Korra's Fear
[At the air temple]
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It hasn't been long since Y/n and the others managed to rescue Bolin from the Equalists and ever since then, combined with the little scare she had and the boy's minor injuries, Korra has been keeping a close eye on him. She can't help but feel it was her fault, despite what her favorite ninja boy says. Right now Tenzin is in a council meeting to discuss the over growing threat that is Amon and his thu- I mean Equalists but, another councilmen named Tarrlok proposes an anti Equalist task force. However, Tenzin argues that such a task force would do nothing but create a further divide between benders and non benders. Much to Tenzins disappointment in his fellow councilmen, they sided with Tarrloks idiotic plan and a clear attempt to gain more power.
Later that day, well night in this case, Korra is practicing her air bending outside and by herself, but it's clear her head isn't in the game. Clear to anyone that knows her, that she's shaken up by the whole thing with Amon at the Equalist rally.
She's taking a short breather, by sitting on the leg of the sidewalk, overlooking the ocean, while listening to the radio. That is until-
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Amon: --"my fellow non benders, it is a sad day indeed. It seems the benders have made an anti Equalist task force to further suppress us. They hate the thought of non benders defending themselves and rallying together but fear not my brothers and sisters as theres nothing our oppressors can do. For every day, our movement gains more and more members. Our movement can not be stopped by these benders. It is time for non benders to no longer live in fear but now, it's the benders who will live in fear."--
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And with that the music returns, all the while Korra looks on in fear, but thankfully, she was snapped out of it by our favorite ninja from another world.
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Y/n: "what a load of crap."
Korra: "huh, oh it's you Y/n. How long have you been there?"
Y/n: he then sits beside her, "sense masquerade started talking."
Korra: "oh...." she then looks off into the distance.
Y/n: "Korra. You know you can talk to me right?"
Korra: "what do you mean?"
Y/n: "it's as I said. If anything is troubling you. You can always talk to me. Remember, I've seen my fair share of life or death battles."
Korra: "well, there's nothing to worry about. I'm just tired is all. But thank you. I'll keep that in mind." She then leans on his shoulder, causing him to blush.
Y/n: "w-well, anytime you need it./besides I know the fear she's going through. I've experienced the same thing when going up against Zabuza, during our trials in the forest of death, when I came face to face with Orochimaru, the attack on the leaf village during the finals, having to face the sound 4, then with the war. I know I should press her on it, but that would only create a divide between us. For now, I'll be by her side and support her. Besides, what right do I have when I didn't have the guts to tell them I was on the front lines and experience nightmares?"
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Uninvited Guest
[Timeskip | brought to you by a chibi Korra leaning on a blushing chibi Y/ns shoulder]
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It's dinner time at the air nomad temple. As usual, Y/n is sitting beside Korra. Course how much time the 2 spend together, especially recently, hasn't gone unnoticed by the 2 adults. Right now Tenzin is in the middle of a prayer, that is until a certain moronic councilman rudely enters their home, without knocking no less. Just how rude.
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Tarrlok: "pardon the intrusion councilman Tenzin."
Tenzin: "what do you want Tarrlok, and it's rude to just barge into someone else's home."
Y/n: raises an eyebrow "who's this asshat and why do I already hate him?"
Tarrlok: "aww but isn't it rude for an air nomad to turn down a hungry guest?"
Tenzin: lets out a defeated but annoyed sigh, "you're right. Come on in." annoying his wife.
Tarrlok: "aa, if it isn't the avatar. My name is Tarrlok, I'm a councilman like Tenzin here. My and what can I say it's an honor to be in the presence of the avatar."
Y/n: physically couldn't roll his eyes harder, "oh gag me. Hes so obvious that even Naruto would catch on and hes a dense moron."
Korra: "it's nice to meet you too Tarrlok."
Tarrlok: "even tho it was a coincidence meeting you here, I have an offer for you."
Korra: raises an eyebrow, "offer?"
Y/n: "'coincidence', right. Like how it's a coincidence that the food in my stomach is being digested. whats he up to anyways?"
Tarrlok: "yes I would.... wait who might you be? I don't remember seeing you around."
