My leg shook as I felt Jace stare at me. I cast him a short look that gave him all my hatred. If looks could kill, that one would disintegrate him.
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His blue eyes widened in shock, as if he was surprised I was mad at him for kidnapping me and injecting poisons into me. Thing is, since the poison was thrust into my veins, for every hour, I wouldn't lose my mind. Jace is on guard this hour and has been trying to be nice to me.
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I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes, I imagined my sister's face. "You know that you have to see Cassie today?" My eyes popped open and my body started to shake, "Woah, just wondering if you remembered." He added quickly.
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I tightly closed my eyes and let a tear fall, I tried. I tried. I miss Dillan, she would say something perfect right now and soothe all my disturbed nerves. But that's a fairy-tale. This is all a fairy-tale, right? Having a twin sister. Being mute. Insanity. I hate myself!
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I slammed a head against the wall again and imagined Dillan here. She would be teasing me and probably kicking Jace's butt. She may look weak with a prosthetic leg but she'll make a big foot bruise on your bum.
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"Are you okay? Are the visions coming back?" If I nod, I may die from an overdose and never see Dillan again. If I shake my head, I'll see Cassie and stay here. Jace ran beside me and grabbed my wrists. I shook my head. I need to say goodbye to Dillan. If I can say goodbye, I can die.
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His eyes lingered for a second before getting up and taking his place by the door. I wiped the tears from my eyes and when I knew he wasn't looking, I ran to the corner and curled up into a ball. He has ten more minutes before his shift is over. Then I get my meeting with Cassie.
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"Adeline, I know you don't speak, I don't need an answer. I just want to tell you that, I don't know what you're going through. I don't know what it's like to see the world from your eyes. I don't know what it's like to have my mind playing tricks on me. But, I think you're brave.
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"Sorry about the whole breaking in thing yesterday. I didn't me- are you okay?" Jace sounded concerned but just hearing it curdled the acid in my stomach. He's holding a bazooka, how can he dare ask me if I'm okay.
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"Oh, darling! Test subject sixty-three! The first to... Survive the tests!" Poor subjects one to sixty-two. Valencia clamped her hands together and I watched as she furrowed her eyebrows in shock while examining my chair. I'm in the corner, not that I'm going to tell her that.
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Jace glanced towards me but I didn't look back, I felt his eyes on my face. I wish I could scream at him to look away. He kidnapped me. He has no right feeling sympathetic! I watched as her face morphed to shock as she slowly glanced around the room trying to find me. Then she saw me curled up in a ball. Her eyes narrowed as if I was prey and she circled me.
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"You get to go see Cassie now, and she's ready to... well, you'll get to see!" Valencia chimed before grabbing my arm and attempted to hoist me up. I pulled my arm back which pulled her next to me, her perfect hair became a bit disheveled and she glared at me. I'm so dead. "Jace, deal with her. She's going to get what she deserves with Cassie."
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Jace's face paled. He's nothing like his sister, her eyes would be evil and she'd be watching me with dark amusement. He came closer and slid his arm beneath me to pick me up. I wanted to scream but we all know that's not happening so I tried lifting my chest up and attack him but he anticipating my moves and grabbed my legs. I glared at him seeing his head was right next to my face.
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I began kicking and attempting to punch but, he had an impressive grip. I closed my eyes and imagined Dillan, what would she do? She'd probably insult Jace. So I did the next best option seeing that I can't do that. I spit.
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He didn't even cringe, I got him right on the cheek too. He glanced to me, I softened my temper, it was like he was pleading. Wait. He's not getting sympathy from me, he's why I'm here. Valencia's behind us and watching intently at me. I broke my gaze from Valencia and then closed my eyes. What else would Dillan do? I'm weaker than her, I can't speak, and I don't have her attitude or spirit. I'm a broken version of her with a mental problem.
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"We're here!" Valencia exclaimed in front of a red mahogany door, I opened my eyes and saw that Jace seemed nervous.
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"Why, Sam, you're here too."
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Sam? I perked up. He's in chains, he has the same green eyes and grey hair. I flopped out of Jace's grip and tightly hugged Sam, my older brother. He was the reason why I joined the circle, he thought this could help me. But it didn't. It messed up my brain even more and now they have an antidote. He was here during the... Incident that had Dillan lose her leg, Mike's death, and my burn.
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"Mr. Jasdent, anything else you need from me?" Jace asked politely, I wondered how he could do that seeing how he's a vile human being scum bag.
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"No, I got Eddie," he smiled before rustling my hair. Once Jace and Valencia were out of sight, his smile disappeared and he slapped me. I cupped my hand over my stinging cheek and glared at him in disbelief. He seemed indifferent- heartless.
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He grabbed my wrist hastily and lunged me into the room, I didn't even see the door open. All I saw was the same indigo eyes. Cassie.
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She's different. Her face is caved in and metal pieces are exposed, her arms and legs are plastic, and she's deformed. That's all because of me. I sighed and sucked in a sharp breath. I did that. When she saw me, I got cast a look of pure hatred. Sam shuffled over to her and kissed her on the lips, when did that happen? I scanned and saw wedding rings. I always thought I'd see Sam's wedding day.
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But things changed when I lost it. I watched as Sam whispered to her, her talking was hard to watch seeing how I'm the reason why she looks like this. This is all my fault. A pang of self-loathing surged through me when I remembered that this is all my fault.
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"Bye sweetheart," Sam purred before glancing to me. A look of pure hatred.
