A/n: wow 3.2k total views, as of 6/26/23 (Wattpad), that just feels odd. Not in a bad why, I'm just legitimately shocked. I never thought any of my stories would get over 100 views, let alone over a thousand. It's just, wow, thank y'all so much. I know I should say more but speaking from emotion has never been one of my strong suits, that and expressing emotions is a struggle for me
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The Mysterious Girl
It's a new sunny day and as usual Y/n is stuck in the air temple while Korra was off practicing with her team. It felt good for them to train again, now that Korra was no longer apart of the oppres-i mean totally neutral and non enforcing task force. Normally the displaced ninja would be watching them practice but figured hed give them their space. It has been awhile for them after all, plus it would give him time to clear his head from the events that befell not too long ago. Course, that was a good in theory but now hes bored out of his mind. Normally he would be training but a mixture of needing to keep his secret and the temple being more lively than normal, kept him from doing so.
So to get rid of his growing boredom, he decided to go into the city to find something to do. However, fate, would have different plans for the boy. As he continued to walk around the city, not sure of what to do, he then heard a strange electricity type noise coming from an alleyway nearby him. Letting curiosity take hold, he went to go see what was happening. When he peaks from over the corner, he saw a girl wearing a hooded cloak. From what little he can see, she had orange hair and blue eyes, tho the other eye was being covered by the hood. Again from what little he can see, she appears to be wearing an almost combat style school uniform, with biker shorts and heavy-duty gloves, tho all of it looks like it's seen better days.
* A.I. generated. If you're not ok with it then thats fine. It's your choice. Me using AI is only temporary until I can afford to hire artists, or I eventually learn how to draw or 3d model myself.
* invert her eyes, her right eye is blue while her left is red. The program refused to do it for some reason.
* also her hair is bundled up into her hood. Plus its orange with red faded tips. Again it refused to do it.
* and finally, she has gloves, again it didnt do it without completely change her, for some reason.
* and her outfit is messed up
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Y/n: now fully out from his cover, "uuuummm, whats going on here?"
Girl: "this doesn't concern you. Now get out!"
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Now he can see more of her eyes, tho not the other one, he saw something...... familiar. He saw the same pain and loneliness he saw in Naruto and Sasukes eyes, as well as anger and hatred. Something about those beautiful but lonely eyes just made him want to help her.
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Y/n: "look, if you're in some kind of trouble, then I can help. I live in a temple with some nice-"
Girl: with more anger in her voice, "not interested, so just leave me alone. I dont need anyone's help!"
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Suddenly electricity began to form around her exposed arm, which shocked him. Noticing his shock, she looked to see that she has electricity sparks forming around her arm. Her eyes widen as she forms a fist in that hand, which seems to have made it stop. Using his confusion, she deiced to run away, while hiding her arm. He thought about chasing her, which would be a simple task for him, but decided not to. It's been his experience that forcing the issue would only make things worse, tho recent events made him question if thats true or is it his resolve that the issue. however pushing some of those doubts away, he decided to help her when she needs it.
While this was all happening, Korra has returned to the air temple early. She was disappointed that her favorite ninja wasnt there. So to waste some time to wait for him, she goes with Ikki and Jinora to feed the ring-tailed winged lemurs (thats a mouth full). It was quite, until-
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Jinora: "so Korra, hows things going with mister tall n dreamy fire bender boy? You 2 spends an awfully a lot of time together."
Korra: "who, Mako? Ok I guess but nothing to write home about. Plus hes happy with Asami."
Jinora: whispers to her sister, "watch this." speaks normally, "oh my bad, I meant mister cute ninja boy."
Korra: instantly freezes up, "Y-Y/n? F-fine I guess. Why do you ask?"
Jinora: "ooooooh, nothing it's just that you were eyeing him up pretty hard back at the gala aaaand you 2 seem to hug awfully a lot."
Korra: her face turns red, "d-d-don't be silly I-I-I wasting eyeing him up." they then raised their eyebrows with cheeky smirks, "ok maybe I did a little........ ok ok, I did........... ok a lot." causing them to chuckle, "It's just, i dont know. I've never met anyone like him before. hes sweet and kind, caring and supportive and hes looks aren't bad either. Man did he look good in that suit, with his hair pulled back and everything-holy spirits I think I have the hots for him!" causing the pair to chuckle.
Jinora: "of course you do, we all see it. The only ones who doesnt is your team and the boy in question, probably because of his low self-confidence."
Korra: "what do I do? I never felt this way about anyone before. How do I know if what I'm feeling is real or some kind of fling?"
???: "do you want it to be a passing feeling or something real?"
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This sudden voice caused the trio to let out a scream in fear. When they placed their hands over their hearts, they turned to see that the vice came from Pema
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Korra: "h-hi Pema. How long have you been standing there?"
Pema: "long enough."
Korra: "oh...... so you heard everything?"