Tenzin: "this is Y/n L/n, he's staying with us on the count he has nowhere else to go."
Tarrlok: "nowhere else to go? And why's that?"
Y/n: "because I'm not from here, I was kidnapped by someone, but something happened to the transport and I ended up here."
Tarrlok: "oh I'm so sorry to hear that. Kidnapping someone so young. Your family must be worried about you."
Tenzin: "as a parent myself, I'm sure they are but theres nothing that can be done until we found those responsible and figure out where his land is."
Y/n: "by the spirits, wait did I just say spirits? Anyways this Tarrlok guy clearly doesn't care."
Tarrlok: "well let's hope we can find them soon. Now on to business. Korra I would like you to head my anti Equalist task force and with your help we'll-"
Korra: "I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to refuse."
Tarrlok, Tenzin & Y/n: "what!?"
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Causing Pema and the kids to stare at her wide-eyed.
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Tarrlok: "please reconsider avatar Korra. The city needs you."
Korra: "and I understand that, but I can't be much of an avatar if I can't air bend. I'm sorry Tarrlok, but you'll just have to lead the task force without me."
Y/n: "granted it's a blessing in design, but I know the real reason why she's turning him down."
Tarrlok: "but Korra, Y/n you seem close to her. Please tell her to reconsider."
Y/n: Korra stares at him while he stares at the man, "sorry Tarrlok, but I'm with Korra. Shes my friend, I'll stand beside her no matter what." Causing her to look at the table and blush a little, "besides you're awfully persistent in getting her to help you."
Tarrlok: "w-well. It's because the city needs her-"
Tenzin: stands up "alright that's enough. I will not allow you to question the choices of my guests. I think it's time for you to leave."
Tarrlok: "Fine but this isn't the end."
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And with that Tarrlok exits the temple but true to his word, this wasn't the last they heard of him. Over the course of the next few days Tarrlok has been sending many different gifts in an attempt to get her to join his task force.
The latest gift was a racing type Satomobile, which Ikki and Meelo pretend to drive it. Korra just sighs, while Y/n chuckles but then Bolin shows up.
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Bolin: "hey Korra, hey Y/n."
Korra: "oh, hey Bolin. What's up?"
Y/n: "sup."
Bolin: "wow that's some Satomobile. We're did you get it?"
Korra: "I didn't. Tarrlok keeps sending me gifts in order to change my mind, but I'm not going too."
Bolin: "oh, well if he's troubling you. Me and him can always have some personal talk."
Korra: "as amusing as that sounds, I'll have to pass. He's a councilman after all."
Bolin: "oh, hehe. Yeah that, make sense. Yeah, I was joking, heheheee. Ahem. Anyways. How are you doing Korra? You know about the whole scary Amon and taking bending away."
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Korra looks visibly shaken up by the mention of Amon, so to change the mood, Y/n decides to say something rather.....dark.
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Y/n: "you know Korra, if Tarrlok becomes too much of an issue for you. I could always take care of him for you, it would be pretty easy. Well for a ninja anyways." Both froze and slowly looked at him, "what?"
Bolin: "ok 1, that's scary and 2 how can you say that so casually?"
Y/n: "ninja, we do have missions like that./granted I personally haven't gone on any and don't like them, but I have taken a life before."
Bolin: "right, right. I keep forgetting that." slides beside Korra and whispers, "remind me not to piss him off."
Korra: whispers "no kidding.", now speaks normally "sorry Y/n but no, and I'm sorry, but please don't talk like that again. I don't like the idea of you taking anyone's life."
Y/n: half way raises his arms, "Fine but something does need to be done about this."
Korra: lets out a sigh, "I know but what and don't say you'll kill him?"
Y/n: "wasn't going too./hehe, but it did get your mind off of Amon."
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Tarrlok's Scheme
With that some time has past and now Tarrlok finally got the message and has since stopped sending gifts to Korra................. only to arrange a gala in her honor in another clear attempt to persuade her. Her, Y/n, Tenzin and his family were all invited.
