A/n: something I forgot to mention in the 'before the story starts' chapter is that this story was actually inspired by 2 Legend of Korra stories. One was actually Korra Asami x Male Assassin Reader by @Ninneko7 and the other was The Electrical Conduit Male Reader x Korra by @Silver_Whisp. Yes, I'm well aware that neither of them have anything to do with Naruto, but they did give me the initial idea to write a Korra based story that then evolved into a Naruto crossover one.
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A False Victory
The scene opens to where we left off last time. We can see as the gang looks on in shock at the Wolfbats victory over their wounded opponents. However, we can see Y/n has a different opinion.
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Y/n: "hu. I knew they were cowards." this caused the others to look at him.
Korra: "huh? What are you talking about?"
Mako: with a raised eyebrow, "that's what I wanna know?"
Y/n: looks at them with his arms crossed, "huh? Well, other than the obvious, it's clear they cheated."
Asami: "that's quite the accusation, do you have any evidence to back it up?"
Y/n: "no."
Mako: "then you shouldn't say such things without anything to back it up."
Y/n: shrugs his shoulders, "true, but you don't need the Sharingan or the Byakugan to see through their bullshit"
Korra: "the what?"
Y/n: jolts a little, "uhhhhh, nevermind. Let's just say that in one form or another, I've watched all your matches as well as other matches. I observed and took note of every injury anyone has received during their matches. I even watched how benders fight each other in not match settings."
Korra: "wait, you can memorize all that?" causing him to nod. "That's cool."
Mako: "aaaaand, what does that have to do with anything?"
Y/n: "simple." puts one hand behind his back while he half raises the other with his finger pointing at the roof, "their injury was more consistent with a street brawl between benders, not a match that gotten rough." puts the other hand behind is back, "it's a simple conclusion to come to. Tho, without any evidence. I can't act on anything............. yet."
Korra: "oOoOoOh no you don't mister. You're not doing any ninja shenanigans, that includes assassinations. Got it?"
Y/n: "crap. She knows me too well already. Granted, I actually never took any of those missions and rarely had to kill anyone. I just play into their idea of what a ninja is to keep my cover./I-I wasn't going to do that. I was just saying, that's all."
Korra: puts her hands on her hips and narrows her eyes, "riiiiight. That's a likely story. Besides, I want to beat them fair and square in the ring." she then pokes his chest, "that means you better not do anything, got it?"
Y/n: "r-right./ man, she really reminds me of Sakura."
Korra: straightens up, "good"
Asami: "besides, you really shouldn't be going around throwing out baseless accusation without any evidence to back up your claims."
Y/n: "geeez. I was just stating an observation I made after pulling in all the facts. It's like I was going to report them or anything............. ish."
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Both Asami and Korra then glared at the boy, with Asami crossing her arms while Korra puts her hands on her hips.
179Please respect copyright.PENANAMqc3Cpq3zZ
Y/n: a sweat drop forms on his head, "huuuuh, guys. Help me out here."
Mako: raises his hands, "oh no buddy. You're on your own on this one."
Y/n: "oh come on, she's your girlfriend!"
Mako: "yeah, and I know not to piss her off. You got yourself into this mess, and now you gotta get yourself out of it."
* A/n:
Y/n: "huuuh....... shit, plan B. NINJA VANISH!"
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He then quickly forms a one-handed tiger seal and drops a smoke bomb from his free hand. When the smoke clears, they can see he's know where to be seen.
179Please respect copyright.PENANAfNSElCiFbo
Bolin: covers his mouth in amazement, "soooo coooool"
Asami: "how did he do that?"
Korra: forms a deadpan expression, "really..... he ran away."
Mako: "did..... did he just yell.... 'ninja vanish'?"
179Please respect copyright.PENANAG4ZpLsgksT
We then see Y/n standing crouched on the top of the arena, facepalming with both hands. He groans in frustration at his own stupidity and embarrassment.
179Please respect copyright.PENANAkTbdxaKNFy
Y/n: "did I seriously just yell 'ninja vanish'? Urghhh, what am I, 5? That was so embarrassing. No wonder, Naruto doesn't go against Sakura. My brain just froze, and I couldn't come up with any counter to what they were saying." he then lets out a sigh while resting on arm on his leg while the elbow of the other rests on his leg, and he rests his head on the open palm of that arm, "no point in thinking about it now. Since I'm outside, I might was well go looking for that girl again."
* A/n: side note. I had to really resist putting a jump scare joke right here, but it wouldn't make sense do to the fact you haven't built a relationship with the mysterious girl yet, and you just got away from Asami and Korra.
179Please respect copyright.PENANAzanl3J9heP
The boy then straightens up and begins to dash around the city at amazing speeds, all in an effort to locate the mysterious girl he met the other day. He spent quite a long time looking for her but, unlike the past few times, he didn't have much luck running into her. Deciding to take a short break, he eats at a nearby small restaurant. While eating his meal and not really paying any attention to the radio, a familiar voice came over the radio.
179Please respect copyright.PENANAM3dIAJxRrg
Amon (radio): --"hello good people of Republic City, I have a message for our oppressors, namely the city council. I hereby demand you shut down the pro bending arena and cancel the final match. Failure to do so will have severe consequences."--
Y/n: narrows his eyes, "I know exactly what Korra will do, and I'm behind her all the way."
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Standoff at City Hall
[Mini Timeskip]
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We now see into city hall, where all of the councilmen are currently having a meeting. With them are the Fire Ferrets, who try to argue against closing down the arena. That doing so will let Amon win, that how important the sport is to Republic city and its people.
179Please respect copyright.PENANAOYEnihpPPy
Tarrlok: "now listen. I will not put the lives of innocent people at risk for the sake of your naive idealism."
???: "I knew you were a coward Tarrlok, but I didn't think you were a moron too!"
179Please respect copyright.PENANAiV51ybOGL8
Everyone looks around in an effort to locate the source of the voice, but they couldn't find it. It was almost like it was coming from everywhere. Then, a buff of smoke formed in the middle of the councilmen U-shaped desk. When the smoke cleared, we can see Y/n standing there with his arms crossed and a cocky smile on his face.