Pema: "yes now whats your answer?"
Korra: "I..... I dont know. What I mean is, I dont what it to be, but how do I know what I'm feeling is real or is it just pure attraction? I'm just not sure. I've never felt this way about anyone before."
Pema: "well thats not an easy question for anyone to answer. Love can be a confusing thing, especially when physical attraction comes into play. Sometimes you just know, while others you dont. It all depends on the person. Like with Tenzin. I knew he was my soul mate from the moment I laid eyes on him, and it hurt to see him with someone I knew was the wrong person for him."
Korra: "so..... what did you do?"
Pema: "I went for it. I told him how I really felt about him and the rest was history."
Korra: slumps over a little, "but how does that help me? You knew what you wanted, i dont even know if what I'm feeling is even real. Live never felt this way before. It's true I felt some attraction towards Mako, at first, but that quickly faded."
Pema: "and why do you think that was?"
Korra: "i dont know."
Pema: "was it because he was dating someone else?"
Korra: "no, it wasnt that. I just wasnt interested. He had looks but, i dont know. It just didnt feel right."
Pema: "what about Y/n?"
Korra: "I...... i just dont know. I do feel something towards him. I know hes special to me and I do find him attractive. Arghhhh! Why is this so hard? If only I had more experience, this would be easier."
Pema: "that may be true but plenty have found love with no experience. My advice to you is to not rush things. If you're unsure with how you feel, then it's best to figure that out. otherwise you could ruin things for not just you but for him too. You need to go at it at your own pace but not too long. dont want him to get snatched up by another girl after all. You saw how they looked at him during the gala."
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And with that being said, the pregnant woman left them, leaving Korra to her own thoughts. Does she really love the boy, or is it some kind of fleeting feeling? Well, thats something she needs to figure out soon, otherwise he'll get taken before she has a chance but she doesnt want to rush it either. If this feel is real, then she doesnt want to screw it up (cough unlike canon cough cough. Excuse me, must be coming down with something).
It's now the next day and Y/n has came with Korra this time to the bending arena. Course, not like she doesnt mind. Spending more time with him will help her sort out her feelings. And today was a big day. Today is their first match since the whole task force debacle. Right now, It's just before the match and Y/n, does something rather surprising, willingly talk to Mako. (cue dramatic shock and surprise meme with record screech sound).
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Y/n: "hey Mako, I got a question for you."
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This catches everyone's attention, especially the boy in question.
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Mako: raises an eyebrow, "huuuh, sure. whats up?"
Y/n: "fire benders can bend lighting too right?"
Mako: "in a manner of speaking, yes. Why?"
Y/n: "then is it possible for one to simply charge it or manipulate it freely?"
Mako: "no. We can only charge it up by doing a certain bending stance and movement, then discharge it when we have the desired strength. Some can even redirect it. However, we can't freely charge it or manipulate it. Mmm-" looks up while placing a finger and thumb on his chin, "tho it is possible to hold it in, that could give the appearance of charging it, but it's not the same thing. Why do you ask?"
Y/n: "no particular reason, just curious./I know what I saw. I think I need to find her again and see her in action. Just to make sure./alright guys, good luck out there. Kick some ass!"
Korra, Mako, & Bolin: "right!"
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And with that, Korra and her team enter their match and swiftly beat the opposing team. Despite being out of the game for so long, they had perfect teamwork and were in perfect sync with each other. Watching Korra in action made Y/n feel something but shrugged it off as being happy for his friend but, despite this, he couldnt take his eyes off her. Just watching her move and fight with such total focus, it was captivating to him.
Now after everything, Bolin tries to make moves on Korra, but it goes right over her head. Instead, she thinks it's nothing more than 2 teammates going out to have fun after a swift victory. As Y/n looked on, he couldnt help but feel a strange sensation in his checks but, like before, just shrugged it off. Right now, he has a mission to accomplish. To help this mysterious girl that he met the other day.
We now see our young ninja walking through the streets of Republic City. A mixture of Korras date with Bolin and this girl goes this his mind. Why can't he think straight? And why does he care what Korra does in her free time? He shakes his head in the hopes of clearing his mind, cause right now. theres someone out there that needs his help. Almost on cue, he heard a familiar electric sound he heard the other day and again, it's in an alleyway. When he looks over, he sees that it was indeed the girl again but this time she was surrounded by some creepy looking thugs that had clear motives in attacking her. Seeing this, he rushed in, which catches their attention.
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Girl: "you again? I told you to just leave me alone!"
Thug: "too late for that girly. hes involved now, and I can think of a few who would want a guy like him. Get him boys!"
Y/n: pulling a page from Korras book, "heh, as if some second rate thugs stand any chance against me."
Girl: "damn."
