Emily looked me in the eyes.
She felt for my hands.
"Will... you... uh, go out with me?"
I stared at her.
Painful memories came flooding back to me.
I froze for a moment, not breathing.
Still holding her hands, I fell to the ground in uncontrollable tears.
"Oh, God, Hiro... what have I done? I'm so sorry..."
"I want to," I mumbled. "I want to go out with you. Emily, you're so beautiful, but... this will go too far..."
I explained everything. Everything from that horrible night.
It was something I'd never told anyone before.
"I'm afraid... I never want to get married, I never want that to happen... I never want anyone in danger like that, I never want anyone to have to live with that..."
"Oh, Hiro..." Emily whispered. "It's only a memory. We'll make sure that never happens again."