"Whew! Slaying some bad cops is really stimulating like a ride on the Hypersonic Coaster at Adrenalane. I guess that is why they call it a thrill kill, but the ride don't have the same dope rush as ending the Barclay punk or eviscerating those Pierce brats," Chucky muttered to himself as the car he snuck under came to a stop before an expensive-looking house with gray-blue tiles and white paint.
Holy crap! This looks like a place some snooty snob resides. It sure isn't my intended stop. After all, what was the name of Jeffrey's street? Mancini Boulevard? Mayhurst? What the hell, something along those lines. I better get out of here and find his street ASAP. Maybe Tiff can give me a ride.
As the murderous miniature disembarked from under the vehicle , the doors opened and two sets of legs exited from the driver and the backseat. Laying still like a rock, Chucky pretended to be inanimate as the two sets of legs departed and headed up the driveway to the house. The possessed doll realized that they belonged to a teenage girl and a boy about ten years of age as they receded once they got closer to the wooden doors. Scanning his surroundings, Chucky saw a couple palm trees dot the sides of the walkway to the home, that had flat U-shaped arches stacked on each other, containing a doorway below and a balcony above. To his disgust, it reminded him of the vanity of the upperclassmen and how out of touch they were of the world's harsh realities.
"It seems that this pampered bitch and that coddled little brat she calls a brother have a rich daddy that shields them from the terrors of the real world. I would love to break down their protective wall, but that will come after I kill who I came into this lameass town for. I will savor every moment of the pain I inflict upon the Barclay punk or the twin terrors."
Seeing the two youngsters distracted by the door, the killer doll darted over to the shrubs and took cover behind a stone pagoda lantern, glowing bright yellow, before glancing at his next point of interest.
If I can get past that gnome -that is one ugly motherfucker, why would these blockheads invest in that uglyass to guard their home?-, then I can find an exit out of this fakeass hellhole and a way to give Tiff a call to get me out and deliver me back on track. The time is now!
As Charles Lee Ray made a dash across the tiles, he heard footsteps and froze as the younger brother ran toward the car.
"My phone is still inside! Maddie, can you open the door for me?"
The boy halted before the blue Civic, he glanced to his right and his jaw dropped upon seeing the prone Good Guy Doll lying there on the grass. Curious, the kid with hair the color of walnut wood hovered over the doll before leaning in to pick him up.
"Maddie, come quick! I found a Good Guy Doll! Can I keep the fella?"
Get your ugly face away from me, you little prick!
It took Charles Lee Ray all his self-control to not come to life and strangle the kid as he lay prone in the little bastard's arms. Soon, the older sister arrived and ran around the corner to her brother clutching a Good Guy Doll. Her running taking a toll on her breathing due to her lack of athletic prowess, Maddie huffed and puffed as she glanced at the filthy-looking doll.
"That is one ugly doll, Carl. Where did you pick that up? From the dumpster or garbage chute?"
You think this doll is ugly, huh? Well, your face will be as ugly as mine, if not more, once I carve your face like a damn Jack O'Lantern.
"I found him over there." Carl pointed at the brushes by the arch. "He was lying down before I picked him up. I think he needs a home and I will provide it to him. He will sleep in a bed and not outside if you let me take him home. "
Frowning, Madison Lenz took the doll from her brother and examined it. "Well, he does need to be tidied up. It seems like he was dropped in the middle of a soccer field or something, but we can give him a wash."
Carl was ecstatic. "Oooh, a bath?"
"You could say that. Albeit, he will be washed in a tub we put in the sink. Now, let's see if his batteries work."
As he felt the blonde's fingernails scrape across the plush frame, Chucky knew he had to create a distraction lest he have his secret discovered. Turning his head over to face her, the possessed doll began to speak.
"Hi, I am Chucky. Wanna play?"
Startled, Maddie gasped as she let the doll fall from her hands. Carl ran over and picked up Chucky.
"Why did you do that, Maddie? He likes you. He only wanted to play."
