Oh my lords, the Angel spotted me! She was staring at me the whole fucking lecture. Did she figure me out, or is she just stupid? As the bell rang for lunch, I hurried out of the class and figured I’d go eat somewhere quiet. I found a perfect little nook with a chair and sat down. I chomped down on my - stolen - sandwich and prepared to enjoy my meal, when I hair stood up at the back of my head. Heaven. Oh lords, why now.
The Angel walked around the corner and stopped. She was staring right at me. Her blonde hair and her bright blue eyes. Oh for fuck’s sake. Why did she have to be so pretty. Her skin was pale and flawless. I swallowed hard and scowled at her. I guessed it was better to get the, uh, pleasantries out of the way as fast as possible. She looked so fragile, like she was made out of porcelain. I figured if I blurted it out, it would scare her enough that she’d flee or something. I didn’t have the energy to deal with an Angel Doll right now.
"Hey, Angel," I said and smirked at her. She gasped and blushed. I swear. By the Seven Hells, why did she have to look so adorable? The blush on her cheeks made her look like five billion times cuter, which I’m not sure was possible, but there you have it. She froze in place. I stood up, put my sandwich on the chair and walked closer.
I figured that as there were nobody else around, I’d give her a little show of who she was dealing with. I let my skin turn slowly back into it’s natural maroon color, my eyes turn to bright yellow, with slightly slitted pupils. Because I had clothes on, I decided to leave my tail and wings out of it. Also I really didn’t want her to see my pathetic flaps of wings.
I put on a devious grin and walked closer. She stepped backwards. I drove her back until she was leaning her back against a wall. I was slightly taller than her, which made me feel better. She looked so petite and cute though, it was highly unfair. I will repeat myself until the day I cease to exist.
I slammed my right hand at the wall, hard, right beside her left ear, then leaned closer. Her eyes eyes opened wide and she made a tiny little whimper of a sound. Lords of the pits, give me strength, she’s too pure.
"I said, Hey Angel," I said and tried to be menacing. She looked at me with those large eyes of her and swallowed.
"H—H—Hello…" she said meekly. Oh my lords why did she have to have so adorable a voice too?! Like, what the hell. She’d be the best innocent succubus ever without trying. She could get anyone to fall for her by just fluttering those luscious lashes of hers and looking at them with that expression. I swallowed and reminded myself that I was in charge here, not her. I leaned in, so that our noses almost touched.
"You are out of your depth here, Angel baby," I said to her in a quiet, deadpan voice. "Do you think you have what it takes?"
I put my finger under her chin and lifted it up slightly. I stared straight into her eyes. "You’re either on my side, by my side, or in my fucking way," I said to her and smiled wickedly.