544Please respect copyright.PENANAxyFNV0dW4c
I froze as I heard the door slam shut behind me. I cringed and then slouched in my seat, her hair is all singed off because of me and she has pale red scars tracing her forehead. I took a deep breath. I can't handle this right now, I did this. It's my fault.
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The initial hatred in her eyes disappeared and she tilted her head towards me in deep thought, almost in amusement.
544Please respect copyright.PENANA4Q4SgLhw10
"You have the same eyes..." It sounded like a bunch of grunts, I couldn't stand looking at her talk so I did an even worse deed by looking away. I couldn't look any longer and our eyes locked. All I really saw was sadness, I inflicted that on her. A small tear went down my cheek.
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I wanted to tell her I tried to save her, but I can't. My throat began to sting as my blood felt like pure fire. It's been an hour. My mind began twisting and bending her face to make it back to how it used to be except with pure black eyes. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
544Please respect copyright.PENANA5inzyFuRAN
"You still don't talk, don't cry!" She exclaimed and wheeled her chair over to me. I thought she was about to kill me for a second but her eyes were softened and she came around and wrapped her arms around my shoulder. They were cold against my thin shirt Valencia supplied. I began to cry even more by feeling her care after what I done to her. I wrapped my arms around her and began to sob.
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Here, I can hear her breath machine wheezing, her pace maker, and wires pumping electricity. I made her machine. She pulled away and left me sniffling and fiddling with my hands. She grabbed a notebook from a cupboard and a pen from the desk, she pushed them towards me and I weakly smiled. This is a good idea.
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'I tried holding on, I really did. When I was proved insane, I needed someone- not Dillan. So I got you, and I would of never dropped you intentionally. You were family.' I quickly scribbled down.
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Cassie quickly skimmed over what I wrote and looked at me confused, I sniffled and wiped a tear from my eyes. Not that it helped anything because a new one came up to take it's place. "Why not Dillan?" She asked gently. I'm responsible for her slurs and grunts but she doesn't seem to mind. She slowly and cautiously placed her hand on my shoulder for reassurance. She trusts me again? She can't! After what I did, I couldn't look at myself. "Eddie, lighten up, you were seven, I was ten. Do you think a seven year old could hold a ten year old? Especially in the middle of a fire, it's okay."
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'Dillan is my twin, I couldn't hurt her by dragging her into my world. But then they got her too...' I scrawled and slouched back in my chair.
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Cassie quickly read what I wrote and lifted her cheek a bit to show a little sympathetic smile. I sighed and looked up to the ceiling. Cassie gave me a hug, "I remember the last thing I said to you, I said I love you before the plane dropped us. I remember that because I revisit the memory every day, what it would be like if roles were reversed but then I remember the conversation that led to those words. I wanted to replace Dillan. At home, I had a lousy family but, you had Sam, Mike, and Dillan. I wanted to be a part of that world and I thought you were my ticket. I guess now, I'm a part of it. Sam married me, not out of sympathy. He loves me. I wish you were there. I've missed you so much!" She wailed before crying into my shoulder.
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We're messes, aren't we? I weakly smiled and played with the beautiful family rings on her fingers. She sniffled and toyed with the gold one while I toyed with the emerald one.
544Please respect copyright.PENANA7x3pbFLZIE
"I'm here to bring Eddie back to her room," Valencia and Jace stood in the doorway. Jace leaned against the frame like a shadow, with his raven black hair covering his eyes and his arms crossed over his chest. Valencia was frigid and her perfect brown hair was pulled into the perfect bun while pure hatred was flashing in her eyes. She was holding a notebook to her chest and I wouldn't be surprised if it was ways to torture me. My mind twisted them to look like the Cassie aftermath while Cassie is still her old self.
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Okay, I guess since I made up with Cassie, I feel alright explaining why I'm here. This is a test center for the mentally insane and unstable. Valencia is forty-six and is Cassie's mother. She ran this place and when I got the other manor burned down... where my burn comes into play, I got Cassie hurt. Valencia wanted to continue testing on me, but once my mom saw me after the fire, she had me go to the mental hospital.
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"Bye Eddie, I love you," She smiled before hugging me again. A burst of warmth flew through me. I haven't heard that in ten years.
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I swear, I'm about to cry again. Valencia came over and injected the serum through me again so Cassie is back to normal. Jace and Valencia are back to normal. 'I love you too.' I wrote on the paper before getting up.
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"Cassie, are you okay sweetheart?" Valencia quickly glanced over Cassie making sure I didn't do anything to hurt her.
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"Yeah, Mom. It's weird that I have an Uncle the same age as me though. It's weird that I grew up in a mental institution. It's weird that I look like this. But, I got to see Eddie today so none of that matters."
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She smiled at me and I smiled back, I winced as my burn stretched against my jaw. I walked over to Jace who was staring at me like he was shell-shocked. "How did you get her to smile?"
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I shrugged and held my hands out in front of me for him to take. I don't want to get carried by him again, he narrowed his eyes at Valencia and she quickly scurried over to us.
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"You don't deserve my daughter's love! You were her friend, you betrayed her and dropped her. Do you know how long she spent sobbing in her room just for looking at a mirror? Do you know how many times she cried hoping you would come by? But when I found out you were at a men- Ugh!" She screeched in my ear.
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I shrugged and Jace smirked. He grabbed my wrists and led me back to my room.
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Where are you Dillan?