179Please respect copyright.PENANANysMQviSM1
Everyone: "Y/N!!!"
Tarrlok: "what is the meaning of this? And how did you get past our security?"
Korra: "wh....what are you doing here?"
Bolin: whispers to his brother, "are we not going to talk about how cool that entrance was? Also, how did he get past us?"
Mako: "shush."
Y/n: looks at Korra: "I told you. No matter what, I'll always have your back."
Korra: a small blush forms on her face, "thank you." but then she crosses her arms in a scolding manner, "but don't think I forgot about our earlier conversation mister. We're not done."
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This causes him to comedically nearly fall over, but he stops himself. This causes everyone but the pair to form a sweat drop on their heads.
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Y/n: straightens himself up and coughs into his fist, "ahem, anyways." looks at Tarrlok, "I'm here because I agree with the Fire Ferrets. Canceling the match is admitting defeat. It proves he can push us around whenever he wants"
Tarrlok: "what? I know as a ninja you're used to going at it solo, but I have to weigh the lives of-"
Y/n: "how about you shut that useless hole of yours, Tarrlok. I care for other people far more than you ever can and ever will. Or did you forget YOU put Korras like at risk to serve YOUR stupid egoistical ambition?"
Tarrlok: stands up and slams his hands on the desk, "how DARE you! All I'm trying to do is take down a mad........ man.........."
179Please respect copyright.PENANAEKNqy9HDol
Everyone froze in fear at the sheer weight of killing intent coming from Y/n. Never have any of them ever felt such pressure before. And it looked almost as if a thin blue aura was beginning to form around him, but that cant be right........ right? Such things don't exist and even if they were, they can't be seen.
179Please respect copyright.PENANAgi6jX9ds1a
Tarrlok: "I..... uhh....... well....." he began to sweat profusely. He was so scared he was unable to form a complete sentence.
Y/n: "why don't you tell your lies to someone gullible enough to buy your horse shit. Need I remind you who and what I am? The type of mission I take on? People like you are the exact type of people we get assassinations for. So why don't you shut. Your. Mouth. Before I shut it for you. Or do I need to remind you that I was because of YOU Korra went through that nightmare. The same nightmare that gave her such horrible trauma. Which remind me of a little promise I made to you if anything EVER happened to Korra. Something about dragging you to hell myself. Maybe I should make good on my pro-"
Korra: just about musters enough strength to yell, "Y/N!!!!!"
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This shocks everyone, especially the boy in question, who seems to have snapped out of whatever state he was just in. this gets rid of his killing intent and that strange aura he had. This caused everyone to take a deep breath.
179Please respect copyright.PENANANz3dNF8gFO
Korra: "I thought I told you that you can't kill anyone, even someone like Tarrlok! You know I don't like it when you talk like that!"
Bolin: takes a deep and dramatic breath, "holy crap that was scary. I thought I was going to need new underwear."
Mako: holds his hand over his chest, "for once I agree with you, little brother."
Tenzin: "by the spirits, that was intense. Who knew such a kind-hearted boy could give off such intense killing intent. I never felt anything like it."
Y/n: "s-sorry. I don't know what came over me./ what just happened to me? I never acted like that before. Actually, ever since I came to this world and meeting Korra. I've been acting...... different, but why? Something about this world is changing me, but...... why and why do I always lash out whenever Korra gets hurt? No.... I need to focus on the here and now."
Korra: "well, don't let it happen again. I don't like the thought of you killing anyone."
Y/n: "r-right." straightens up and looks at Tarrlok, "if you do this, then Amon has won. It proves to him, we give into any threat that comes our way, that our resolve is easy to break. We can let him win. All it does is show how weak we are."
Tarrlok: regains his composure, "w-well, I wouldn't expect a boy like you to understand the complexity of this situation. I have to think what's best for the people-"
Y/n: "will you spare me your lies? I know you don't give a crap about the people, so stop pretending."
Tarrlok: "now, see here, bra-Y/n. I've had enough of your babbling. I've made up my mind and that's final!"
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Just as he goes to slams his gavel, Lin bursts it and destroys the gavel with her metal wire and says something that shocks everyone.
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Lin: "as much as it pains me to say this but im on the side of the avatar and ninja brat."
Everyone: "What!"
Korra: "you do?!"
Y/n: "you do?/ wait, she isn't someone posing as her using transformation jutsu right?"
Lin: "I expected this type of cowardly cut and run response from Tenzin." glares at him while he looks back with indifference, "but not from the rest of you. How about you all show some backbone, you cowards. It's high time for the benders to take a stand against these terrorists."
Tenzin: "we must prevent the conflict between benders and non-benders from escalating into a full blow war!" looks at his fellow councilmen then back at Lin, "the council won't change their stance on the situation, Lin."
Tarrlok "now wait just a moment, Tenzin. Let's hear out our esteemed chief of police, shall we?" causing Tenzin to grunt and fold his arms.
Y/n: "oh, gag me."
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This repose causes Tarrlok to glare at the boy, who then glare back. Not wavering at all from their stand-off, Tarrlok looks away in almost shame while Y/n forms a cocky smile.
179Please respect copyright.PENANAzVOZ7L3V4t
Y/n: "I really am starting to act more like Korra. Not sure if that's a good thing or bad thing."
Lin: "if you keep the arena open, then my metal benders will provide extra security and if that's not enough for you, then ill be there myself to insure things go well. There's no better force to deal with the chi-blockers attack than our own armor. It's impervious to their attacks."
Y/n: "well, I am too, but let's keep that a secret for now. Just in case."
Mako: "that and Y/-"
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Korra then quickly covered his mouth before he could finish his sentence. This causes Mako to look at her with a raised eyebrow. She then slowly looks at Y/n ever so slightly, as to not give it away. The boy then looks back at her with a side eye and ever so slowly and gently shakes his head. She then responds with an equally slow and gentle nod. She then looks at Mako hoping he gets the hint. He looks at her in confusion, then at the boy but then back at her. Then his eyebrows raised in realization and nods back at her. This causes her to lower her hand from his mouth.
