Note: You may skip this section. (The next 6 paragraphs.) Most of this section is explained throughout the book, but for all the general information, it'll be here. Some of this info may be a bit confusing due to when it was written, so if you do choose to read, know it lacks in quality. 197Please respect copyright.PENANAvQXvUiezMG
Everyone in the world has a soul. And everyone in the world has a spirit.
The difference between a soul and a spirit is simple. The soul is the emotion, and the power that is used to power the physical body. The spirit meanwhile, is the factor that controls the emotion, and the being that persists after death.
When a being dies, the soul is destroyed, leaving no remains, however the spirit remains, just no longer on the mortal realm, as it heads to heaven. However, if the soul were to never be destroyed, the spirit persists, and can cause havoc.
This is how Ethers and Ethered are formed. In the womb, you have a chance to have two babies instead of one, making twins. However, if a twin dies within the womb and the other lives, their is a small chance, a small one, but a chance nonetheless, for the soul of the dead twin to be attracted to the living one, giving one of the twins 2 souls and 1 spirit. The soul is never destroyed, making a spirit that never goes to heaven.
There is a specific composition for the way spirits and souls are composed. spirits and souls without a physical body to inhabit are, in the simplest terms, magic. Souls without a host will take shelter within the closest soul and the most alike soul to themselves, and since they can't play the role of a soul, they play the role of someones emotions coming out in the form of magic. Since there is no spirit to control these emotions, the user of this extra soul has to learn to control this power without the help of the spirit.
Spirits cannot enter other bodies like the soul, and instead wander around the world invisible to the naked eye, creating creatures capable of human behaviors, however, not commonly. The strength of the soul and the spirit are the same. So when the twin with two souls uses their abilities, the stronger their abilities are, the stronger their counterpart spiritual twin is. If a Spirits counterpart twin dies, it dies with it, as the dead human with two souls and 1 spirit has died with the counterpart spirits soul, allowing it to finally, pass on.
"Kataya, don't forget the gift for your grandpa!"
"Alright Dad!" Kataya yelled as he ran down the steps. Once he reached the bottom of the steps, he made a short pit stop at the counter, where the present had been laying all day. He grabbed it and went to catch up with his father.
"Why are we holding grandpa's birthday today? Isn't it tomorrow?" Kataya asked.
"While tomorrow is his birthday, today is the only day the whole family has time off." He answered.
After a long drive, they had finally arrived at Kataya's grandfather's house. They walked up to the door and knocked gently, as to not disturb the dogs inside. The Grandfather opens the door wide.
"Look at you! Such a fine young man!"
"I'm only 17 Grandpa." Kataya says.
"Exactly! A fine young man!" He responds as he ushers the two of them into the room. It seemed as if they were the first two at the function. They did arrive 30 minutes early to help decorate. The grandfather seemed to have already been setting up decorations, with bright blue streamers dangling from the roof.
"You seem to be having fun." Kataya's dad says.
"I am son. I want to spend my last days having a child-like birthday."
Everyone eventually arrives, with two arriving 4 minutes late, but it didn't matter. Everyone was having a grand old time, Kataya and his dad stuffing their faces in cake, and the grandfather having fun watching TV with his nieces and nephews.
"Grandpa, you should open your presents!" An eager nephew says.
"Alright, alright."
The first gift contained a new pair of glasses, the second some new clothes, the third a new game console he could try out with his nephew, fourth, some new shoes. He got so many more gifts, then it came to his last.
"This is our gift Grandpa." Kataya says.
As he reaches for the gift, it seems Grandpa stuns for a moment, while all the family look on, concerned.
"S-sorry everyone, I just got shivers." He grabs the box and starts opening it, slowly, shaking nervously for no apparent reason. The box opens and he sees a golden necklace.
"What do you think?" Kataya asks.
"It looks very nice! It reminds me of one my mother gave me when I was younger." It wasn't apparent to anyone at the time, but a striking detail with the grandfather at the time, was he refused subtly to wear the necklace.
It was now later in the day, the party had ended and the father and son decided to drive home.
"Do you think Grandpa liked our gift? He looked sad."
"I think he did son. I just think it was his usual PTSD kicking in, or it was maybe just shivers like he said." But even though his father was smart and good at lying, Kataya could tell his father was lying through his teeth.
They eventually arrived home after a drive. "Father, can I drive to Grandpa's house?" Kataya asks.
"Why? We just came from there."
"I want to ask him a question."
While on the road, Kataya begins contemplating the reason his Grandfather may have had the reaction he did. Maybe he didn't like the gift? That can't be it. He would have been better at hiding his true feelings than that. Something is wrong.
"WOAH!" He says as a car swerves in front of his car while he's deep in thought. It seemed to have been reaching speeds of 90-100 miles per hour.
"Wonder what's going on ther-" Before he can finish his sentence, he is interrupted by the impact of a car scraping is right bumper.
