"Wake up! It's training time!" I threw myself awake, forgetting where I was for a moment. I was in a white room, with a girl shouting at me from the doorway. Was this just another dream? Wake up, Dillan! Wake up!
Then I realized that this wasn't another dream and it was, in fact, reality.
I groggily got up and instinctively reached over towards the nightstand for my prosthetic leg. Of course, the leg wasn't there, so instead of grabbing my leg, I flailed to the ground. Danielle watched me in amusement.
"You have a leg on, idiot. Don't take it off, by the way!" She laughed as she walked out of the door. "Get changed!" The door slammed shut.
What did I have to wear? It's not like I had time to grab clothes before I was kidnapped.
If there were going to be clothes somewhere, I guessed that it would be in the closet so, I walked over towards the wardrobe at the other side of the room. I tested out the new leg, being careful not to break it. It seemed sturdy enough, and it felt exactly like what I remembered a real leg felt like.
Where have you been all of my life, leg?
As I reached the closet, a computerized voice nearly shouted at me. I swear, that thing nearly made me pee my pants. "Step on the metal plate, Guest #43." The voice was one of the creepiest voices that I have ever heard, and yet it still made me wonder what happened t o the first 43 guests. Were they recruited? Were they dead? It didn't matter anyhow. I stepped up onto the plate, as the closet scanned me. Yes, the closet scanned me.
The door unlocked with a loud clicking noise, as it had found my identity "Guest #43's identity has been found. Are you Dillan Tiana Crazie?"
"Yes." I couldn't believe that I was talking to a machine as if it was normal and I did it everyday. I swear, I don't on a regular basis.
"Are you a victim or a recruit?"
"You may enter." No more questions? Well, that's not very secure, is it? I could have lied my way to free clothing, and yet I didn't. I think.
I stepped off of the metal plate and picked out a simple outfit of a black tank-top, black leggings, and combat boots. hey, if I was going to be a spy, I'd have to be able to pull off the whole dangerous-spy look, am I right?
Time for training. I think.
I walked out of my room before running around the whole compound, realizing I had absolutely no clue where the training room was. I had probably passed it about a dozen times, and yet, no rooms were labeled, and no rooms stood out from each other.
I finally reached my room again, only to find a smirk across the familiar face of Danielle.
I took a look at her outfit, wanting to know exactly how a spy dressed. Her top was plain black with a large triangle cut out of the front, showing a little bit of skin which I think is to distract certain enemies. She was wearing fishnet tights with long black boots and red beaded shorts, which I suppose is also a technique of distraction. I thought that she was training me today, wasn't she? So why did she need to distract everyone...Her wrists were adorned with many brackets and her makeup was absolutely gorgeous. Her cat-eyes maroon color shone in the light as she walked around, and her dark red lip seemed to fit her better than her normal lip color. In short, she looked way better than me.
"You ready to go now?" She asked sarcastically. "Or do you want to do another lap? You could also keep staring at me, whatever you want to do is completely fine with me."
I laughed. "Honestly, I'd rather go home. Can you take me there?"
She glared at me in return.
"Come on, Let's go."
Today was the day that I was going to do something that I had never gotten the chance to do before.
I was going to train, fake leg and all.