Now at the gala Tenzin is wearing a more fancy version of his normal attire while Korra is wearing a pretty fancy water tribe dress, which causes everyone's attention. Y/n on the other hand, still hasn't arrived yet.
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Tenzin: "I dont like this. What is Tarrlok up too?/wait wheres y/n? I know Pema wanted to personally help him but still."
Korra: "I'm not sure, but I wish he would hurry up. These kinds of events aren't my style."
???: "same and why do I have to wear this?"
* like this but you
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Both turn around to see it was Y/n wearing a fancy formal suit with his hair brushed back but with his Shinobi headband tied to his upper arm. Korra looks at him and sees him in his suit. From her view he is sparkling, all the while a small blush forms on her face.
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Tenzin: "because this is a formal party. Besides, you look great, wouldn't you agree Korra....... Korra?"
Korra: in a complete daze, "i... huh.... wow.......so...... uh..... y-yea./by the spirits why can't I talk straight, and why is my heart racing so much? I feel like it's going to burst out from my chest."
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In the background, right behind Korra and Tenzin, Jinora could be seen leaning over into view. When she sees the look Korra was giving Y/n, she forms a cheeky smile.
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Y/n: "well Korra I think you look lovely too./ok why did Pema teach me how to compliment a girl?"
Korra: blushes more, to the point steam almost comes out of her ears, "huuh, t-thank you./why can't I look at him? Every time I do, my heart races."
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Tenzin looks back and forth between the 2 and just sighs.
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Tenzin: "this will take a while, won't it?"
* A/n: yeah I'm not doing what many other authors do, by having Tenzin actively gets in the way of Korras romance. In this he actually supports it.
???: "ah, Korra there you are."
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The 3 look to see Bolin and Mako all dressed up but also with a long haired, green-eyed woman and a larger man.
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Korra: "oh, surprised to see you 2 here. Wait, who are they?"
Mako: "this is Asami and her father Mr Sato."
Bolin: "yea and get this, he agreed to sponsor our team. We can go to the tournament!"
Mako: chuckles a little, "calm down little brother but what he says is true."
Korra: "wow that's amazing, thank you so much."
Mr Sato: "nothing to it. Mako here just reminded me of my younger self and I couldn't help but feel compelled to help out. Plus I always enjoyed watching a good pro bending match."
Asami: looks at Mako with a slight buff in her cheeks, "Mako, that was a little rude."
Mako: "huh?"
Asami: "you forgot to introduce use to this cute boy right here." She points at Y/n.
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Unbeknownst to everyone but for some reason Korra felt annoyed when Asami called Y/n cute but isn't sure why she feels that way.
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Mako: "oh right. Sorry, he's not part of the team, but he is the friend of Korras. This is Y/n huuuh, actually I don't think you ever told me your last name."
Y/n: "oops, sorry. Its L/n."
Asami: "pleasure to meet you Y/n but my, that's an interesting piece of accessory on your arm."
Y/n: "oh this, it's my headband. It's from....."
Bolin: "oh oh, I wanna say it! Get this our friend here is....... a ninja!"
Asami and Mr Sato: "a ninja?"
Mr Sato: "my word I thought they all died out."
Asami: "me too but what does the symbol mean?"
Y/n: "that's getting old real quick/ it's-"
Bolin: raises his finger in the air and with a puff in his chest, "well it means....... actually you never told us."
Y/n: "it's because you never asked."
Bolin: "oh, right. hehe"
Y/n: "it means Shinobi. As in, we are one, rather than separate ninja villages."
Asami: "that's pretty interesting. I wouldn't mind hearing more later."
Y/n: "oh, well-Huh?"
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Korra looks at the young ninja annoyed. So she grabs his arm and begins to drag him away in a huff.
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Korra: "sorry he's busy."
Y/n: "h-hey Korra."
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This causes the 2 adults and Asami to chuckle while the 2 boys are left confused.
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Mako: with a raised eyebrow, "huuuh. What just happened?"
Asami: chuckles some more "I'll tell you when you're older. Come on, let's enjoy the rest of the party."
Mako: "huuuuh, oookay./I'm so confused."
* A/n: color me surprised.