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4 thugs began to run up to Y/n but the boy didnt even flinch. One stopped and took on an earth bending stance. With his fist forward, he rises them. This causes multiple pillars to erupt from the ground, heading towards the boy. He raises an eyebrow at how slow it is, just side stepping it. Then another one of the thugs jumps at him and rapidly punched the air, firing multiple fire blasts at him. The boy notices a barrel and stops.
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Y/n: throws some hand sighs, "Water Style: Water Dome Jutsu!"
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Water erupted for the barrel and encased the boy, forming a dome of water around him.
The dome was strong enough to easily take on the blasts. This shocked everyone, even the girl.
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Girl: "what kind of water bending is that?"
Thug 1: "what the hell!"
Thug 2: "how the fuck did it block fire!"
Girl: a sweat drop formed on her head, "are these guys stupid?"
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However, when the dome splashed away, he was nowhere to be seen. Everyone looked around, until the fire bending thug spotted him just standing there with his arms crossed..... menac-sorry.
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Thug 1: there he is!"
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The fire bending thug began unleashing a barrage of fire blast that all seem to hit their mark. As the boy fall to the ground, they laugh while the girl just looks away with a sad expression. However, she notices something. theres only 3 thugs, wheres the fourth? Suddenly the boy erupted in smoke, confusing them but when it cleared it revealed-
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Thug 1: "uh! a log? wait that wasnt him?!"
???: "thats right./fell for Kakashis move bitch........ man Korra really is influencing me."
Thug 1: "what?!"
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At that moment, the boy punched him so hard on the back. That the thug was sent straight to the way. He hit it with such force that he actually bounced off. The boy looked at him, kinda flinching a bit but then turned to the rest. They stepped back just a step. He smiled and rushed at them, beginning to systematically and effortlessly take them all out with simple Taijutsu.
Now to the girl, who watched on in amazement. She didnt notice one tried to sneak up on her and as soon as he touched her, he was electrocuted so hard that even his skeleton was seen. As his charred remains flopped on the ground, with steam coming off his body.
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Girl: looks at him with disgust, "idiot./dont ever touch me with your filthy hands. Didn't you learn from the last idiot who tried that?"
Thug 5: "you bitch."
Girl: "says the coward trying to kidnap me for a sex trafficking ring."
Thug 5: "come on, look at that body. You'd enjoy it you little slut."
* 0:28
Girl: "whaAaAat?" her anger rose as electricity began to surround her. "You sick fuck. All you pigs are the same. You see women as nothing more objects and sluts...... MAYBE I SHOULD TURN YOU TO ASH!!!"
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Suddenly her whole body was surrounded in powerful electricity that caused her cloak to flap in the wind as mini lightning strikes come off of her and striked different objects around them. She raised her hand in the air and shot some electricity into the air but nothing happened after that. They looked on in confusion, until they heard thunder.
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Thug 5: "wha-"
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Suddenly, she lowered her hand and in that moment, lightning struck the man. It was so powerful and fast, that he didnt even have the chance to scream in pain, he was just gone. Nothing but ash was left behind and a charred almost glass like crater from where he once stud. The others looked on in fear and ran away, well the ones who were able to that is. The girl started to breathe hard with an almost crazed look on her face with a hint of gratification in her kill.
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[Stop Music]
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Seeing her face he couldn't help but feel sad. Despite the impressive showing, he felt no fear for her, just sadness. That look was of pain, and it only enforced his belief that he needs to help her. So he walked up to her with no fear.
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Y/n: "are you ok?"
Girl: finally calms down, "i-is he not afraid of me?/are you stupid?"
Y/n: "maybe."
Girl: it was small, but a smile did form, but she instantly frowned, "you should leave me alone. You saw what I can do. You seem like a nice guy, so you're better off forgetting about me."
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She was about to walk away but our young displaced ninja can't allow that, not after what he just saw. Not that he views her as a threat to the people but rather, he knows she needs his help.
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Y/n: "wait, I can help you, just give me a chance. If you're willing, I can-"
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Right before he finished his sentence, she slammed him against the wall and grabs hold of his right wrist. She looked at him with such an intense stare but now with most of her hood moved, he can see she doesnt have 2 blue eyes but rather, a blue right eye and a red right eye. He could also see, tho barely as her hair was tied up, that her hair was orange, but it also had red faded tips.
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Girl: in a threatening tone, "I said. Leave. Me. Alone. I dont want nor do I need your help. I dont need anyone's help!"
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Suddenly, her hand, that was grabbing his wrist, began to admit electricity. As it does so, it begins to burn his wrist. She noticed his face tense up and looks at his wrist. Her eyes widen and instantly lets go of him while grabbing a hold of her wrist that she used to grab his. She looked at him with a purely sad expression.
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Girl: backs up slowly, "I-I'm sorry. Just.... just forget about me, it's for your own good. You'd be safer that way."
