Revision: Bendy v.s Henry
P.O.V: Henry’s
(A/N: Do correct me if I happen to get anything wrong because I haven’t played the game myself neither have I had the patience to watch let’s plays throughout, I only know the basic background of the game but I love it anyways. Enjoy~)
I'm the dancing Demon
It all started out normal, a friendly invitation from a old companion. What could possibly go wrong?Watch me twirl and hop and spin
The obvious answer? Everything. Joey Drew,my former co-worker—and idealist— had invited to our old studio.
I'm quick to give a smileAt first I laughed and brushed it off; maybe he did want to meet up after all these 30 years but boy oh boy was I wrong.
But I won't forget your sinsI enter the abandoned building, it’s huge. ‘And sturdy’ I chuckle as I knock on the creaky oak door. No one answers. “Joey?” I cup my hands around my mouth, calling out again; no response.
HahahahahaMaybe he’s playing the fool with me, he always wanted us to go to him anyways. I miraculously open the door, but upon stepping in, the whole room seems…off.
Ah ah ah! The wonders of imaginationSomething’s telling me Joey isn’t here…I think to myself; my hunch is telling me to keep my mouth zipped.
Welcome home dear friendUpon exploring, I found a huge machine! Perhaps this is what Joey wanted me to find. Perhaps he forgot to come? Or maybe he’s late. I set my mind on the machine, carefully tip-toeing my way towards it; placing a flat palm on the cold metal. “It looks like some pieces are missing…” I whisper to no one in particular.
How long we've all been waitingI stumble around, finding randomly placed gears, washers and other components scattered around the workshop. How did all of this get he–RE?!! Oh dear Mickey…I think I nearly had a coronary.
A cardboard cut out of our prized treasure–Bendy the Dancing Demon—stood still, as if peeping on me through the corner of the hall. I must’ve missed it, but why is it there?
Let's create a masterpieceI shake my head, loosing the thoughts and gaining focus on my goal—to fix that machine—. Finally, I gathered everything and headed back down the old, crooked and rickety path, to the machine. Strange, the controls aren’t here…maybe they’re in a separate room?
I nod to myself and explore the remains of my memory of this horrid place. It was crazy; ink was already splashed everywhere, on the ceilings even! And those…those black and white cut-outs of Bendy…was it really a good idea to fix that unholy thing??
, breathe life into your dreams!
But that blasted thing HAD to be the reason Joey wanted me to come all the way here! I let out laboured breaths, rushing to the panel as I had finally found the room. It was much brighter than any of the others; maybe for dramatic effect? Wait why would they even need that?! Good thinking, Henry. Note my sarcasm.
I reach out for the extruding rectangle and flip it open; gently setting each item on their specific pedestal, then flipping the switch. It crashed down with ease, like it had been used many times before; which was odd.
All you gotta do is start up the machineMy ears drum with the heavy thumping of the machine upstairs, yep, surely got that working. My eyes shoot the ceiling and back down to the door way, ink seeping through the beige, birch wood planks. Woah, it must REALLY be working.
I jog back up the old, now slippery with ink, creaky stairs. Ink sloshed and swished squishyly under my feet. By the time I returned from where I began, my shoes were completely drenched in black colouring. I brush it off, looking up at the pathway to the machine, it…it wasn’t always boarded up right…? I swear I was in there a few moments ago! 705Please respect copyright.PENANAXcWSNGIydY
I'm the product of an artistI shove that thought to the back of my mind with the others, surely I just took another path! I walk forward, ink leaking out the sides of the narrow, cramped hall…However; right when I reach out for the boards…the whole room rumbles, flashes of light spark throughout, ink starts pouring in waterfalls and…and…lastly…you’ll think the animating has gotten to my head when I tell you this. But be warned, this is the truth: I saw a REAL and LIVING Bendy!
It wasnt the short, harmless little animation we drew; ohhh no. Bendy looked somewhat human. Drenched in sticky ink that would’ve been considered as tar if I hadn’t known better! It was crazy! I had no time to pinch myself and see if I was having a nightmare, but the near-stroke that…thing…gave me was more than just a pinch.