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Lin: not even bothering to look at him, "what was that brat?"
Mako: "it... it was nothing. Just forget about it."
Lin: "then sit there and be quiet." this causes a tick mark to appear on his head.
Tarrlok: "are you saying you'll take personal responsibility for everyone's safety at the arena?"
Y/n: "shit. This is a trap if I ever heard one, but I have to play along....... for now."
Lin: steps forward, "I can guarantee it."
Tarrlok: lets out a small scoff and says sarcastically, "It's hard to argue against our esteemed chief Beifongs track record." looks at his fellow councilmen, "if she says she can protect everyone with so much confidence, then she has my full support." causing Y/n to narrow his eyes at the man, "im changing my vote." he then raises his hand, "who's with me?" the other 3 councilmen raise their hands as well but Tenzin looks away in disappointment, "the arena will stay open. Good luck at the finals."
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This causes the Fire Ferrets to jump in joy but in the background, Y/n can be seen narrowing his eyes at Tarrlok.
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Bolin: "alright!"
Mako: punches the air in joy, "yeah!"
Korra: jumps into the air, "thank you!..... huh?" she then looks at Y/n and notices his expression. So she decides to walk over to him, "hey, I figured you be happy for us. What's wrong?"
Y/n: looks up and then towards her, "huh? Oh, I am."
Korra: "nope. That's not good enough. I can see it in your eyes. Now tell me what's wrong."
Y/n: sighs in defeat, "fine. Just...... just keep your guard up."
Korra: "huh? Why?"
Y/n: "just call it a ninjas instincts that's been honed over the years."
Korra: "basically, you're getting a bad feeling about something?"
Y/n: "yeah. It's just that....... changing their vote was just far too easy."
Korra: "alright. Then I'll keep a look-out for anything odd."
Y/n: looks at her in shock, "really? That easy?" she then hugs him, causing him to blush.
Korra: she then looks at him with her hands on his shoulders, "I trust you. So if you say something isn't right, then something isn't right. Even if I may disagree with you sometimes."
Y/n: "t-thank you./ what did I do to deserve a friend like you?"
Tarrlok: "now good luck to you chief Beifong." mumbles to himself, "you'll need it."
Tenzin: approaches Lin from her side, "Lin, a word."
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We now see at one of the many corners of the city hall building, far from anyone else. There we can see Tenzin talking to Lin.
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Tenzin: "Tarrlok is playing you, and I don't want to see you get hurt because of it."
Lin: "I know what im doing and the risks that come with my decisions."
Tenzin: straightens up, "in that case, im going too."
Lin: getting annoyed, "you don't need to babysit my like some helpless child."
Tenzin: "I know you aren't. This is for Korra and Y/n. I just want to make sure they're safe."
Lin: throws her hands into the air, "fine, whatever! Do what you want!" crosses her arms., "It's not like I could ever stop you before."
Korra: walks up to them, "excuse me, chief Beifong. I just want to say thank you for your help."
Lin: turns around and walks away from them but stops, "don't thank me...... thank that brat." walks away, "he has good instincts at least."
Korra: raises an eyebrow, "you mean Y/n?" turns to look at him, which causes him to look away and whistle, this causes her to smile, "thank you." she then turns around, only to see Lin is now gone. This causes her to get annoyed, "what's her deal anyways? Even when she's on my side, she's against me."
Tenzin: "I've known her since we were children. She's........ challenging to say that the least."
Korra: "what did your father even do to make her hate the avatar so much?"
Tenzin: "they got along famously." turns around, "her issues........ stem with me, im afraid. You're just getting caught in the crossfire."
Korra: "........" deep gasp, "what a second...." cheekily smiles, "it all makes sense now! You and Beifong, Beifong and you. You guys used to be a-" she then brings her hands together, "a couple!"
Tenzin: quickly turns around in shock, "who told you that?!" turns his head to look at Y/n, "was it Y/n? I knew he was smart but....." nervously turns to look at Korra with her cheeky smile, "..... crap."
Korra: "oh, no, I figured it out all on my own........ well with some help from your wife too."
Tenzin: looks away angrily, "criminy Christmas! I'll have a word with her later."
Korra: her cheeky smile morphs into a smug smirk while folding her arms, "so...... Pema stole you from her, didn't she? I'm surprised our 'esteemed chief of police' didn't throw her in jail."
Tenzin: turns to look at Korra rather pleased look, "urghh, she did try, but that's beside the point. Pema didn't steal me away. Lin and I just grew apart after a while. We both had different goals in mi-" quickly looks at Korra, "why am I telling you this? It's in the past, and we've moved on."
Korra: "clearly she didn't."
Tenzin: "what do...... of course she has. Anyways, none of this is any of your business!"
Korra: waves her hand in a teasing manner, "see you around mister heartbreaker." turns and walks away with a smug look on her face.
Tenzin: almost like a pouting child, "says the one who won't confess her feelings!" folds his arms with pout when she didn't hear him, "....... and im not a heartbreaker."
179Please respect copyright.PENANA15xXGJD5St
The scene now shifts to a view of Republic City. As the camera zooms in, we get a look at a cargo shipping dock like area. There, we can see Amon watching his men loading up cargo creates into trucks reminiscent of M35 cargo trucks.
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Lieutenant: approaches Amon from behind, "I just got word, the council has ignored your threat. The arena will remain open, and the match will continue has scheduled."
Amon: puts his hands behind his back, "good." looks down at the cargo being loaded into the large trucks, "everything is going according to plan."
179Please respect copyright.PENANAgEn43MfIVi
The Finals Begin!
As the night shroud envelops over Republic City, police airships and boats can be seen moving into position to surround the pro-bending arena. Inside, we can see a ton of metal benders getting ready for the possible battle ahead of them. As the camera switches to the inside of the building, we can see many scouting the area, looking for anything that was out of place or anything deemed a possible threat.
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Officer: walks up to Lin, "everything is clear chief." then walks away.
Tenzin: walks up from behind her, "how's the sweep going?"
Lin: not even looking at him, "fine."
Tenzin: "did they check underneath the stands?"
Lin: "yes."
