Alysa woke the next morning; Groggy, depressed, and not looking forward to work - Despite how easily she could walk there and how much she enjoyed it.
She'd had a nightmare about the monsters raising her; Something about who between the former president - Who never should've been allowed to run to begin with - or the current one. And when she'd said she'd do things to them if they chose the former one opposed to the current one, they'd started calling her by a name she hated.
Manipulative Narcissists anyway.
Needing to escape, she went to the pizzeria, did her shift of dishwashing - Plus another hour for good measure, and then stopped at Cappuccino & Company to de-stress.
Twice Alysa looked; Once when she heard them talking about the behavior of autistic children, the second time when the waitress brought her order over, to see two beautiful young women sitting in the corner.
Carly Rose; a beautiful but serious redhead, a lawyer, wearing a hot pink t-shirt and purple sweatpants, and Lindy Gold; a girl with blonde hair with a slightly golden hue to it, wearing a windbreaker and matching sweatpants. She was a pediatric psychotherapist; Big words meaning she helped traumatized children and toddlers through verbal communication and interaction; Big words for "I'll talk you through it". She would use roleplay also.
Having finished her work, but barely taken a few bites of her meal, Alysa approached the two.
"Uh... Excuse me...."
Alysa then began to explain her life story.
Yeah. You guys might be thinking; 'That only happens in movies!'. Well, this is my story, and between my preferences versus the expectations of the monster who raised me, nevermind societal norms, I'll take the laughter and mockery of society for following my heart, over the infantile temper tantrums of David Jackson any day of the week; Thrice on Saturdays.
The first six months, we took things slowly; Got to know each other, evenings and holistays inside together, I think we even had slumber parties during which we would roleplay; I was the baby girl, and they were my adoptive aunties.
NO! Nothing sexual happened between them, or between myself and either of them, so anyone saying this story is R-rated opposed to PG-13 isn't paying attention!
Anyhow, where was I? Oh yeah.
Alysa was crying from a combination of a nightmare and the thunderstorm outside.
"Oh, Sweetheart... It's all right to cry. Bottling emotions up can be painful," Lindy soothed.
"You want to sleep between us?" Carly asked.
Yeah. Down Syndrome, and Turner Syndrome Dwarfism. You try living with these, as well as Asperger Syndrome Autism, and being forced to betray your heart; Acting some thirteen year old misogynist cow poke, and see if you still have the desire to use the potty when the need arises.
Carly and Lindy gently pulled the blankets up; Placing their arms protectively over Alysa, kissing her cheeks.
"Goodnight, Goo-Goo Ka Choo," Carly and Lindy cooed at Alysa.
Yeah. That was my safe haven. Until that one weekend....
Alysa was fed, burped, changed, dressed, and strapped snugly into her bassinet carseat.
"Lindy! Let's go!" Carly shouted, causing Alysa to cry. "Oh, Sweetheart, I'm sorry. Shh.... I know, it's hard being an Autistic baby, huh? Shh...."
Carly played Peekaboo with Alysa, which cheered her up.
Lindy came out, fastened Alysa's carseat in place, and climbed into the front passenger seat. Carly climbed in the driver's seat, buckled herself and Lindy in, and started the car.
The trio went to the mall, walked the perimeter for about 90 minutes, then met this handsome youth in the toy store.
"Hello, ladies," he smiled. "My name is Nathan Aurum."
So, ya know.... Chatting, dinner, the rainstorm, his daddy was eager to become a grandfather, don't even ask me how we ended up on the topic of parenthood via IVF....
You'd think people would learn to quit complaining about certain solutions to certain problems, as though the solutions were the problems themselves.... I mean, a single - Or lesbian - woman who wants to go so far as pregnancy, instead of just adopting a baby? Isn't that the whole reason young, successful, rich, fertile men become sperm donors, OR In Vitro Fertilization was conceived? Isn't that why, in the case of a couple of gay men - Neither of whom has a uterus or egg cells - the adoption thing was conceived in the first place, OR if one wants the baby to be biological, fertile ladies become surrogate carriers? Isn't the whole concept of adult diapers for people who either have problems going to the bathroom, or those with traumatic pasts just trying to relive their babyhood innocence?
A month later, the trio went to the hospital. Sure enough, they all tested positive; Pregnant!
To Be Continued...