Whose creations bring delightI nearly sprained my ankles turning so quickly as I sprinted to the exit, my careless feet sinking into rising levels of quick-sand like ink. After what seemed like running in and out of Hell, I slammed the exit door shut, crashing down the huge, heavy hardwood plank to secure it. Jesus…I can still see his face…blobs of charred tears splattered on him, like he took a bloody shower in it! It encased him, like it was holding him together, the only part that was an off-white shade was the HUGE toothy grin that Joey was SO determined on adding to my design.
Yup, yours truly–Henry–created that Hellian. Hey, before you guys go pointing fingers at me, I didn’t create whatever THAT was. I drew a cute, friendly Bendy, with a more comical appearance and planned personality. But Mr.Drew didn’t like that. He barked out at me about how demons shouldn’t have such a welcoming appearance, and so he changed the mouth to that horrid, wide-toothed grin.
Upon this somber thresholdThen it hit me. Was that Joey?!?! No…NONONONO. It couldn’t be! Even though he was a complete jerk, I don’t think he’d play a prank like that! I stood still, thinking about the evidence I had and had yet to discover. Just then, I began to notice the random scribbles on the walls and floors. At first I thought they were just weird markings on where to demolish first but upon a lot of thought, I realised what they were…upside down pentagrams. The kind used for demon summonings.
Imagination comes to lifeI retraced my steps carefully and noticed the thin crusted layers of red wax that had embedded themselves into the floor…each on each point…Joey hasn’t gotten himself into something good has he? I mentally told myself that it wasn’t a good idea to stay in the same area for too long and continued my journey. My foot kicked something and caused it to skid across the floor. That wasn’t definitely not a gear or mechanical part. I picked up the small box with a built-in speaker and button. It looked like an audio recorder.
Just free yourself from reasonI presses the button and listented tentavitly, noting each and every phrase and metaphor said it in it. It sounded like Sammy Lawerence–our music director–. Sammy had a thing for Bendy from what the tape declared, his obession with the Dancing Demon obvious in each word. I moved on, leaving the tape where I found it in case I needed it, since I hadn’t brought a bag with me. I headed downstairs, waltzing into the old studio, instruments and stands still in clean and good-shape.
Soon you'll see in black and whiteAll except for Sammy’s Sanctuary at least, that poor room was drowning in ink, if I had entered it, I would have been knee-deep and stuck. So I resumed exploring, looking for something that could drain the ink. I found it! The pump, but it had some components missing…I searched tirelessly for them, finally finding all and rushing back to assemble it; if only I had noticed the looming shadow that casted over me.
Next step was to retrieve the keys from upstairs, Sammy had always left them up there with Norman, our projectionist. For some reason, he put a lot of faith in the stalker, trusting him with the keys to his hideout, of all places. Nonetheless, I didn’t bother questioning his judgement on Mr.Polk–the guy gives me the creeps–, it was up to Sammy who he trusted anyways. I snatched the keys, but not after listening to another audio tape–from Norman Polk this time–, further implying both Joey’s obsession with getting the ink machine completed and Sammy’s worship towards Bendy. I felt a shudder run down my spine as I walked back down stairs. At the end of the railing, another little cuboid caught my attention. Again, I’m repeating myself, I’m not crazy and I’m positive I have not seen that there before.
Call me a seed of evilI shakily raise a hand to grab it; the room suddenly gushing with both ink and a frosty winter. My thumb hesitantly punches the play button and Susie’s voice fills the room. She details her auditions and acts for Alice Angel. Ah, now I remember, she was obsessed with that character, deeming they were one in the same. A memory washes past me, on how angry she was when Alison replaced her. A nice ring to it to be brutally honest; Alice Angel voiced by Miss.Alison Pendle. Too bad for Susie though, but to me she was still a magnificent voice actress who had just fallen to Joey’s cruel habit of switching staff left and right.
But what's that meanI found it odd that her voice recording appeared here though, maybe she’s still alive? But why wouldn’t she show herself?? Maybe I just mis—no, I’m hundred percent sure it wasn’t balanced there before. Once more, I left it there, hoping whoever left it–Susie Campbell most probably–would find it untampered. I headed to the door to Sammy’s sanctuary, clicking the lock open and gently twisting the knob, pushing it open. Just then, something hit me on the head. Hard. It wasn’t a fatal blow, but hard enough to make my mind turn to a slushie of blurs and swirls.
