El finds the promise keeper eating a lot on top of a hill as he says " Count ? " Gale sees El " Hey look " Gale waved their wings at El , but the sight of seeing a chubby bird waving their wings made El wonder what to say about the rest of the fattened promise keepers who took the form of an animal .
" Please I'm already full " Ember said and so did Truth as they were tired on the ground , El looked up " Count ? " the eye watching the promise keepers moved to El " Oh what are you doing here ... " Count quickly covered Gale and everyone else in a protective cage with crooked cells .
" I'm not here to do anything to your children this is more about what I did , and I promised I wouldn't just let you kill me " " I did want to kill you for all the troubles you made my children but " El looks at Gale and felt familiar with them .
" I'm sorry I couldn't give you my thanks when you all kept me fed and warned of the dangers " " It's okay we are alive now " Gale said while Dream also nodded in the form of an alpaca " It's not my place to do the revenge thing for them "
" What about my angels ? " El asked " I might do something about that75Please respect copyright.PENANA6dfM6Vng7x
" No father and mother El did it because you were really scary so ... it's your fault too "
Ember said trying to direct the crime to Count " I guess it only make sense for me to be the one at fault I might have saved my children if I decided not to meet you "
Count said as El thinks of what could happen when he didn't see Count early on " I probably would be braver if that happened " " I know I got too greedy " El thinks of the primal instinct that was gathered in his thrown .
" I'm not sure what to do now , this thing I thought would take a while to resolve was done so quickly " El sat on the ground without using his powers to make it convenient " El ? " Gale said going to their side .
" You're that little wind that kept telling me what to do right ? " " Yeah are you okay ? " " You should think about your parent first " " Then you should go think about your angels they fell hard on the ground . "
Count felt guilty and whispered to El " Sorry I was harsh on your children " " I made them with your body part " " You raised them so I wouldn't call myself a parent , plus I can hardly call myself the parent of the Fae I haven't been helping them survive I only manage to save every one of them "
El sighs looking at both himself and Count as parent " I'm a terrible parent too , I created my children only for my kind to be served , I feel disgusted " " Me too some of my children barely survived being born to this world , Karma was the one who helped all of them and his spouse too "
" Are they competing to be the worst parent ? " Gale whispers to everyone as they nod slowly . Isir finds them as they return to the shelter and takes Moirai " Don't worry Moirai soon we'll get to go back "
Reed looks at Isir as they wonder what he wants now " Isir can you take me back to Count ? " " Are you kidding me ? " " I'm afraid not " " Alright it's okay they are no longer killing each other " " I'll go as insurance "
Isir didn't want to go through so much time trying to argue an unwinnable argument " Moirai I'll be back " Isir dropped Reed with them as he looked at the promise keepers " Hello how are those two ? "
" they are okay " Gale said " Everything ending seems strange " El said " Why ? " " I had planned for everyone to unite and work together while Lucifer leads the rest of humanity who chose to believe in themselves and their work but that descendant of his took the role and forced a different future on me "
" That's just how he is " Count said " I watched him from afar because I didn't want him to rely on me , back then he was just a small child , but because he had all sorts of silver spoons he wanted to outgrow them all "
" Maybe I should've just made the angels instead of Adam and Eve " " How did you make Adam and Eve ? " " I made them by giving a part of me " Count looks at El's memories spotting the one where he said about not being close to their level of creation of life .
" What's that memory about being closed to my level " " That person you have been fighting is the only one who had a self and created a body for themself , even though Adam , Eve and Lilith I had to animate the soil to give life while your children do it on their own "
" Well , unlike your children , mine don't need me so I never had the chance to care for them " " Me neither , Lilith left instantly so I had to create Eve out of the soil , it's annoying how the people translated it to make Eve someone of lesser status and accused Lilith of trying to be equal "
" Why did Lilith leave ? I found out in that original but I never read it " " Because she didn't like the garden at all , speaking of Eden that blade that the other me is using is that garden of Eden I had to get rid of it after I threw the flaming sword at the babylon tower "
" What a turn of events , I'll go stop Karma and your other self from fighting "
" Wow looks like you were taking your time " Karma said as he grabbed Genesis and ate it " Here I got them " Karma sat on the ground as Gale and the others surrounded him " Karma you're okay "
" I know I am guess what I'm your brother now ... although maybe one of the youngest " " But what about truth ? " Dream asked " I'm technically still older because I have been around as soon as El knew that his faith was a fake god until he made it real I had a hard time remembering things like it "
" Really ? " " Yes I was it's just that like the older siblings who were asleep because no one could wake up because of the memories I was able to wake up after Karma helped define it " Truth thanks Karma giving him a short bow .
