"I am not sure how this had happened. One minute he wanted to use the restroom, the next minute I find him, he is dead with a kitchen knife plunged into his chest. I don't...know....how, but s-someone...m-must have s-snuck inside while we were eating. " Mrs. Pierce stifled a sob. "I k-know that we aren't k-killers so i-it can't be my husband or girls."
As his neighbor burst into tears in front of the cop, Jeff turned to glance back at the body that was being loaded into the back of the ambulance, the red and blue lights lighting up the block under a pink twilight sky. None of this made sense. First, the day went off without a hitch as he had a good time with his crowd. Now, some religious dude gets butchered in the Pierce's home. The Pierce family didn't seem like the type to snap and go on murderous stints.
"You there! Get over here!"
Startled by the hard voice, Jeff glanced to his left to see an officer, Officer Ramirez as stated by the badge on his black uniform, approach him.
"Yeah, I'm here, dude. Need me to do something for you?"
What the fuck does he want from me? Does he think I am connected with the crime or the Pierces?
"Shut your goddamn mouth unless you are spoken to, punk!" The officer's eyes narrowed. "I am Officer Ricardo Ramirez, Lakewood PD. I only want to ask you a few questions and once I am assured of your responses, then you are free to go. Am I clear?"
"Woah, hold up." Jeffrey raised his hands. "You assume I had anything to do with this? For Fuck's sake, I was on an outing with my homies and I come home to see this madness. Besides, are you playing the whole good cop/ bad cop routine with me? It sure feels like it with your attitude."
Hearing running footsteps, the teenage punk turned to see his mom hurry over to him. Behind her, he watched as cops and journalists interviewed his friends and neighbors, including the Pierces. When did the news vans appear?
"Officer, my son was with his friends when this all went down. I had arrived before him even as the crime scene was cordoned off. I didn't even know what the hell was going on until recently. If you have the need to question anyone , I am willing to provide you answers with what I know."
"With all due respect, ma'am." Officer Ramirez crossed his arms. "I wasn't implying any guilt between you two. I was only doing my job. I can't leave any stone unturned as they say. Very well, you want to go first?"
"Hehehehe, that was fun. You know what would be even more fun? Me slaughtering the rest of the family and the Barclays. That old fart was good for honing my skills with a knife. I have gotten so damn rusty, thanks to Tiff and the fun she offers."
Chucky, viewing the confusion from the windowsill of the girl's room, slid down from his perch and waddled his way down the stairs. He had to get away from the house before anyone discovered he was inside. The investigators might link him to the crime scene and that would result in him being taken to the lab for investigation, taking him away from his targets. It was not something he could afford right now, especially after all this time.
Now if I can only sneak my way out the door while the dumbasses are busy over the geezer's death, I can-
The door burst open just as two investigators, dressed similarly in dark gray slacks, entered.
Awww shit! I was almost there! I will kill you bastards later!
"Well, what do we have here?"
Adam Edge, adjusting his sunglasses, kneeled down to pick up the doll that was at his feet. The doll, its baby blue eyes gazing ahead listlessly at the ceiling, with the words Good Guy Doll plastered in tacky coloring across the front of its overalls, started to speak.
"Hi, my name is Chucky, wanna play? I'll be your friend till the end! Heido ho!"
"Well, what do you know?" Adam's partner, Steve, chuckled. "It's a Good Guy doll. I used to have one as a little squirt. I'm surprised that they still have these around. It may belong to the girls of this house, but let's check it for any DNA. It could come useful if we are to identify any suspects. We all know this isn't a suicide as the deceased had multiple lacerations and stab wounds cross his body. "
"Yeah, but it's obvious that the kids will have their DNA on the doll. Wouldn't that complicate matters further?"
As the two men exited the house and entered their unmarked car, both failed to notice the doll sneer as they set it in the back of their car.
Once he and his mom were questioned by that annoying cop, Jeffrey quickly ran over to Mina, who was chattering away at her twin sister. Jeff cleared his throat, capturing the attention of the girls.
"Ok, this may sound weird, but nothing is really weird after what has went down, right?"He faked a smile, receiving weirded looks from the girls. "Ok, I fucked up there. What I am trying to say is that did you put your doll up on the window sill?"
"Huh?" Nina, the one with the shorter hair, frowned. She glanced up at her window and shook her head. "No, Chucky was never there. You seen him, Nina?"
"What? You gotta be shittin' me!"
Jeff glanced toward the window he had seen Chucky earlier, glowing slightly from the sunset, only to be met with an empty window.
Why do I have a bad feeling?
"So what are you going to get Stacy for her birthday?"
Blinking his eyes, Chucky glanced around the backseat of the Sedan as the two investigators made small talk. Seeing that their attention was directed elsewhere, the killer doll searched for anything to use as a weapon and a means of escape.
Bahhh, a picture of a corpse nor a measuring tape will do crap for me!I need something useful. Something sharp. Like this screwdriver or even this strand of wire! These will make bloody murder weapons for me! Heeheeeheeeheee!
Chucky collected those time items and turned to see which man who could make his next victim.