His older sister just crossed her arms. "Yeah, like I'd want to play with a creepy doll. Fine, you can bring him in. Only make sure to keep him away from me and wash him up. If I do find him in my room or any of the areas I frequent, then he goes into the garbage where he belongs, do I make myself clear, Carl?"
Is this bitch's life so sorely lacking that she developed a habitual tendency to degrade adorable little dolls like myself?
"Yes, Maddie," Carl acknowledged. "I'll go wash him now. You don't need to be so mean. Chucky is a good guy after all."
You got that right, kid. I'm starting to like you. If only you stay the hell outta my way, you get to live.
Soon, the killer doll was receiving a full body wash in a bowl that served as a bathtub for babies and pets. Humming to himself, Carl scrubbed really hard before dunking Chucky into the vat full of water and soap. It took Charles Lee Ray all his self-control not to gag or spit. In what felt like decades, the young boy finally pulled Chucky out of the water and began to dry him. Once the kid finished smothering the possessed doll vigorously, he set it on right under the buttresses of the house before the door, admiring his handiwork.
"Wow Chucky! You look as good as ever! Let's take you to my room. You will love it there. G.I Joe, Optimus Prime, and Batman will keep you company."
Wow kid, are you trying to kill me? I must say I am impressed with your viciousness. You got the makings of a killer in you, you just don't know it yet. Your m.o. would be suffocation and drowning. You remind me of a younger version of myself. Only, you need the extra push to bring out your potential. One more thing: I don't give a fuck about Batman or those other fuckheads in your room.
Young Carl raced to his room and set Chucky among a pile of stuffed animals that included Godzilla and Captain Rex before racing out of his room. After about several minutes, certain that the little brat wasn't going to return, the possessed doll rose up from the pile of toys, shook them off, and waddled toward the room's exit before he stumbled upon a Wii Switch. Cursing, Chucky kicked the device away before leaving the room. He stopped once to flash the bird at the action figures that kept him company.
"Eat Shit, you radioactive dinosaur! Oh, and Batman, you should know that Superman kicks your worthless ass any day. Fuck what the fanboys say. So long, suckers!"
The killer doll cackled as he marched down the white marble floor, his footsteps tapping lightly. He explored the large house before he came upon a glass door of a balcony that looked out into the backyard. Pressing his finger against the door, it swung open with a squeak, indicating that it was not closed all the way. Chucky waddled into the balcony itself and gripped the bars like a caged animal as his malevolent blue eyes raked the yard below. There was a red and blue gazebo, a patio with a grill and various umbrellas, as well as some garden statues and a large pool with a jacuzzi. What caught his eye was the lone figure swimming under the dark blue twilight sky.
Is that the little brat's bitch of a sister?
Sure enough, Carl's older sister was enjoying a dip in the pool. Chucky observed her for a while before he noticed her head for the jacuzzi. A plan began to spin in the doll's murderous mind.
If only I could make my way to the jacuzzi without being seen, I'd have drowned the irritable slut in her own pool and she'd be none the wiser. It is a long way down from here to the pool. Whatever. I'll just bide my time until she comes inside. I ain't going anywhere.
Chucky kept his gaze on the dorky high school student for about an hour before she rose from the pool, her body dripping with water, before she retrieved a towel from the iron bar to wrap dry herself. The voodoo doll kept his gaze upon the blonde in the blue swimsuit, his eyes scanning her like an eagle does to its prey, before deciding to make his move. Soon, he was darting down the stairs and towards the kitchen. His eyes scanned the gray stony counter tops, searching for a weapon, before his eyes settled upon the perfect weapon. A devious grin played upon the toy's lips as the machinations of the plan started whirring like gears in his brain.
Now that will get the job done. Simple but effective. It is the small things in life that matter.
That was such a refreshing swim. Now, it is time for a bath. I have AP Chemistry homework to do. On top of that, I need to prepare the signs for the Save the Peacocks march this Sunday. Carl better not have left that creepy doll inside the bathroom or leave the water running again. Mom had a cow last time and who got blamed? That's right, little old me. I'll kill the little brat if he gets me in trouble again.