" That's nice to know but since all this is over " Karma gets up and grabs the Lamb skull from El " I need to visit my kid " He turns to Le who was sitting with a blank expression with many thoughts " Hey Le don't be too disappointed that we had that battle we can do it again if you are crazy for that "
" I'm not as crazy as you to put the whole world at risk " Le said as Karma smiled and sprouted wings made of crooked branches and took off " I'll take care of this war El " Karma said as El followed " No I have to take care of this "
Karma smiled as they both announced " Babylonians this war is over " " Believers of god cease the attacks we will no longer be at war "
" Happy birthday my little baby " Karma said as he gave Moirai two servants that he animated to life while Isir gave commands to make them functional " Okay so you can name them both however you want think of them as convenient helpers okay ? "
Moirai nods as he plays with his two gifts " I can't believe you gave him the skulls " " Hey I can't have our baby alone with some bad gift that's why I had to donate a lot of the primal instinct I took from god's throne why else would I take it from him "
" I thought you wanted to eat that angel corpse " " I did , although Genesis tastes better " Karma said looking out at the window as people worked hard " Young master , You have some words with El "
" Did he finish taking care of the believers already ? " Sebastian nodded " That's amazing even though we just relaxed for the past months " Isir said and Karma looked at the time wondering what should come now that they had reached the end of the stories .
" Normally I would think we would eventually reach the stars but who knew it was the stars that would reach us " Isir looks out the window wondering what Karma meant .
A portal opens as some Fae pass and continue working on regrowing the plants and another train travels to heaven with Mihr inside .
" I'm pretty sure we still have to reach the stars ourselves there are some locations that the fae had taken root on and created their magical realm " " And then the Babylonians who want to go visit them for unspecified reasons " Isir said .
" Are they seriously trying to do that ? " They turned to Moirai who put blocks on the dark scapegoat and white lamb "Azi" "Zio" respectively " So he already thought of a name " Karma picked up Moirai .
' Now that I think of it , what should I do about the future , I've been too focused on revelation I didn't think much about what kind of future there'll be , there is no longer a deadline for anything from now on but it doesn't mean that this future will be good '
" From now on the future will have to be carefully planned I already have a bunch of people that help me account for all the babylonians , El will take care of his side of believers which shouldn't be hard considering they have a solid foundation based on faith but then there are people who are just beggars who don't like jobs ... I'll ask if someone can discipline them "
" I can just put them in a box and make them work for everything from food to luxury " Karma thinks that they do need someone who is adamant about their prices and can take the yells without taking them to heart by having no heart " That could work do you already have it written down ? "
" Not yet but I'll do it if you need to , this kind of problem will surface eventually so I'll be able to create a correction facility in no time I just need some funds to build it " " Then I'll support you the way I can "
Karma puts Moirai down as he plays on his own " Now Moirai when you want to get some help please don't do it frequently okay ? " Moirai nods as Isir smiles " Hey Isir you coming or are you staying ? "
" I'm getting there " Isir changes and Karma works on the portal as they left " Are you sure it's okay to just give him a few words ? " Karma asked " Don't worry I already but some commands Azi and Zio can only help within a certain range for example when Moirai has to get something from higher shelves "
" Sounds helpful and doesn't make him too lazy " Karma said as they arrived at Heaven with El inside a room working on a few things " So how are everything ? " " It's been okay , the believers are finally accustomed to god's kingdom though there is a problem with a few lazy people "
" Don't worry Isir already planned for that " " Speaking of Isir where are they ? " " Information gathering , after you bought the heavenly kingdom here everyone has been too lazy it's just too bad that the sin of sloth was discord so being lazy isn't considered a sin anymore "
" I heard a lot about what you did in hell to get to that point " " Yeah while everyone didn't have to do bothersome jobs they still had to do some of their jobs because a lot of people are very greedy and passionate about the luxuries and job they have "
El wonders how he should do this without Karma's help " You don't have to help me I have to do this on my own " " Oh that's okay Isir just pitched the idea , although you really should control some of your people , the problem I have is that the Babylonians have to break laws for me to act "
" You don't have to call the believers my people , they chose to follow me " " Same here , although I do plan to ask now that you have more time in hands , what was your plan after Revelation ? " El reaches out for a book while Karma waits for a response .
