The world is a never ending fairy tale to him, a play so complicated and entertaining that he sheds tears at every turn, tears of happiness. He loves humanity from the bottom of his heart, he finds their struggling in the heart of despair exciting. There is never a dull day for him contemplating ridiculously nuanced questions that hold no real weight. A word that describes him best, a role that suits him is a critic, witty, snarky and most of all sarcastic he enjoys life to it's fullest.
Wishing for things that no one should ever wish for is his forte, he knows it's wrong but it's something no human can help because wishes are but wishes - that's what he thinks at least. Hopelessly naive and easygoing he forgets many things, he has the voice of a leader despite not liking to control others. Freedom, yes freedom is what he needs the most. He is an overgrown bird that is too large for the birdcage. Sometimes despair grabs his heart, but that is only inevitable for he is only human.
He takes pride in enjoying the little things most people would miss, love, friendship, courage, heroism seem magnificent to him. Anything with true heroes in it lights the hopeless romantic in his heart ablaze.
Sometimes he shouts at the sky, cursing whatever higher power there may be. He doesn't like how the world restricts many things, and doesn't accept humanity's true nature. So he curses while laughing, while sobbing he damns the heavens with all his might.
He can sleep anywhere, as a matter of fact if he sleeps in any one place for too long it gets on his nerves, change, freedom and heroism are his words to live by. He tries desperately to be nice, despite his inherent selfish nature. He likes to indulge in himself, he takes pride in his intellect, which is most likely not all that great.
Truly a man of many contradictions.