Sirens blaring, Officer Ramirez sped down the street, weaving between a few cars here and there, as he tried to make it to the crime scene. His objective was to make it to the site before anyone else, especially his fellow cops, in order to secure it so no one contaminates it. In a matter of seconds, the flaming wreckage, a bright orange beacon of flame in the ever-growing evening, started to grow sharper in focus.
"Oh shit, that looks real bad," Ramirez's partner, Swann, mumbled.
"No kidding, now what could have resulted in a burnout of that caliber?"
Surely, it wasn't a coincidence that a crime scene investigation van was trashed with the possibility of two investigators killed not long after a crime scene was audited and released. Perhaps the killing of that church dude and this fiasco were linked. Officer Ramirez never doubted that this was the work of a serial killer and determined to make the connection and close the case as soon as possible. That will not only impress Swann and his fellow officers, but perhaps the chief and the commissioner as well. They would have to take his success into account when considering the next chief of Lakewood police.
"Some bastard conniving enough to avoid the limelight and work from the shadows?" His partner suggested.
Holy crap, who could have pulled something like this. This doesn't even look like an accident.
As Ramirez's dark eyes trained on the fiery wreck ahead that was garnering traffic like moths to a light, his colleague tapped him on the shoulder.
"God damn! Would you look at that? Isn't that a Good Guy doll? My nephew has one and to be honest, it really freaks me out!"
"What are you rambling about now?"
Ramirez glanced at the rearview mirror and his eyes grew wide at the preposterous sight that greeted his vision. Blinking his eyes several times, he wished the sight would disappear as it would be the result of too much caffeine, but sadly that didn't prove to be the case. A Good Guy doll with messy red hair was waddling away at the side of the road like a toddler and no one seemed particularly concerned about the peculiar sight. This wasn't something you'd see everyday.
"You're right! Is it the type to move as well as speak?"
Officer Swann just shrugged. "Beats me. I have yet to see one walk, but perhaps they invented a new line. "
"Play Pals could be testing one right now," Ricardo Ramirez agreed. "But let's make sure."
Turning the wheel sharply, he sped the vehicle 180 degrees and tailed the walking doll. The motivated officer tried to convince himself that his eyes were playing tricks on him as he bore down on the child's plaything. Once the car's headlights, the same color as the full moon that was rising above, shone on the figure, it's next move caught the two officers by surprise. The Good Guy glanced over its shoulder, its bright blue eyes wide with either alarm or madness, before giving the officers the bird and hurrying into the dense brush.
"Damn! Did it do what I thought it did?" Officer Swann glanced at his partner with an incredulous expression. Ramirez, who was as flabbergasted as his partner, turned to glance at him.
"Swanny, as much as I wish we were hallucinating, I saw what it did. I doubt that is a doll, but more likely a child dressed up as one, playing a prank."
"Or a midget," Swann grumbled. "Though I never seen one that pint-sized."
Ramirez, down to get to the bottom of the mystery of the doll or someone who was in a doll costume, pulled over and parked. Drawing their weapons, the two cops disembarked and entered the brush where the last seen the mini-man disappear. The ambitious officer, his black eyes flitting from side to side, cautiously made his way toward the hedge where the fleeing mannequin had penetrated the brush. Activating his flashlight, he nodded at his partner to follow suit.
"Keep your guard up. We don't know who this guy is or what his intentions are, but he could be highly dangerous."
Swann nodded. "Yeah, I figured that out for myself."
Officer Ramirez groaned. "It's just a friendly reminder to be on guard, son. Should I remind you that as your partner, I-"
Officer Swann raised his hand. "No need, I get your point. Let's just find that sonofabitch that looks like a doll and haul our asses home for the night."
A smile formed on Ramirez's gruff face. "I like that plan. Let's roll!"
