Special gift to whoever can guess the references in the police station!
"Ladies! Ladies! Please calm down!" said the dispatcher.
"How can you tell us to calm down?!?" Carly angrily asked. "Our baby is out there, in danger, and she needs help now!!"
"How can your baby be out there when you're both pregnant?" asked an arrogant male cop.
"Can it, Donut Lord!" Lindy fired, glaring. She looked closely at his shield. "Quinn! How would you like if someone you loved was taken right from under your nose?!? Bet you'd want help as soon as possible, huh?"
"It's Officer Quinn!" he fired back, whining.
"If you'll give me a description of her, we can start," said the lady dispatcher.
Lindy not only described Alysa - Leaving out the Teen Baby Diaper Lover part for fear the police wouldn't take her seriously, but also the modified black Jeep Gladiator truck with the hot rod engine and camper top.
Alysa was cold, hungry, had a rash, and was hurting in her waist and the crus of both her legs. Her cries sounded awfully similar to those of a little baby girl.
"Hey, shut up back there, you brat!" Donald yelled over the walkie-talkie. "We're taking you home to your daddy, not to get you toys or Reese's ice cream!"
I couldn't tell you how badly I wanted to put the four of them in a similar position; Swapping the soft car seat for four clogged toilets, and putting them in diapers that pinched their waists the way that belt pinched mine. Why were these goons so determined to make me so miserable?? What did I ever do to hurt them??
The truck pulled up to a rickety old ranch house off the side of the road and next to a graveyard.
"Let's go, Brat!" Dwayne said, entering the camper topped truck bed.
"No!" Alysa said.
Dwayne heaved her onto his shoulder and carried her inside the house; Unaware she had her smartwatch on.
Using GPS, Carly & Lindy followed the signal of Alysa's smartwatch. They sat in the back of the ambulance; Carly holding Lindy, who was crying.
"I want her back, Car. I want her in our arms, where she feels warm, safe-"
"Where she belongs," Carly replied. "She might be a baby, but she's strong. She's been through tough times before, Lindy. She'll pull through this time."
Lindy gasped.
"What if the stress of her kidnapping causes her to-?!?"
"Shh! Don't think like that!" Carly whispered. "Think positive. She and her baby will both be all right."
The makeshift rescue convoy made its way down the street.
Alysa was placed onto a training potty seat; a feeding tray secured in front of her. She was in a dirty basement.
"Welcome home, you little traitor," hissed a man in the shadows. From a short distance to the left, two figures stood in the dark; just out of sight of Alysa.
"I don't care who you think you are, or what you think you need to be happy. You're my offspring and you will carry on the rodeo business I build."
Alysa said nothing, but made baby sounds.
"Speak up! Use your words like a man!"
Alysa spit on the floor.
The sound of sirens whined outside as David Jackson grabbed Dulcolax from the medicine cabinet.
"Get the truck ready! We've got to clear out!"
I couldn't tell you how badly I wanted the nightmare to end, or what I'd've rather been doing, in Child Protective Services' custody, at that time while the police and medics did their jobs. All I can tell you is the pain hurt me like mad.
"Come out unarmed, with your hands raised, and with Alysa Aiday unharmed!" an officer ordered.
"Bring out an imaginary character?!? That's so rich!" Jennifer jeered; Cleaning Alysa's bottom with dry toilet paper. Alysa cried from the pain.
"Toughen up! No room for cowardly girly girls in our family!" David yelled, pulling up the trunks and jeans that were too big for Alysa, & tightening the belt.
Police began breaking windows and climbing through them. Carly faced David with a deadly glower.
"Give me that baby girl, you monster!"
"This is a boy! MY boy!" David hollered.
"Then how do you explain her pregnancy?!" Carly asked.
David froze.
Alysa bit him hard where his neck met his shoulder.
Alysa tripped and fell forward as David was tackled; falling right into Carly's loving embrace. Alysa cried into Carly's chest.
"Shh! Shh!" Carly soothed. "It's all right. I've got you. I-" Carly looked at Alysa's waist, took off the belt, and examined Alysa's sore bottom. "Oh my God! Baby, what have they been doing to you?!?"
Alysa pointed to the red, hardwood, training potty chair and feeding tray.
"Day no powder, or lotion," Alysa said; Attempting to sound like a baby girl, saying they didn't put lotion or baby powder on her bottom.
"And they put big boy underwear on you too?" Carly asked, despite seeing them around Alysa's waist herself. Alysa nodded anyway.
A female officer stepped up to Carly and Alysa, taking pictures of Alysa's injuries, the baby potty chair with feeding tray, and the belt David not only secured around Alysa's waist, but the same belt he'd swatted her bottom with.
"Miss Rose, Miss Aiday," she said. "My name is Officer Sylvia Orville, and I'll be presenting evidence in the case against your oppressors."
"Day say no get me toys or ice cream" Alysa sobbed.
"Well," Lindy said, joining Alysa & Carly in the hug, "how about we, your mommies, get you Reese's ice cream, and a few toys you want?"
"After we get her to the hospital," Carly said; Gently but sternly.
Lindy gasped, putting her hands over her mouth, as Carly & Alysa explained Alysa's mistreatment, and the rash on her bottom.
"Please put away forever," Alysa whispered to Officer Orville, speaking of David & Jennifer Jackson.
"I promise," Officer Orville said, cupping Alysa's face in her hands, "they'll never lay another finger on you again."
Lindy helped Alysa into the ambulance, while Carly approached David and Jennifer Jackson; Punching David's chest and slapping Jennifer across the face.
"Touch Alysa again, and you'll be like if Vega's faceplate was placed over his face while it was white hot out of the fireplace." Lindy warned.
"This isn't over!! My child will be back in my possession!!"
While Lindy ignored David's ranting as he, Jennifer, Sheldon, Dwayne, Longmont Spooner, & Donald were hauled into the police truck, she called Nathan Aurum, explaining what happened.
Nate was devastated to hear the mommy of one of his agnate three-quarter daughters - The Teen Baby Diaper Loving one at that - was handled so poorly by David & Jennifer Jackson, and called a number of the best lawyers he could find to represent him and his family, including Carly, Lindy, and Alysa.
Nate also called a lady; Another psychotherapist, to help Alysa through the trauma of her kidnapping.
"After what happened to Alysa," said Nate, "Lindy alone might not be enough."
To Be Continued...