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We now see Korra and Y/n at a different part of the room, away from everyone else. She clearly still looks annoyed while the boy is confused.
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Y/n: "huuuh. What was that all about?"
Korra: "nothing, I just wanted to hang out with you. Is something wrong with that?"
Y/n: "n-nooo./why do I feel like Naruto right now, whenever Sakura has to keep his stupid ass in line?"
Korra: crosses her arms, "good."
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[One awkward silence later.]
We see as the 2 are still together, but it's clear something's on the young ninjas mind, something Korra noticed.
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Korra: "hey, is something wrong?"
Y/n: "no..." lets out a small sigh, "yes. It's this party. Something feels..... off."
Korra: "off? Like what?"
Y/n: "just be on your guard Korra. I think Tarrlok might try something." He sees Lin in the background, "hey can you give me a sec?"
Korra: "s-sure."
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Y/n then walks away, all the while Korra watches him walk up to Lin, whos leaning against a pillar with her arms crossed. This causes her to raise an eyebrow in confusion. Lin notices him and doesnt look happy.
* resting bitch face be like;
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Lin: "what do you want, brat?"
Y/n: "geez moody much. Look I know you don't care for Korra or me, since I easily evaded your cops." this annoyed her, "but I'm asking you as the police chief, can you keep your guard up?"
Lin: raises an eyebrow "and why should I? Besides, I'm always on guard."
Y/n: "it's this party. Something feels off. I believe Tarrlok might try something."
Lin: lets out a sigh, "caught that too. Normally I would tell you to watch your tongue before accusing a councilman, but I have to agree with you on this. I'll keep an eye on things."
Y/n: "thank you."
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The boy then walks away and reunites with the young avatar.
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Korra: "so what was that all about?"
Y/n: "nothing much. Just giving Lin a heads-up."
Korra: "oh, ok."
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Not long after this, the gala was coming to an end. Not much happened, surprisingly. Well, there was a small incident with Korra and Lin but nothing major. Then Tarrlok approached Korra, to talk to her. As he leads her outside, they can see a group of reporters waiting for them.
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Y/n: "I fucking knew it. It was going far too smoothly."
Tarrlok: gets close to Korra, "if you wouldnt mind, avatar. They just have a few questions for you."
Korra: "b-but." but the cuck, lightly pushes her forward.
Reporter 1: "avatar Korra. youve witnessed Amon take away someone's bending first hand, right? How serious of a threat does he pose to this city and its people?"
Korra: "ahem, I think he does prove a real problem."
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Causing Y/n to facepalm in the background while Tarrlok is seen smiling as his plan is coming together.
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Reporter 2: "then why do you refuse to join Tarrlok's task force? As the avatar, shouldnt you be going after Amon?"
Y/n: "cause hes a beta cuck and his task force is clearly a band of thugs? Wonder if I should say that out loud to mess with him?" forms a cheeky grin.
Korra: "w-well...I-I....."
Y/n: "keep cool Korra."
Reporter 2: "why are you backing away from this fight?"
Y/n: "god-damn it, he had to push that button."
Korra: she looks at the man, offended he said that, "what? No! I never have nor will I ever back away from a fight!"
Reporter 3: "as the avatar, you promised to serve this city. arent you going back on that promise now?"
Reporter 4: "do you think pro bending is more important than fighting these thugs?"
Reporter 5: "how do you think avatar Aang would handle this?"
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This bombardment of questions was starting to get to Korra, leaving her confused, annoyed and intimidated. shes never had to deal with this before and mister asshat knows that.
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Y/n: "damn it Korra, dont fall for it. It's clear provocation that reporters are known for to get the result they want. They just want the best headlines, not whats best for everyone."
Reporter 2: "are you afraid of Amon?"
Y/n: "god-damn it! I'm definitely having a word with these morons have this."
Korra: "what!, I'm not afraid of anyone! Fine, if the city needs me then-" gestures with her hand, pointing at Tarrlok, "I'll join Tarrloks task force and help defeat Amon!"
