"Where are you going?"
Jeff froze on his way to the door. Seated at the kitchen table was his mother,dressed in the blue scrubs of a nurse. Her blue eyes fixated on her son as she sipped the red mug that was filled with coffee.
"Oh, I was going to drop the doll off at the Pierces." Jeff held up the package, bound in gift wrapping."Then, I'll be at Tyree's until six."
"Alright."Ms. Barclay nodded."I told you before that I am heading to my shift today, but I also don't want you to forget about the French Dip I left you in the fridge."
"Alright, I got it." The teen rolled his eyes. "Bye mom."
With that, Jeff exited the house and was greeted by intense sunlight and a blue sky.
Well, at least I know it won't rain. That will sure fuck things up.
Jeff crossed the street to where the Pierce's home was located. Taking a breath, he knocked on the bright blue door and rang the doorbell . Soon, Mina answered his call.
"Hey, Jeff!" she smiled brightly at him, her green eyes shining a bit brightly. "Are you here for the lawn mower mom and dad borrowed last week?"
"Sure."Jeff ran a hand through his dark brown hair."I also am here to give you your birthday present from last week since I couldn't make yours and Nina's party last week."
"Oh, goody!" the girl exclaimed as Jeff handed her the present. She examined the wrapped box like a kid does with a new toy. "When do you want the lawn mower?"
"Just drop it off in front of my house." Jeff responded as he rested his arms in the pockets of his black hoodie."I gotta run, but take care."
Jeff then set off to Tyree's house.
"Say what?"
Tyree, James, and Mike glanced over at Jeff as he told them about his mysterious package.
"Yeah, it was a creepyass Good Guy Doll." Jeff confirmed as he puffed on his E-Cigarette.
"Who would send that to you?"Mike wondered aloud.
"That's what I would like to know." Jeff's hazel eyes darted from each of the other teens. " I want to know this as well. Are any of you fucking with me by sending me that doll?"
The three boys exchanged glances.
"Nah, bro," James spoke up as he sat on the floor near Tyree's bed. " That isn't how we roll."
"Just making sure." Jeff nodded."You guys want a puff?" He offered his E-Cig.
As it went around, the sound of the front door opening reached the ears of the boys as the voices of his parents reached their room.
"Crap!"Tyree muttered. "My folks are home. Hide that E-Cig!"
"Should we head to the skate park?" Mike asked.
All three concurred that it was a good idea.
"You guys wanna hit the arcade?"
Sitting on his skateboard, Jeff glanced at James as the group of friends rested.
"I thought we were here to prove that Quay's bitchass can't skate?" Tyree pointed at Quay Michael,also known as the wannabe Andy Mac. Jeff watched as the teen skated up the ramp and smoothly flipped his board.
"Nah, we just needed to get away from your nosy parents." Jeff smiled. "Let's hit Dave and Buster's then."
"Sounds great!" Mike smirked. "I will kick your sorry asses on the Fast and Furious game."
"You will shove those words down your throat once I am done with you," James cut in.
"What are you both on?" Jeff joined in on the debate. "I will whoop all your asses."
"Nah man, I will roll over your thick hides!" Tyree couldn't resist getting involved.
"It's on!" Jeff shook hands with him.
"Here we are."
The four boys glanced around the Dave and Buster's at Lakewood Mall. Jeff's eyes landed on the Fast and Furious game and motioned his pals to take a look. A group of four girls had already occupied the seats and were engaged in a competitive match.
Mike elbowed Jeff. "Hey look, it's your girl Toni."
Peering closer to the one of the girls racing, Jeff noticed with a jolt that indeed the girl playing was the source of his fantasies. To her left where her three girlfriends- Alexis Rivers, Brittany Lee, and Henrietta Scott.
" Bitch, you are going down!"Brittany shouted, her eyes wide in glee.
"I think not!" Alexis countered.
