This dream has left me confused as I awoke with the help of my alarm clock. Especially knowing I didn't think of it or read about it before going to sleep or some other time close. Why? I will tell you how the dream went:
It was summer and I was doing vacation by visiting my parents and the old neighbourhood where I grew up as a kid. It was warm and sunny. I told them that I needed some time to be alone and will take a walk in the forest near by and so I did. Once I was in the forest I found small yet steep hill before me. My curiosity rose of what might lie behind the hill and started to climb it like climbing on a mountain. (It was nearly 90° steep and was kind of stupid, I could have simply walked around it in a few minuets.) Once I climbed sideways and "half over" the hill, the forest was in its Autumn season and ahead of me lay a small village with pleasant old and well preserved houses of the middle ages period. As I was walking down the single and simple main road, I realised all the people wore similar clothes of that period. They spoke Old High German which I oddly understood thanks to my Basel-Swiss-German dialect which is close related to that language. At first I thought it might be some festival or carnival, nope. Due to some questioned glances at me I realised this is serious, fortunately others greeted me friendly. Quickly I asked a woman from the market where I was and which year it is. She responded me friendly some name of the village I knew by name but what shocked me greater was the number she mentioned. 1400 something (I can't recall.). I thanked her uneasily and began to wonder if I am dreaming, realising I actually am. Soon I tried thinking of finding some way out, thus in no mood to meet any person. While thinking I noticed by one house as I passed by that the door was wide open. Curiosity overcame me and looked beyond the entrance, there stood a man with a long brown robe beside a table combining some liquid. Suddenly his head turned to me, I quickly looked away and walked on. Hoping he would ignore me. After a few steps further I heard a firm manly voice calling out. "Hey! Miss! Yes you, you are welcome to come in. I could use your help for my experiment." Gave the similar man I saw before. This time as I turned to face him shyly, his face was clearly visible than before and strangely familiar. Short cut hair in black coffee brown colour, slightly thick eyebrows, big grey blue eyes and clean-shaven around the mouth and jaw. One thing for certain, not the fitting face for an alchemist. I hesitated for a while and he began to speak to me with friendly words and invited me like as if I were an old friend of his. After a while I found my courage to step into his house. The room was about as large a classroom can be and beside the man who invited me there was another man who had nearly all the time his hands behind his back and watched from the other end of the log wooden table. The alchemist asked me a few questions about chemistry and how to experiment few special liquids. My answers impressed him as if I were a genius. Sometimes I had to think hard till I found the correct answer from what I've learned in school. At times I almost forgot that it was the middle ages where men first started to analyse such things and thus I was seen as a genius. I was amazed with myself that I remembered the things quite well. The hours passed by quickly while experimenting numberous elements and liquids. Once the alchemist lauded me and said my name with the title "Lady" on front. I blinked in astonishment at him, knowing I never mentioned my name to him and especially calling me "Lady". As the word was said from him my clothes morphed from modern summer clothes to middle age Lady style dress. I tried to explain him that I am no "Lady" but he never took it serious and smiled to me friendly. Soon I asked for his name and he introduced himself as Charles the Bold with his true and loyal friend who is also a knight (Charles never said the name of his friend). I blinked and wondered why is he an alchemist when he is actually a duke? From my look he knew what I was thinking and responded with confident that at the moment there are no wars to wage and he has to keep himself somehow occupied for the time being. Strangely I felt contented to his response and knowing there is peace across the land and thus continued with the experiment. Charles lauded me multiple times for my knowledge and the knight was at times impressed too. He had similar short hair cut like Charles only in chestnut brown and was clean-shaven too. His clothes showed that he was a person of higher class, but those clothes were worn more likely for hunting. Ever since the introduction from the men, the knight always threw direct glances with eye contact to me. At first I thought he is cautious about me but soon when ever I looked to him he would look away and then look at me shyly afterwards when I focus, later on he gave me pleasant and friendly grins when I faced him. It soon followed out with a look that held a hint of affection. There are no words to describe that look, you just know when comes with love. From his dark brown eyes I knew what went through his mind: You are so beautiful. I can look at you forever and never get tired of it or never have enough of it. I sensed his love, strangely I had the thought that I am only a simple girl and not a Lady or a daughter of some knight. Plus I come from another world!
And that's when the alarm clock woke me up, at first I was disappointed but then afterwards thankful. Becaused I long gave up finding love and the right guy. I am happy already with what I have, good friends and family. But still the dream left me confused for about 2 weeks. Why was the Duke of Burgundy (France) experimenting chemistry? Is it possible that he had a close and loyal friend who was also a knight under his comand?