-Time skip!-
We all left the classes when I was yanked back by a hand. "Hey wha—" I was face to face with glass. "Can I talk to you..?" he asked quietly, I nodded and followed him.
"So..." I exhaled as I looked at him. It was only two of us, and it was quiet. "Umm, what's your name?" He asked me curiously, "Camila." I chirped and he smiled, "Im Stefan." he greeted, I nodded. "Why'd you call me out?" I asked out of the blue, he looked at me puzzled, "How did you know my drawing was of you?" I laughed.
It was so obvious. I began describing how much it resembled me and how it easy that made it to find out. "How 'bout you?" I shot back, and to my surprise. He just did the same thing, listing the ideal resemblence and similarity. I was stunned.
Stunned and amazed...
No one has ever really understood what I bring up at first and they usually question it. But he immediately knew. It was intriguing. We chatted for a small while more before the same boy came up to Stefan and hugged him, jumping on him as well, similar to a koala.
"Stefaaaan!!!" He howled, letting his voice crack. I snickered a bit, but stopped when I noticed his face of disgust. "Sorry Cam, this is Alex.." he sighed, I could sense the tension and in result, I just nodded and waved. He was cute I do admit, like a teddy bear or something, but he does seem to be clingy.
I smiled warmly before excusing myself, "Might as well get going!" he waved me goodbye and I was off again. I smiled and met up with Casie. "So....how'd it go?" she sang, I slapped her hand playfully. "He's just a friend Cas." I made clear, but she just rolled her eyes and laughed, "Sure he is..."
-Time skip!-
"Camila could you go get a marker from Mr.Marley? This one isn't working." My geography teacher asked, I nodded and left the room. As I was looking for the class I decided to get a drink since I was thirsty.
"Hey short girl!" I heard a cheerful voice pipe up behind me, I spun around to see the same brunette scanning me with wide eyes. "Umm, hi?" I looked back at him, he smiled at me, "What's your name?" he questioned, at first I just wanted to give him a: 'Are you retarded?' look, but I held back.
"Camila." I smiled, "You?" "Brendan, Brendan Piercesse!" I laughed, maybe he wasn't so bad after al— "Why're you skipping class?" —Nevermind. "Im not, I just wanted to go get water, and a marker from Mr.Marley." I huffed and turned my heel. He nodded in understanding.
"Im actually from Mr.Marley's class so...." he piped up, I gave him an 'Ok' sign with my fingers and walked up to him, "Then why're you skipping??" I asked, he turned red. "No! I went to get water like you!!" he defended. I giggled and nodded.
He offered to bring me to Mr.Marley's class since I wasn't sure where it was; at first I was hesitant, but then realized I'd be screwed without him so I just shrugged and nodded. What I didnt expect was for him to nearly break my hand by yanking it and dragging me with him.
"Stop it!" I whacked his hand lightly and he let go. He rubbed the back of his neck and apologized, I smiled and forgave him. We walked and chatted all the way (ALL THE WAY!) to Mr.Marley's class.
And I do admit, he was intriguing as well.