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She then runs away from him but Y/n could've sworn he saw tears fall down her cheek and form where she just stud. However, this event proved 2 things for him. 1) she needs help and 2) she can bend electricity. Now that he figured that out, now he needs to figure out how. shes clearly been through something traumatic, not only because shes refuses his help and how shes refusing it but how she reacted towards those guys. Granted he didnt hear what they said but knew they deserved it. Then theres the other thing, how can she bend electricity? Last he heard, theres not such thing. With a sigh, he figured it be best to talk to Tenzin about it later. After, thats something for another time. Right now, he needs to clear his head, so he can better help this girl.
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The Team of Assholes
As he was walking around, after avoiding people and the police who noticed the strike, he placed his finger and thumb on his chin and rested that arm on his other.
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Y/n: "one this is clear, she has little control over her bending or-" flashback to the lightning bolt, "does it control her in a sense? She had some control but when she got angry, thats when that went out the window. Before I confront her again, I need to find a way to get her to listen to me without setting her off, but how?" he then sighs, "if only Naruto were here, he would know in some way, maybe Sakura, but they're not. So I have to figure this out but-" flesh back to how being so close and her pretty big chest pressing against his, causing a blush to form, "she was definitely beautiful. Now that I think about it, I do find Korra and Asami attractive, wonder if I have a thing for strong girls? well no mater, I need to focus on other things."
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As he continued to walk throughout the city, lost in his thoughts, he came acrossed a little diner. When he looked inside, he saw Korra and Bolin inside having their date, well not really cause she didnt realize thats what he was going for. He was about to leave until he noticed trouble brewing.
* god, I forgot how much of a bitch these people look like.
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???: "so, you're Korra. My.... I gotta say, the camera doesn't do you justice. Why dont you ditch this little loser over here and come with me. I can give you some.... 'private lessons'. I can make you a bending pro in no time."
Korra: stands up aggressively, "what did you say? Why dont I teach YOU a lesson Tahno."
Tahno: "I like to see you try, girly."
Bolin: whispers to Korra, "no Korra, don't. hes trying to provoke you. You gotta ignore him, besides. Fighting outside of the arena can get us disqualified."
Korra: "tch."
Tahno: forms a cocky smile, "thats right girly. You know youd loss to a great man like myself. Why dont you-"
Korra: gets royally pissed, "WHAT DID YOU-"
???: "now now Korra. Don't let these pathetic losers provoke you. Besides, they dont look like theyd provide much of a challenge for you."
Tahno: "oh, whoever just said that is a dead man."
Korra: "who........... Y/n? What are you doing here?"
Y/n: "I was just passing by when I saw you and Bolin. I was just about to walk away, but I then saw some jackass and his mary band of rejects messing with you."
Tahno: "hah, so you're going to let this-"
Y/n: "oh put a sock in it dumbass. Korra could easily wipe the floor with you losers but, unlike you, she actually cares for her team. If it wasnt for that naive and short-sighted rule, she would've put you in your place but no, some moron, who knows nothing of the real world nor has the capability of forethought made a dumb rule. Unable to realize people like you exist. So, I'll teach you a lesson instead."
Tahno: "I like to see you try ninja boy. A non bender like you doesnt stand a chance against a powerful bender like me."
Korra: "hes about to eat those words."
Bolin: "if a phone was near me, I would call the cops to report a murder."
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Tahno laughed and so to, did his little gang, while Y/n just lets out a small sigh before grabbing the morons' wrist, flipping him up into the air, then slamming him onto the ground. Then he stomped on the mans shoulder and twisted his wrist, enough to cause pain but not enough to break it. The idiot lets out a cry of pain while trying to get free.
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Y/n: "oh shut up you big baby. I hardly did anything. I took extra care in making sure not to break anything or dislocate your wrist. Put some ice on it and you'd be fine."
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Bolin watched on in amazement but, at the same time, not surprised at how easily Y/n subdued the moron, while Korra had a cocky smile on her face. She knew all too well at what he was capable of and knew beating them would be easy for him. However, on the opposite side of this, his team and followers were both extremely angry at him but scared at the same time.
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Y/n: twists harder, "any objections or do you want to test your luck too? I make no guarantees ill be as gentle with you as I was with your joke of a leader."
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Seeing as none of them made any attempts to do anything, he lets go of their so-called leader. The gang of puss-i mean pro benders rand with their tails between their legs, caring their leader. All the while curing his name and vowing revenge against him. He, on the other hand, just chuckled, knowing full well that they were no threat at all to him.
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Korra: walks up to him and playfully punches his shoulder, "nice job ninja boy. You looked pretty badass there."
Y/n: "hehe, thanks. It was nothing."
Bolin: "that..... was...... AWESOME!!"
Y/n: "like I said, it was nothing. Now I'll be going now. You 2 can finish-" as he waved his hand, Korra noticed his wrist.
Korra: her eyes widen, "Y/n! What happened to your wrist?" causing him to stop and look at her.
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He was about to deny it or say it isn't a big deal, but she wasn't having any of it. So she gently grabbed his wrist and began to examine the burns.