As Madison made her way to the bathroom, covered in her towels, her ever active mind played her anxieties and planned everything until the end of the school year, her neurons even touching the tendrils of her eventual graduation. Should she apply to Stanford, Harvard, or Yale? Once she made it to the bath, her bright blue eyes scanned the room cautiously before sliding off her towel and her bathing suit. Relieved that she didn't see anything out of place, the diligent student placed her spectacles on the counter and set the bath. Her brother's new 'friend till the end' bugged her more than she wanted to let on. Not only that, but something about it gave her the creeps.
Dolls have always creeped me out once I grew out of my childhood phase. Those featureless expressions really are stuff of horror.
Making sure the water is right, she dipped a toe inside the lukewarm bath and waited until it was warm until she slid inside. Content with it, she leaned back , her body becoming immersed deeper into the water, her head resting on the edge. This all felt so perfect. Nothing could disrupt this moment of peace. As Madison closed her eyes, drifting further into her temporary bliss, the sounds of scuttling feet tapped on the porcelain floor. Thinking Carl was being a little scoundrel and horsing around inside the bathroom.
"Carl, get your little imp butt out of the bathroom before I drown you in this tub! I really mean it. Don't test my patience."
For a moment , there was a silence so thick that Rachel had assumed her brat of a younger brother had complied with her warning, but the sound of clattering toiletries proved her wrong. Annoyed, the geeky student sat up from the water and opened her eyes. Blinking at the childlike figure perched upon the storage cabinet, she wondered how Carl climbed up there. Then again, was Carl even that small, even for a ten-year old? Maddie reached for her spectacles and slipped them on to get a look at her brother.
"Carl, you think this is funny? I am at my wit's-"
Maddie stopped mid-rant with a frightened gasp as she saw the true identity of the shape. It wasn't her brother she was berating, but rather that bizarre doll of his, smirking at her with an expression that made her blood as cold as frozen yogurt. What was that he was holding?
No way, this can't be real! I am hallucinating from too much time in the water. Did I get so much in my head that it interfered with my cognitive functions?
She could only watch in horror as the doll smirked and held out what she recognized as the silver toaster from the kitchen. The events that unfolded next would seem like something out of a horror movie.
"Surprise, bitch!" the doll snarled. "Toaster in the tub!"
With the butcher knife he held in his left hand, the Good Guy doll cut the wires of the device before dropping it in the tub, causing an electrical vortex throughout the water. Before she had time to react, Madison Lenz felt a tingling sensation all over her body before paralysis took over. The pain increased in tempo as it felt like her insides were being fried. She tried to open her mouth to scream, but to her horror, found that she lost all control of her muscles. It felt like an eternity before relief came in the form of a calming darkness that enveloped her gradually.
Charles Lee Ray laughed maniacally as he observed his handiwork. The insufferable bitch had finally bit the dust. He had observed her jerking movements as she was being electrocuted by his most simple yet efficient kill to date only, amused by her death throes. To him, it looked like the bitch was being fucked from behind by an invisible man. The thought made him giggle as he hurried out of the bathroom and into the hall. He was nearly to the stairwell when he almost collided with his newest friend Carl. The deranged doll glanced up at the boy, whose water-colored eyes were as wide as saucers upon seeing him. Chucky only responded with a devious grin before running around the bewildered boy and down the stairs.
"What are ya lookin' at, chump?" He called over his shoulder. "You never seen a walking talking doll before?"
"Chucky, where are you going?" Carl called out, looking as if Saint Nick himself had appeared on the stairwell. "Come back!"68Please respect copyright.PENANAgnFhXVbD2A
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"Thanks for your hospitality kid, but Chucky needs to get the hell out of dodge. You have a phone I can use? I need to call Tiffany, who is someone your little mind doesn't need to know! I need a ride out of here else I woulda gunned it out of here in your sister's car. if dolls could drive Speaking of that brat you call a sister, you can go into the bathroom and there is your prize from me to you thanking you for your hospitality! Now hurry up cuz I don't got all night, kid!"
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