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In the background, we can see how Tenzin looks down in disappointment and the feeling of being powerless. Bolin and Mako look at each other in confusion. While everyone else is confused, Asami is smiling while holding onto Mako's arm. Korra, then looks down with a sad expression, now realizing shes been tricked, while Tarrlok smiles an almost even grin and was about to walk up to her until y/n walked up to Korra and grabbed her hand. This causes her to blush wildly and look at him in surprise, while Tarrlok glares at the boy.
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Reporter 1: "oh and who might you be young man? You seem awfully close to the avatar?"
Y/n: "put this in your damn paper. My name is Y/n L/n, and I'm Korras friend and theres no chance in hell I'll let her do this all alone."
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This causes Korras blush to get even bigger, as she looks down at the ground in an attempt to hide it, but she struggled to hide her smile.
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Reporter 2: "well, no offense kid but what can you do?"
Tarrlok: walks up to them and stands beside Korra, "now now everyone. Mr L/n here is just being a supportive-"
Y/n: "can it councilman. I can speak for myself, especially to glorified bullies. As I said, my name is Y/n L/n..... and I'm a ninja!"
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When he said that, everyone gasped at this. Then they started to snap multiple pictures while others wrote stuff down and others asked questions. As this happened, Korra leaned on close to Y/n.
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Korra: whispers "what are you doing? Shouldn't you keep that under wraps?"
Y/n: also whispering, "true, but I refuse to let you go at it alone. Besides, by now Amon as already figured this out, but what he doesn't know, is I'm a water bender. hehe, I have the advantage."
Korra: blushes a little more and smiles "thank you."
Y/n: "no problem./Besides, I dont trust Tarrlok."
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The Challenge
Sometime after this, the task force was fully formed and has already taken down multiple Equalist facilities, primarily training facilities. Thanks to this, many arrests have been made of both trainers and trainees. Right now, the team is outside of their latest bust, talking to some reporters. Specifically the young avatar. However, one thing many have noticed, where is Y/n? He made such a public promise, so why isnt he? Well, it's almost as if a certain underhanded, pathetic sleazeball is trying to keep them apart. It's almost as if the young ninja help keeps Korra from doing something stupid, so the said sleazeball cant manipulate her as easily.
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Reporter 1: "so whats your next move avatar Korra and why isnt the young ninja boy with you?"
Korra: "It's because me and him are a team. We trust each other and we both know the quickest way to take down the Equalists, is to divide and conquer, but you know what? This isnt going fast enough for me. So, how about this? I challenge Amon to a one on one match! We'll meet at avatar Aangs memorial statue at midnight. Let's see whos the coward now."
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She then storms off, leaving everyone shocked but as she does. She looks down with an almost sad expression but then resolves herself and gains a focused look.
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[Timeskip | brought to you by a sad chibi Korra]
[Around midnight]
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It is now time for their match. During this Tenzin was trying to convince her not to do this but she wasnt listening. Sleazeball-I mean Tarrlokm 'claims' he tried to stop her too, but we all know he didnt. doesnt anyone really by his bullshit? However, while this was happening, Korra as already left for her dual with Amon.
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Tenzin: "drat. I really wish Y/n was here. He would've been able to keep her from doing this, that boy always had that affect on her, but a certain someone is keeping the 2 apart."
Tarrlok: "i dont like what you are claiming. It's purely coincidence that this happens..... a lot."
Tenzin: "riiiight and I'm Santa Claus."
Tarrlok: forms a cheeky smile, "well, you would make a great Saint Nick."
???: "TARRLOK!!!!"
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This yell in pure anger caught their attention, it even made the target of such rage jump a little. When they looked, they saw a purely pissed off Y/n, who may or may not be emitting some serious killing intent.
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Tarrlok: "oh, if it isnt our favorite little ninja right on-"
Tenzin: "I would shut up if I was you. hes clearly in no mood."
Y/n: walks ever closer to his target with pure rage, "Tarrlok, you weaselly, underhanded, snake, piece of utter human FILTH!! I know you would pull something but THIS!!"
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The boy finally reaches him and grabs him by his collar, he even lifts him up off the ground a bit.
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Tarrlok: "u-unhand me this-"
Y/n: "SHUT UP!!! Before I MAKE YOU!"