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Korra: "whats with this burn mark? Did a fire bender do this to you?"
Y/n: "nah, it's fine. Really. It was just an accident, thats all."
Korra: "but this is some serious burns Y/n, not something you can just brush off. Here, let me take care of it."
Y/n: "huh? And how will you do that?"
Korra: "huh?......... oh right. I never showed you this little trick. It's something Katara showed me awhile back."
Korra: "you're kidding me right?"
Y/n: slowly shakes his head, "no I'm not. I'm from another lander, remember."
Korra: "oh shoot, thats right. Well, long story short. shes Avatar Aangs wife and Tenzins mother. I'll introduce you to her sometime."
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Korra gestures her hand that draws out water from a nearby cup. Once it reaches her hand, she moves it to the boy's wrists. She then has the water wrap around Y/ns wrist, completely encasing it. Once it was, the water began to glow a sky blue color. As it does, the burn mark on his wrist begins to fade away as it heals thanks to the healing technique.
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Y/n: his eyes widen slightly, "woah/this feels amazing. It's a better feeling than medical ninjutsu, and it feels so...... warm." his expression softens as he stares at Korra.
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Korra smiles at him but then blushes a little. She looks down to stare at his wrist and tenderly rubs her thumb over it as it's almost completely healed. In the background Bolin stares at the pair and can't help this small pin like feeling in his heart but quickly ignores it. With the job now done, the pair part ways. As he leaves, Korra couldnt help but stare at him and feel worried about him. She gets this feeling hes not telling her everything but chooses to talk to him about it later, maybe with everyone else, so he might feel like he has to come clean. For now, however, she decides to focus on her little outing with Bolin.
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Makos Confrontation & Korras Confession
Now with their little dinner date done and over with, Korra chooses to return to the arena, so she can get ready for their next match. However, Mako is waiting for her and he doesnt look too happy about something.
* bitch boy
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Mako: "what kind of game do you think you're playing at?"
Korra: "huh? What are you talking about Mako?"
Mako: "my brother."
Korra: "huh, Bolin? I'm not playing any kind of game with him. We were just friends going out for some fun, thats all."
Mako: "sure, you were. look I'm just looking out for my baby brother. I dont want him to get hurt by dating a teammate."
Korra: "what are you going on about? I'm not going to hurt him, besides. Theres nothing going on between us anyways. So just drop it."
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She then storms past Mako, whos not pleased at all with her dismissive attitude but follows her anyways. The following match didnt go well at all. Their synchronicity was all messed up and all over the place, do to the rising tension between Korra and Mako. However, despite their issues with each other right now, they still managed to pull out a victory, thanks to Bolin taking Makos place in the tiebreaker round.
With another victory under their belt, Korra relaxes outside on the balcony of the area. She stares off into the calm waters, as she does so, the boy whos been on her mind lately flashes in her mind again. Ever since her conversation with Pema, she can't get him out of her mind, course this began to progress into less than innocent images of him as she pictures him slowly taking off his shirt in a seductive manner, revealing his muscular chest and abs. Her face instantly turns red and shakes her head to get that images out of her mind. Whether it was a blessing or a curse, a certain fire bender approaches her from behind, allowing her to take her mind off of those images of Y/n out of her head.
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Mako: "look Korra, we need to talk."
Korra: lets out an annoyed sigh, "whats there to talk about Mako? theres nothing going on between me and Bolin....... wait. Why do you even care if there was?"
Mako: "like I said before, hes my brother. My dimwitted and innocent brother. I'm just trying to look out for him."
Korra: "are you trying to say that I'm such a bad person that I would hurt him?"
Mako: "of course not, you're an amazing woman but i just dont want him hurt."
Korra: "ok, whats going on here? You keep saying thats all but why do I get this feeling theres something more going on here?"
Mako: "t-theres nothing going on, I'm just-"
Korra: crosses her arms under her breasts, "looking out for your little brother? Yeah, you said that but if that was all, you wouldnt be acting so weird right now."
Mako: "I'm not acting weird. Its just-"
Korra: "just what? And stop this whole toeing the line bull shit. Hanging around a ninja for long enough, and you pick up a thing or 2 about noticing things about people."
Mako: "I....... I just dont know."
Korra: her eyes then widen, "dont tell me, you like me?!/wait, why the hell can I figure that out but now sort out my own?"
Mako: looking almost panicked, "what, no! I'm dating Asami."
Korra: places her fingers on her head, "oh by the spirits."
Mako: "no Korra. You got it all wrong. I'm in love with..... Asami."
Korra: "it isnt happening. You're already dating someone."
Mako: "I know that. It's just....... complicated."
Korra: now resting her hands on her hips, "complicated? Complicated! whats so complicated about it! You. Are. Dating someone else!"
Mako: "I know, I know. To be honest, i dont even understand it myself."