"What the hell?! Holy shit!" He says as he watches the car that scraped his right bumper wipe out into the ditch. He quickly gets out of the car and rushes to the car that crashed.
"How do I- sir, are you alive?!" He yells into the man's ear.
"I'm.. Alright.." He says, still inside the car, with a piece of glass lodged into his right eye.
"Here, just, give me a minute to- open the door!" Kataya starts to pull the door, it seemed to have caved in during the crash, making it near impossible to open normally.
"Why were you going that fast?!" Kataya says with one hand calling 911 and the other trying to pull the door open. As he doesn't answer, he drops the phone and reaches for the man inside the car through the glass.
"ANSWER ME!" He yells as he grabs both the man's shoulders, pulling him closer so he can attempt to lift him through the window. As he pulls him closer, he starts to move one hand lower down, hopefully allowing him to cuff one arm under his knees and the other arm around his neck, so he can lift him out through the window.
Once he successfully pulls the man out the window, he immediately grabs napkins from the glove box and puts them over every wound he can find.
"You'll be alright.."
The ambulance arrives and quickly gets the man into the ambulance and leaves around when the cops arrive.
"Good job for calling the ambulance kid, if you weren't here, I'm not sure if he'd even get a chance to live. Say though, do you know what could've caused this accident?" The cop asks.
"Well, right before the crash, there was a car in front of me that was swerving in and out of the lanes at around 90-100 miles per hour, and then the man that crashed scraped my right bumper as he drove off, then he lost control and wiped out into the ditch."
"Good to know. Thanks kid."
Kataya was now back on the road after the incident. The cops warned him that he may be needed as a witness in the future, and for him to be ready for any possible calls. After the crash, Kataya didn't know if he could continue to his grandfather's, but he did anyway.
Knock Knock.
"Come in! Your father told me you'd be coming!" Once Kataya heard this, he immediately opened the door. Once the door was fully opened, he froze.
"DON'T COME IN!" Two distinct tones.
Before him, Kataya saw his Grandfather and a monstrous creature, the monster wielding a sword with his Grandfather seeming to be blocking it with his arm.
"GRANDFATHER!?" Kataya yells as he runs toward him.
"Stay back-" He says as he is flung into the wall.
"WHAT IS THAT?!" Kataya yells. What he sees is a monster with fingers across his entire right arm, and spikes on his left. his legs are about 6 feet tall and his torso to his head is about 3. His legs are also covered in bluish greenish scales, and the creatures eyes are a bright purple.
"Son, leave. This creature is even too strong for me. Go."
"I don't appreciate the term 'thing'."
"It... Can speak?!"
"Most can't." The Grandfather says. "That's why you need to go. Now."
"If you think I'm leaving you alone with that thing, you're surely mistaken."
"I said, I don't appreciate being called a thing." The creature says as he bolts towards Kataya. I didn't even see it move, yet it's already in front of me.
"KATAYA!" The Grandfather yells as he watches his grandson get punched into the neighbors concrete wall.
If there is any time for that boy to know the truth about me, it is now.
"Son. That creature is a spirit. I've fought them for many years, especially when I was younger. I will call other people who fight spirits such as these. But you are not designed like us to fight these creatures. Run." And as he says that, the grandfather bolts towards the spirit and reaches out towards it.
"Spark: Injection."
He reaches out towards the spirits stomach and Kataya, heavily injured from the impact to the wall, watches as the monster is injected with a part of his grandfathers nail, and is launched next to himself.
"What was that?" Kataya asks.
"That was a spark. An Ether's spark is simply whatever ability they were given at birth. My spark is the ability to inject people with the velocity of every other moving thing within a 50 meter distance, and then I launch them in a direction depending on where I injected them from."
Still completely taken aback by all this new information, despite all the doubts he has, he trusts his grandfather.
"There is no way for me to help."
"No. If you had the power of an Ether, I would know, since every other Ether can see when there is a soul without its spirit pair. Ethers simply have two souls and one spirit. If you had two souls and one spirit, I would be able to see that one soul without its spirit pair.
The creature lunges from the concrete wall at insane speeds, as the grandfather quickly blocks the hit.
"Spark: Injection." The creature is then sent flying into the sky, because the nail was lodged under his chin, with the old man's finger pointing upwards.
As the spirit starts its descent, the old man says, "And another thing. Ethers have another ability. Spark holes. Spark holes are an ability that allows you to pull anyone with multiple Souls towards, or creatures with only one spirit and sucks them all in, forcefully sending them somewhere."
"Where is this somewhere?"
"Maybe I'll explain it to you in the future. But for now..."
The old man pauses as he points his finger upwards, where the spirit is falling from.
"Universal Spark Plug. The Universe of Infinite Velocity."
The old man and the spirit are both slowly pulled towards the spark hole, but something that was not expected occurred. The old man looked towards his son, expecting a worried expression, but instead he sees...
"Grandfather..." He pauses before he continues.
"Why am I getting pulled in too?!"