Harry looked from the woman called Petunia to Severus and back again. Something didn't add up.
"Well. As interesting as this conversation has been, we must get on now." Petunia said. "Quirinus, now."
Harry whirled around just in time to see a blast of light, before he knew no more.
As Harry crumpled to the floor, Severus felt his self-restraint break. He lunged himself at Quirrell and wrenched both his wand and Quirrell's wand from his hands, before whirling around in a spectacular duel with Petunia.
"Your sister's son, Petunia!" he roared. "He's your nephew! Why would you do this to him?"
"I don't know who you're talking about!" Petunia shouted back as she sent killing curse after killing curse towards Severus.
Severus ducked another curse and saw Quirrell making his way towards Harry, who lay unconscious on the ground, and sent the first spell that came to mind at him.
"SECTUMSEMPRA!" he shouted, and Quirrell collapsed in a pool of blood. As Severus turned back to Petunia, he saw that she was gone, and had appeared beside Quirrell. Giving an evil grin, she disappeared with him. Severus was unconcerned with this at the moment, tossing aside Quirrell's wand as he ran towards Harry. Conjuring up a stretcher, he rushed the small boy up to the hospital wing.
Harry's consciousness returned slowly. He was first aware of hushed mutterings, and people saying his name. Something about Uncle Q... then he felt that he was lying on a soft surface, and something soft and warm was covering him. The voices got clearer, and he heard something about someone being dead. He tried to open his eyes slowly, but they were too heavy. He listened a little longer, trying to figure out what was going on. All at once, the memories of what had happened came back, and his eyes snapped open at last.
"Harry!" Severus was by his side at once. "Are you okay?"
"Uh-huh." Harry mumbled. "What happened?"
Severus described his battle with Petunia.
"Who's Petunia?" Harry asked sleepily, fighting to keep his eyes open.
Severus hesitated.
"Dad who is she?" Harry asked, the urgency in his voice increasing.
"Petunia Dursley." Severus reluctantly replied. "Your aunt."
"Oh." Harry paused for a moment. "I thought she was a Muggle?"
"She is." Severus replied.
"Then how did she have a duel?" Harry asked, thoroughly confused.
"Dumbledore said that he was able to track her. That was not really Petunia." Severus informed him. "That was Lucius Malfoy. He had no idea who it was he was masquerading as."
"Oh." Harry was again quiet for a moment. "Does Draco know?"
"He does." Severus said slowly. "They caught Lucius. He is now in Azkaban. Quirrell has so far evaded capture."
"When can I leave?" Harry asked, looking around the hospital.
"Madam Pomfrey and I would prefer if you stayed for a few days." Severus almost smiled at the look on Harry's face. He was clearly unimpressed. "But your friends have been waiting outside the doors all day, waiting for you to wake up. I could let them in."
"Please!" Harry said, then grinned at Severus.