Korra: "well get it sorted out. Asami is my friend and i dont want you hurting her because its 'complicated'." causing him to slump over slightly in shame, "besides it won't happen anyways."
Mako: lets out a small sigh, "I know, its just....... wait." stands up straight and in an angry tone, "why?"
Korra: "it just won't ok."
Mako: "oh yeah, then why dont you tell me!"
Korra: "it just won't!"
Mako: "oh I get it. I guess a normal guy like me is no match for the great and amazing avatar!"
Korra: "what?! That has nothing to do with it!"
Mako: "then why?!"
Korra: "why does it matter?!"
Mako: "it just does!"
Korra: "just drop it!"
Mako: "no! Just tell me, damn it!"
Korra: "no! It's none of your damn business!"
Mako: "just say it! Why won't you consider me!"
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There was then a few seconds of pause, almost to let what she just said to sink in. Korras eyes widen as she can't believe what she just admitted. She was aware that she might have feelings for the displaced ninja but shes never said it out loud before. She may not know if she does love him or not but saying it out loud may mean shes pointing towards loving him.
However, this pause was then interrupted by something soft hitting the ground. In shock the pair quickly looked towards the sound and saw a heart broken Bolin standing there with tears beginning to form in his eyes.
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Korra: "B-Bolin?"
Mako: "Bolin, it's not-"
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However, before Mako could finish his sentence. Bolin ran off while crying his eyes out.
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Mako: "BOLIN!! Now see what you did!"
Korra: "me?! Oh, no you dont mister! You're NOT pinning this on me!"
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Before Mako could go running off after his brother, Korra stopped him by grabbing him by his collar.
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Korra: "you're the one at fault here, not me. So you stay here while I clean up YOUR mess."
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With that being said, Korra ran off in the direction her friend just went. She spent several hours looking and when she was about to give up, she spotted him from the window of a small little noodle restaurant. She entered the restaurant and after locating him, she went in his direction and sat next to him. When she saw him he looked.... hammered? From noodles?
* but with Korra
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Bolin: "surprised my 'brother-traitor' didnt come to find me."
Korra: "he wanted to, but I stopped him."
Bolin: "oh."
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The pair spent several minutes just sitting there in awkward and painful silence. So to break it up, Korra decided to kick things off.
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Korra: "look, Bolin. I'm sorry I hurt you. I honestly didnt know you had feelings for me. I thought you were just acting like.... well you. I'm sorry i didnt realize it sooner."
Bolin: "well...... maybe i shouldve been more clear. It... it did hurt you know."
Korra: "wow. You're huuuh, taking it better than I thought you would."
Bolin: he just sighed, "maybe a part of me already knew that but i didnt want to admit it. When you took care of his wound earlier, which is scary by the way. I mean hes a ninja and someone hurt him that bad?" she chuckled a little, "I think thats when it started to click."
Korra: "oh....." she looks down in shame.
Bolin: ".......... do you love him?"
Korra: she lets out a small sigh, "I..... I just dont know."
Bolin: "you dont know? How can you not know?"
Korra: "look, Bolin. When the white lotus found out it was the avatar. They basically locked me away from the rest of the world. They didnt let me experience anything a normal child should experience. The only contact with other people were my parents, some village elders and those in the white lotus. They denied me the chance to make any friends..... or experience romance. I was just a kid when they found out. I spent my whole life without friends or a simple crush. thats why I'm so confused..... I'm stunted. I have no experience to draw on."
Bolin: "oh.... I'm sorry. I didnt know that but Korra. I know I'm not the smartest guy out there, I'm still awesome tho," causing her to chuckle, "but even I know you need to figure this out before someone else gets hurt..... like me."
Korra: she then looks down, "i...... I know. I just wish figuring this all out was easier."
Bolin: "I dont think It's supposed to be but good luck figuring it out."
Korra: "thanks Bolin. I'm going to go on ahead. What about you?"
Bolin: "I think I'm going to stay here a little longer, to sort some things out."
Korra: "ok." she then gets up and was about to walk away but stops beside Bolin and places her hand on his shoulder, "Bolin. You're a good friend and an amazing guy, no matter what anyone says. dont ever think any less of yourself. So I'm sure one day that special someone will appear one day, and I'll support you in any way I can." causing him to smile at her, "like I hope youll do the same for me someday."
Bolin: "thanks and of course I will. We're friends after all."
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Korra lets out a small but genuine smile at him before walking away from him and leaving the little restaurant.
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Y/ns Determination
[Timeskip | Brought to you by a chibi Bolin sleeping at a restaurant table, with empty ramen bowls littered all over the table]
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We now see that it's not only nighttime but also dinner time for those who live on the island. We can see as Tenzin, his family, Korra, and Y/n are all eating lunch together, but it was pretty quiet. This was something that was odd to say the least. When Tenzin looked at the young ninja, he could tell there was something on his mind. So, in order to break the silence, he decided to ask the boy a question.