Soon, that game resulted with Henrietta scoring the win. The girls stood up to see Jeff and his pals standing behind them.
"Well, look who is here." Toni smirked upon seeing the boys."You want to lose to us?"
"Nah, we are going to kick each other's sorry butts." Jeff responded.
"This looks like a game worth watching."Toni's smirk widened.
"Oh , you won't be disappointed." Jeff took his spot as did his three companions.
"Who should I bet on?"Toni remarked. "I need to know who will win."
"If you bet on Jeff, you gonna lose for sure,"James said from the far left.
"Shut your dirty mouth, you damn dog!" Jeff fired back."Let's start and we will see who revs up everyone's asses."
"With pleasure." Tyree chuckled as they entered their coins into the slot.
As soon as the boys selected their vehicles, the game commenced.
Jeff cursed as James crossed the finish line a couple seconds before he did. Mike came in after him followed by Tyree.
"What was all the talk about beating my ass?" James snarked.
"Ok, just because you barely swept this doesn't mean you can be a dick about it," Jeff muttered as he rose from his seat.
"Come on, we know you would have gloated like a snob if it was you,"Tyree remarked.
"Yeah!" Mike chimed in.
Well, it appears poor judgement caused you bet bet on the wrong dude," James informed Toni, who just rolled her eyes.
"I knew James had this." Alexis chuckled.
"So what do they owe you?" Mike asked.
"Jeff and Toni will buy us ice cream at The Counter," Alexis explained.
Toni groaned. "Don't flatter yourself."
As they exited the arcade, a young twilight greeted the teens. While the girls and boys chattered profusely amongst themselves, Jeff's eyes were glued on his love interest. He was not sure why, but Toni's eyes seemed to entrance him further in the pale moonlight. She turned to smile at him before breaking the uncomfortable silence.
"I thought gossiping was a woman thing."
"It is." Jeff smiled, glancing at Tyree and the others chatting up Toni's girls. "Though there is really nothing stopping my dudes from acting like bitches."
Toni just laughed in response. "You like making deprecating jokes about your homies?"
"Maybe." He smirked."Listen, there is something you should know."
"Hm?" she raised a brow.
That was when he was drowned out by an ambulance's sirens. The group of friends turned to see a white ambulance, it's sirens blazing blue and red speed past them. Soon, there were other siren sounds as cop cars join in.
"Who died?" Mike asked.
"Perhaps we should find out," Jeff responded.
The others thought that was a good idea.
"Jeffrey, where were you?" his mother demanded.
Jeff and his pals just arrived in his driveway where his mother, still in her nursing scrubs, stood with several neighbors and strangers checking out the scene.The boy turned his gaze to the Pierce's home which was surrounded by a crime scene tape.
"Mom, what the hell is happening?"Jeff asked."Did someone die?"
Amelia sighed, her hands resting on her hips."That is what I want to know as well."
"Look!" Toni pointed across the street. "They are bringing out a body!"
Jeff glanced across the blue and red lit street to see two paramedics wheeling out a bloody body. Curiosity getting the better of it, Jeff ran off to discern the corpse's identity.
"Hey kid, back off!" Two cops stopped him from intervening as soon as he got too close to the scene. However, he was able to get a good look at the body's face before he was denied any further moves.
" Jeffrey, what did you think you were doing?" His mother ran over.
"It's Reverend Smith!" He breathed out.
"What?" Amelia Barclay frowned.
"The body of Reverend Smith is being taken out of the Pierce's home and I want to know how this happened," Jeff stated.
"Heck, we all do." Mike and the others joined him. "Who would kill a pastor?"
Jeff had noticed that the wounds on the corpse resembled stab wounds due to the bloody spots forming around various parts of the body. He then had a flashback to his nightmare before a chilling thought passed through his mind.
No, that can't be possible!
"I have a bad feeling," He whispered as he glanced up to see the Good Guy Doll seated against Mina Pierce's window.
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