodded. "But listen to this," I said. "Because this language is such a stupidly constructed thing, I can go backward and translate it in another context and it changes some of the words. Listen carefully. If I translate it the hard way, the way Ancient Hellish is supposed to be translated, it reads this:
"Heaven/Lord - this word does not mean Heavens as a place in this context, it means a person, or an entity - will impregnate the Angel/Prophet/Vessel - this word literally means ‘the one who is on the ground’ and means the object of the context - , and she will give birth to a new ‘ruler’ - I’m still not sure what this word is, it can mean ruler, or overlord or even God - And wipe off the vermin - and this is the important part here.
"In Ancient Hellish, this word is used to describe living beings that are not of the Heavens. It includes both Demons, and get this: Humans. - from the face of the Earth/Paradise. It literally says in here, that someone from the heavens will rape you and you will give birth to a new god that will kill all demons and humans. I suspect this is not what you have been told," I explained and took a deep breath.
"There’s even more, but let’s concentrate on this and we’ll take a look at that together soon," I said and turned to look at her. She looked pale, her eyes were large as plates, her hands crossed over her mouth. A tear had formed in her eyes. "I know you have no reason to trust me, but—," I said.
"No, Tessie," she said and her voice quivered. "I trust you. I believe you, you don’t need to prove yourself to me," she said, got up from the bed and walked to the table and leaned to look at the book beside me.
"I’m sorry but I can’t read that at all. Ancient Hellish might be really close to Ancient Divine, but I can’t read either, I was not allowed to touch the books yet," she said.
I pointed at the page and showed her the part. She shook her head and looked at me. "Yeah, I don’t understand anything about that, sorry. But if you read aloud and we think together?," she said. I nodded at her and turned the pages backward to an bit earlier place. I have meant to look at this, but didn’t yet have time. This is probably the best I can do for now.
"Alright, I’ll read it first in the easy and wrong way, then we’ll look at it the other way. That sound good?," I said. She nodded at me and smiled. I turned my attention to the book and begun. "The Heavens will bless the perfect Angel and a Holy Spirit will infuse her with a Holy Light. Alright, this next part confused the Hell out of me when I read this the first time. Say if this means anything to you:
"If it happens that the Angel be false, the Wrath of Heavens shall arise and The Great Sword will fall down on the unclean," I said and looked at her. She hadn’t put on any clothes, so this had sort of an opposite effect than what I meant. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Need to concentrate on text, not skin.
"What does it say, if you translate it like you should? I don’t know the rest, but I’m fairly sure Wrath of Heavens, means Thymiel, the Archangel of War though," she said and looked at me.
She noticed my staring and her cheeks flushed. Seven Hells, she was cute! I shook my head and turned my attention back to the book. I felt my cheeks turn red too, but I tried to ignore it.
"Alright, let’s see…" I said. "The Heaven/Lord - as an entity, that is - will.. enter? Is that right? The Lord will enter the… pure… Angel, and a… Divine Life will… merge.. with her… I have no clue what this word means in this context. I though it said wings, but it’s typo’d and it looks like it says wings and light at the same time. That does not make any sense. Anyway—," I said and felt her shiver. I turned to look at her and she looked terrified. "What’s wrong, Annie?"