Tenzin: "do you have enough officers to cover all entry points?"
Lin: looks at Tenzin while slowly getting annoyed, "I have the sky, bay and everyone nook and cranny of this building completely covered." looks in front of her, "now leave me alone and let me do my job."
Tenzin: he looks at her with a hint of sadness, "Lin.... with so much on the line tonight. It would be nice if we could just help each other out. At least for one night."
Lin: looks at him with a somewhat softer expression, "like old times?"
Tenzin: smiles a little, "like old times"
Lin: in a less harsh tone, "fine, I'll try and be less..... abrasive then usual."
Tenzin: smiles at her, "I would appreciate that."
179Please respect copyright.PENANAUifrtEeW1X
The scene then shifts again but this time, we can see inside of the arena. We can see that the stadium was filled with people waiting for the match to begin. As the camera continues to pan around, we can see Y/n standing outside of the locker room. He peaks his head out from the doorway and looks around the stadium, but when we get a better look at him, we can see he has a strange looking shocker around his neck. On this choker was a wire that lead to his ear, where we can see an earpiece is connected to it. As he continues to look around, he clicks the bottom on the base of the wire that is attached to the choker.
179Please respect copyright.PENANAHNhM7XbQVl
Y/n: "clones, check in."
Y/n clone 1: --"clone 1 all clear."--
Y/n clone 2: --"clone 2 all clear"--
T/n clone 3: --"clone 3 all clear."--
Y/n: "good. Keep an eye out for anything suspicious."
Y/n clones: --"roger!"--
Y/n: tights his fist, "curse my weak chakra. All I could create was 3 clones....... oh well. Luckily I kept the communication device with me for occasions like this. Besides, with the police covering a wider area than I can, I can my clones and I can focus on more specific areas of vulnerability. If things get too serious, then I'll dispel my clones, so I can regain my chakra but, for now, ill keep them out and help anyone in need."
???: touches his shoulder softly, "is everything alright? You look tense."
Y/n: jumps slightly, "huh?", he then turns around to look at who it was, "oh, hey Korra and yeah. Just looking at any points of entry."
Korra: "mm? Ninja training?"
Y/n: looks back at the stadium, "yeah. There are times when we have to sneak into enemy territory to gather information or sneak attacks. So they train us at an early age to spot any exposed points of entry." chuckles while having a flashback of Naruto, "some didn't catch on too well."
Korra: "well, if everything goes well, then we don't have to worry about Amon attacking us."
Y/n: looks at her with a hint of worry, "yeah but-"
Korra: lets out a small sigh, "yeah, hell definitely show up tonight."
Announcer: --"the anticipation that fills the air is so palpable that you can taste it. We're mere moments away from the championship match. Will the Wolfbats ferocity help them remain as our current champs or will the underdogs and rising stars, the Fire Ferrets, serve up a surprising bowl of utter smack down soup tonight?"--
* 2:33
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Korra: "welp that's my cue to leave. Gotta-" she was about to walk away but-
Y/n: grabs her hand, which causes her to look at him and blush, "Korra, just be careful. There's no telling when he'll appear or what he has planned, so just..... just be safe. Ok?"
Korra: "y-yeah, I-I will. D-don't worry./ by the spirits, my heart won't stop beating so fast. Huh-"
179Please respect copyright.PENANAgQRWDKNjlR
Suddenly, Y/n pulls her in for a hug. As he wraps his arms around her, a huge blush forms on her face while her eyes widen. This was the first time he has ever initiated a hug, so it caught her off guard. Does he have the same feelings for her that she does for him? As she calms herself down, she returns the hug and buries her head into his shoulder.
179Please respect copyright.PENANA6868lYzPpB
Korra: "yeah... don't worry, I will, but you be safe too.... ok?"
Y/n: he then rests his hand on the back of her head, which causes her to lean more into his embrace, "yeah./ I'll protect you no matter what. If that bastard tries anything to hurt you again. Then I'll take him down." he then opens his eyes to reveal an almost cold stare, "even if that means I have to kill him."
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[Stop Music]
* A/n: yes, I just whipped out that song just for this little scene. I couldn't help myself, it just felt right. Whither the song fits or not is up to you, cause I still suck at this whole song matching the scene thing.
179Please respect copyright.PENANAogprTIYKXY
In the background, Bolin and Pabu can be seen doing their little routine as Fire Ferret cosplayers cheer them on. In the VIP seats, Asami and her father, Hiroshi, can be seen watching everything go on. When she notices Mako, she blows him a kiss and winks at him, which causes him to do the same, but then she notices someone is missing. So she starts to look around the stadium, but then finally sees her still in the locker hallway. She raises an eyebrow, wondering why she's still there, but when she gets a closer look, she sees her hugging their favorite ninja, Y/n. When she sees this, she forms a warm smile on her face before looking away so they can continue to have their little moment.
Back down at the ring, Y/n and Korra can still be seen hugging each other, but they decided to finally separate. When they let go of each other, the pair said 'good luck' to each other. Korra then walks off and joins her team, all the while a small blush remains on her face while she walks in a complete daze.
179Please respect copyright.PENANA1SB3nJf8mu
Korra: "he.... he hugged me. He actually hugged me..... all on his own. He did, not me. Does that mean?-"
Mako: "Republic City to Korra, come in Korra."
Korra: snaps out of her little daze, "huh, what?" looks around, "oh right, the finals."
Mako: "you feeling ok Korra? You seem pretty out of it."
Korra: "huh, yeah. I'm completely fine./ waaaaay more than just fine." as a small blush forms on her face.
Bolin: "it's only natural shed be star struck at our awesome performance." he then wiggles his eyebrows in a goofy manner while forming a smug look at his face. This causes her to chuckle and Mako to groan.
Announcer: --"and now their opponents. The 3 times reigning champions. The white fall WOLFBAAAAAATS!!"--
179Please respect copyright.PENANA8HC8JqVIOO
Suddenly, the 3 bat masked members of the Wolfbats jump out while spreading open their purple capes like wings and howled to the heavens. Right as they do, fireworks go off from all over the stadium ring. The Wolfbats fangirls began to screech and howl in support, while the Fire Ferret cosplayers boo at them.