Tenzin: "by the spirits, I've never seen anyone this angry before./now calm down Y/n. theres no need to do anything rash."
Y/n: he doesnt even look at him, "rash? RASH! This worthless piece of shit kept me away from Korra, all, so he can manipulate her cause he knew, HE KNEW, I could keep that from happening."
Tarrlok: "now see here, thats a serious StAtEmEnT!" fear and surprise filled his voice.
Tenzin: "Y/N!!!"
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As we get a closer look, we can see a kunai at Tarrloks throat and Y/n was holding it. It's clear, he isnt messing around and is far too pissed off to see reason.
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Tarrlok: "do you have any idea-"
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With that said, the boy roughly tosses Tarrlok to the ground and rushes to where Korra is meeting Amon. Tenzin was still in shock at what he just saw but at the same time, he couldn't help but see that coming. The boy has become pretty defensive over Korra, even more so in these past few weeks. He became like this ever since the rally. Tenzin knew the boy was the type to care for his friends and now, thanks to a certain dipshit, his closes friend is now in danger. He couldnt help but look at Tarrlok and look down on him.
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Tenzin: "this is what happens when you play with peoples lives Tarrlok. Especially when you're fueled by your own foolish and selfish ambition. To be honest, I don't blame the boy for an ounce of his rage. In all honesty, I'm more surprised he didnt hit you at all but the truth is. I don't think I would've stopped him either."
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Tarrlok just sat there in anger that this just happened to him. He heard what his fellow councilman just said but he didnt care at all.
Now at the memorial island, we see Amon has captured Korra. He grabs her face and appears ready to take her bending away but chose not to. Instead, he does what every villain does best, monolog.
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Amon: "you know little avatar. I could easily take your precious bending away, but I won't. Doing so would only make you a mere martyr. No, instead I'll just save you for last. Making you watch helplessly while I slowly take over this city and rid this world filled with evil benders. You and your pet ninja will be helpless to stop me. hmhmhmm, it's cute he follows you around like a little lost puppy."
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Korra just sat there, far too afraid to say anything. She couldnt move, not just do to the one who are holding her. No, fear is what truly stopped her. However, once this man insulted her best friend, she managed to gather the strength to clap back.
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Korra: "don't you dare insult him, you know nothing about him. hes not my 'pet' but my best friend. youll see, you all will be sorry when he gets here."
Amon: "hahahahaaa, how cute but your pet ninja doesnt stand a chance against our noble mission."
???: "AMON!!!!"
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This loud yell catches everyone attention and when they looked, they saw the boy in question. Pissed and running fast.
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Korra: a smile crosses her face while also looking relieved, "Y/n!"
Amon: "aww, how cute. Your pet has come to save its master. Shame he can't do anything."
Y/n: "BASTARD!!!/no more holding back, Water Style: Twin Water Wall Jutsu!!"
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After preforming the correct hand signs. Water begins to gather from the nearby ocean and shoots forward, forming 2 large walls of water as they go to their target. The walls manage to get the man and Amon away from Korra, who fell to the ground do to her weakened state. When the boy reached Korra, he against preformed another set of hand signs.
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Y/n: "Water Style: Twin Water Dragon Jutsu!"
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Suddenly a water dragon came out of each of the water walls, then started to attack them. this left them shocked and scared.
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Equalist 1: "what! I never seen water bending like this form!"
Equalist 2: "those are fucking dragons!"
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The boy looks at Korra and smiles but then focuses back on the enemy. Korra, on the other hand, couldnt help but look on in amazement. However, trying his best to hide it, the boy was feeling weak and wobbly.
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Y/n: "d-damn it. I'm already this low on Chakra?! But... I can't stop yet. I have to protect her no matter the cost. It's time these bastards witnessed my own brand of Kekkei Genkai!" after he takes a Chakra pill, he begins to preform 2 sets of hand signs, "Water Style, Wind Style: Typhoon Maelstrom Jutsu!"
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Suddenly, the 2 dragons and water walls begin to spin around the pair. Forming a large and wild tornado of water.