Seconds after the officers split to find their person of interest, Officer Swann made his way down the green hill that reminded him of a golf course. Grayish eyes scanning the grassy hills for the dollish figure, the fair-haired cop shined his flashlight at the bushes to his left as well as the hills to his right, his handgun at the ready for any threat. A body of water snaked through the grass before him, reflecting the pale white moonlight as he continued his search. Twice, flashes from the hedge or shrubs caught Swann's attention and caused him to tighten his finger on the trigger, but they only ended up being harmless creatures like rabbits or squirrels.
S*&t, I really need to tone it down on the coffee. I'm getting too jumpy for my own good.
Taking a breath to regulate his breathing, the cop waited for a full minute before resuming his search for the missing doll. Every minute or so, the bushes nearby would shiver while the grasses rustled as if they had a chill, but the edgy officer written it off as part of the breeze, if not a little critter foraging the plains. Despite that, however, a small part of him felt that there was a more sinister reason for what he had witnessed.
"F*^k this! Once I finish the doing my rounds by Vincent Bridge, I'm-"61Please respect copyright.PENANA7QnkJ7Fshf
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"Surprise, Muthafukka!"
Astounded by the unnerving voice, Swann turned, only to be greeted by a shovel to the head. Seeing stars and staggering back, the stunned officer only heard laughter that sounded like something the Joker would be capable of before dropping his gun and light. Finding his back on the cool and wet grassy dirt, the astonished cop saw what looked like a sneering kid stare down at him, holding a bloody spade. The cop's stunned green eyes blinked as he recognized that this was no kid.
"It can't be! You're-"
"The last thing you see before you die!"
The last thing Officer Swann hear or saw was the doll let out a grunt of some kind before bringing down the shovel once more. After a brief burst of pain, the land of the living left the dead cop's sight.
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Officer Ramirez was training his bright beam of light on the river banks when he heard the shrill scream of his partner. He was so startled that he nearly dropped his flashlight and handgun.
"Dammit Swanny, what happened now?"
Fearing the worse, the Latino Officer sprinted over the grassy hills as he came upon the limp form of his partner, lying beside a ditch that seemed hastily dug near the mud of the embankments.
Shi'et! What happened to him?
As the cop kneeled over his partner to examine him, he noticed a bloody patch on the side of the man's head. Deducing it to be an ambush, Ramirez drew his weapon and his eyes, in addition to his light, searched the grassy plains for the assailant. When he couldn't spot anyone, he lowered his weapon and was about to call for backup and urgent care for his partner when he felt something hard and cold connect with his knee caps, sending him reeling. Gritting his teeth in pain, the officer glanced up as a shape the size of a toddler approached. Blinking his eyes, he thought he was dreaming or hit his head when he came down, which he couldn't as his noggin never ,made contact with the ground, but before him stood a sight one would only see in horror films or their nightmares.
Oh God, that's actually not a Good Guy doll now, is it?
Sneering at him and holding a bloody spade in its hands, the Good Guy doll's intense blue eyes stared straight into his own dark eyes.
"What? Never seen a walking talking Doll? Well, kudos to you, bub, but I'll be the last thing you see before you join your partner in eternal sleep among the burrowers."
As he raised his weapon to shoot, the evil doll dropped the shovel and drew a knife from his overalls. Letting out a war whoop, it launched itself at the remaining cop and struck him in the chest before he could squeeze off a shot. Staring down at the bloody spot on his chest where the knife was buried in horror, Officer Ramirez started to lose consciousness.
This is why I never bought one of those dolls during my childhood years.
Wusses, all of them ! If these are the best of Lakewood Police Department, then this sh*thole of a town will be a cesspool for thieves, rapists, druggies, murderers, and serial killers. Like me!
A soon as he finished digging up the corpses, the killer doll made his way to the top of the hill before making it back to the street. He was figuring out how to return to where his targets were when he spotted a blue Honda Civic waiting on the street. Smirking, he scurried over to it like a lemur and climbed underneath to hitch a ride out of this place.
Watch out, boys and girls, Chucky is coming for you!
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