179Please respect copyright.PENANAq9V0RWTCfH
Bolin: "pfft." looks at Pabu, "they got nothing on us. Anyone can howl. It's easy, look." tries to howl but fails epically, "Well whatever" punts, "It's nothing special."
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Tahno then takes off his mask dramatically and unties his cape in an equally dramatic fashion. This causes Korra to groan pretty loudly.
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Korra: angrily punches her fist into her open hand, "I'm going to knock that stupid hair right off his ugly head!"
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Amons Attack at the Arena
* A/n: yeah, I don't feel like writing this, plus I don't really see a point as nothing really changes.
179Please respect copyright.PENANAdkUNwp26JO
The match went as well as one would expect from a bunch of cowardly cheaters. They cheated, shocker, I know. The funny thing was, Tenzin was actually getting so into it that he even called out the ref, much to Lins amusement. Despite the clear cheating that anyone with eyes would be able to see, except for the ref as he was clearly paid off, the Wolfbats were crowned the winners. This causes the trio to act all smugly for no reason, since they didn't earn it.
179Please respect copyright.PENANAzYqZET7a9f
Tahno: takes off his helmet dramatically, "and here I barely broke a sweat. Does anyone here want to scrap with the champs?!" as he smiled, he happened to look toward the locker room and saw Y/n glaring it him, this causes him to sweat profusely, "eeeeee! w-w-w-w-what is he doing heEeEere?!"
Y/n: "yeah, that's right. You see me and you DON'T want me to answer that, you coward. Luckly for a weak coward like you, I have far more important things to deal with than a mere ant.......... the fuck did it just say? Great my inner Madara is showing./huh?"
179Please respect copyright.PENANAXgZpk1BqVz
* repeat if needed
As soon as he had that thought, he noticed multiple equalist members standing up from the stadium seats and took out many of the guards. Then they finally reached Tenzin and Lin, who were talking. However, Tenzin notices something behind Lin, but-
179Please respect copyright.PENANAnIR6SnhpQx
Tenzin: "Lin, look out!"
179Please respect copyright.PENANAFzThnTxcKa
However, he wasn't fast enough as one of then grabbed Lins shoulder and electrified her, knocking her unconscious. Tenzin air bends that man away, but then gets the same treatment as Lin by a female equalist that was able to sneak up from behind him. One by one, more and more of the metal benders fell. This was then noticed by Korra and her team from within the pool of water that rests underneath the ring.
179Please respect copyright.PENANAW1Sv7xv15g
Korra: "what?!"
Y/n: peaks from the shadows while remaining calm, "shit! Why didn't I see this coming? Of course, they would disguise some of their members as regular people. How dumb am I not to see a simple and basic strategy coming? I can feel Shikamrua slapping the back of my head right now. Damn it all!"
179Please respect copyright.PENANA8elD5GbjNe
Then, to the side of Korra and her team, the Lieutenant can be seen dropping in from the platform above them. When Korra notices him, she gasps as she sees what he's holding. When he charges his kali stick, he walks towards the water and was about to stick it electrified stick into the water, causing them to panic but, before he does, a kunai nearly hits him. This causes him to quickly dodge the incoming projectile.
179Please respect copyright.PENANA3gdcDm0VqH
Lieutenant: forms a smirk on his face, "I was wondering when you would show up, ninja boy."
179Please respect copyright.PENANAzI7b3ADQJG
The boy in question then lands on the same platform as the Lieutenant. Landing between Korra and him in an effort to protect her.
179Please respect copyright.PENANAaF2YRgrdFh
Korra: "Y/n!"
Y/n: while remaining calm, it's clear he's trying to hold in his anger, "I won't let you hurt her, you bastard."
Lieutenant: "awww, how cute. The avatars little pet is angry that his master got hurt."
Y/n: "you really want me to kick your ass that badly, don't you?"
Lieutenant: "hahahahaaa. As much as I would enjoy a rematch with you, boy. You have more important things to focus on than little old me."
Y/n: "oh, please inform me what's more important than kicking your ass right now?"
Lieutenant: "oh, I don't know. How about saving a friend in need."
Y/n: "wha-" suddenly the sound of a familiar girls scream could be heard, this causes him to look up, "ASAMI!!"
179Please respect copyright.PENANAFnenH5vnFt
Korra and her team also look up to see some equalists in the VIP booth. They had their weapons pointed at the pair while one was holding Asami and another was touching her hip with his kali stick. It was just enough to cause her pain, but not enough to cause her to pass out.
179Please respect copyright.PENANAdMXf9PEIKg
Y/n: slowly looks at the man in pure anger, "bastaAaAard."
Lieutenant: "choose pet ninja. Save the avatar or save the helps girl up there. The choice is yours."
179Please respect copyright.PENANA6xJ6FE1Hu9
The boy now was practically fuming, gritting his teeth and clinching his fist so hard that blood began to drip. He was torn between his need to help Korra and his want to protect Asami. Someone he may not have interacted much with but has grown close to.
179Please respect copyright.PENANAbMEMqYgeSt
Korra: reaches the ledge, "go."
Y/n: quickly turns towards her, "but."
Korra: "no buts, Y/n. I'll take care of him, but you're the only one who can help Asami right now."
Mako: "do it. I can't get to her in time, but you can. You're fast enough to reach her."
Y/n: looks at him, ".... Mako."
Team Avatar: "go!"
Y/n: looks forward, "right!"
179Please respect copyright.PENANAoK3MuRBa1N
The boy then turns towards the VIP seats and dashes up towards the stadium, somehow jumping off the smooth surface of the wall. This causes the Lieutenant to look up but then down at the ground, shaking his head while chuckling.
179Please respect copyright.PENANAX0feQKDYAG
Korra: glares at the man, "what's so funny, asshole?"
Lieutenant: "oh, It's nothing. Just couldn't help but be amused by the situation." in the background, Y/n is about to reach the top.
Mako: "and what's that?"
Lieutenant: looks at them with a cocky smirk, "that you just aided Amon in his great plans. That's all." Y/n steps on the ledge of the wall.
