"You need training so an incident like that never happens again." Yuko says, as he pulls out a chair at the outdoor table.
"But to train to learn, we need to learn the true effect of your spark." Yuko grabs Katayas arm and drags him out to where the original training took place.
"I want you to force me to relive that memory again." Yuko says, staring at Kataya intensely.
"But what if you lose your mind again?" Kataya asks.
"Trust me, I don't think I will if my hypothesis is correct."
"Alright..." Kataya starts.
"Spark: Spirit Prison." As he speaks, Kataya's eyes seem to slowly turn from a shade of brown to purple.
"The one being possessed is you, Kataya. Your body." Yuko says, as Kataya's eyes slowly revert back to brown. The bed falls in front of Yuko as he freezes once again.
"Should I call someone just in case?" Kataya thinks to himself. After about 1 minute, Yuko comes back.
"I am still myself. I might have a theory." Yuko says as he starts his stroll back to the table. He gestures to Kataya to sit down as he enters the building and comes back out with a sheet of paper. Yuko starts to write something down as he starts to speak.
"Your ability. Whatever your purple eyes are. Once you send me my memory, it seems I disappear from my own body and I go vacant. However, once your purple eyes appeared during our original fight, you seemed to have started acting not as yourself." He says, as he starts to draw faster and faster.
"So... there is a possibility that whatever is possessing you possesses whoever's body you fight that becomes vacant." He says, as he grabs the sheet of paper and shows it to Kataya. An image of a poorly drawn stick figure with energy coming out of its head, in two clearly separate sections.
"I was told that during the fight, you used your spirit energy to coat yourself. However, to my knowledge, Lugen described this different energy as a darker shade of red than your usual soul, and was for sure not black enough to be spirit energy." Yuko says, placing the paper down and drawing two different gradients, making one section of energy gray and the other a clear white, clearly showing the difference in the two sections.
"So your spirit energy goes into the host of the other body, and your darker red energy is your other soul. You were somehow using both of your souls at once, which should be impossible." He says, as he erases the drawing.
"I don't understand-" Yuko says, as Kataya gently lays a hand on Yuko's hand.
"We can brainstorm more for what happened, and I think you're on the right track. But don't make yourself anxious over it." Kataya says.
They both pause for a moment as Kataya grabs a chair and sits down, but then both hear the door to the building swing open. "I have an idea." Lugen says. Lugen walks back inside, leaving the door open as he reaches for a nice, padded, indoor chair and walks outside, sets the chair down, and sits down.
"You're right. Partially however Yuko." Lugen says, dragging the paper to himself, grabbing Yuko's pencil.
"It has been proven time and time again in the past that the more a spirit is around soul energy, the stronger it becomes. So, instead of thinking that he was using both of his souls at once," he says, erasing one of the sections of energy.
"How about we think of it as he was using his soul energy and his spirit?" Lugen says, drawing energy of his own now, however, not it all being expelled, but it all running through the body with some of it being expelled.
"Since spirit energy gets stronger the more it is around the soul, it could be very possible for his spirit to be able to go outside of his body since he had too much inside." Lugen says.
"Most Ethers that either don't become an Ether or leave the job alive die around 50 years old commonly, however the stronger the soul energy, the longer you live, look at me and your now passed grandfather." He says, now scribbling out the person on the paper.
"And this is because the spirit is exposed to two souls, and the longer a spirit is exposed to souls, the stronger the spirit becomes, but it in turn becoming stronger destroys the body. Now since Kataya's spirit was exposed to two souls and 1 spirit his entire life, his body was probably near the point of decay. Which is why..." Lugen says, throwing the paper into the middle.
"He is able to use his own body's spirit energy because there is too much for his body." He says, now laying back in his chair.
"Lugen that's... Genius." Yuko says.
"I think that has to be it. That makes the most sense and has the most information to back it up." Yuko continued.