The force of this Jutsu was so strong, that it began to rip rocks apart and sending them flying in random directions. This forced the Equalists to retreat but not before Amon stops and takes one more look at the boy, as if to take a mental note of him. Then, he too, runs away.
Now that they are no longer in danger, the boy deactivates the Jutsu but then feels like hes on the verge of passing out. His whole body becomes weak, he feels like hes underneath an ocean, and it's trying to crush him. Korra looks at him and see this, this causes her to worry about him. He then takes another pill to aid him. Once he feels its effects, he walks up to Korra and kneels down to her level.
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Y/n: "are you alright Korra?"
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Tears begin to form in her eyes. With what little strength she has, she barely jumps on him and wraps her arms around him and buries her head in his chest. As she does so, she begins to cry her heart out.
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Korra: "I... I was so scared. I thought..... I thought, he was going to........ you were right. I should've listened to you. I was scared of him and what he might do to me./and you."
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Seeing the normally strong-willed and confident Korra, cry into his chest, hurt him to his core but, at the same time. He blamed himself. He knew Tarrlok was up to something but couldnt do a thing about it. If only he did, if only he tried harder, if only he noticed sooner, then maybe she wouldnt have to go through this. She was the very first friend he made since coming to this world, someone he has a great connection with and yet, when she needed him most, he couldn't protect her. He wraps his arms around her to hopefully give her some comfort.
Not long after this, she managed to cry herself to sleep. He then holds her bridal style and takes her outside but then Tenzin arrives. Seeing this, the boy told him everything that happened, all the while with a solemn look on his face. Seeing this and the pain in his eyes, the man wanted to try and help him but knew that Korra needs help now. Maybe he can ask if Pema to talk to him, shes always been good at that.
Now we see as they are back at the air temple. With the help of the other air nomads, they managed to get Korra back into her room. With Korra now resting peacefully, Y/n stands alone outside. He looks up and the beautiful night sky and begins to hate himself.
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Y/n: he clenches his fists, "Korra, I'm so sorry. If only I took more initiative, if only I realized sooner. Damn it! Why didnt i? I knew that bastard was up to something, but I did nothing about it. Damn it all! Why am I so weak, if only.... if only I was stronger." he looks down in anger, feeling tears beginning to form, "just damn it all! If only my stupid Chakra wasnt so low! Why can't I do anything right? Why is it no matter how hard I try, I never can get stronger? Is... is it really true? That no matter how hard you try, you can never surpass those with special gifts or come from a great clan? Maybe thats why the average Shinobi is always left in the dust."
???: "whats the matter Y/n? You dont look so good."
Y/n: "huh," as he turns around he quickly wipes his tears, "oh it's you Pema. It's nothing."
Pema: "really? Cause your face says otherwise. Besides, when they took Korra away, he never looked any of us in the eyes, almost as if you were ashamed of something. Even a blind man can see your upset, and I'm not leaving you alone until you tell me the truth." she looks at him with a stern expression.
Y/n: "by the spirits. She really reminds me of someone... wait I said spirits again." he lets out a defeated sigh, "ok you win, I'll talk."
Pema: she then smiles a warm motherly smile, "good."
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With him admitting defeat. He begins to tell her everything that was on his mind. Like his weakness, how he could never do anything right, how he could never get stronger, and so on. Without even realizing it, be begun to tell her everything, as if to vent out his frustration. Well minus him coming from another world, jutsu and Chakra of course. It's almost as if he can finally vent it all out and finally, how he feels responsible for what happened to Korra. How he was strong enough to protect her when she needed him the most or how he couldn't stop Tarrlok.
However, unbeknownst to the pair. A certain ponytail, hotheaded girl overheard the whole thing.
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Korra: peaks over the corner a bit, "I didn't know he felt that way. Does he really think so low of himself, despite being such an amazing and strong guy? Am..... am I a bad friend for not noticing this sooner?" she then looks down while leaning on the wall, "he noticed when I was hiding my fear." she then looks up with determination, "well, hes always there for me, so it's time I returned the favor."