Korra: "wha......." her eyes widen as she quickly looks up, "Y/N!!" causing the others to look up.
179Please respect copyright.PENANADXhqG68Gii
As soon as the boy landed on the edge of the wall in slow motion, he slowly turned his head to look at Korra but just in that same moment, multiple wires shot towards the boy. Each wire wrapped around a different body part, such as his arms, legs, neck, and torso. Then, just as quickly as they finished wrapping around him, electricity began to run through them that then had bolts of electricity surround the boy. This causes him to scream in extreme agony, which causes Korra to start to panic. Completely ignoring the man in front of her.
179Please respect copyright.PENANAf8Tg4lt9za
Korra: "Y/N!!!"
179Please respect copyright.PENANAbVAJp4lxtT
In a pure panicked state, she tries to rush towards him, but this was the perfect distraction that the Lieutenant was looking for. He threw his wired kali stick at her and had it wrap around her wrist before activating it to shock her. In a panic, Bolin and Mako rush to go help her but didn't notice 2 more equalists coming out of the water, black ops style, wearing rubber suits. The pair of equalists then grabbed the boys ankles and electrify them both. This causes the pair, like Korra, to scream in agony. All 3 then collapsed on to the ground from the pain.
179Please respect copyright.PENANAevRtQKtWfZ
Lieutenant: "hahaha!" slowly, then walks towards them. "Man, he had you all figured out to the T. he not only predicted the boys movements but also how the avatar and her little friends would react." he then looks up at Y/n with a more serious expression on his face, "he's still conscious? His pain tolerance is pretty high for a boy his age, I'll give him that."
179Please respect copyright.PENANAaNOjXE6P0d
As the boy continues to scream in pain, the equalists continue to pull tighter and tighter on his wires, all so he can't move an inch. However, the boy manages to turn his head and look at the unmoving body of Korra. His eyes slowly widen as the Lieutenant slowly walks towards her. Then flashes of the war crosses his mind. The bodies of not only his friends but also his comrades crosses his mind. Then the 10-tails roaring over them while Obito and Madara laugh at his failure.
179Please respect copyright.PENANAMLjnNSSJnV
179Please respect copyright.PENANAflUkGxj3jg
The sudden and loud roar of the boy was enough to shock the equalists holding him down but also those down below. A blue aura began to surround the boy, but he was just barely able to regain himself and make the aura disappear. However, using the confusion to his advantage. He angrily looks at the 8 equalists holding him down. Then he grips the wires on his wrists and hold them tightly. While using Sakuras strength enhancing jutsu, he pulls them towards himself, causing them to get launched towards him at amazing speeds. Before smashing into each others faces and slowly fall down, but then the boy grabs the head of 2 of them and smashes their faces right into the hard concrete floor. He then grabs the remaining 2 and throws them at the other equalists. Seeing them temporarily taken care of, he was about to turn around and help Korra, but-
179Please respect copyright.PENANAnvsuVAlAea
Korra: very weakly "d-don't." tries to sit up but barely has the strength to, "s-save....... Asami."
Y/n: "but........ Korra."
Korra: "p-please........ help her........ I'll...... I'll be fine."
Mako: "p-please......"
Y/n: clenches his fists, "tch....... damn it."
179Please respect copyright.PENANA0q6mugGfAT
The boy then turns around and rushes towards the VIP seats, being slowed down due to his injuries. However, the Lieutenant just stands there and claps his hands together.
179Please respect copyright.PENANAU4LP8WWZgl
Lieutenant: "my My, avatar. Self-sacrifice? How very noble."
Korra: "shut..... it" she then looks at him weakly and smiles, "I-I just saved your ass, and you know it."
Lieutenant: his smile slowly fades as her looks at her more seriously, "is that so?"
Mako: "heh...... y-yeah. We all know Y/n would k-kick your ass. That's why Amon came up with this plan. Because you're not strong enough." causes Bolin to smile and nod.
Lieutenant: "tech, believe what you want, Boi."
179Please respect copyright.PENANALDnEg8co5b
The scene then shifts to within the VIP booth. Inside, we can 2 equalists pointing their weapons at Asamis father. Then we see how one equalist had his arm around Asamis through while restraining her arm with his other hand and another pointing his kali stick towards her waist. He then lightly touches her with it to cause her just enough pain to scream, but not enough to get knocked out.
179Please respect copyright.PENANARZxukeEZ7D
Hiroshi: "stop it, you bastards. You're hurting her!"
Equalist 1: "oh calm down old man. We're not going to harm her too bad."
Equalist 2: "she's nothing more than a distraction. Wants we're done here. She'll be released safe and sound." this causes Hiroshi: to grit his teeth in anger, but also as if he was holding something back.
Asami: "w-why are you d-doing this?"
Equalist 3: "for that ninja brat. You're his friend, after all."
Asami: "Y-Y/n?"
Equalist 4: "he's a threat to our cause and needs to be del-"
179Please respect copyright.PENANARp6eZUYIfF
Asamis eyes widen as she looks behind the equalist in front of her and towards the open window. She sees Y/n jumping up to the window with his fists slowly cocking back. His face was not of pure anger but rather a type of calm anger and focus. Almost as if he's trying to stop himself from doing something...... drastic.
The equalist in front of her notices her look and slowly looks behind him, but right as he does, he is met with a devastating punch directly to his face. The force of this punch sent him right into and through the wall behind Asami. Just before the others could react, Y/n, while still in the air, places his hand on the back of one of the chairs and uses it as leverage so he could kick the guy holding Asami right in his face. When the man let her go, Y/n grabbed her arm and pulled her close. He then held her close, causing a small blush to form on her face, but then he starts to weave hand signs right in front of her. Her eyes widen in amazement as she's never seen him do this so close before.
179Please respect copyright.PENANAfIWYEH6DC2
Y/n: lands on the final hand sign, "you're lucky I have people to protect, so I can't go all out./ Water Style: Water Snake Jutsu!"