If I'm conceived within your mind?”…wha…where am I…?” I slur, my head still throbbing from the strike. I open my eyes, leaving them without a stopper as they widen to absorb the image in front of me. A man in a yellow overalls standing in front of me with his back turned, as of waiting for me to wake. He chuckled cruelly as ink stained body arched and shook from the sudden euphoria, I try to shift, only to realise my wrists and ankles were strained and tied tightly onto a pole. A quick glimpse down and I saw the same pentagram. I gulped audibly.
Leaking from the ceiling((holy cow 11 minutes and I’m not even halfway done 😂 sorry if you guys are getting bored 😅))
”Now now.” The figure I could only recognise as Sammy cooed in a sickenly caring way, “You look…familiar…” he began, but snarled as he turned around. That blasted mask! He was wearing it; and that was all the evidence I needed to conclude that this…abomination is our Music Director: Mr.Sammy Lawerence. “Never mind that! It won’t matter once our Lord comes to save us! He will set us free! Free from this…inky…prison I call a body.” ‘Sammy’ announced, I continued to struggle against the bonds, I could feel them loosening, but chose against breaking free with Sammy in the room. Patiently, I waited for him to exit; still chanting and cackling about me as a sacrifice, but not today!
Ink is bleeding through the linesI was about to snap the restraints when a certain scream made me question if running was actually better than staying. Sammy’s pained howls echoed out of his room, they became muffled but I could still decipher the trouble, “You’re supposed to set us free…!” Then silence, “NOOOOOOOOOO—!” Silence. Alright. I really shouldn’t stay here. I tugged at the ropes and broke them, grabbing the conveniently placed axe and running back down a hall. I rather not know why the axe was there in the first place, but I was sort of relieved to find something to defend myself.
Is that your heart that's beatingI gasped for air, filling the gaping hole for breath I left while listening to Sammy. I nearly lost that air as a stumped, cylindrical can rolled its way to me from the junction of another hall. I jumped, swiftly swinging up the rusty axe on my shoulder, slick, sweaty, slender hands gripping as tightly as I could, putting my brave face on. “I know you’re there! Show yourself!” I demanded, even thought I was basically shaking in my boots. Fortunately, the figure that crept towards me was a companion, otherwise known as Boris The Wolf.
Or illusion you're alive?Gaining courage, I walk up to him and jab a finger at his stomach, eyeing his reaction. Surprisingly, he crouched and raised his hands over his head in fear..? Well. Obviously. It was weird though, the cartoons always depicted Boris as the ‘warrior’ of the show and Bendy as the coward, but here we are in real life; where it’s the exact opposite. Feeling guilty, I kneel down to reach Boris’s level, lightly stroking the long, thin ears we–Joey and I–gave him. One of his eyes popped open and soon both were open, him blinking up at me in complete confusion. I sighed sadly, “I guess you weren’t used to people being friendly here…” I flashed him a small smile and he nodded, getting up and grabbing my hand, leading me to what I assumed was his hideout. He reminded me of Wally–our studio’s handyman–, always friendly and cheerful, heck, even his hideout was unruly and untidy just like how Wally’s station was. I grinned at the thought, reminiscing on how Thomas Connor used to punish him for it.
Collect what's necessaryIn Boris’s hideout, I examined the can I picked up, a label was pasted across it; ‘BACON SOUP’ Yum..? Considering the years it has been here as a dust collecter, the aluminium can didn’t seem as appealing to me as it did my wolfy friend. Slurping could be heard throughout as he drank heaps and bowls of the red paste and little meat chunks. Hm, I pondered, it must not really bother an animatic character regarding how far past the expiry date was. Plus, I don’t think they can actually get sick so…He offered me some, to which I politely declined. He nodded understandingly and we headed out towards freedom…hopefully. Soon, the huge, now dull but once shiny signboard greeted us: ‘Heavenly Toys!’ Memories flooded back at the name, the place was not heavenly at all! It was the exact opposite in fact.