"Wait, so how long will I live?" Kataya asks.
"Probably around 50. As long as you always use your two spirits constantly and never leave them dormant in your body, you might actually live longer since they have less time to decay your body. You're lucky, because you somehow can expel your own body's spirit, meaning you can live for the rest of your life. Nobody else can do that. You'll probably live the normal human lifespan." Lugen says, staring into the sky.
"Alright Kataya, listen." Yuko says, digging his foot into the grass and dirt.
"All I want you to do is attempt to channel your usual spiritual energy." Kataya slowly released his black spiritual energy into his fist, then let it spread up to his shoulder.
"Now, with the other arm, attempt to channel your spiritual energy that is owned by your body." Yuko reluctantly attempts to, but the only thing that is released is his usual perfectly red soul energy.
"It seems you can only release your spirit energy if the one that doesn't belong to your body is released. Good to know." Yuko says as he kneels down, placing his hand to the ground.
"You made me stronger, Kataya."
"Something more than my energy becoming stronger happened. Something more than me gaining a new ability happened." He says as he raises his hand towards his face.
"I think, while we mostly understand your spark ability, there is more to it than we know. Which is why, until we know the facts fully..."
"You will be training with my everyday before your first fight."
"You need to be better at detecting my fake outs!" Yuko yells towards Kataya. "You've never even seen my spark plug, so why do you fall for it so easily?" Yuko says, holding his index and middle finger towards Kataya
"Spark: Concentrated Mass."
"Block it kid!" Yuko yells.
"Spark: Movie Theater." A giant metal theater TV is sent from the ground and in front of Kataya, blocking the beam of pure concentrated soul energy.
"It's not done yet!"
Kataya immediately turns to the left to see the beam of energy going around the giant TV, directly towards him. Right before it can hit him, he says...
"Spark: Restaurant."
Kataya falls into the ground into a restaurant circular dining booth as the beam of mass flies overhead before it does a 180.
"Kataya, we need to release your Soul Bond. Your current abilities are mostly defensive, or such as your bus ability and your ability to discover peoples traumas, you have some abilities that just hinder your opponent." Yuko says, now gently approaching Kataya from around the corner, forcefully sending the beam back into the tip of his two fingers.
"How do we go about that?" Kataya asks.
"Well first, understand that every human on our earth is a god of another universe. However, Ethers are the only humans that can harness their god counterparts powers." He says, as he pushes both his pinky, middle, and index fingers together.
"Spark abilities are the abilities we are born with that have nothing to do with our counterparts. Soul Bonds are us being able to create our own powers based on what our lives are like and how strong we and our godly counterparts are."
"So, if you want to release your Soul Bond powers, you first need to understand how it works, check, and second, you need to pray to yourself while thinking of everything you know about yourself, and whatever your god counterpart chooses becomes your Soul Bond abilities." He says, sitting down in a mediating way.
"Join me. Think of everything that makes you, you, and what you would want your life to amount to in the future."
I am a determined kid. I want to destroy every spirit that wronged my grandfather. I want to live on for him. I don't want anyone to ever have the painful experience he went through, dying without arms. I don't want anyone to ever have to sacrifice their body in turn for victory.
I simply don't want my life to amount to people failing because I'm too weak to save them.
"You can open your eyes now. I can tell it's over. Your soul energy is back in your body." Kataya says. "Now, let's get up, and let's try to hit me with your newfound power."
"All you have to do is say, 'Soul Bond,' then let your soul energy speak for you." Yuko says, standing defenseless in front of Kataya.
"Soul Bond." Kataya pause for a moment, as his eyes went back to purple.
"Kataya wait, you're being taken over again!" However, Yuko's words were sent in vain.
"Pointless Sacrifice."
Just then, Yuko's right arm fell clean off as it slipped off onto the grassy ground below.
"It doesn't matter what we want."
"What matters is what god wants." Kataya says.
Still with his purple eyes.
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