179Please respect copyright.PENANAygEwtUP7Wb
Suddenly, a small snake shaped water spout comes out of the nearby pool water and launches into the VIP booth. Once it does, it attacks the remaining equalists and knocking them out in the process. The boy then straightens up with Asami still in his arm and breathes a sigh of relief
179Please respect copyright.PENANAT7qlS4OJL7
[Stop Music]
179Please respect copyright.PENANA3a1V3vFQlT
Y/n: looks down at Asami with a smile, "are you ok?"
Asami: blushes a little but regains herself, "yeah, thanks for the save Y/n."
Y/n: "oh? So you actually know my name? And here I thought you kept calling me ninja boy because you thought it was my name."
Asami: giggles before playfully punching his chest, "of course I do jerk." causing him to chuckle but then switches to a more scolding expression, "but don't think I haven't forgotten about our earlier conversation. We're not done yet."
Y/n: "oh come on, you too? All I was doing was poi-" she then narrows her eyes, causing him to let out a small sigh, "yes mam."
Asami: smile, "good. Now go kick some ass, ninja boy."
Y/n: "r-right."
179Please respect copyright.PENANAEypwrpjXsn
The boy then puts her down next to her father and jumps onto the window seal. As he does so, he sees how Amon easily defeats the Wolfbats and even takes away Tahnos bending.
179Please respect copyright.PENANA74sDp00dRq
Y/n: "heh, serves the asshole right."
Asami: "Y/n!"
Y/n: "right, sorry. Mocking later, butt kicking now."
179Please respect copyright.PENANAdqhYrlBIjO
Back down at the arena floor, we can see the remaining Wolfbats being dragged off of the rink floor and thrown into the water below. Amon then walks towards the middle of the ring and raises a microphone near his mouth.
179Please respect copyright.PENANAJ1VpbkYKgd
Amon: "I believe I now have your attention, benders of Republic City and the avatars pet ninja." causing a tick mark to appear on Y/ns head, "once again the so-called champions of the so-called pro bending scene have cheated their way to victory. It's fitting that you all celebrate 3 bullies who have to cheat their way to the top. Like how you threaten and abuse your fellow non-bending citizens because you can." points at the crowd, "just like how the Wolfbats have done on this very night." we now see how the Wolfbats just barely crawl out of the water, "those men were supposed to be the best that the bending world has to offer and yet, look at how easily I dealt with all 3 of them. Let this be a warning to all of you benders out there. If any of you even try to stand in my way. You'll meet the same fate as them." we now see how the spectators have expressions of pure fear, "as for my fellow-"
???: "do you ever stop talking or do you just like the sound of your voice that much?!"
179Please respect copyright.PENANAvNDrs1jQcb
Suddenly, Y/n lands in front of Amon while holding out 2 kunai knives. He begins twirling them with his fingers before straightening them up, along with his arm. Despite the clear threat in front of him, Amon remains strangely calm. Everyone is shocked by his sudden appearance. Some are hopeful he could do something against Amon while others still show fear but also shock with just how little or no fear the boy shows towards Amon. The boy then stands up straight and points one of his knives at the masked man.
Y/n: "this ends now, Amon! You've hurt enough people today!"
Amon: "ah, if it isn't the avatars pet ninja. Good of you to arrive on this very fine night. Course it won't matter as I already know your secret."
Y/n: starts to sweat a little, "y-you do?/ s-shit. There's no way he's that smart. Right?"
Amon: "well, of course. I did see you that day after all. How you were water bending to protect the avatar. This makes you our enemy as well."
Y/n: breathes a sigh of relief, "phew, I thought he was talking about me being from another world./well that doesn't change the fact that im about to kick your ass. Now I don't have to hide it anymore." he then tightens his grip on his knife, "you're going to pay for what you did, for hurting Korra and now Asami."
Amon: looks up: "oh, and how will you do that?" looks down at the boy before gesturing with his head, "how about you look at the stadium before making veiled threats."
179Please respect copyright.PENANA4iMbt8wWZ2
The boy then follows Amons head and looks towards the seats, only to see multiple equalists having their weapons out and standing next to innocent people. The boy instantly looks at Amon and grits his teeth in anger.
179Please respect copyright.PENANAzuEy87tpQn
Y/n: "you COWARD!!"
Amon: "now now, no need to shout. I may do what's necessary to achieve my goals, but I'm not a monster. My men have been orders to only target benders and to only hurt them on my orders, not a second before. So no harm will come to them until then. However, my fellow non-benders will remain safe."
Y/n: "that doesn't change shit. You and your cult of thugs are nothing more than hypocrites."
179Please respect copyright.PENANA4Fd9JE5O5M
The equalists beside Amon were getting angry at the boy and was about to move but Amon raised his hand in an effort to tell them to stop.
179Please respect copyright.PENANALACO96LptR
Amon: "no, let him speak. He as the right to state his opinion, even if it's wrong."
Y/n: seeing this caused him to calm down a little, "You say you've been repressed, threatened, abused and even killed, but then you go around and do the same things your abusers did. All that proves is you're no better than them, you just disguise it as justice to make it seem noble."
Amon: "ah, as expected from someone who's as short-sighted and young as you. My cause is noble and just. Our 'abusers', as you call them, did what they did out of greed and cowardice. They hurt others because they can, because they were gifted with power. So they abuse that power on those who don't."
Y/n: getting annoyed again, "how's that any better than what you're doing?! You hurt others because you can, because you have the power to do so. It's just under a new coat of paint."
Amon: waves his finger in a dismissive manner, "tsk tsk. We only defend ourselves against those with power. We only attack when needed. It's people like you who misconstrued our actions."
Y/n: "holy fuck, he sounds just like Obito, and it's really pissing me off." he then looks at his clones, who were hiding in the ceiling, "good, they're getting into position without being seen. None of them have enough chakra to do any large scale jutsu. Luckily, I know other ways to create a shadow clone. I just need to wait until they get into position. So I'll play along for now."
Amon: "so play nice and no one will get hurt. As much as I hate benders, even I won't hurt them without provoked."
179Please respect copyright.PENANA1iT4gX41t9
Y/n just stands there and grits his teeth, before then putting away his knives. Then multiple equalists began to surround him and ready their weapons.