Keep appeasing the divinesJoey used to push the poor workers to beyond their limits, not caring to their needs nor their own ability to think about anything other than work. He really is ignorant. I can recall some staff waking up with nightmares because of the toys haunting them. And yes, there were bedrooms in the attic since Mr.Drew wanted his workers here exactly when the clock ticked 7:30. Horridly, that’s exactly what he got, each day, each week and so on. Staff were too terrified of being fired and replaced that they all struggled to be the best and keep the job. I shake my head, the thoughts all piling up and getting overwhelming. Boris seemed to notice and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.
It's me you should be believingI caressed it and slid it off my shoulder, signalling him that we should move on and not worry about the whole ordeal thing down here. “Come on Boris, let’s get out of here.” I say, holding out a hand for him but he just shook his head, “Wha—why?” I asked worriedly, but he assured me it was nothing–by grinning and waving– and headed off back the direction we came…? He probably forgot something I tell myself, but my mind clouds with thunderous thoughts again; what if he gets hurt? What if he gets lost?? I turn back and follow him to the best of my memory before I come upon two doors: one had a dirty sign with black splotches that read ‘The Demon’ with sloppy handwriting, the other was clean and the handwriting was neatly written; ‘The Angel’ wow…it even had a halo over it! What a cute touch in this twisted palace!
Cuz he's deceiving you with liesAfter some capricious decisions and comments, I finally went down the Angel path. It seemed safer…and cleaner if anything. I felt bad for leaving Boris but I’m pretty sure he knows the way through the maze of halls better than I do. I tiptoe along the floor, careful not to leave foot prints with my inky shoes that basically resembled pens at this point. Somehow I make it back to the Music Studio, I checked back st the stairs’ railing to see if anyone collected their package–the audio tape–and they had! I guess I was lucky I listened to that a while earlier if not I wouldn’t have at all.
An unsettled feeling swirled in my stomach, unless Boris had taken this route, –which I’m about 99% he didn’t– someone else had moved the tape. A shiver raised hairs on my neck, what if it was Sammy?! Wait…he’s…dead…right..? I felt a headache coming on, but forced myself to continue on; a little voice screaming: “Go Henry! You can do it!!” My mouth lifted from a frown to a subtle smile at the self-encouragement. Just then, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a flicker of lights turning on behind me. That smile reversed immediately. I trembled, forcing myself to snap around in one swift motion before remaining stationary.
Holy Conniption - has it been thirty years?The studio’s recording room glowed with a soft amber hue, similar to those amber cases used to store fossils in the museum. It would’ve been settling if there was no ink melting and enveloping the whole thing, heck, it was like it was digesting it or something! My feet stomped forward, each step remaining still for a mere minute to check if anyone–or anything–was out there. The cold glass chilled my sweaty palms as my heart raced like a racehorse. My dishevelled reflection stared back at me in horror, it was tense, the floor within was sprinkled in black…shavings? I couldn’t tell from such a distance, the microphone was still intact, in fact…it was…plugged——iN?! I jump back, startled to the point my heart might’ve merged with my stomach.
A decomposed Alice Angel threw herself onto the glass, her balled fists slamming down hard on the thin shield. I shrieked in horror, my voice going strained and hoarse. The glass showed cracks, each growing longer, hit after hit after hit. She looked possessed, her uneven layered locks decaying and as black as the ink that scribbled atrocities on her face. Then she screamed, that voice—SUSIE?! This was too much for my mind to process…what is HAPPENING?! Her voice alone shattered the lights, causing the whole room to shade; unlit.
It appears Mickey Mouse might've been murdered hereGlass shards spiked the floor, turning it into a brilliant game of ‘don’t step on the lego’. The light’s spazzed on again, in what world I have no idea, but the studio is already taken over by demon authorities so I didn’t question it. The glass to the recording room…it…there’s a hole…she got out. I mentally prepared myself quickly, hopping over little knives edged into the wooden crevices to rush to the exit, not bothering to slam the door shut as I forced my heart to pump blood faster and faster. I hissed as I sprinted straight into someone.
I feared for the worst.
”…stay…” I huffed, slowly gathering my strength, “…stAY BACK!!” But the figure grabbed onto my shoulders, the shuffling sound leading me to assuming it knelt down. I squeezed my watery eyes open. Boris! He was okay! I yanked him into a bear hug. “Thank God, you’re alright.” I muttered and he hummed audibly. He helped me into my feet and we headed further into the asylum of mayhem.
