Stefan and I have been getting closer, we arent like...'Oh, I can tell you everything!' close, we're just, good friends? Yep. We're just good friends. We started playing pranks on each other and trying to scare each other. I was..glad. Oh yeah and speaking of closer, I made aquaintence with that new girl, Prudence. I like her. She's young at heart and a hella lotta fun to be with. However...Stefan found her amusing in..other ways (Not that you pervs!) He would always find a way to get her riled up and pissed, he'd be cold towards her and act totally different. But we found a way I guess. Soooo.......yeah.
Anyways, I feel like an idiot. I think I like Stefan and Brendan. Im annoyed, intrigued, and worried. I mean, like I dont really know what to say about it. They're both complete opposites, Brendan is reckless, stubborn and flat-out adorable while Stefan is cold, sarcastic and yet intelligent. I dont know what to do!! Maybe you should just tell them or someone? My mind voted, I shook my head, That would screw me over! But my thoughts decided otherwise. Shouting that if I didnt say anything now then eventually I might just blurt it out and that would be it. I finally agreed and decided it would be a good idea to sneak a smallllll hint in.
"T or D Cam?" Prudence asked me, "T!" I cheerily responded, she grinned wickedly before placing her question down. "Who do you like? And it cant be family, must be a boy who exists and this year." I laughed so hard. The question was so spot on but I just shrugged, "I like everyone. But I love two people who arent family." Brendan covered his ears, afraid I might reveal the mortifying truth. But I wont. "Who?" I smiled and shook my head, "Fine, T or D?" "Or." I smirked, "Cam I swear I will whack you to the moon with my shoe." I laughed even harder if possible, but I noticed Stefan shifting a bit when Prudence mentioned the word: 'Moon' I ignored it and continued chatting away.
Lunch just finished and I was heading to Ms.Zamenia's class with Alex when he randomly stood still. "Al?" I waved my hand in front of his face, trying to regain his attention in reality. "O—oh uhm yeah?" He stuttered, "You got something on your mind?" he nodded slowly, "Its about Prudence's dare...can I know who're those two?" I blushed scarlet. I guess I could trust him..."Okay. But keep it a secret okay?" he looked at me ecstatic and pumped, nodding frantically, till this point I was scared his head would pop off like a Ken Doll but anyways, I trusted him and opened up. "I like Stefan and Brendan." I admitted shyly, he became even MORE pumped when I said so.
-home time!-
History was actually the last class we had for the day and Alex looks like he had a hundred coffees and a thousand cubes of licore. I was about to pop the question when Stefan walked up to us. Also slightly concerned on what his bestfriend ate or drank. "You look high.." he muttered but Alex kept himself shushed, I looked at both of them, waiting for a conversation. "Cam, T or D?" Stefan broke the silence, and it just seemed to boost Alex's sugar-level more if possible. "D." I smiled, he smirked and shot the topic that made Alex just. Lose. It.
"Truthfully, what is your answer to Prudence's question?" I froze, trying to push those words outta my throat, past my epiglottis and out my mouth. But it was clear none of that was happening anytime soon because Alex beat me to it. I saw him just shiver with giddiness and beckon Stefan closer, when I heard what he whispered I couldn't take it.
"She likes you!!"
I didnt say anything when Stefan's eyes met mine, I just dropped my head down and pushed back my tears. Alex is an ASSHOLE!!! LIKE WHAT THE HELL. I TELL HIM THIS 1 HOUR AGO! HE'S SUCH A LIAR!!! I was so pissed. I didnt say a word at the time, I just got and left to home in slight tears...
When I got home I was freaking out, then I heard a beep from my phone, I glanced at the ID and almost concluded on neglecting it. But I responded anyways:
'🎹Alex: Hey
Camila🖤: Why did you tell him!!
A: Cause he's my boyfriend!'
That's it. I switched off my phone and slept away the pain.