179Please respect copyright.PENANAnhO01R5YfG
Korra: "Y/n!"
179Please respect copyright.PENANAM6GzpoHlXo
The boy then turned to his side and saw Korra and her team was defeated and now being tied up against a pillar. Despite her own position, all she can think about is helping Y/n out. She tries desperately to break free in a panic but then notices hims sneakily having his hand as a well to tell her to stand down. She calms down a little and raises an eyebrow, but still worried about the boy.
179Please respect copyright.PENANAuwjqUhUsfZ
Amon: "it's a shame, if you were a non bender, then I might have asked you to join us."
Y/n: "I wouldn't have joined you anyways. I believe in protecting everyone, benders and non benders. You shouldn't choose who to protect to serve your own ambition."
Amon: "it's a shame others don't share your mindset. Then maybe we wouldn't be in this position, but I digress. Benders are a blight on our species and I will purge them all. My fellow non benders, im happy to tell you all that this time has come for things to change! Very soon, the current tyrannical bending regime will at last come to an end by a more fair-minded equalist government!"
Y/n: roll his eyes, "said every tyrant ever."
Amon: "no longer will your children walk the streets in fear! It's time...... we take back our city!" causing his men and very very few people in the sands to cheer.
Mako: "how will we get out of this?"
Korra: looks at Y/n, "I don't know, but I trust Y/n. He has a plan."
Mako: "plan? What plan Korra? Look at him, he's utterly surrounded and being blackmail to stand down."
Y/n: subtly looks down at Team Avatar and sees Pabu chewing their ropes, "good, looks like it's almost time for me to act." he then looks in the directions of his clones and sees them getting into position.
179Please respect copyright.PENANA9Uy4zARxwB
The boy then reaches into his back pouches and takes out 3 chakra pills. Seeing this causes the equalists to get on their guard, but then Amon raises his hand in order to tell them to stand down.
179Please respect copyright.PENANAKyZygPZE4V
Y/n: "you know, Amon. As much as I hate your guts, I'll give you this. It's a shame you turned out like this. Your ability to lead others is unmatched. You're able to get random people from all walks of life to follow your lead with undying devotion. It takes talent and skill that few have to do that." takes all 3 chakra pills
Amon: "considering that's coming from a skill ninja, such as yourself, ill take that as the highest of complements."
Y/n: "good because it was meant to be. If only you didn't go down this path. There's no doubt in my mind, you would've made a great leader. One who can represent the non benders to help use build a better future for all, but here we are. As enemies with opposing views. It's a shame, but I guess that's life, your yah."
Amon: "you talk as if you have experienced great hardship in your lifetime, despite your young age. Which is a travesty all on its own."
Y/n: "trust me when I say this, Amon. You have faced the horrors I have."
179Please respect copyright.PENANAvdq46QlZdh
The boy then quickly crouched down and began to weave some hand sighs. As he does so, his clones began to mimic his actions and position. Then, in split screen fashion, each one stopped on a different hand sign.
179Please respect copyright.PENANAVHMJ2SuL4R
Y/n & Clones: "Water Style: Clone Water Dragon Jutsu!"
179Please respect copyright.PENANA0PKbPY7421
Suddenly, 3 water dragons sprouted out in different directions, shocking everyone. What the people didn't see is that each of the clones were actually water clones and used their own chakra filled bodies to create the dragons. With the dragons now forms, they began flying into different directions to attack the equalists, making sure not to hurt any innocent people. However, even with the chakra pills in his system and using the chakra from the clones, he couldn't maintain the water dragons any longer. This causes him to fall to his knees as he tries to catch his breath. As he does so, he begins to cough up blood.
179Please respect copyright.PENANA3crirgpddI
Y/n: "s-shit. I sustained too many injuries from earlier. Damn. I've pushed my body to fair. That jutsu used up more chakra than I was expecting. Tch, guess it still needs some work."
Amon: begins to slowly walk towards him, "a valiant effort young man, I'll give you that, but it seems your unique bending puts quite the told on your body. Now-" he then slowly out reaches his hand.
179Please respect copyright.PENANAlSsH7WRbfn
Korra grits her teeth in frustration, as her eyes begin to flash between white and her normal blue color. Wind begins to rise up around her, beginning to blow in all directions. Bolin and Mako notice this and begin to get confused. She clenches her fists and grits her teeth harder and harder as her eyes continue to flash between white and blue. However, before anything more could be done, Lin and what remains of her police force go on the attack. This sudden action shocks Korra out of her state of anger and desperation. Amon sees this and calmly takes his leave.
179Please respect copyright.PENANANRNgTuC81r
Amon: turns his head slightly, "another time pet ninja." causing a tick mark to appear on Y/ns head.
179Please respect copyright.PENANAiAja8HeNgb
Amon then grabs onto a piece of wire that was lowered down from above and begins to ascend into the air. When Y/n looks up, he sees multiple airships that weren't owned by the police. He grits his teeth and tries to get up, but then falls do to him over stressing his body.
Y/n: "baaaaaaastard. You're not g-getting away from me. Even if I have to use....... that jutsu."
179Please respect copyright.PENANA9Ng4y5rdkT
A/n: ahh, yes, the dreaded cliffhanger everyone loves ever so much. Sorry I had to do that to y'all, but it was already nearing 8k, now 9k, words and there was still more to talk about. So I had to end it here before it gets any longer than it already is. hell, it was around 7k and I haven't even started the quality check yet. Anyways, how did you like it? Sorry it's been awhile but shit happens. Also, I know you and Asami had some off-screen building but soon ill start doing on screen building and this was the start of that. And I'll be honest, this whole pet ninja joke, im not sure why im still dragging it on, but I feel like I should until the end of book 1. It was just an offhanded joke, but now it became a whole ass thing. And yes, this issue with our chakra will remain for a while. I know where I want it to start to change, but I won't say, as that's spoilers. Also, if you couldn't tell, im brining back part 1 Naruto. What I mean is the characters using strategy rather than the biggest jutsu. Anyways, that's all I can think of. So I'll see you...... in the next chapter.
179Please respect copyright.PENANAvnsRFqtdZ2