Lifeless pie-cut eyes - I have learned to fearWe head in to the former Heavenly Toys Factory. It seemed eerie, a dark aura surrounding it; showing off a ghostly vibe. “She’s such a gal!” A TV chants outside the room, and Boris and I suddenly regret entering, an uneasy feeling gurgling in my stomach and his—well—ink sac? The shutters crash down at once behind us, the room shakes and rumbles as a new figure struts up to the pedestal. It’s Alice–Susie Campbell–. Boris automatically swung his lanky arms over his head, tucking down his ears with them. I pitied him, the poor creature meant no harm; unlike all the other horrid things here.
Kinda reminds me why I quit workin' hereI shift my stare to Alice, my eyes squinting and chest puffing. “Ah Henry.” She hummed in a honey-slicked voice, “Glad you could…finally make it here.” It sounded robotic, the way her vocals dragged on longer than needed and slowly shifted in between demonic and angelic. A hand raised to my friend, pointing a melting finger at him. “You…” She grimaced, and Boris just cowered more, shivering immensely. She went on, “I need you…to make me BeAuTiFuL!”
Why did I come, lemme go home, I should be leavin'Boris stopped, eclipse shaped eyes boring into the horrid image before us. Even though he tried putting on a mask of bravery, I could still see the frigthened Wally hidden deep inside him. I spoke with venom laced in my voice. “What do you want?” My tone was stern, cold like the room we were in. Ink painted her body black, some even dripping out of her wounded, decaying face.
Whatever happened, don't wanna know“Ah, you’re very interesting…daring to speak to me like that. My little Errand Boy! Oh, why don’t you collect some things for me?”705Please respect copyright.PENANAQgHPYVAvmK
What are these demons?
Guess If I gotta be stuck here705Please respect copyright.PENANApE8bd3oiIC
Then I might as well investigateMy eyebrows furrowed and my eyelids squinted into thin lines as I glared at her, “I do not need a nickname.” I stated before continuing on, “What is it that you need?” “Oh just a few things…”
~705Please respect copyright.PENANAxktFtTk1ML
Secrets are unlocking - but too bad the exit ain't
705Please respect copyright.PENANAz4HuxhfWTW
Despite this mask of happiness705Please respect copyright.PENANAPrEKJUzVIg
I drown in dark despairI puff, wiping the perspiration from my forehead before heading back to Susie with the last items on the list–3 hearts– what she uses them for I don’t want to know but she promised Boris and me freedom so I’m not to complain. I drop the hearts into the disposal and head back into the lift with Boris. 705Please respect copyright.PENANAoKhT5QckvL
The world may be your canvas
What you paint on it, beware!705Please respect copyright.PENANA8PpJ9IlDQh
The pen is mightier than the sword”Farewell, my efficient little Errand Boy! I shall send you to Heaven as promised.” I smile satisfied of our achievements as the elevator starts whirring upwards bringing my mood with it.705Please respect copyright.PENANA85kw4AObQD
It has no limitation
Don't refrain, this ink will stainAll is silent but the clanking of gears and twisting of ropes and tethers. When suddenly…it snapped. Sending the whole cage plummeting to the ground below, further and further and further. 705Please respect copyright.PENANAYwAmHXUhAE
And nothing can erase us now
Can you describe the face you saw?”YoU sErIoUsLy ThOuGhT I wAs GoInG tO lEt YoU lEaVe?! HE IS THE PERFECT BORIS! I WANT HIM! I NEED HIM! AND SURE AS HEAVEN I WILL GET HIM!” She swore, voice cracking between Satan himself and The Almighty.705Please respect copyright.PENANAqcgKX930lP
Could it be one you recognize?
We'd never harm the hand that drawsWhat she said next sent a icy shiver down my spine; “I know who you are HENRY. I know why you’re here…And you’re not going to stop me!!!” And with that the elevator crashed.
~705Please respect copyright.PENANAmE6g3OR50E
Imagination cursed us all with life
705Please respect copyright.PENANAmskx9NZu3p
Shamed and defacedMy head pulses, limbs ache and fall unconscious. My mind is starting to go blank as my eyes flash white splotches. I see Boris trying to shake me awake, but my lips refuse to cooperate and assure him I’m okay as I pass out into the pitch black realm.