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Tenzin: "so Y/n. Tell me, whats on your mind my boy?"
Y/n: puts his fork down and sits for a few moments, "......... have you ever heard of someone being able to bend lightning?"
Korra: raises an eyebrow, "like a fire bender?"
Y/n: shakes his head slowly, "no. I mean literally. Like any of the other elements. Just with lightning."
Tenzin: "mmm, I see." begins to stroke his beard.
Jinora: "theres no such thing as a Lightning bender."
Tenzin: "..... actually. I think there is."
Everyone: "what!"
Tenzin: "if I remember correctly. My father told me of a legend he heard once. In legend, they were called 'Electricity Benders'. These benders were capability of bending lightning and electrical currents like any other element. According to legend, they were extremely powerful. Because of this, it's said that if one were to appear, then they would bring about the destruction of our world."
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This caused everyone to gasp in shock. That a bender could be so strong.
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Tenzin: "however, my father had a different theory. He believed that they were misunderstood. Having such an ability to control something so powerful has to come with some complications."
Y/n: "I see./that explains a few things for me. Like when she burnt my wrist. Her expression. She looks like she didnt do it on purpose. Actually she looked horrified. This confirms it. I need to help her."
Tenzin: "tell me, why would you ask such a strange question?"
Y/n: looks down, "should I tell them? I... I dont want to cause her anymore trouble than shes already in but..... maybe. Just maybe they could help me." looks up. "ok I'll tell you, but you have to promise me that you won't overreact or tell anyone outside of this room."
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They all nod at him. He was nervous to tell them. So takes a deep breath and prepares himself.
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Y/n: "....... ok, I...... I met one."
Everyone: "what!"
Tenzin: "what do you mean you met one? hows that possible?"
Korra: "when did this happen Y/n. wait.... dont tell me thats the one who burnt your wrist?"
Pema: "wait, your wrist was burnt? Why didnt you tell us?"
Meelo: "loud noises!"
Y/n: "aaaaand you overreacted." looks at Korra, "it happened not that long ago and yes she was the one who did it."
Korra: got slightly nurvous, "s-she?"
Y/n: "and i didnt say anything because Korra already healed me. So i didnt see a point but back on track. I want to help her."
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Korra felt a small stinging sensation in her heart when she saw the pure conviction and determination in his eyes. Normally she would be supportive, but she can't help but feel this pain.
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Tenzin: almost with a hint of pride, "not that I'm complaining at all about you helping anyone but tell me, why?"
Y/n: "because, I believe avatar Aang was right about them. When I saw her earlier, it didnt look like she had any real control over his powers. Sure she could still use them but, it almost looks like they could overwhelm her or run a muck without her meaning to. Besides, it's her eyes." again, Korra felt her heart sting, "they remind me of 2 of my friends from back home."
Korra: raises an eyebrow, "your friends?"
Y/n: "yeah. Naruto grew up without any family and was treated like a monster for something beyond his control."
Pema: "how horrible."
Tenzin: "to treat a child so harshly. Such despicable people."
Y/n: "I agree with you. Some kids did try to be his friends but the parents wouldnt allow it. However, that didnt stop him. He kept on going. At first pulling pranks to get attention. Well, well be here all day if I tell you all of it but the short of it is. he overcame this and became the hero of our village. Now for my second friend, Sasuke, he was different. He had a family and grew up in a nice household, but he lost not just his whole family but his whole cla-tribe in a single night. The one who did it was his own brother."
Korra: "his own brother but why?"
Y/n: "I'm not sure. He just killed them all one night./tho I have a feeling there was something more to it. I wasnt with them when he killed Danzo, so I'm not sure if they found out more or not./this made Sasuke crave revenge. To gain power through any means to kill his brother. At first, he had it under control but ever since his fight with Gaara, hes been slowly changing. Eventually betraying our village to gain power from a snake."
Jinora: "snake?"
Y/n: "the less you know about him, the better. Both had this same look of sadness and loneliness in their eyes but also rage. She had those same eyes."
Jinora: "what a minute. Naruto? wasnt he the one you mentioned the other day?"
Y/n: "yes. I already told you a bit about him. He became strong by seeking friendship and to protect that bond, while Sasuke sought to break the bond and gain strength through loneliness. Both sought strength for different reasons, but both still had those feelings. The thing is, I can easily see the roles being reversed, Naruto being the one who wanted to destroy the village while Sasuke wanted to protect it. This why I want to help her. I've seen what those emotions can do to a person. I want to help her from going down that dark path."
Tenzin: he then smiles at the boy, "well thats very noble of you, It's easy to go down a dark path but hard to go down the right path. Sometimes it just takes the right guiding had. But I must say. You have some tragic but interesting sounding friends there Y/n.
Y/n: "......yeah, I do."
