I have something very important to address in regards to the previous chapter. Once more, if you’re uncomfortable or unsettled by the bare thought of Suicidal Thoughts and so on, please SKIP this. For those who’re still here; thank you and please pass the message if you can.
Depression isn’t something to be joked around with. Even if it’s considered to just be self-doubt or a low self-esteem. You SHOULD NOT make fun of someone for their lack of something or disabilities. You SHOULD NOT call someone, “a disgrace” or “a misfit” if they’re different. Be it sexuality, race, or plain things in general.
If you know someone who is depressed then please, try to help them out. Give them time and try not to get impatient with them, it scares them. If you are depressed then please, please, please tell someone. Or just vent it out to yourself every now and then. DO NOT keep it bottled up.
That’s all I needed to speak out, it’s fine to hate on me and call me out on being overly sensitive regarding the issue, I can handle the criticism, but if you are depressed then feel free to DM/PM me and I promise I will try my best to help you.
-Chat Noir