" Here this book records what I have learned about the disappearance of souls from the dreaming " Karma looks at it with surprise " Other afterlife ? " " More precisely some of these realms these souls go to are different worlds that rob the soul of people and put them into different bodies or sometimes just leave them as souls "
He was surprised to see that was the case " I had noticed that they are also using my defined acts of merits and sins but several worlds have different variations of these " " So you visited them ? " " Yes it wasn't too difficult to locate and hide from them "
" Were these places the journeys you planned to start for Lucifer ? " " Yes after I separated hell from this place it would allow Lucifer and the fallen to have a chance to see these other worlds "
Karma opens the book to see descriptions of various worlds as he flips through them " This world looks nice " " It was made by a life that ascended to godhood , they felt pity for their own kind and created a different world free of its challenges " " Which one came first you or them ? " " I'd say them , they aren't aware of Count or me "
" There's so much to do even after all that " " I wouldn't concern myself with following them though that land was destroyed and taken by a great group of people " " So we have to be cautious of these world dominators ? "
" No rather than the purpose world domination , they turned it into a land of trials " " So you based the trials in Purgatorio on that ? " " No I helped them make these trials so that I can keep a close eye on them " Karma nods wondering what other things El has been doing .
" By the way how is Le ? " " He's doing well , he's the one who wanted to help me discipline the lazy believers " " That's good , now about these groups anything you know about them " El nods and Karma puts the book back in his hands .
" These people make trials " " I don't get it " " Me neither I stopped meeting with them after Reed met Count and I've been keeping an eye on your family for a while now however we do have to take care of problems involving them , soon these people might find me and I'm afraid with all the people we had including the Fae we'll have to watch out for them "
Karma wonders if Bael knows of it " Maybe Bael knows about this " " It could be possible after all the fae have their own world " Karma leaves El and goes to visit Bael " Come in " Karma enters the room as Bael wonders what he wants to know .
" Do you know anything about the group of people who had created trials and different worlds ? " " Is that what you are here for ? " " Yeah the mystery of souls disappearing and Count being completely unaware of how is really forcing me to look around "
" If you only want to know about the mystery of the souls I'm afraid I can't answer much about that " " Disappointing " Karma was about to leave until Bael stopped him " Don't leave just yet , we have been in contact before until we waged war and damaged them heavily "
" There it is what is it about ? " " Some new gods were born but unlike El these gods are weak , they weren't even aware of our parent at that time , so as soon we won we left since there was nothing to gain , we lost a few of our siblings but they are all fine because we brought their worn out bodies and souls back "
" Interesting any ideas how strong they are " some screens flew to Karma as he watched " These are the apostles that accepted the status given by these gods unfortunately unlike El who has an entire heaven these gods rely on pantheons they were weak back then but who knows what they are like now "
" Be careful from now on huh ? " " Exactly that's why I have been making sure that the Fae don't go to wars against each other " " Using external factions that aren't your blood is that it ? " Bael nods and Karma wonders what to do .
" It's funny that the person who gave life to all of us has done nothing until now " " If you are here to brag then please leave " " No I'm not here to brag so how are father and mother doing " Bael didn't like being told that Karma is now a sibling of the fae but accepted it .
" They're making a giant library to compile several events for us , some fae are curious about the real history of the world while El is trying to recover what was left of the times he used the eternal fire to keep Count from being aware of what happened by removing them from the tree of life "
" That's good , although I wish you guys would teach more about magic " " There are a lot of things unknown that we have no idea how to use , our powers are just based on our experience and can't be written down as knowledge "
" Even though El could do it " " Even if he did we still have to see if everyone can use it " " No wonder they call you the devil , you are really good at making armies " " It's why I'm the leader during war and Asmodeus was the leader during peace "
"That's great to know , now that we know what is the future that's to come I'll have to make sure that we are prepared for any tips and tricks ? " " Just do as you usually do " Bael said not intending to help Karma any further .
" Come on Bael I know you got more , after all the fae as a family has always been looking at the future rather than present gains , isn't that why the economics is so great ? " " We already have a number of our research data sold to you for the funding and supplies "
" Yes I know we have that but what about magic source " Bael wondered if this was what Karma wants " We are still trying to understand that part " " It's the faes energy more precisely the passive force they generate , Bael , the fae has been messing with nature , the impossibilities of science are just toys to them to use "
" So what are you suggesting ? " " I'll increase supply if you have the Fae teach more about their abilities to humans , currently the sinners can only go so far with strengthening their body it would be useful to improve our military forces right ? "
Bael narrowed his eyes still seeing Karma as an annoying negotiator who will make sure that he will gain the most benefits " We'll talk about the numbers later " Karma smiled " Okay then see you soon brother "
Bael disliked the tone Karma had used as well as the word ' Now it's time to prepare for lunch ' Karma goes back as he prepares for Moirai's birthday .