~705Please respect copyright.PENANALXTyksN4MM
Scathed and disgraced
Tainted by hatredUgh…my head... I pant as I sit up against the ink barrel, my arms and legs still stiff like wooden planks. Hauling myself up to a standing position, I realise Boris is gone. Maybe he left to get help? Maybe he went back to his hideout? I left the ideas to simmer and cultivate before heading off to search for him.705Please respect copyright.PENANA3J6d5Bh2j0
And can't be erased
705Please respect copyright.PENANAXo8AmdxA3Y
Creators betrayed usSoon I stumble into our animation development archive. I remember Joey barking about how ‘No one was working fast enough’ I mentally exhale ragged breaths, what blasphemy. I reach out for the door handle, oh? It’s unlocked! Well—I don’t know whether to be happy or horrified about that; only one way to find out! 705Please respect copyright.PENANA9IwmhUGyZe
We've got it on tape
We've written your fateI close my eyes, imagining the worst as I swing open the slimy door, it slamming open with the amount of inky paste that covered the hinges. Muffled groans and moans could be heard, the sorrowful sounds somehow enhanced in my ears. I cringe, chills spiralling all over my body.705Please respect copyright.PENANAjLy5qSvb0Q
And it can't be erased
705Please respect copyright.PENANAjKzb17AEil
I was not always a monsterMy eyes bulge out of their sockets when they notice the atmosphere of the room, it was much more…depressing… to say the least. Even the ink critters here looked sad! I felt pity for them, they looked more human-like, the only things making them differ were the generous coats of ink, glowing, sunflower coloured eyes and an unhinged, melted looking jaw.705Please respect copyright.PENANAPNNfucYpwn
Once I was somebody's muse
Innovation made us strongerI restrained from touching their shoulder in sincere, sad, sympathy. They all laid eyes on me, it was like a bunch of flashlights shining in pairs. Mustering up the courage to say something, I assured them, “Don’t worry, you poor souls, I’ll be back for you.” Before leaving the room. 705Please respect copyright.PENANA3VtRINeyld
But that power was abused
The machine is thumpingUpon walking through another rotting corridor, I noticed how the walls slowly painted themselves with more ink. It wasn’t like that befo—CRASH. The corridor shook, similar to how an earthquake would wreck your house. I made the stupidest decision to turn around and see what happened. Long story short? Bendy. Freaking, limping, furious, MANGLED BENDY. 705Please respect copyright.PENANAzoYxjfa8ZF
And the ink is pumping
Now you need to runI ran, not even bothering to stop when I had no more air, I kept running and running till I reached a huge room. The floor was basically an ink swimming pool and I sure as Hell couldnt swim. I trekked through, forcing air in and out of my lungs as another enemy blocked my path.
Because the demon's comingHe was hunched over but still strikingly tall, film tangled itself around his arms, legs and connected to a huge projecter–which I assume is his head–on top of his neck, shedding light in the ink chamber. I screamed, realising how Bendy was no longer chasing me and I decided to make a run for it again but in the opposite direction.705Please respect copyright.PENANAnTacgRbeDB
I really need help, someone send a telegramBack down the Hall of Hell I went and took a right, seeing what looked like a small outhouse with a viewing slot. Taking my chances, I sprinted inside, shutting the door and letting my body rest. That thing…Nor–Norman…? He was always with his camera, and plus, I think he was the only projectionist we had. Made sense, I shrugged, too tired to even bother thinking about how insane this situation was.
I'm surrounded by upside-down pentagramsA rhythm of wet footsteps pause my panting, he’s here. My eyes are nearly blinded by the light as Norman walked in my direction. Closer and closer he stalked, faster and faster my heart rate got. Right as he was about to grab the door though—Bendy lunged at him, throwing fists and roars at him. What the…after the carnage as passed, he picked Norman up by the legs, dragging his bloody (?) corpse away. I hesistantly squeezed out of the box, looking up at the curved sign: Miracle Station!
Well damn right it was.