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Korra looked at the boy and saw he had a conflicted expression on his face but, why? They're his friends right? Why would he have such an expression? She saw sadness too, which is understandable, but she also saw something........ else. Something she couldnt explain. However, she was knocked from her thoughts when Tenzin decided to speak up again.
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Tenzin: "so... what do you have planned to help her?"
Y/n: "honestly.... I'm.... I'm not sure yet but, I know It's something I have to do alone, or at least for now. Until I can gain her trust. Right now shes too unstable and guarded."
Tenzin: strokes his beard, "I see. Yes, this situation is pretty complicated and volatile. You dont want to risk setting her off before you can help her. So I agree with you, that may be the best course of action to take but know, we have your back. Come to us if you ever need help, even if it's just advice or someone to talk to."
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This earns a nod from everyone in agreement. The boy looks on in shock but then smiles as a small tear runs down his face.
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Unearned Victory
[Timeskip | Brought to you by a chibi Y/n watching the chibi cloaked woman from a distance]
[After the match]
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We can see as the Fire Ferrets have just finished their match. It was a tough fight as it seems personal relations were getting in the way of their team work, which confused Y/n. hes pretty sure Korra hasnt mentioned any problems with the team or anything going on. However, they were able to win thanks to Korra bringing it in clutch.
Well, it seems that whatever problems they may have seems solved now as the brothers congratulate Korra for her gaining them the victory, when she entered their locker room. She looks at Y/n, who has its arms crossed and leaning against the wall. He looks back at her and smiles and gives her a thumbs up in response. She then smiles back at him. however this bonding and forgiveness was soon interrupted by beta cuc-I mean Tahno and his merry band of puss-i mean croni-I mean mindless dron-I mean teammates. Yeah, thats what I meant, teammates.
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Tahno: "ohhh what do we have here? It's little girly and her pathetic team of screwups."
Mako: gets angry, "what did you say asshole?"
Tahno: "oooo. Look boys. I made him angry. I'm soooo scared, "causing them to chuckle and Mako to growl, "if that 'show' is anything to go by, then we have nothing to worry about. It will be a cakewalk."
Korra: forms a cocky smirk, "oh, we'll see about that Tahno, but it won't be much of a fight. It'll be a slaughter."
Tahno: he then scoffs at her, "heh, I like to-"
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However, his weak and pathetic attempt at acting tough and provocation were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. Tahno and his gang glared at whoever it was but then began to sweat bullets as they saw Y/n standing there. He smirks and wiggles his fingers in a playful but taunting manner.
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Tahno: "wEll. Ahem, w-we'll be gOing now." his voices in pure fear of the boy.
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As the puss-I mean the team leaves, in a very hastily manner I might add, Korra and Bolin look at each other and begin to laugh. This causes Mako to look at them and raise an eyebrow.
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Mako: "what? What did I miss and why did he basically run off like that?"
Korra: "hahahahaaaaa. I'll tell you later."
???: "good job you guys. Especially you Korra."
Korra: "huh...." she turns around and sees, "oh, hi Asami."
Asami: "hey guys..." turns to the wall beside her, "and hello mister ninja."
Y/n: chuckles, "and hello to you too Asami."
Korra: "I wanted to thank you again for sponsoring our team. We would've never gotten this far if it wasnt for you and your company."
Asami: "it's not trouble at all Korra, besides-"
???: --"aaaaaand the Wolf Bats win their match with a brutal single round knock ouuuuuuut!!!"--
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This shocked everyone in the locker room. So Korra, her team, Asami and Y/n rush to the arena to see an utterly shocking scene before them. The Wolf Bats have indeed won their match and rather quickly. However, something odd Y/n noticed about the other team. They looked badly injured, why too injured for these type of games. Tahno notices the gang and looks up at Korra. He gives her an evil but creepy grin on his face.
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A/n: welp thats it for this chapter, I hope you liked it. Sorry for the long wait and as you saw I started this a long time again but never finished it until now. Also, as you saw, like with my Kaiju girls story, I used an A.I. generated image for the girl. I'll post the original in a separate chapter but now i just wasnt happy with how she turned out originally. I'm still not as the AI wouldnt do everything I listed, but I guess thats its limitations. I fully admit it's AI and do not take credit for it. Anyways, as you can see, shes extremely powerful. If you couldnt tell the concept was inspired by The Electrical Conduit. Male Reader x Korra made by . I had an idea for this book long before I read that but reading it gave me the idea for an OC with the power to bend lightning but also give her a trait that makes it hard for her to control her powers. Also, now Korra is starting to realize that she has feelings for you but doesnt know how to full come to grips with it and now must hurry to understand it before, other things get in the way. And yes, this means you werent there for when Obito revealed the truth about Itachi. anyways, thats all I can think of. So I'll see you...... in the next chapter.
* Also damn. 8k words. Sorry about that. Seriously. I dont know how this keeps happening. Literally started my quality check with 4k words, meaning I somehow doubled it.
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