Harry, Ron, and Draco walked down the hall to their first period, Transfiguration. As they went, they heard someone yell behind them.
"Hey, Scarhead!" It was Theodore Nott.
Harry froze, and Ron and Draco looked back at him.
"Just ignore him, Harry." Draco advised, realizing that it was because of Nott that Harry had stopped.
"Uh, you guys go ahead." Harry gave both boys a small push. "I'll catch up. Save me a seat."
Ron and Draco looked at each other, but continued on their way and did as Harry asked.
Harry never showed up to Transfiguration.
"We need to find Harry." Draco said the second they left the Transfiguration classroom.
"We'll miss History of Magic." Ron protested weakly.
"Ron, Harry said that even he never sat in on that class because it's so boring, and Harry can handle much more boredom than you." Draco grabbed Ron's arm and dragged him down the hall.
"Okay, we last saw him right here." Draco studied their surroundings. "Maybe he went to Gryffindor Tower."
"It's worth checking." Ron agreed.
The two boys raced up the stairs to the tower. They searched every inch of it, (other than the girl's dorms, with very entertaining results when Ron realized they weren't allowed up there.)
"He's not here." Draco stated the obvious.
"Maybe he's down with Snape." Ron asked.
"Snape might be in a class." Draco pointed out.
"Or he might be in a planning period." Ron objected. "Besides, if Harry wanted to talk to him, I bet Snape would put some student in charge and find out what was wrong."
"True." Draco agreed. The two boys all but sprinted down the stairs to the dungeons.
Draco shoved the door to the potions classroom open. There was indeed a group of third years in there. With no Snape.
"Where's Professor Snape?" Ron asked.
"He's in his office." Fred said.
"Yeah, he's talking to Harry." George added.
"Seemed quite upset, Harry did." Fred agreed.
"Shut up!" Ron exclaimed. He and Draco raced across the classroom to the door to Snape's office.
"Harry?" they called, banging on the door.
"Could you please keep it down?" a Ravenclaw called from across the room.
"We're checking on our friend!" Draco hollered back.
"Keep your nose in your own business!" Ron yelled.
The door opened and the boys tumbled in. Literally. As they picked themselves up off the floor, they heard the door close.
"Mr. Weasley, Mr. Malfoy." Severus acknowledged. "To what do I owe this... pleasure?"
"Where's Harry?" Draco demanded.
"What are you guys doing here?" Harry asked, and they realized that he was sitting on a stool beside Severus's desk.
"Looking for you!" Ron exclaimed. "You said save you a seat in Transfiguration, and you never showed! And now we're missing History of Magic!"
"I just needed to talk to Dad." Harry muttered, looking at the ground.
"Harry, I do believe that you have Defense Against the Dark Arts next period." Severus said. "I assure you, I shall deal with Nott."
"Thanks, Dad." Harry said quietly, getting up.
"After Defense, you do have Potions, correct?" Severus asked.
"Yeah, double Potions." Harry said.
"With the Slytherins?"
"Don't you know this?" Harry asked.
"Indeed I do." Severus said. "I shall keep a sharp eye on Nott. I'll tell any other teachers who have you two together to do the same."
"You won't tell them why?" Harry asked.
"Why wouldn't I tell them why?" Severus replied, brow furrowed.
"Because, then everyone in the school will know." Harry explained.
"Not if I only tell the teachers." Severus said slowly.
"Students eavesdrop on the teachers." Harry informed him. "Please don't tell anyone else."
"I will tell Dumbledore." Severus decided. "When we're alone in his office."
"Alright." Harry agreed. "See you in about an hour and a half."
"Do we have to go to the rest of History of Magic?" Ron asked Severus.
"Just go up to Gryffindor Tower." Severus allowed. "But be exactly on time for DADA. I will tell Minerva and Cuthbert why you were absent. Now run along."
"Bye Dad." Harry said, and exited the office.
"You gonna tell us what that was about?" Ron demanded the second they reached Gryffindor Tower.
"It's nothing, Ron." Harry insisted. "It's being dealt with."
"What was Professor Snape talking about, 'I'll deal with Nott and tell Dumbledore'?" Draco asked.
"There was just some things with Nott that the teachers needed to deal with." Harry skirted around question after question. "It's fine."
"We're gonna find out." Ron vowed. "And, even if it's before we find out what it is, we're gonna deal with Nott."
"Nott is being dealt with." Harry repeated. "I'm going to go down to DADA."
"We've still got twenty minutes." Draco pointed out.
"Then I'll get there early." Harry said simply. He left.
"Whatever's going on," Draco said to Ron, "Is not nothing. And we're gonna figure out what it is."