*6 months later*
Alysa, Carly, & Lindy, all 7 months pregnant, have decorated the nursery for their bundles of joy, and saved money for a beautiful vacation in a cozy log cabin, in the Colorado Rockies.
"This is going to be such fun!" Lindy cheered.
"Are you ready, Alysa?" Carly asked.
Alysa did her best impression of a happy baby squealing in delight.
Alysa was tucked in her carseat, watching NHRA on Fox Sports 1 on Tubi using her smartphone and Bluetooth headphones.
They pulled up to a rest stop, stretched their backs and limbs, and Carly, the almost tomboyish, more serious of the caregivers, took Alysa to the restroom to change her diaper. Lindy, the more gentle, more effeminate - Not counting Alysa - of the trio, got snacks and drinks.
Four individuals in camo flannels, denim jeans (👖) and jackets (🧥) and wearing football helmets (🏈🪖) were watching them.
"That's an awesome but strange vehicle," said Lindy, noticing a modified black Jeep Gladiator parked nearby.
"Waah! Uwaah!" Alysa cried as they were on the plane.
"Shh... I'm sorry, Sweetheart," Lindy soothed. "They should turn off the seatbelt sign soon, then we'll go to the restroom at the back, and I'll change you."
Sure enough, the seatbelt sign was turned off barely two minutes later, and Lindy took Alysa to the restroom, where Alysa became nervous about being changed while standing up.
"I'm sorry, Mommy," she apologized. "I prefer to lay on my back."
"Just relax, Kiddo," Lindy soothed, smiling warmly.
Lindy worked both quickly and efficiently, changing Alysa in the small plane restroom. Soon enough, Alysa was happily tucked back into her carseat, set so she was between her mommies.
Alysa listened to a story book on tape she loved from her childhood, using headphones she brought along, while Carly and Lindy listened to the in-flight movie, wearing headphones provided on the plane.
Having gotten their luggage and taken a taxi to the cabin, they were in awe of the cozy layout; The wall-mounted flat screen TV above the fireplace, the the reclining sofa, the 3 bedrooms behind the sofa, the bathroom door across from the entryway, and the kitchenette.
"Oh, this is gorgeous!" Lindy exclaimed. "I'm going to sleep like a baby!"
"As I imagine will our little darling," Carly chuckled, gazing down to Alysa in her carseat. "Isn't dat right my wittle dandy candy?"
Alysa giggled.
Together, Carly and Lindy set everything up so they had blankets to cuddle in, snacks to munch on, Alysa had her bottle of warm milk to drink when she got thirsty, and they were ready to watch shows on Tubi.
The four "Military Footballers" (👖🧥🪖🏈) had stolen a number of fuel containers from a gas station, and were trying to track certain individuals.
"The big boss man said to get the little one unharmed," said one of them.
"She's older, more masculine, and more capable than she lets on, according to the big boss," answered another one.
Carly and Lindy tucked Alysa into the crib between the bed and the wall.
Yeah, yeah. You're probably on the "Wattpad" society in Penana thinking: 'Hold on, isn't she just copying the Star Luna Jauregui series by that one Wattpad user?'. Yes, I did draw much inspiration from that, but if you'd actually pay closer attention to certain details, instead of calling me naughty names like a certain Penana user with no life and choosing to post multiple messages on the message board of another one - Like that married idiot, Mark Zuckerberg, who created Facebook to stalk a female he crushed on but she was probably already married, as was he!!
As the sun rose the next morning, Lindy gently patted Alysa's chest.
"Come on little cub. It's time for breakfast and a diaper change."
Alysa stretched her arms, making baby cry sounds. "Goo dream"
"Oh, you were having a nice dream? I'm sorry it had to end, Baby."
Lindy took Alysa to the bathroom and changed her diaper; Remembering Alysa's preference to wear a second, slightly larger diaper over the one sized for her. Alysa also cried to vent her frustration about having to wake from her good dream.
"She really loves that YouTuber, Riley Kilo, huh?" Carly asked from the small kitchenette in the cabin.
"I think it also has to do with her not being able to clean certain things as well as other people," Lindy responded; Alysa's fresh diapers in place. Then Lindy blew hot air into Alysa's tummy; making growling sounds. Alysa giggled, flailing her arms.
"Come get breakfast once she's dressed," Carly called. "I've got scrambled eggs, toast with butter, Tang, and chocolate chip pancakes."
"Ooh, yummy!" Lindy cooed. "We love chocolate chip pancakes, right Alysa?"
Alysa giggled adorably.
After breakfast, the trio cuddled up on the reclining sofa, and turned on shows teenage girls would watch.
The drive would be long, but to get their target without drawing attention enough to rival Larry Coster from that movie; Abducted: A Father's Love - Assuming he did to his baby girl what Janosz did to Oscar for the spirit of Vigo in Ghostbusters 2, then it'd be worth the long, dark, boring, silent nights.
The modified black Jeep Gladiator truck with camper top, extended cab, and reverse doors, drove on through another night.