" Happy birthday Moirai make sure you make a wish and don't tell anyone " " Yay " Moirai blows the candle while Isir takes a picture " It's so nice everything is going well now " " I know right a few months I was fighting for my life and so was everyone "
Lilith looks at hell as she drinks some juice stressed from what was happening " Are you okay Lilith ? " " Lucie I'm just really tired trying to secure a future for my children " " You don't have to now , Father agreed to let them lose their angelic status and become human "
" Is that his way of saying that you won't be servants anymore because you aren't angels ? " " Yes the same happened to the other angels who fell from heaven , the Babylon tower is the legal way for everyone to go through different realms "
Lilith thinks of the bottom of the abyss " What about that place at the bottom of abyss ? " " It's only for Karma from now on , he owns the entirety of hell from now on " Lilith recalls the suspiciously reasonable price that Karma put on the properties as well as the wildlife made of sins .
' I'll never understand what he is about ' " Aren't you going to help your father ? " " I am helping Karma " " first of fallen now serving a human " " It's not servitude , I have a salary as long as I do a good job "
" Sigh ... okay you can do your job " Lilith takes a look at the newspaper ' I also have to get one too ' Now the world has two nations the Babylons and God's kingdom . Lilith takes an interview as a teacher in demonic arts and peace is slowly coming in .
But of course , the mystery of the people who created other worlds taking the souls of people in their worlds became a huge obstacle to this peace that was created .
Michael looked down feeling empty at his back because of the lack of wings and the sight of giant prototype angels of the first sphere being viewed by both believers and Babylonians " Brother , father asked for you "
" I'll be there " Michael goes in the office seeing El " Michael " " Father , what should I do ? " " I was wondering if you could teach knowledge to the people "
" May I know why ? " " I have never told you about the other worlds because I was too focused on telling you more about ours , these people in other worlds have likely grown , we may visit them or they will visit us I want to make sure we are strong to be able to face them and resolve it peacefully "
Michael nods as El sees through his worries " Is there something worrying you ? " " Yes there is " " Do tell me , I am your father , I apologize I couldn't be one when you were young " " No it's okay it's just that I wonder how hard it must've been for you father to wish to be brave "
" You mean Le right ? " Michael nods " Of course I would be I felt lonely there was someone so much greater than me that it drove me to fear , I wanted to be brave too , but even fear can be helpful to me "
Michael wonders why fear is helpful and El answers " If I hadn't feared a future I wouldn't do my very best to stay away from it the same thing can be said when I desire a future I would do my best to direct my actions to achieve it " El watched Michael lose his worries " Thank you father "
" You're welcome , but thank you too for having so much faith in me and yourself " Michael leaves as Le leaves El's shadow " Father you should really have some faith in yourself " " I'm just too used to being alone and created you by accident "
" What are these people who took the souls ? " " I don't know a time can do a lot of things to a person , gods are no exceptions " El looks at the candle with the eternal fire as El taps onto it " But a group of people spending time together could result in war from the differences they make "
The fire showed a Memory of what occurred when El visited the people who stole the souls " Some of them turned the souls of people as trees to be harvested of the fruit they make just like how Count eats the fruits that fell , but instead of fallen fruits they pluck it out and depraved the souls of their fruits ... but this was a long time ago they likely have found more different ways to make use of these souls after putting them in bodies "
The flames turned back to something small " That's why I'm afraid the same will happen to everyone in here , where they will eventually be turned into trees and forced to exhaust all of their willpower into fruits to feed these greedy gods , I'm just grateful that Count loves life more than them hence why they are not a great threat compared to these people . "
Karma takes Moirai to Count " Moirai that's your grandparent " " Oooh " Moirai was amazed by the size of Count " Hey Count how's the place going ? " " It's hard to do it , I've only been learning "
" I know but it's so nice of you to make it " Karma turns to Moirai who is curious about what was being made " Oh you see Moirai , I asked for a reward for all my hard work so Grandpar is going to gift me a whole new realm "
" It's because you demanded a lot from me " " You just agreed because you felt the price was right because I fixed a lot of problems and I just wanted a world for myself "
Karma wonders how he should announce the news so that there is a goal for the future" Maybe have God confirm that aliens exist ? "