I don't have a guideI continue my search, somehow ending up back in Alice’s Factory. 705Please respect copyright.PENANAJzAokLHIjz
Just little bit of candlelight
With an axe that I don't know how to handle rightHer voice chuckles deeply through the former factory, “Ah Henry! You’re back my Little Errand Boy! Greetings!” I hissed, knowing she was up to something immediately, “Alice! What have you done with Boris?!” I accused, “Oh don’t worry Henry, you’re just in time for the main show!” 705Please respect copyright.PENANAQNjNNAA8rQ
That little devil darlin's on a lot of reels
Long as he's on one, he cannot be realShow? Heavy stomps could be heard from behind me, a re-animated Boris charging my way. I ran to a corner, sprinting away quickly as he noticed me. “Boris! What has she done to you!?!?” I shouted, but it was deaf to him as he continued his assault.705Please respect copyright.PENANAz5PKhrrLhj
Stop the projectors, Bendy's off his reel
Got a feeling he and Joey got a dealI threw all sorts of things at him, finally knocking him down. 705Please respect copyright.PENANANfJxow6orl
An unholy bargain, a demonic seal
With a master plan, that I must revealMy eyes brimmed with tears as I walked up to my friend.705Please respect copyright.PENANASwqmcxH9Oy
Won't be long till this ink's all congealed
Upon my body, head to toe all concealed”Boris…I’m so…sorry.” I say, laying my foot on top of his head, eyes now shaped like crosses. 705Please respect copyright.PENANAeF4pE5hyko
But a little bit of bleach should do the trick
I'll never watch another damn cartoon - I quit!In one swift, mortifying moment, I push down, shoving my foot through his head and snapping his neck. The figure dissolved into ink and I shuddered, tears falling.705Please respect copyright.PENANAPZJvnb4Uey
Look at you, you're scared of a moving pic
Hey Bendy, how'd you get that tutu to fit?Boris was my only friend here…ALICE. I’m going to KILL her! Speak of the Devi—Angel…? Oh hell no. Devil is the right answer. That demon ran up to me, eye steaming with hot fury.705Please respect copyright.PENANAsWxVeCHyTI
I'm blinded by this evil growing705Please respect copyright.PENANALBIDuGlNJ0
My heart is full of people-loathing”WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BORIS?!?!?!?!?” She screamed, I snarled, getting in a fighting stance as I braced myself. There was no need though, as a sword pierced straight through her chest, killing her on the spot.705Please respect copyright.PENANApzfZtAMsoX
With secrets that I keep from showing
I am the wolf in sheepish clothingInk splattered all over me like I was a canvas, Alice dropped and I met my saviours—another Boris and Alice??? My eyes widened and I took a step back, but Alice #2 reassured me that they weren’t here to harm. 705Please respect copyright.PENANAZHLstwA7K0
Flood the shop, with ink a-flowing
Push it to the brink of blowingThe new Boris was odd, his left hand was mechanic, and he held a pipe, strictly beating down on his palm with it. I looked at Alice #2, then at Boris #2. Their actions reminded me of Thomas Connor and Alison Pendle. 705Please respect copyright.PENANAOzfp11gdTu
We hope you don't think of going
Weigh you down to keep from floating”Henry, what are you doing here?” Alice #2–Alison–asked, 705Please respect copyright.PENANAByDQ5Kh0dV
Come with me, we'll bring you Joey
You'll be kept from being lonely“The ink demon has something I need…” a pause silenced the room, “…I’m going after him.” 705Please respect copyright.PENANAUiQcQPymgm
Kicking, screaming, sinking slowly
Give your soul, it's what you owe meA face of horror and exhaustion showed on Alice’s features, she gripped my wrist tightly, “Henry…” 705Please respect copyright.PENANAWLWopRDmVG
Shamed and defaced705Please respect copyright.PENANAnDmnMpulOw
Scathed and disgracedI flashed her a grin, nodding to Boris, who addressed himself as Tom. 705Please respect copyright.PENANAUKvjbtoWJi
Tainted by hatred
And can't be erased”Alison…” she smiled warmly at me as if saying I was right on her name, “I’ll be okay, just stay with me… you too Tom. Let’s go get what we deserve.” 705Please respect copyright.PENANA2rlNVFN6G8
Creators betrayed us705Please respect copyright.PENANAqt6q3vudsc
We've got it on tapeAnd with that, 705Please respect copyright.PENANAccCGrC3tAl
We've written your fate
And it can't be erasedWe set off.