A teenaged boy at the age of seventeen hopped down a bus. All around him were spacey fields of grass, and trees twice as large as houses. The fresh breeze flew by, his dark wavy hair dancing along with it. He breathed in the air and sighed. So clean. 857Please respect copyright.PENANAzM0Gisfm2S
He pushed up his blue glasses, the large oval shape making his brown eyes look buggy.
“Sheldon! Over here!” the now named Sheldon, turned his gaze to his right, where his auntie was waving with a smile. He walked over to her, his luggage in hand, and was then crushed in a tight bear hug as soon as he was within arm’s reach. “Oh, you are so big now!”
Sheldon rarely ever saw his aunt. He didn’t even remember her face, only knowing when he was shown her pictures.
“Hello.” He greeted politely.
“Come on, I’ll show you to your new home!” his auntie amazingly took one of his heaviest bags and started carrying it herself as if it didn’t weigh anything at all.
“Alright.” Sheldon adjusted the sling bag around his shoulder and nodded.
Sheldon Alfloyd. He was moving from the city, and into the countryside. He has never set foot outside of the city before, so seeing this spacious site, so green and so new… made him feel at awe. 857Please respect copyright.PENANAB1t2WiQiJA
Back in the city, it was rare to find a field. The only times you would be able to see the grass is when you visit a park. In the city, look forward and you will see a mass of buildings blocking your view, and in the countryside look forward, and you will see a breathtaking view of massive clouds floating over the horizon.
The difference was amazing.
There was so much land that Sheldon just wanted to drop everything he had, and run through the fields, through the forests, and just keep on running. The need to do so was so tempting.
The clouds… they were so majestic. Floating to wherever they wanted, and going wherever the wind took them. So spontaneous. Speaking of which, the clouds above him were looking a little dark. Perhaps it was about to rain.
“Sorry about the truck, she’s about twice your age and still a beauty.” She dumped his bag at the back of the truck, making him wince because there were many fragile things inside of it. “Don’t be acting all shy now, come on jump on in!” she grinned and sat down on the driver’s seat.
The drive through the fields and the forests took a lot longer than he thought it would, but it’s alright since Sheldon liked to admire the surroundings.
“Beautiful, right?” his aunt smiled and kept her eyes on the road, but Sheldon was sure that she already had her surroundings known like the back of her hand.
It was beautiful indeed.
“Welcome to your new home!” his aunt happily kicked open the door and showed him inside. “I’m hoommmme, and I have little Sheldon!” well he wasn’t very little anymore, physically and mentally speaking.
A middle-aged man walked through the doors. He wore a wedding ring that matched with one on his aunt’s left hand. “Josie, Sheldon’s so big now!” oh yes, that was his aunt’s name. Josie. He forgot. Thank goodness, he did not have to ask… that would have been so awkward.
“John, honey! Help the boy with his bags.” Now he also knew his uncle’s name. Perfect, no awkward name asking for today, that’s for sure.
“Nice to meet you, Uncle John.” He smiled and moved to shake the man’s hand. John stared at his hand and then back into his eyes, the short silence was so awkward.
Suddenly, John burst out laughing, “Look at this kid, trying to shake my hand… Come ‘er, boy!”
“Urk!” suddenly, Sheldon was pulled into a tight hug. Country people were very… friendly. Or maybe it was just his family members.
“No need to bring all that fancy city manners over here, Sheldon.” He grinned and ruffled my hair, “Now follow me. I’ll show you to your room while your aunt prepares our supper!” he picked up both of his suitcases and went running upstairs.
For an old guy, he was rather strong, like his wife.
He was led upstairs and into a small room. It was small, cramped even, but it had everything he needed. A closet, a bed, a desk, a chair, and a window. Sheldon was never one for spacey bedrooms in the first place.
“Sorry, we couldn’t get you a bigger room, as you can see our house is already falling apart as it is.” John placed his bags right next to his bed and placed his hands on his hips, “Once you get settled, you can go outside if you want! There are many places to explore, and knowing Josie, she’s going to make a feast to welcome you. So take all the time you need. I’m going to be doing my business.” John gave Sheldon a small wave goodbye and shut the door softly.
Sheldon huffed and sat down on his bed, immediately pulling out his laptop from his bags. Looking through, he looked down to find the most important thing-
There was no wifi. What.
He stayed frozen in front of his screen for quite a while until he sighed. He guessed that something like this was to be expected. It was just… shocking that something like this could actually be real.
Looking outside his window, the sunset going over the trees was a beautiful sight. Sheldon shrugged and kept his laptop. There should be no harm in going outside. Uncle John did say that he could. He could always unpack his stuff later. He was going to be staying here for the rest of his life after all.
Sheldon passed by his aunt Josie who was as silent as a mouse in the kitchen, you can even say that she looked glum. She was just cheery just a while ago, but Sheldon understood why. It’s hard keeping up a face. He knows that much.
Closing the door as quietly as he could, he peacefully walked on the dirt road towards the forest right next to the house. It felt as if he was going on an adventure. The feeling of exploring something that you have never been to before, made him feel excited. There was that small rush of fear that flooded through his veins, and that just made it more exhilarating.
At first, he was walking through calmly, admiring the scenery during the sunset, but halfway through his walk, he started running. Jump. Dodge. Duck. So many branches, so many logs, so many rocks and stumps. Running through the forest was an amazing feeling! Run, run, run, run, and run! It felt as if it would never end!
The sound of the leaves crunching underneath your feet, the feeling of the wind flying past you, the feeling of his heartbeat pounding within his chest, and most of all the cool air that entered his lungs as he breathed heavily.
