She was lying in the delivery room, female doctors and female nurses all around her; Seeing she was uncomfortable around males.
But given how she was mistreated as a child, that really shouldn't surprise anyone. So why does it surprise so many people?!?
The nurses all gasped as they lifted the bridal gown!
-Insert record scratch sound here. Close-up of face of blue eyed blonde girl with Bob cut blushing-
All right, all right. So you're obviously wondering who I am & how I ended up here, right? Right. My name's Alysa Aiday.
-Rewind to 15 Months Ago-
It's ridiculous how the ones with the best ideas, biggest imaginations, and warmest hearts, are ALWAYS the ones shunted and marginalized by society!! You'd think a girl in my position would get all the help she needs and deserves, right?
Alysa was wearing a Bluetooth headset with an adapter and external microphone. ColorNote & a voice recording app on her smartphone were both open.
Yeah. Multitasking. You'd be surprised what someone like me can do with a smart device that has this awesome split screen view option.
Alysa was typing a fan-fiction while recording an ASMR audio. But something kept bothering her....
Asperger Syndrome Autism, I'd say insomnia except I'm too awake for that; Restlessness, maybe, and overactive imagination. Terrible tetrahedron of traumatic tension. Say that five times fast, I dare you.
-Insert baby crying sounds over a karaoke version of Kidz by Take That, during montage of Alysa working on both of her projects-
Yeah. Forced to live on one's own, like some callous uncaring adult, because you were gaslit, emotionally manipulated, and in some cases threatened to never be given a break from the people who annoyed you; Never left alone at home despite you doing so little other than watching shows on Tubi on your smartphone, that you'd think the house was empty and untouched. Or threatened to get shot in one instance, or starved in another; Asperger Syndrome Autism makes people sensitive to sound and textures, so no, I'm not just refusing to eat my vegetables to get treated like a baby; Strapped into a highchair and spoon fed Gummy Savers, I literally gag to a point I almost vomit, and make a small burp, if I'm fed vegetables, most fruits, and certain types of meat.
Alysa stops and looks at her Hyperkin SupaBoy.
Oh yeah, Sailor Moon Another Story. Ever since I was a child, Sailor Moon has had this almost hypnotic power over me, like; You were begging to be hospitalized in one way or another if you said anything at all derogatory towards this franchise; Imperfect though it is. So why do people praise trash that goes nowhere, like Naruto, or goes in circles like it literally forgets the previous seasons, like Pokémon, but give this well-written but imperfect masterpiece of anime trash enough to fill every last dumpster in the back alleyways??
Finishing her projects & saving them to be uploaded later, Alysa went to bed.
To Be Continued...