I'm outside the house, and my parents, grandparents, and honorary aunt and uncle are out there, watching me. I'm just running around, not really paying attention to them, and they go inside. When I look up at the sky, it's a bright blue, with fluffy white clouds. Except where there should be the sun, there is a mouth, with blood-red lips (not blood blood, but very bright red). The tongue and inside of the mouth are darker, and the teeth are pearly white and one line, like you see in cartoons. It takes two loud breaths. Hah. Hah. I scream, and all the adults run outside. When I look up at the mouth, it's just sun, and the adults don't understand why I'm upset.
We're at a fair/amusement park, and the sky is pink and purple in the twilight. Stars are dancing in the sky, and I get picked up to be carried over my grandpa's shoulder. Everyone else is looking the other way. I look up to where the moon should be. The mouth is back. Hah. Hah.
I wake up, calling for my parents.