He felt so free. Free of all the problems, free of all the negativity. Free of everything.
Sheldon saw the end of the forest and ran towards it, finally collapsing in the middle of the field. Spread out on the grass, Sheldon was panting hard from fatigue. He didn’t know what type of bugs could be walking around him, but right now he didn’t care.
He closed his eyes shut, his mouth open, still trying to calm down his breathing. The wind was so soft on him, so soothing. It whistled a lullaby that lulled him into sleep. He still had time, Aunt Josie wouldn’t be able to finish cooking that fast. How long has he been running? He didn’t know… but… he felt so tired.
With the last of the day’s sunlight crawling away from his form, Sheldon was left to bathe under darkness, as he fell into a stream of slumber.
Sheldon awoke with a pat of something… wet, falling onto his face. Then, another, and another, and then soon he was being engulfed in the rain.
That got him to wake up a full percent. He saw the dark clouds on his way to his aunt’s house, he was right when he suspected that it was going to rain soon. He was going to catch a cold if he stayed under the rain, it would be best if he returned to the house.
The rain was just a gentle shower, so it wasn’t enough to send him running. He has already soaked anyway so it wouldn’t make much of a difference if he rushed in search of shade. Right now he needed to get back.
The problem was… which way was back?
The small tinge of fear that he had felt earlier exploded into one hundred fifty times the amount it was. He was lost. He was lost. Oh my Go- he was LOST. Regret was the next emotion to flood half of his system. He shouldn’t have wandered around! He shouldn’t have started running through a forest he didn’t even know of! He should have just stayed in his room and took a nap there instead of one in a peaceful field.
Sheldon’s heart started beating rapidly within his chest, pounding at his ribcage. No… he needed to calm down. All he needed to do was find around. That’s all he had to do. Stand up, Sheldon should just walk forward in… that direction. Sooner, or later you will find the way back to the house.
Picking a random direction, Sheldon tried to even his breaths as he walked forward. He was sure that he came this way… maybe.
However, he wasn’t able to find a road. Looking at his watch, it was already 9:15… he’s been gone for too long. Auntie Josie and Uncle John should be searching for him right about now. Talk about a great first impression. They probably think that he hates them- oh, he hopes so much that they don’t think that. He wasn’t thinking that at all. He didn’t mean to hurt their feelings in that way.
If he could just find one road! Sheldon groaned and kicked a nearby tree. It was so dark. So, so, so dark. He was lucky that his eyes have already adjusted a bit, if not; he wouldn’t be able to see a thing. Where was he going? Nothing seemed the least bit familiar.
Sheldon was beyond scared now.
Calm down. Calm down. Calm down. Breathe in, and breathe out. You aren’t completely lost. If you just kept on moving forward you would find something… but… but it was so DARK. There was nothing. There were eyes watching him, he could feel it, it was watching his every move. If he moved one inch from where he stood, he would be taken away into the darkness.
NO. That was just his fear talking. Nothing was going to happen to him. There was nothing there, it was just a figment of his imagination. It was… it wa-but he couldn’t see a thing!
What. What was that?
From the far distance of the darkness that Sheldon was being swallowed in, he could see a soft blue glow. That… that can’t be possible. He was so sure that was not there just a few seconds ago. Were there some funky glowing mushrooms around?
Sheldon squinted his eyes, trying to get a clearer view. The glow started moving around. NOPE. AWAY HE GOES. He drew in a sharp breath and held it, fear once again clutching his heart. Glowing, moving thing in the dark was never a good idea. He has seen enough horror movies to know that.
He turned around behind him but saw a dark abyss. Absolute nothingness. Where was the glow of the moon? No, it was being blocked out by the raining clouds. When he closed his eyes and opened them, it was the same. The same scene. Sheldon felt that if he took one step forward, he would start falling to his death. What was in front of him?
Looking back, the blue glow was still fluttering around. He swallowed. The sound of the rain was getting stronger, and he was freezing to the point where he wasn’t able to feel anything. He could feel the rain running down his body, and his clothes felt so heavy upon him.
The lesser of two evils, he guessed.
Slowly, he took one step towards the blue glow, careful as to feel whatever was on the ground. He felt blind. Sheldon could feel his body shivering, and it was getting in the way of him moving. It was barely spring, the flowers haven’t even bloomed yet, and there wasn’t even any snow, but it was still cold.
The blue glow didn’t seem like it was getting closer, nonetheless, he kept on walking forward. If this crazy blue light was just a hallucination, Sheldon would scream out in frustration. The blood was rushing, and he could hear it pounding in his ears. Other than the rain’s harsh pour, that was the only thing he could hear.
Move… keep moving… walk, come on… it’s just over there. If you just go faster, you’d be able to get closer. Just a little more. Just…
Sheldon collapsed on the ground, his head making contact with the pavement. It was hard and wet, he felt as if he would drown underneath such a small amount a rain. The pavement was- wait… pavement? With the last remaining energy he had, he looked up and saw the blue glow hovering over him, its light revealing the road right in front of him.
He made it. Thank the Gods above.
However, he couldn’t bring himself to move. The rainwater was fogging his vision as if he was behind a waterfall, but before he passed out, he saw his aunt’s beat up car stopping in front of him, and her worried screaming.
Other than that… he was pretty sure he saw a ginger haired girl, who had an umbrella… one that sheltered both her and other glowing butterflies from the rain.
That was a pretty smile.
This was based off of a contest entry that I once made, and I was inspired to make it better, longer, and with much more detail. I hope you like it~!
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