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Back to Y/n and Pema
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Pema: "dear. theres nothing for you to feel bad for, it wasnt your fault for what happened. It was that idiot Tarrloks and Amon who did this. You did what you could with what you're given. I may not be able to speak on your limitations, but I'm sure youll find a way, besides you're plenty strong now." she then side eyes something and smiles, "but if you dont believe me, then a certain someone may be able to convince you."
Y/n: "huh?" looks behind her, "Korra?!"
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Said girl then walks up to them and stares at him. Pema looks at them and smiles. She takes this as her cue to give them some alone time and returns to the air temple.
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Y/n: "Korra, you really should be out-Korra!"
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Suddenly, in the middle of his talking to her, Korra hugged him. She then buried her head into his shoulder. He was shocked by this sudden action but then returned the hug.
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Korra: "idiot, it wasnt your fault."
Y/n: "huh?"
Korra: "I heard the whole thing, between you and Pema. And you're wrong. It was my fault, I let my fear control me, I let Tarrlok take advantage of that, I Joined him task force and i..... lost the fight. I let my hot headedness control me and foolishly challenged Amon to that duel, naively believing he would honor that. If.... if only I took you up on your offer, then maybe none of this would've happened. Ever since I meet you, youve done nothing but help me, be there for me. You were always by my side and the moment you werent, I do something stupid. So please... please stop beating yourself up over this. You're not weak, you're strong. I promise ill help you break this curse, just..... just promise me, you'll always be there for me..... when I need you the most."
Y/n: a single tear runs down his cheek, then he buries his head into her shoulder, "o-ok..... I promise."
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While this event was happening, something was happening in a dark ally in Republic City.
We see as a man, running for his life, until he tripped and fell onto the ground. While still afraid, the man started to crawl, until he heard a single footstep. His eyes widen, as he quickly turns around and out reaches his hand.
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Man: "please, please spare me. I'll change, I promise. I'll never do it again just please dont kill me!"
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As the camera pans around and move up, it reveals a cloaked figure with somewhat of a feminine figure. As we get a closer look, we see the figure is indeed a young girl, around Korras age. What little can be seen from under her hood (pause), is her almost sky blue right eye and strands of orange hair. She looks down at the man as if hes nothing more than filth. She had such an intense look that if looks could kill alone, he would already be in hell.
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Cloaked girl: "why should I believe you, you refused to say what you did? Men like you will never change. It's best to weed out the problem before you heard more girls."
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She then moves her right hand out from his cloak. When she does, she opens her hand, as if to grab something. However, something happened that hasnt been seen in centuries, her hand was coated in Electricity.
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Man: "no, please..... don't do this. Please!, I can change!" she then walks up to him, "no please, SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"
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The alleyway became filled with the sounds of his screams, the roar of electricity, and the light of lighting. When it all finally stopped, we can see that all is left of the man, is his charred remains. The girl then calmly walks out of the ally, as if she has already forgotten him. When we see her face, she had a very serious expression on her face but then-165Please respect copyright.PENANA9NLS7W6zcG
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The pretty loud sound of her stomach could be heard. She quickly placed her hands on her stomach and blushes.
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Cloaked girl: "hehe, oops. Looks like it's dinner time. Wonder what this city has to offer in terms of food. Hopefully it's delicious."
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As she turned to the streets a glimmer could be seen under her hood, a red glimmer. In slow motion it reveals..... a red eye?
As she walked out of view, the camera begins to pan up. What this mysterious girl doesn't know is she'll soon meet someone. This fated meeting will not only change her life but the life of the one she meets...... forever.
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A/n: welp, thats it for this chapter. What did you think? And as you can see, this version of Korra, unlike canon and many others, doesn't develop feelings for Mako. instead I'm more leaning into her past as a sheltered girl. Since she won't have much experience, she doesnt know what she feels for you. So this leaves her confused as to what she feels but until then, she will have moments with you. Also, the drama will Mako will still happen, like it did in canon. Why? Plot, drama aaaaaaand I just want to torture him a little, like the dumbass he is. Also, I wonder if anyone caught that little foreshadowing for the reader I put in? And thats it, thats all I can think of. Well, I'll see you, in the next chapter.
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